Monday, June 19, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 56

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae was looking at pictures of her with Ric when Morgan came in and sit down by her. “Lila Rae “Morgan said “I loved Ric, I'm going to miss him and I'm so worrying about my family, Morgan I know who order the hit”Lila Rae said “You're father “Morgan ask “Yes, Daddy order the hit and Lorenzo Jr did it! Morgan this is going to hurt our family “Lila Rae said “Does Skye know”Morgan ask,”My mother suspected it, My sister could of died too “Lila Rae said “I'm sorry “Morgan said “Morgan I love you and our life together and I never want to chance you but can you leave the business for us, For Grace and I “Lila Rae said “I can't but I promise you I will never shot anyone you loved you know that I will never hurt you “Morgan said “No you wouldn't, I'm sorry “Lila Rae said “Don't I get why you asked, We are not you're parents and we are going to be fine “Morgan said they share a kiss.

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn was unpacking when Carly came in. “Mother “Josslyn said “Josslyn, How was you're trip”Carly ask “It was great , Spencer and I reconnected and I hope we made another baby”Josslyn said “That's great , I'm glad you're happy, Josslyn I love you so much “Carly said “I love you too, Did something happened when I was gone “Josslyn ask “Yes something happened, Ric and Sierra were shot at”Carly said “Are they okay “Josslyn ask “Sierra is,Ric didn't make it”Carly said “No”Josslyn said “It make you realize that life is short ‘Carly said “Yes”Josslyn said Spencer and Spencer Jr came in. “Nana “Spencer Jr said “Spencer did you have a nice trip “Carly ask “Yes”Spencer Jr said “I sure go”Carly said “I will walk you out “Spencer said he walk Carly to the door. “Did you tell Josslyn “Spencer ask “No I'm going to keep the secrets it's for the best”Carly said “I agree “Spencer said Carly left and Spencer came back in. “Josslyn came by him,”I'm glad we went away and it help us reconnect, Life is short”Josslyn said ‘What is going on”Spencer ask “Ric and Sierra were shot at while we were gone”Josslyn said “No”Spencer said “Yes, Sierra made it”Josslyn said “I sure check on my brother, He loves Sierra so much “Spencer said “Yes he does and Sierra and I have our issues but I love her”Josslyn said “Let’s go check on them “Spencer said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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