Monday, February 5, 2024

Secret part 3 ch 38

“Secrets part 3 ch 38”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sitting on the couch drinking coffee and looking at paperwork for tonight's opening of the shopping center when Gabriella came in.”Gabriella,I’m glad you’re finally up we have a lot to do”Skye said as Lorenzo came into the room.”Why didn’t anyone tell me I have another brother named Diego and he killed Emily and another girl name Georgie”Gabriella ask “We want to protect you.  You don’t have all the information the internet gets it wrong, You should of not google our family “Lorenzo said “I wouldn’t have to if I was told the truth “Your right we should of told you about your brother, I didn’t know about Diego I didn’t get to raise him which if I did he would still be here,You’re brother was mentally unstable and killed two innocent woman,I would not defend Diego decision to kill them I just wish I could of saved him”Lorenzo said “Did Diego have bipolar “Yes, it runs in our family, I didn’t mean to keep this a secret “Lorenzo said “I wish I know him”Me too, Diego would love being a big brother “Yes at lease I have Dex, “Yes, Gabriella now we need to get ready for tonight, Let’s go to the shopping center “Yes Mother “Gabriella said 

At Tea House was at home when there was a knock on the door it was Daniella.”Daniella , I’m glad you’re here I miss you’I miss you to mom”Daniella said they share a hug,”I have a lot to talk to you about “Tea said as they came into the house.”Why are you in this town”To know Lorenzo his my brother “What about Tomas “Lorenzo was pretending to be Tomas for the CIA, my biological father was a Criminal boss “Tea said “ My family is part of the mob “Yes”Tea said as there was a knock on the door it was Dex,”I thought we could talk about the fact that I’m your son”What! You have a son! Daniella yelled “Dex,This is my daughter Daniella, Dex is my son I give up when I was younger “Why”Because I was convinced out of raped”Mom’Its true, Dex I want to get to know you, You had a good life with Lorenzo as your father “Is Lorenzo his father “No, my another brother Luis is”I just wanted you to know that I understand why you give me up and I did have a great life, You did the right thing for me “Thank, my only regret is that you work for Lorenzo you are so smart to do something else “I been thinking of doing something else with my life “I hope you do”I always wanted another brother “Thanks , I have two sisters what is one more “Dex said 

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