Friday, June 30, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 9

At General Hospital-Rae was doing paperwork by the nurse station when Laura came by. “Rae, Are you working here”Laura ask “Yes, I hope that's okay with you , I have let Kevin go and you both look happy “Rae said “We are happy and I do believe that you are over Kevin, We can work together”Laura said “Yes we can,”Rae said as Kevin came by. “What's going on”Kevin ask “I'm working here and Laura and I were just talking, That's all, I do hope we can work tomorrow “Rae said “Yes we can”Kevin said “Yes”Laura said as Sierra came in. “Sierra “Rae said “Grandmother, Laura, Dr. Collins “Sierra said “Sierra, How are you”Laura ask “Great “Sierra said Laura and Kevin left. “Sierra, Are you okay”Rae ask “Yes Grandmother “Sierra said and left.

At Lorenzo Jr-Lorenzo Jr was looking online for a job as their was a knock on his door Lorenzo Jr open it was Lorenzo. “Father, What is it”Lorenzo Jr ask “We need to talk someone stole my shipment and I'm praying it wasn't you , Did you betrayed me son”Lorenzo ask “No , Father I don't know what happened “Lorenzo Jr said “I believe you son, I do hate that I fire you, Maybe we can make it work “Lorenzo said “I never wanted Sierra to get shot at, I have always protected my sister this is the second time I failed Sierra “Lorenzo Jr said “What are you talking about “Lorenzo ask,”Nothing, Now Father let me think about coming back “Lorenzo Jr said “Alright, I do hope I can find the missed shipments “Lorenzo said “I hope so too”Lorenzo Jr said Lorenzo left.

At The Police Station-Ric office
The mayor was meeting with Alexis. “We don't have time for a election to replace Ric , I was wondering if you want to replace him till we have a election “The mayor said “I would be honored to have this job”Alexis said “Good”The Mayor said as Richard Jr came in. “Richard, Why are you here “Alexis ask “”I heard their a job opening for the special assignment and I'm interested in it”Richard Jr said “You have it”The mayor said “Yes you do, I think you will be great for this job and I know you can help clean up the street “Alexis said “Me too”The mayor said and left. “You want to go after Lorenzo don't you “Alexis ask “Yes”Richard Jr said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, June 29, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 8

At The Quartermaine hotel-AJ was at the desk when Ava came by and up the stairs and AJ followed her.

Ava room-Ava was in her room and the door was opened when AJ came in. “Ava Jerome, Why are you back in town ? AJ ask as Skye came in. “Skye, Now it's starting to make sense you are up to something “AJ said Skye close the door. “I'm not up to anything”Skye said “Skye, I know you and you want payback on Lorenzo so you're going to team up with Ava, Skye you are playing a dangerous game here, Lorenzo is going to go after both of you”AJ said “Lorenzo will not go after me , I'm the mother of his children, I'm not worried about Lorenzo I know what I'm doing “Skye said “Ava, You better not hurt my sister “AJ said “I will not, I never realized what a cute guy you are “Ava said “I'm married “AJ said “AJ,Keep this a secret “Skye said “I will ‘AJ said and left. “That was close “Ava said “We can trust my brother, Anyway did you get the shipments? Skye ask “Yes I did, I have of them locked in a warehouse no one will fine them “Ava said “What is it”Skye ask “Weapons and drug”Ava said “What are you going to do with them”Skye ask “I don't know yet”Ava said “Well this hurt Lorenzo “Skye ask “Oh yea, He lost a lot of money in this”Ava said “Good, I want him to suffer “”Skye said “He will”Ava said

At Liz-Liz was looking at pictures of Audrey when their was a knock on the door Liz open it was Lila Rae. “Liz , I'm sorry about you're Grandmother, I have a issue of the magazine it was great interview Audrey, I'm glad I did this magazine “Lila Rae said she give the issue to Liz. “Thank you for doing it”Liz said “You're welcome “Lila Rae said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

All mixed Up Part 2 ch 7!

“Parent Trap”
At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo was on the phone upset. “What do you mean you lost the shipment! You better fine it or it's you're head’”Lorenzo yelled and hang up the phone as Carly came in. “Is everything okay “Carly ask “It will be “Lorenzo said as Josslyn came in. “Josslyn, How are you doing “Carly ask “Great Mother, I have to go to the city about Daddy empire. Do you want to come with me,”Josslyn ask “It sounds like fun, I think you sure do it and have some girl fun”Lorenzo said “Thanks Lorenzo “Josslyn said “You're welcome, You can take the jet if you want”Lorenzo said “Let’s do it”Carly said they left.

At General Hospital -Sierra was working when Carman came by. “Sierra “Carman said “Carman , I'm sorry about you're Grandmother “Sierra said “Thanks “Carman said as Liz came by. “Carman, I'm glad you're home my son the doctor I know the kids in Africa need you but now I do”Liz said “I'm sorry Liz”Sierra said “Thanks, Hopefully all my children can come home and be with me right now “Liz said “Yea”Sierra said and left. “Mother, It's not Sierra fault for what happened “Carmen said “I know that more then anyone I just hate it”Liz said “Me too “Carmen said

Alan was by the nurse station when Rae came by. “Rae, Why are you here”Alan ask “I'm hoping to get a job here “Rae said “We are looking for another psychologist, Can you work with Kevin “Alan ask “Yes”Rae said “You have the job”Alan said “Thanks”Rae said

On the Docks-Sierra was sitting down trying to not let the past get to her when Lorenzo came in. “Sierra, Are you okay”Lorenzo ask “Yes , I just need some air”Sierra said she got up. “I sure go back to work “Sierra said “Will you be okay”Lorenzo ask “Yes Daddy “Sierra said “Why don't we have dinner together? Carly out of town “Lorenzo said “Sure, How about the hotel at five? Sierra ask she had a idea. “Sure “Lorenzo said he left and Sierra called Skye. “Mother, Why don't we have dinner tonight at five at the hotel “Sierra ask and hang up the phone.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 6

“Remember Audrey Hardy”
At The Quartermaine mansion -Alan and Monica were having breakfast when Monica phone rang it was Liz. “Liz, What is it , I'm so sorry take as much time off as you need if you need anything call us”Monica said she hang up. “What is going on”Alan ask “Audrey Hardy passed away last night in her slept “Monica said “No”Alan said “I know , I want to do something special for Audrey “Monica said “I think that's a great idea, We could call Bobbie “Alan said “Yes”Monica said

At Liz-Liz was looking at pictures of Audrey when their was a knock on the door Liz open it was Laura. “Laura, I'm so glad you're here, I can't believe my Grandmother is gone “Liz said “Me too but Audrey isn't in pain and with Steven “Laura said “Yes they are finally together “Liz said “Are the boy's coming home “Laura ask “Carmen and Adyen are home but LJ I don't know “Liz said “You are not alone, Did you call Lucky”Laura ask “No his on the road “Liz said as their was a knock on the door and Liz open it was Monica and Alan and Bobbie. “We are here for you, Audrey was very important to the hospital and we will keep her memory alive “Bobbie said “Thanks, My Grandmother loved the hospital “Liz said “Yes she did”Alan said “Now she with Grandfather and Edward and Lila”Liz said “Yes they are all together , Watching us”Monica said “Do you need help planning the funeral “Bobbie ask “No, Grandmother planned it”Liz said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, June 26, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 5

At The Quartermaine hotel-Rae/Skye table-Skye and Rae were having dinner. “So are you working at ELQ”Rae ask “Actually I wasn't for a while but AJ ask me for help with a deal and wants me to stay which I'm going to , I been running Great Grandmother charity at the hospital and I loved it”Skye said “You do”Rae ask “Yes, Their no plot and blackmail just helping people who need it and it feels good, I been fortunate to have nice things and money and I'm glad I can help them”Skye said “I'm glad you found something you're good at”Rae said “Me too, Mother if you're going to be staying in town,  are you going back to the hospital “Skye ask “I'm not sure “Rae said as Laura and Kevin came in. “Laura Spencer and Kevin? “Rae ask “Yes, She married to Kevin “Skye said “Wow, A lot has changed since I been in town “Rae said “Yes it has, Mother are you still in love with Kevin “Skye ask “No it's in the past “Rae said “Laura works at the hospital too as one of the health care administration”Skye said “I'm fine,”Rae said

At Kevin/Laura table-Laura and Kevin were having dinner. “So Rae is in town “Laura ask “Yes, Laura I have move on from Rae”Kevin said “I trust you”Laura said “I know you do , I'm sure Rae only here to help Skye “Kevin said “Yes, It's sad what happened to Ric and Sierra, Sierra been thought a lot “Laura said “Yes”Kevin said “I just still can't get past what my grandson did “Laura said “It's not you're fault “Kevin said

Lorenzo and Carly came in and Lorenzo and Skye share a look and Carly saw that. “Lorenzo, Let's get a table “Carly said they walk to a table and sit down. “Tonight been a great night “Lorenzo said “Yes it has”Carly said

Skye/Rae table-,”Skye, Are you okay “Rae ask “Yes, I'm fine ,Let's go home “Skye said they got up and walk by Laura and Kevin table. “Rae it's good to see you and Skye I'm sorry about you're husband “Laura said “Thanks Laura. See you both at the hospital tomorrow “Skye said “Kevin and Laura, I'm happy for both of you “Rae said and they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, June 23, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 4

“Sierra/Grayson story’/Michael and Sabrina story”

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was fixed the table for a romantic dinner with Grayson who was finally home from his golf trip. Grayson came behind Sierra and pull her in. “This looks so romantic “Grayson said “I'm glad you like it , I missed you a while you were away “Sierra said “I missed you too”Grayson said they sit down. “Grayson, I have some news, I'm pregnant”Sierra said “Oh Darling that's wonderful new “Grayson said they share a kiss. “This is going to be wonderful, We have came a long way “Grayson said “You have always been their for me, Dealing with what happened in high school and then after I deal with it and we both went to college we ended up married “Sierra said “We have a lot in common and you are understanding and you expect me for who I'm “Grayson said “That's what love is”Sierra said “Yes it is, I promise this baby will have it all ‘Grayson said “Yes, This baby will not have parents who fight over him or her”Sierra said “Never”Grayson said “Now we need to figure out how to tell everyone “Sierra said “We will “Grayson said

Michael/Sabrina story-Michael and Sabrina were marred with two children. Sabrina and Michael were having dinner with their children . “I'm sorry I been working hard”Michael said “We both have been working hard, I been so busy at the hospital “Sabrina said “Yes, I will try not to work hard “Michael said “We both just need to balance more, I love you Michael “Sabrina said “I love you and our children Avery and AJ Jr “Michael said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, June 22, 2017

All Mixed Up part 2 ch 3

Morgan/Lila Rae story “

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae and Morgan were sitting on the couch when Grace came in with a photo album in her hand. “What do you have Grace”Lila Rae ask “You're photo album with you're wedding picture “Grace said Morgan pull Grace on his lap. “We had a great wedding it was beautiful “Lila Rae said “Yes we did”Morgan said “Is Mommy you're first love “Grace ask “Yes, We had a lot in common and I loved you're mother since the day we met “Morgan said “I feel the same way”Lila Rae said she look at a picture of her in a wedding dress. “You look like a princess “Grace said “Yes, You're mother is”Morgan said “Yes, It was a great day , Daddy walk me down and mother and Daddy both got along “Lila Rae said “Grace go put the photos away “Morgan said Grace left, “It wasn't always easy for us, You're mother wasn't happy about us”Morgan said “No but Mother came around “Lila Rae said “Yes she did”Morgan said “I been thinking of having another baby what do you say”Lila Rae ask “Yes”Morgan said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 2

“Skye/Ric story “

At Skye's -Skye was sitting down and looking at pictures of her wedding day to Ric thinking about how happy she was when Rae came in.”Skye, Are you okay “Rae ask “Yes, I'm just looking at pictures of my wedding to Ric, Come look”Skye said Rae sit down by Skye. “You looked beautiful, I wish I was their”Rae said “Me too, A lot of people in this town think I married Ric because of my children but it's not , Ric and I had a lot in common our childhood and how much we want to be loved, Ric loved me for who I'm and I loved him “Skye said “I'm glad Ric made you happy “Rae said “We did have our fights but with Ric I didn't have to worry about the dangers around my children . Just once I did have to deal with it but it wasn't the mob”Skye said “Skye, What is it”Rae ask “It's about Sierra “Skye said she told Rae the secrets. “I'm sorry “Rae said “It was a lot to deal with but my daughter was strong still after that , I never told Lorenzo “Skye said “That sure be Sierra, Skye are you going after Lorenzo “Rae ask “No I let it go because of my son”Skye said “That's good”Rae said “While don't we go have dinner, I need to get out it's been a week since Ric funeral “Skye said “Yes you do”Rae said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 1

“Carly/Lorenzo Story”

At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo was sitting down and looking at pictures of his wedding day to Carly when Carly came in. “Lorenzo, What are you doing “Carly ask she sit by him . “I'm looking at pictures of our wedding day, I been thinking of how we fall in love, I was released out of pentonville and you meet me and we talk and got very close again and you ending up pregnant with our son and we got married and came back to town and I try to get in touch again with my children but I almost lost them when I found out that Ric adopted my children while I was gone and give them his last name, Skye did that to hurt me but the courts”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, You're not having any regrets are you “Carly ask “No, No regrets “Lorenzo said “I don't have any either even though Michael and Morgan were not happy that I married you “Carly said “My children didn't like it either “Lorenzo said
“Ramen is away for the night we have the house to ourselves “Carly said they share a kiss and made love.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, June 19, 2017

All Mixed Up part 1 ch 69

“Revenge “
At Josslyn/Spencer-Spencer came in to find his bags packed when Josslyn came in. “Jose, What is going on”Spencer ask “I want a divorce,Also I want full custody of my son, You can see Spencer Jr anytime “Josslyn said “I wish we could make this work but if we can't I understand and I'm sorry for hurting you, I don't want to drag our son into a nasty custody fight “Spencer said “Me either, We can work this out between us “Josslyn said “I will give you alimony “Spencer said “I will be just find “Josslyn said as Spencer Jr came in. “Spencer, You're father and I have some news we are getting a divorce but we are still a family and you will see both of us, It's not you're fault at all”Josslyn said “Who's house I'm going to live at”Spencer Jr ask “Both of ours “Spencer said “Alright “Spencer Jr said “Do you have any questions “Josslyn ask “No”Spencer Jr said “Spencer, Why don't you go with you're father tonight if that's okay “Josslyn ask “Yes “Spencer said “I will go get my bag “Spencer Jr said and left. “Spencer right now I don't want our son around her “Josslyn said “I understand “Spencer said Spencer Jr came in with his bag. “Be good with you're father “Josslyn said “Yes Mother “Spencer Jr said and left with his father.

At The Quartermaine hotel-A room-A woman open the door as Skye came in. “So did you get it? The woman ask “Yes I did, You know have a share in the Alcazar empire, Just promise me to not hurt my children , But Lorenzo “Skye said “I will, I'm so glad you called me now“Ava said “I'm glad I found about you and the change you had to deal with last time you were in town are dropped “Skye said “Thanks, I think we could be great friends “Ava said “I think so too”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All mixed Up part 1 ch 68

“Plotting Revenge “

At Skye/Ric- Skye was putting a tray of food on the table as Lorenzo Jr came in. “Mother, Why did you call me”Lorenzo Jr ask “We need to talk about this , I know it was you who shot at you're sister and Ric “Skye said “Mother, I didn't want to shot Sierra, If you call the cops on me “Lorenzo Jr said “I'm not going to call the cops on you, I know you did this because you were order by you're father who you are more loyal to him then me”Skye said “That's not true, I just didn't want father to go to jail”Lorenzo Jr said “Well you could go to jail for this or help me get payback “Skye said “What do you want “Lorenzo Jr ask “I want you're share of the business “Skye said “You want to go after father don't you “Lorenzo Jr ask “Yes I'm , Can I trust you son? Ric wasn't a bad father to you I don't know why you hated him you loved him till Lorenzo came back into our life”Skye said “Father mad at me that I shot at Sierra to , He kick me out of the business “Lorenzo Jr said “Well I'm not going to say I'm not happy about that because I'm “Skye said “Mother, I will give you whatever you need “Lorenzo Jr said Skye touch Lorenzo chin. “About time you become a great son to me”Skye said she pull out a contract and a pen. Lorenzo sign it, “Thanks you son, I do want to fix us”Skye said “I want that too, Mother I'm sorry “Lorenzo Jr said “I know, Now keep this between us”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo Jr said Lorenzo Jr left. “Oh Lorenzo, You are going down for this “Skye said as she smirks.

At Sierra /Grayson-Sierra was packed Grayson bag for his golf trip as Grayson came in, “Sierra, What are you doing “Grayson ask “Packing you're bags for you're trip it's time for you to leave , We need to get on with our life, I start my new job tomorrow and you go on you're trip the business is counting on it “Sierra said “Yes it is, I will go but if you need me call me”Grayson said “I will “Sierra said “Don't push yourself “Grayson said “I will not”Sierra said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 1 ch 67

At The Docks-Josslyn was walking when she ran into Emma. “Emma! Why are you sleeping my husband? Did you hit on him or was it you”Josslyn ask “It was Spencer and myself to and I’m sorry that I hurt you, I hate myself for this”Emma said “Do you want him now? I will not let you be my son mother! Josslyn yelled “I don't want to replace you as Spencer Jr mother “Emma said as Sierra came by and could tell something was off between them. “Emma, Josslyn is everything okay “Sierra ask “Yes , I was just going “Emma said she left. “Josslyn, What is it”Sierra ask “Spencer been cheating on me with Emma”Josslyn said “I'm sorry, Do you want payback “Sierra ask “I don't know”Josslyn said “Do you have you're own bank account that Spencer doesn't know about? Sierra ask “Yes”Josslyn said “Good , What about the prenatal arrangement “Sierra ask “If I divorced Spencer in the prenatal arrangement I get full custody of the children we have “Josslyn said “Good, You need a great lawyer to make sure it's follow though Spencer is a Cassadine “Sierra said “Yes he is, Spencer also someone I don't know anymore “Josslyn said “You can do better “Sierra said “Thanks “Josslyn said

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas and Hayden were having coffee when Spencer came in. “Spencer, It's good to see you “Hayden said “You may rethinking that I have some news, I been having an affair and I told Josslyn and I think I lose her “Spencer said “Who is she? Nikolas ask “Emma Drake”Spencer said “Do you want a divorce “Nikolas ask “I don't want a divorce but I'm going to give Josslyn some space “Spencer said “You blow it! What about Spencer Jr! Nikolas ask “I will not take my son from his mother, I will share custody with Josslyn “Spencer said “From here you sure do the right thing “Hayden said “Yes”Nikolas said “I hate that I hurt Josslyn “Spencer said “Do you want Emma”Nikolas ask “I don't know what I want”Spencer said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 66

“Revenge is bittersweet”
At Skye/Ric-Ric wake-Skye was their with her family she keep giving Lorenzo Jr looks as AJ came by. “What are you planning sis “‘AJ ask “Nothing “Skye said “Yes you are sis, I know you and you're planning revenge “AJ said “Keep it a secret “Skye said “Skye, This isn't anyone it's you're son”AJ said “I know, I do hate that my son went this far but I don't blame my son, This is all on Lorenzo “Skye said “What else did Lorenzo do”AJ ask “We slept together and I know Lorenzo is trying to get me to stopped going after our son , Lorenzo know all my weaknesses “Skye said “Yes he does don't let him caught you off guard and you can always call me”AJ said “Thanks “Skye said as Kristina came by. “Kristina, I'm glad you came Ric loved you”Skye said “He was my family “Kristina said “You are still a part of this family “Skye said “Thanks “Kristina said everyone expected the children left. “I'm glad that we are alone, I need to tell you that I want you to try to be nice and get to know my mother “Skye said “Why did you have a fallout”Sierra ask “Mother didn't approve of you're father “Skye said “So that's why Rae never saw us because she didn't like Daddy “Sierra ask “Yes “Skye said “What about Ric”Richard Jr ask “I never told Rae that I left Lorenzo or married Ric , I didn't want to heard I told you so, Please just get to know Rae”Skye said “Of cause mother “Lila Rae said “Good, I'm glad you're all here and for the support today but I need some time alone “Skye said “Sure Mother, Call us if you need anything “Lila Rae said the children left.

At The Quartermaine hotel room-A woman came in and pick up her cellphone. “I'm here, Let's plan the payback “The woman said

On the Docks-Lorenzo was walking when he ran into Rae. “I know you would be in town”Lorenzo said “My daughter need me, Leave Skye alone”Rae said “I'm married to Carly”Lorenzo said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 65

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn wasn't sure what to do about Spencer cheating on her when Carly and Bobbie came in. “Josslyn, You're mother told me about Spencer. I know this is hard but you can do this, You're a Spencer “Bobbie said “Thanks Grandmother, But I'm not sure if I'm going to leave Spencer or not, I still love him”Josslyn said “Josslyn, Can you get passed this “Carly ask “I don't know but I owe it to my son to try I want Spencer Jr to have a stable childhood not like I did”Josslyn said “I'm sorry about that I want you to have a better childhood then you're brothers “Carly said “I just wish that Daddy didn't die in the plane crash”Josslyn said “Me too, Jax loved you”Carly said

At Skye/Ric -Ric wake-Skye and Her children and their spouses and Alan and Monica and AJ and Lydia and Michael and Kristina and Alexis and Rae were there. “So Rae, How long are you here? Monica ask “As long as my daughter needs me ‘Rae said “I'm glad Skye needs you”Monica said

Alan was talking to Skye. “Skye, How are you doing “Alan ask “I'm trying Daddy “Skye said “I know you want payback but it will not help”Alan said “I know, I'm glad Rae is here, Thanks for calling Rae “Skye said “You're welcome “Alan said “I want to make toast to my husband Ric Lansing we will never forget you”Skye said everyone cheered.

Sierra keep looking at Rae she wasn't sure about her when Alan came by. “Sierra, Are you really for work tomorrow “Alan ask “Yes, Grandfather , Can my mother trust Rae? Why was she away all this time, ? Sierra ask “You're mother can take care of herself and Skye sure be the one to tell you “Alan said “Yes Grandfather “Sierra said “You're going to be great tomorrow “Alan said “I hope so , I never want to disappoint you ‘Sierra said “You never do”Alan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 64

“Saying Goodbye to Ric”
At Skye/Ric-Rae was downstairs nervous about meeting her grandchildren for the first time when Sierra and Grayson came in. “Excuse me , But who are you I'm Sierra Cassadine this is my Mother house “Sierra ask “I'm you're Grandmother, Rae Cummings “She say “I don't have a grandmother “Sierra said as Skye came in. “Sierra”Skye said as Lila Rae and Morgan and Grace and Lorenzo Jr and Richard Jr came in. “I'm glad you're all here, I need all my family here this is my mother Rae Cummings “Skye said “Mother? You told us you're mother wasn't with us anymore “Sierra said “Mother and I had a fallout but she is here now, This is my youngest daughter Sierra Cassadine and her husband Grayson Cassadine and my son Lorenzo Jr and Richard Jr and you're namesake Lila Rae and her husband Morgan Corinthos and their daughter Grace, “Skye said “It's nice to meet you all and I hope to get to know all of you”Rae said “We want that too”Lila Rae said “We sure go”Richard Jr said “Yea”Skye said Lila Rae went by her mother and took her hand. “Lean on me”Lila Rae said they left.

At The Church-Kristina came in and light a candle. “Ric, I loved you were a great father to me, Now you're with Molly, I loved you both “Kristina said as Skye and Rae and Lila Rae and Morgan and Sierra and Grayson and Lorenzo Jr and Richard Jr and Alan and Monica and AJ and Lydia and Michael and Alexis and Ned came in and sit down as the father came in. “We are here to say goodbye to a son and father and husband, His widow Skye would like to do the eulogizing “The father said Skye got up. “My husband was a great man and great lawyer and father. Ric loved my children as his own and I will make sure that's never forgotten , Ric sure be here he sure of never been shot at or my daughter! I will try my best to move on and living without him but I'm going to miss him, Ric always has my heart there will never be another one,”Skye said Skye sit down and took Lila Rae hand.

Sierra went up.”Ric and I were close he was like a father to me , He even walk me down the aisle when I got married, I will always missed him”Sierra said she sit down. Richard Jr got up. “Ric was a great father to me, I forgive you for keeping the secret and I will do my best to get payback on you're death “Richard Jr said he sit down and Lila Rae got up. “Thanks Ric for loving and supporting us, We will never forget you”Lila Rae said she went by Morgan as everyone stood up as Richard Jr and Michael and AJ and Ned carrying the casket.

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 63

At Skye/Ric-Skye was alone wearing a black dress and at the fireplace looking at a wedding picture of her and Ric. “Today, We say goodbye to you, You were a great husband and stepfather to my children, I did love you “Skye said as Rae came in. “Skye “Rae said “Today, We say goodbye to Ric,I wish you were here when Ric and I were married he was a great husband and stepfather “Skye said “I'm glad he was a great husband to you and stepfather to you're children “Rae said “I want to a new start with you”Skye said “I want that too ,I'm here to help you”Rae said

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae was looking at a picture of her and Ric together when Morgan came in. “Lila Rae”Morgan said “I will miss Ric he was a great stepfather to us “Lila Rae said “Yes he was”Morgan said “I'm worrying about what the fallout is going to be”Lila Rae said “You can't control what is going to happen now”Morgan said “No , I can't “Lila Rae said Grace came down and they left.

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was looking at a picture of her and Ric when Grayson came in and pull her in. “Sierra “Grayson said “I'm going to miss Ric, I loved him “Sierra said “Yes I know you did, He loved you too”Grayson said they left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica we're getting ready to leave, “I'm worrying about Skye I hope she doesn't drink anymore “Alan said “You can't stop her”Monica said “No, But we can be their for her”Alan said “Yes”Monica said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 62

At The Quartermaine hotel-Sierra and Grayson were having dinner with Harrison and Amanda Barrington. “Sierra , Do the cops know who shot you and you're stepfather “Amanda ask “Not yet “Sierra said she keep thinking about her parents having sex. “I'm just glad that my wife is fine “Grayson said he kiss Sierra hand. “Yes, Me too “Harrison said “Thank you,I'm glad we did this but I sure go tomorrow is my stepfather funeral “Sierra said “Yes”Grayson said “Goodnight “Amanda said Sierra and Grayson left.

At Skye/Ric-Skye was at home feeling sad about Ric and guiltily about sleeping with Lorenzo when Rae came in. “Mother, You're in town”Skye ask “Yes, Alan called me , I'm so sorry about Ric and I'm here for you”Rae said “You can say I told you so”Skye said “I don't know what you're talking about “Rae said “When I was with Lorenzo you say that it going to bring nothing but pain and consequences I didn't believe you tell now! My husband was killed because Lorenzo order our son to shot his own stepfather and it hit our daughter, “Skye said “Skye, I don't want to be right and I don't want to see you in this pain,I love you and I'm here to help you “Rae said Rae pull Skye into a hug and Skye cried in her mother arms.

At Sierra/Grayson-Grayson and Sierra bedroom-Sierra and Grayson we're getting ready for bed. “Darling, Why were you so distracted tonight “Grayson ask “I'm sorry, I saw something tonight, My parents had sex tonight, Daddy calm it's just sex but I know they love each other “Sierra said “Sierra, Don't get you're hopes up , I don't think Skye going to take Lorenzo Back ever “Grayson said “Love can heal”Sierra said “Yes, Let's go to bed it was you're first outing since you were shot at “Grayson said “I'm fine, Let's make love “Sierra said Grayson kiss Sierra, “I'm going to take it nice and slow, Let me know if you want me to stop “Grayson said “I will “Sierra said they made love.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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At Lorenzo/Carly-Carly was at home when Lorenzo came in.”Where have you been “Carly ask as Lorenzo went by the bar and pour a drink. “Take care of my family “Lorenzo said he took a drink of his brandy. “Lorenzo is everything going to be okay “Carly ask “Yes it depends you tell Josslyn “Lorenzo ask “No, It's staying between us”Carly said “Thanks you, You're loyalty mean so much to me”Lorenzo said as Josslyn came in. “Mother, Can we talk”Josslyn ask she had been crying. ‘What wrong? Where is Spencer Jr”Carly ask “The nanny is watching him, My husband just admit his been having an affair! Josslyn yelled “No”Carly said trying to act like she didn't know and hug her daughter. “Josslyn, I'm sorry whatever you need we are here for you, I can even take care of him if you want”Lorenzo said “Thanks Lorenzo, You have always been like a father to me”Josslyn said “I love you as much as I love my daughter, I will leave you alone “Lorenzo said he went into the office. “I don't know what to do, Do I leave Spencer, I can't believe he was sleeping around with Emma”Josslyn said “You need to take sometimes before you do anything, We are here for you “Carly said “I know, I sure go back home, I don't know what to tell my little boy”Josslyn said “You don't have to tell Spencer anything “Carly said “Yea”Josslyn said “Are you sure you don't want to stay “Carly ask “Yes”Josslyn said and left,

Lorenzo home office-Lorenzo was in his office looking at a picture of him and Skye. “It didn't mean anything it was just to keep you from talking to the cop about our son, I'm use you're weaknesses against you Skye it's me, It's always been me “Lorenzo said he put the picture down as Carly came in. “How is Josslyn “Lorenzo ask “A mess, I'm glad I never have to deal with that”Carly said “No”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 60

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson bedroom-Sierra was in a new dress putting on her earrings when she know her bracelet was gone she loved that one it was the one that matters the most to her that was from Grayson. Sierra open her purse to look for it as Lorenzo came in. “Are you look for this “Lorenzo ask he was holding the bracelet. “Yes, Daddy where did you find it”Sierra ask she took the bracelet and put it on. “You drop it at you're mother, Sierra did you see you're mother and I? Lorenzo ask “That you're back together? Sierra ask “We are not back together it was just meanness sex that's all, I'm staying with Carly and right now you're mother needs to grieve “Lorenzo said “I don't believe it didn't matter to either of you “Sierra said ‘Please don't say anything “Lorenzo said “I will not “Sierra said as Grayson came in. “Sierra, We need to go”Grayson said “Where are you going? Lorenzo ask “Dinner with the Barrington, Thanks for return my bracelet “Sierra said “You're welcome “Lorenzo said they went downstairs and left.

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn and Spencer had just finished dinner with their son who was upstairs in bed. “Josslyn, I need to tell you something, I love you that's not why this happened. I been having an affair, I'm sorry “Spencer said “Who is she “Josslyn ask as she starts to cry. “Emma Drake”Spencer said “Do you love her”Josslyn ask “No, I don't want a divorce I want to fight for us”Spencer said “I want you out of the house, I need time”Josslyn said “Alright, I will pack a bag”Spencer said “I don't want to tell Spencer anything about this “Josslyn said “Me either, I do hope in you're heart you forgive me “Spencer said he went upstairs and packed his back then check on his son who was in bed slept. Spencer kiss his son and went downstairs where Josslyn was having a drink. “I do hope in time you forgive me”Spencer said he kiss Josslyn on her forehead and left.

At Lila Rae/Morgan -Lila Rae was doing some work for the magazine when Lorenzo came in. “Daddy “Lila Rae said “I want to see how you are”Lorenzo said “I'm worrying about our family, Daddy I know it was you who order Lorenzo Jr to shot Ric! Which almost killed Sierra too! This is going to destroy our family! Lila Rae said “I'm not going to let anyone find out the truth, I’m going to protect you're brother I have a plan I just need you to trust me “Lorenzo said “I do always, I just wish you never did this”Lila Rae said “I had to Ric was going to put me in jail”Lorenzo said “I know, I understand the business “Lila Rae said “Yes you do more then you're mother ever did, You're a lot like me “Lorenzo said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 59

“Seduce a ex”
At Lila Rae/Maxie office-Maxie and Lila Rae were meeting. “I did enjoy covering the hospital for the magazine, I would like to take a chance with our magazine and cover more stories like that , What do you think? Lila Rae ask “It's an risk but let's take it “Maxie said “I think it's a good risk, We could name it Port Charles Harbor “Lila Rae said “I like it “Maxie said “Me too”Lila Rae said

At Skye/Ric-Skye came into her house and went by the bar and was about to pour a drink but she knock everything off it as Lorenzo came in. “Do you feel better “Lorenzo ask “Why are you here? I don't want you in my house! I know you order our son to do this! I hate you! Skye yelled and slap him. Lorenzo took Skye hand and kiss her and they went on the floor and had sex. Sierra was about to come in and saw her parents having sex and didn't realize that her bracelet with a letter s on it had fall off her wrists . Sierra was kind of happy about Lorenzo and Skye and left.

Lorenzo and Skye had finished having sex, Lorenzo got up and put on his shirt and Skye fixed her dress. “This was a mistake, You're married and I'm a widow thanks to you!! Skye yelled “Skye, You don't really hate me , You hate the fact that you loved me more then Ric”Lorenzo said “Why are you even here?Skye ask “To tell you to back off our son, Lorenzo Jr will not go to jail “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo,I don't want our son to go to jail either but he killed my husband! I could of lose my daughter to ! Now get out! I will not sleep with you again! Skye yelled Skye when upstairs.

Lorenzo saw the bracelet of Sierra that was on the floor and pick it up and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 58

On the Dock-Skye was walking by when she ran into Alexis. “Skye “Alexis said “Alexis,If you're upset with me about Richard I can take it but not now”Skye said “I sure be upset and yelled at you but Richard made me promise not to be upset with you “Alexis said “I want to tell you and I told Molly she sure tell you but she won't listen to me, Molly was scared to tell you that she was pregnant “Skye said “I wish she wasn't, I keep thinking what did I do wrong “Alexis said “You didn't do anything wrong, Molly was a strong independent woman and she was scared that the baby would come between her dreams as a judge,Molly thought about giving the baby up but Ric had this crazy idea for us to raise him, I say yes because I couldn't give Ric a baby and I thought Molly would regret it. I didn't want Molly to die “Skye said as she cried. “I know you loved my daughter “Alexis said “Yes I love Molly and Kristina “Skye said “Richard. Did have a good life he turned out a great man and since Molly wanted this I will let it go”Alexis said “Thanks “Skye said she looked down and saw some blood that was on the docks. “Skye “Alexis said Skye kneed down and touch the spot. “Ric and Sierra blood”Skye said Alexis kneed down by Skye. “Skye”Alexis said “I keep thinking I could've lost not just my husband but my little girl! Whoever did this I don't care who that person is but they will pay! Skye yelled as Lorenzo Jr came by. “Mother,”Lorenzo Jr said Alexis help Skye up. “Lorenzo Jr, I don't want to be around you right now”Skye said “Mother “Lorenzo Jr said “I'm going home”Skye said and left. “Did you do this to you're mother “Alexis ask Lorenzo Jr left.

At The Police Station-Ric office-Richard came in with boxes and clean out his father desk as the Mayor came in. “Richard, I'm sorry about you're father death “The Mayor said “I work with the WSB and I'm going to find out who shot my father I would like the support for the police station “Richard said “Of course you can , Whatever you need this station will support you”The Mayor said as Skye came in. “Mrs. Lansing, my condolences, The officers here will work with you're son on the investigation on who shot you're husband and daughter “The mayor said “Thank you”Skye said The Mayor left. “So you want to help find out who did this “Skye said “Yes I do, Mother I have a feeling about who did this “Richard said “You're brother “Skye said “Yes, I'm sorry “Richard said “I love Lorenzo Jr but it broke my heart when he went to work with Lorenzo, If Lorenzo Jr did this he broke my heart again, Do you're job and find out who did this Skye said ‘Yes Mother “Richard said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 57

At Sierra/Grayson-Grayson was working from home when Sierra came in the room all dress for the day. “Sierra, You sure be resting ‘Grayson said “I have been resting, We have a busy week dinner with The Barringtons and you're golf trip is coming soon”Sierra said “I'm cancel my golf trip “Grayson said “Grayson, I'm fine it's time for you to go to the office and for us to get our life back “Sierra said “You don't always have to be strong “Grayson said as Lorenzo came in with a bag. “That's how Sierra was raised “Lorenzo said “What are you doing here”Grayson ask “I'm check on my daughter , I brought you some lunch “Lorenzo said “Thanks Daddy “Sierra said “I just want my wife to rest that's all, I almost lose her “Grayson said “Grayson, I love you to but I'm find “Sierra said “I know, I have a phone call to make, I will be in the office “Grayson said and left. Sierra and Lorenzo sit down. “Grayson really loves you”Lorenzo said “Yes he does, Daddy are you okay , You look upset when you came in”Sierra ask “It's just work that's all”Lorenzo said “I sure go see how mother is doing, I know you don't want to heard this but Ric was good to us “Sierra said “Yea I know “Lorenzo said “Do you think that you and Mother could ever get back together “Sierra ask as Skye was about to come in. “No , You're mother could not accept all of me that's not how you love someone you love all of that person but I love you're mother as the mother of my children that's all but I can't forgive that she put me in jail and married Ric”Lorenzo said “Sometimes it's easy to let go, I always wish you both got back together even though I loved Ric”Sierra said “I'm sorry baby girl it's not going to happened, Now let's eat”Lorenzo said as Skye came in. “Mother “Sierra said “Sierra, I just want to see how you are doing “Skye said “I'm doing good, How about you”Sierra ask “Already, Lorenzo “Skye said “Skye “Lorenzo said Sierra could tell the tension between her parents. “Sierra, The funeral for you're stepfather who was their for you when you're father wasn't will be tomorrow at Noon. Oh Lorenzo you're not invited “Skye said and left, “Mother upset with you “Sierra said “You're mother is just dealing with the pain that's all”Lorenzo said “Daddy. Could you do something else instead of what you do”Sierra ask hope to fix things between her parents. “No, Sierra this is you're grandfather and uncle Luis business they work so hard for that it killed them and I have to keep it up by running it and staying loyal to them “Lorenzo said “Sometimes I wish you were a dentist “Sierra said “You're mother would never be with me if I was a dentist,It wasn't just my work that came between them , Now I sure go take it easy”Lorenzo said he kiss Sierra on the forehead and left.

Sierra pour some hot water for tea as Grayson came in. “Is you're father gone”Grayson ask “Yes, Grayson I want to try to have a baby “Sierra said “Me too”Grayson said they share a kiss as Josslyn and Spencer and Spencer Jr he was holding flower as came in. “Aunt Sierra , These are for you “Spencer Jr said “Thanks you , How was you're trip”Sierra ask “It was great, Sierra I know we don't always see eye to eye but we are glad you're okay”Josslyn said “Thanks Josslyn”Sierra said “We are glad you're okay “Spencer said “Thanks “Sierra said “Brother if you need any help with work”Spencer said “Grayson will be at work tomorrow before my stepfather funeral “Sierra said “Yes”Grayson said “That's good”Spencer said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 56

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae was looking at pictures of her with Ric when Morgan came in and sit down by her. “Lila Rae “Morgan said “I loved Ric, I'm going to miss him and I'm so worrying about my family, Morgan I know who order the hit”Lila Rae said “You're father “Morgan ask “Yes, Daddy order the hit and Lorenzo Jr did it! Morgan this is going to hurt our family “Lila Rae said “Does Skye know”Morgan ask,”My mother suspected it, My sister could of died too “Lila Rae said “I'm sorry “Morgan said “Morgan I love you and our life together and I never want to chance you but can you leave the business for us, For Grace and I “Lila Rae said “I can't but I promise you I will never shot anyone you loved you know that I will never hurt you “Morgan said “No you wouldn't, I'm sorry “Lila Rae said “Don't I get why you asked, We are not you're parents and we are going to be fine “Morgan said they share a kiss.

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn was unpacking when Carly came in. “Mother “Josslyn said “Josslyn, How was you're trip”Carly ask “It was great , Spencer and I reconnected and I hope we made another baby”Josslyn said “That's great , I'm glad you're happy, Josslyn I love you so much “Carly said “I love you too, Did something happened when I was gone “Josslyn ask “Yes something happened, Ric and Sierra were shot at”Carly said “Are they okay “Josslyn ask “Sierra is,Ric didn't make it”Carly said “No”Josslyn said “It make you realize that life is short ‘Carly said “Yes”Josslyn said Spencer and Spencer Jr came in. “Nana “Spencer Jr said “Spencer did you have a nice trip “Carly ask “Yes”Spencer Jr said “I sure go”Carly said “I will walk you out “Spencer said he walk Carly to the door. “Did you tell Josslyn “Spencer ask “No I'm going to keep the secrets it's for the best”Carly said “I agree “Spencer said Carly left and Spencer came back in. “Josslyn came by him,”I'm glad we went away and it help us reconnect, Life is short”Josslyn said ‘What is going on”Spencer ask “Ric and Sierra were shot at while we were gone”Josslyn said “No”Spencer said “Yes, Sierra made it”Josslyn said “I sure check on my brother, He loves Sierra so much “Spencer said “Yes he does and Sierra and I have our issues but I love her”Josslyn said “Let’s go check on them “Spencer said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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At General Hospital-AJ was waiting for Skye to come when she came out the elevator. “Sorry. I'm late “Skye said “It's okay”AJ said as Alan came by. “Skye, How are you doing “Alan ask “Not good, I'm going to a AA meeting “Skye said “Good, We are here for you Skye “Alan said “Thanks Dad, I guess Mother was right about Lorenzo all along “Skye said “Rae would not want this to happen to prove a point “Alan said “I know”Skye said “We sure go”AJ said they went into the meeting.

At the AA meeting-Skye and AJ came in and sit down. “What are you two here for “? The woman ask “I'm here to support my sister, I'm a alcoholic too but I been clean for years “AJ said “Congratulations “The woman said “I had a slip my husband was murder and I know my ex husband ordered the hit and I have a feeling about who did it , I loved Ric he was a great husband and father to my children and I don't regret our marriage but I hate that his gone, My younger daughter was shot too and I could've lose my little girl “Skye cried “I'm sorry about you're husband but drinking isn't going to bring him back “The woman said “I know that and Ric would hate that I had a drink he always say he loved how strong I'm but I don't want to be strong right now and this could have a fallout I don't want to deal with “Skye said “You have to find a way to deal with the fallout better “The woman said “I'm here for you Skye “AJ said “Thanks AJ , You're a great brother, I'm glad I'm really a Quartermaine “Skye said “Me too”AJ said “You sure keep coming “The woman said “I will “Skye said AJ and Skye left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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“Remember the past”
At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo had just hang up the phone as Skye came in. “Skye, Why are you here “Lorenzo ask “To get you to admin for once in you're life that you had something to do with my husband murder! And my baby girl being shot at!! I could of lost my daughter! Skye yelled “Our daughter! Sierra is ours and I'm glad she alive! I didn't have anything to do with this! Thanks to you're husband I was in jail! Lorenzo yelled “You could of ordered our son to shoot Ric! Don't you think about the innocent life you are playing with! Instead of planning not just my husband funeral I could be planned my little girl funeral too! I swear Lorenzo if our son is behind this “Skye said “I keep thinking we could of lose Sierra too but we didn't leave our son alone, I told Lorenzo Jr his not working for me anymore just leave it alone Skye “Lorenzo said “The best thing I ever did was take my children out of this house and leave you”Skye said as she cried and left. Lorenzo was hurt by that and remember that night Skye left they were having trouble in their marriage but Lorenzo want to fix it.

Flashback-Lorenzo and Skye were married and trying to make it work with Lila Rae and Lorenzo Jr and Sierra. It was hard for Skye to try to accept Lorenzo life and not worrying about him when he was working one night while Lorenzo was working Skye when into his office and saw some business deals that Lorenzo was doing when Lorenzo came in. “What are you doing in my office “Lorenzo ask “Facing the truth about our marriage. I'm sorry but I can't deal with you're lifestyle worrying about you and make sure our children will be safe and it will not touch them “Skye said “It will not , I will keep our children safe”Lorenzo said “You can't “Skye said as she cried. “Skye, If you walk out you will not be take our children “Lorenzo said “I'm their mother, The children need me, I'm the only stable parent they have “Skye said “Skye! We can work this out! I know it's been hard this last couple of months but we can fix it”Lorenzo said “We can if you leave it “Skye said “I can't “Lorenzo said “Then it's over “Skye said Lorenzo grab her arms. “You can take the children but not for long! I will go after full custody “Lorenzo said “Go ahead and try! I'm powerful too! Skye yelled Skye when to take the children.

Skye pickup Sierra who was crying. “It's okay baby, We are going to the mansion “Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “Skye! Don't do this! Lorenzo yelled “Calm down! You are scare the children “Skye said “What is going on”Lila Rae ask “We are going on a trip “Skye said “Father “Lorenzo Jr said “Lorenzo, Be a good boy and keep you're sisters safe “Lorenzo said “Yes father “Lorenzo Jr said Skye look at Lorenzo and cried and left with the children. That was the last time he was with Skye before he went to jail.

Copyright by Skye's the limit