Thursday, July 4, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 53

 At General Hospital-Tracy was in bed from having a check up and had a relapse so she had to stay in the hospital  with a IV hooked up to her for awhile as Ned came in.”Ned,Have you got a hold of Dillon”Yes,His trying to get home his in a middle of filming a movie “His dream job”Yes”Ned,Are you happy about working at ELQ? “Yes, I’m I have missed it”Good I just want you happy “I’m, I love a amazing wife and daughter and Son”Yes you do, Ned I have a secret I need to tell you “Tracy said as Brooklyn came in carrying the scarf. “I brought you a scarf “Thanks, Brooklyn I’m glad we got closer I have been enjoying spending time with you “Me too, I wish you could recover from this we need you,” Brooklyn said “Yes we do, What was the secret you were going to tell me” Ned ask “It’s a big one, It’s going to shock you it’s about Skye” Tracy said “What about Skye! Is it ,the reason you been nice to her since she been back‘Yes, I had to make up with her I was just getting started when I got the news about the cancer “Mother what is it? Ned a,sk “Skye is your sister “Tracy said “What! Ned ask “Alan know she was his that she was mind he covered for me , Adam is her father “You and Adam”Brooklyn ask “Yes, It was a summer romance and he meant everything to me”Do you want to tell Skye “Ned ask “Yes but I’m worried how she will take it,Skye been through a lot lately “Yes she has but she should know, you need to tell her”Ned said 

At Lorenzo old house- Lila Rae was looking around her father office and looking in the papers on his desk to see what he was up too before he died and read some information she should of not read.

At General Hospital- Ned was in the hallway he was shocked about Tracy news as Brooklyn came by,”Dad”I can’t believe that Skye is my sister “What are you going to do”Brooklyn ask as Olivia came by,”Ned,How is Tracy? What is going on”Olivia ask as they saw Portia running into Tracy room.”What’s going on”Brooklyn ask as they ran by Tracy room and saw Portia working on Tracy .”Mother can’t die”Ned said 

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