Monday, July 8, 2024

Revelation ch 70 part 2

 At Olivia Italian restaurant-Olivia was there to get it ready for Tracy wake she was making sure it was all perfect for her mother in law as someone came behind her.”Olivia “She turned around.”Steven, You’re home”Yes I’m out of jail, it’s good to see you, I’m happy that you’re opening your own restaurant “Thanks today is the opening day in honor of Tracy”I heard she passed away I’m sorry “Thanks, Are you staying in town”Yes I’m trying to get my license back “I hope you do”Olivia said as Carly came by.”Steven, I’m glad you’re home”Thank it’s good to see you’You too”Steven said as the Quartermaine came in.”Olivia this place looks wonderful “Brooklyn said “Thanks I hope I honor Tracy tonight “Me too. since Skye ruined the funeral “She upset and feeling unloved “Dillon said 

Alexis went by the bar she wasn’t sure what to do about Skye secret when Carly came by.”Alexis ,Can I get you anything “You work here “Yes I do, I’m one of the hostesses “Well I’m glad you got your life “I’m getting there it’s been nice having Jax stay with me and the children “Are you two getting back together “No we are just friends,What about you”I’m just getting my life as a lawyer back”That’s good “

At General Hospital- AJ’s room- AJ was in bed in the coma as Elizabeth came in to check on him she was checking his vitals as she heard someone mumbled her name.”AJ. are you waking up”Elizabeth ask 

At ELQ hotel room- Tea was in her room and looked through box she brought with her from Llanview and pulled out a family photo album and came across a picture of her mother.”No! It was you who took LJ! What are you planning “Tea ask herself.

At Olivia’s Italian restaurant- The Quartermaine and Laura and Alexis and Anna and Max and Felicia were there to celebrate the life of Tracy.”I want to make a toast to you Tracy Quartermaine a force to be reckoned with! We will miss you there will never be another like you! Ned said as Skye came in,”Yes to a miserable human! Skye yelled “Skye I understand your upset but now isn’t the time “Dillon said 

“Why is Skye upset “Carly asked ‘Skye found out Tracy her mother, “Alexis said “Wow! I feel for Skye not knowing who you are is hard to grow up  to know where you belong , I wouldn’t want that for anyone “Carly said “Me either “Alexis said she wasn’t sure what to do about Calista paternity.

Michael cellphone went off.”Elizabeth, What is it “Michael ask he hang up the phone.”That was Elizabeth, Dad woke up”Yes! AJ is wake! Skye yelled “Yes “Ned said 

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