Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 30

 At Althea- Skye was still in London and hated that she missed Gabriella birthday and pick up her cellphone and called her.”Gabriella,I’m glad you pick up, I’m sorry I miss your birthday I need to deal with things here but when I get home we will do something special, I love you “Skye said she hang up the phone as Cecil came in.”Skye, Are you alright “No,Today is Gabriella birthday and I should be home “Skye,You have to deal with this,Gabriella will understand “I hope so,Cecil I do miss our relationship I thought I didn’t need you till now”I miss you too, Lying about you as my daughter wasn’t to hurt you, I love you and wanted to keep you safe from Tracy”I understand now why you did it “Thanks can we have a relationship “Yes, I could use all the mothers I need, here I’m with three and when I was little I always wanted one”Skye said “How are you doing with Althea news about her health “I’m not surprised she had bipolar it explains a lot, The abuse I suffer wasn’t my fault “Skye said as she cried and Tracy came in.”No it wasn’t your fault “Cecil said And comfort Skye.”Skye,the abuse you suffered from wasn’t your fault it was the adults who failed you too, It was my fault that I let Althea raise you and my father to “Yes but I’m ready to move on from it, I’m sick of being angry, I have two beautiful children who love me and a business to run and a family, I want to let go of the past “Skye said “I’m glad you are ready to move on,It’s not good to hold the anger “Cecil said “No it’s not, I think it’s time we go home, I’m glad you all came here with me”Skye said “We need to be here too”Tracy said as Althea came in,”Is everything alright “Yes, It’s time to go home, Althea I want you to come with us”Alright, We have a lot of packing to do, Skye I named you in my will as my heir you will have all the money you need and my house “Thanks “Skye said “I did love you Antoinette I’m sorry I hurt you maybe we can go to therapy together “Maybe,I do want you to meet my daughters but if you cross a line “I understand, You’re a better mother then I was”Then all of us ‘The cycle of abuse ends with me”Yes it does “

In Port Charles-Gabriella was walking holding shopping bags and sit down on a bench and pull out her cellphone and look at a picture of her with her family.”I miss us as a family,I’m going to get you home Daddy”Gabriella said as Anna walked by.”Anna Devane,Your running for Mayor right “Yes I’m, Why”Anna ask as Gabriella got up.”You probably have connections I read that you were a double spy”Yes,What can I do for you “Help me get my father out of jail, Daddy been good in jail it’s time for my father to come home “Gabriella said as Alexis came by.”No way in Hell will your father get out of jail, He deserves to be in jail for killing my daughter “Alexis said “Daddy has done his time it’s time to let him come home we need him” Gabriella said “No you don’t, My daughter Kristina will never get to have her own family her whole future was ruined by your sister and then your father “Alexis said “If you want to get votes by your people you will believe in second chance “Not by criminals! Your father who you love is a criminal! Alexis yelled as Carly came by.”What’s going on! “Gabriella I understand you want your father out of jail but it’s not going to happen “Anna said “Yes it will , no one say no to me”Gabriella said “You’re a fool then “Alexis said and left with Anna,”Gabriella “I’m a fool to want my father out of prison “No your not,It’s hard loving someone who is in this lifestyle but I don’t think it’s going to happen “Just watch! I’m a Quartermaine and Alcazar a powerful family and I have connections “Gabriella said and left,

At Lila Rae Studio- Lila Rae was writing songs she had a lot of songs written for a lot of albums when there was a knock on the door it was Brooklyn.”Brooklyn, I just finished writing a song it’s a love song I think it should be my first single “Let’s hear it”Brooklyn said 

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