Thursday, July 4, 2024

Revelation ch 59 part 2

 At General Hospital- Calista was in her room in bed as Lila Rae was with her.”No,The light are out, Mother is still in surgery and the oxygen for my son’Its going to be alright, I’m sure they have a generator “Lila Rae said “I hope so”Calista said 

Ned was upset about the power being off as Lucas came by.” Lucas, is the generator coming on”No it’s broken too which isn’t good all the patients who are hook up to machines “Lucas said “Is there anything I can do”Ned ask as Mac and Anna came by,”What happened why is the power out! There is no storm going on “ We don’t know “

In nursing, a woman was dressed as a nurse and looked at Calista's son took one, and left the room.

AJ room- AJ was on the oxygen tank to help him breathe it stopped working as Michael came in.”No,You can’t leave me”Michael said he did CPR on AJ.

Portia and Elizabeth came in the hallway.”Portia and Elizabeth is Skye out of surgery “We couldn’t do the surgery because of the power, I need to check on the patient “Portia said as Lucas came by.” Mac and Anna are going to check the power outline,  we need to focus on the patient “Yes we do”Elizabeth said 

AJ room - Michael was giving AJ CPR as Elizabeth came in to check on him.”Dad stop breathing I had to help him”You did good “Elizabeth said as she checked his vitals.”AJ, oxygen levels are good he still is in a coma “We need to get the power back on”Yes we do,Anna and Mac are looking at it”Elizabeth said 

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