Wednesday, February 14, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 12

 At Skye’s-Skye was downstairs having coffee when the maid came in with a tray of food for breakfast.”Thank you, Gabriella should be wake soon”Skye said as the maid put a tray down it had fruit and bagels and hard boiled eggs and cheese on it and she left as Gabriella came in.”Good morning ,Gabriella I’m glad you’re awake I need to tell you something it’s not going to be easy but we will handle this “Skye said “Mother,You scared me”It’s not anything that bad,I’m going to call your sister later “Skye said “I’m right here”Lila Rae said as she came in,” Lila Rae, I’m glad you’re here! I need both my daughters, I’m divorced your fa ther‘Skye said as she cried a little.”Mother,just because Daddy is in jail doesn’t mean you can delete him from our family, I have visited him in jail you both haven’t! Gabriella said”Gabriella “Lila Rae said “You cannot move on like Daddy doesn’t matter , He only in jail because he didn’t want me to testify against him”It’s more then that, I will always love your father but it’s time to move on, I may even sell this house “Skye said “Gabriella it’s going to be alright “Lila Rae said “ Let’s have breakfast together,So Lila Rae how long are you stayiwas nwas g “Skye ask.”For good the tour over it was wonderful but it’s time to be home and work on the next chapter “Yes the next chapter”Skye said 

At General Hospital- Portia was working when Robin came by.”Can I help you”Portia ask “ I’m Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake , I use to work here”Dr.Portia Robinson”Nice to meet you”You too,Do you want to work here again “Yes I do”Robin said as Monica came by.”Dr.Quartermaine”Robin said “I just talk to the board and if you want to come back you are welcome too”Yes I do, This is my home “Yes it is,Dr,Robinson I hope you support Dr.Scorpio-Drake”I will “Portia said as Elizabeth came by,”What’s going on”Robin is back where she belongs with the three of you running the hospital I know it’s in good hands,Three powerful women “Monica said “Oh Dr,Quartermaine that means a lot to me “Portia said “ Me too “Robin said “ Yes”Elizabeth said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Tracy were having breakfast together as Brooklyn came in,”Any food for me”Brooklyn said as Ned and Tracy turn around,”Brooklyn,You’re home “Yes the tour is over “Where is Lois”She stayed at the hotel, The tour was amazing, I loved being on the road “It’s in your blood “Yes”Now what’s next “I don’t know, Maybe make more music “Brooklyn said 

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