Monday, September 30, 2024

Redemption ch 53

 At ELQ Hotel-Elizabeth And AJ's wedding reception-The guests were waiting for the couple to arrive as Skye went by Ned,” Ned, Why did you let Brenda do a photo shoot at the waterfall “Because she asked too, She paid for it” You know how I feel about her” Yes and I understand but Jax is gone, So what do you have to fight over now’Ned ask 

Alexis was waiting for the couple as Ric came by.”I didn’t know you were here”Yes, I’m Skye guest”So you and Skye are dating “Yes, Why do you care? I’m not the guy you’re in love with I’m not in love with anyone “Yes you are, Ned I can tell” Ric said 

Maya and Tommy were talking.”The Wedding was perfect “Yes it was” Tommy said as AJ and Elizabeth came in and shared their first dance as a couple.

Alexis and Ric was still talking as Skye came by.”So what’s going on” Nothing, you can take him away, I’m done with him,”Alexis said 

Dex went to make a toast.”I just want to say I’m glad that my father is happy we didn’t get to see each other when I was little because of different circumstances but I’m glad we have a relationship now and it’s nice seeing you happy with Elizabeth “Dex said “You both deserve happiness, You have been through a lot mother and I’m glad that you found your love” Ayden said “We are happy for both of you And soon the twins will be alright, Life is to short to be sad” Michael said 

“I’m just glad to have everyone here that we loved, We are missing some, My sister Emily and my parents and grandparents who would love to be here and Elizabeth's grandparents but they are with us In our hearts, “AJ said 

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