Friday, July 26, 2024

Revelation part 3 ch 37

 At ELQ hotel- Skye was with Rae and her daughters and Elizabeth and AJ had just come into the hotel talking to Nikolas and Tomas and Tea were having dinner when Jax came in and Carly who followed him was upset as Jax admitted a plan of revenge against her and Sonny and Jason and Lorenzo.’Jax now isn’t the time “Skye said “Yes it is! You have always said the satisfaction point of revenge is finally telling your victims what you did to them” Jax said “You both team up to get revenge on me and Sonny and Jason” Carly yelled as Nina came in.”Yes! When we reconnected in London, Jax was devastated that he couldn’t see Josslyn anymore thanks to Sonny who took another biological child from his father and you just stood back and forgave him! We came up with a plan for revenge and we need someone in this town to help us someone unexpected “Skye said “Who? Carly yelled “It was me! I didn’t love Sonny I used him when I found him in Nixon Falls and had amnesia I used him as part of our plan to destroy you and Sonny” How did you become part of this plan “Carly asked “Nina and I know each other from board school before she was in a coma “I should of know you both are alike! Anyway Jax I thought we got past it when you came back again! Carly yelled “I lied! I was waiting for the right time to get my revenge! When I found out you lost the hotel because you committed insider trading and of course, you didn’t take responsibility for it! You let Drew take the fall we both knew it was time to start our plan! So we move on to Aurora and then have you finally pay for a crime you committed! Jax yelled “So you just use me as part of your plan! You didn’t want another chance at us! Carly yelled “No! I didn’t want another chance with you! I had a plan to destroy you even more! Now that Sonny and Jason are not here to save you! I hate you! I hate that you let Sonny take Josslyn from me! Having her visit me wasn’t enough! Jax yelled as Alexis came in.’I will never forget you for taking a child from me! AJ I understand how you feel towards her” Jax said “I’m sorry she hurt you too, She is not worth it! AJ said “Skye, isn’t there something you need to tell Jax? Alexis whispered to her, “You know! Skye whispered “Yes! Tell him now! Alexis said “Alexis, Skye what’s going on? Jax yelled “Jax, Calista I have a secret about the both of you, Calista Lorenzo isn’t your father! Jax is! Skye yelled 

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