Sunday, July 28, 2024

Revelation ch 53 part 3

 At General Hospital-Lucas and Portia were talking.”It looks like Carly came back to you “Slow she is making progress “Lucas said as Skye came by.”What! Carly made it”Yes we took her off the life support and she came back to us”Of Course! Carly destroyed everyone else life but not her own! My daughter is in a coma because of her! Michael lost his family but she stood still “Skye, I understand you're upset but Lila Rae may wake up, We just have to give it time” Lucas said Skye left she was upset.”This accident did damage a lot of families “Yes I know my sister did this, I’m worried how it will affect her relationship with Michael, I hate that Wiley is gone I loved him too” Lucas said 

In the hallway- Michael was coming out of the children room as Nina came by and just look at Michael she know what he would say,”Michael,Wiley and Amelia are gone aren’t they”Yes, I’m sorry they were brain damage from the accident there was nothing the doctor could do “I’m sorry, I loved them too”I know you did I was wrong to keep you from them you wouldn’t of done this unlike my mother “Michael said as Josslyn came by pushing Carly in a wheelchair.”What’s going on Michael? We just came back from running test”Josslyn said “What’s going on! My children are died! They went to be with their mother! It’s my own mother fault! Michael yelled “What! I’m sorry about this, I hate that this happened , I don’t remember what happened’Carly said as Skye  came by,”You don’t remember! You cause a car accident that caused a Lot of people pain! My daughter is in a coma! She may not come back to me! You’re precious son lose his wife and children but you walk away without a scratch! Skye yelled as Anna came by.”That’s not true,Carly isn’t going to walk away, I’m here to arrest Carly “Anna said “Michael, I’m sorry “You can’t bring back my wife and children, You can’t fix this you never fix a problem you just made it worse “Michael said 

Lila Rae room- Lila Rae was in her room in a coma but slowly waking up as Skye came in the room,”Lila Rae, Are you coming back to me”Skye ask as she took her daughter hands.

In the board meeting- Ned was holding a board meeting.”Yes we know we need more doctors, We just hire Dr. Maya Ward” A board member said “Yes and I appreciate it but we need more doctors, Dr.Steven Webber is trying to get his medical license back “He did a great job here, Yes we know we need more doctors and we almost need someone to do fundraising for the hospital like your grandmother did” I will help you find someone we wouldn’t let this hospital closed “No we wouldn’t “

Revelation ch 52 part 3

 At General Hospital- Maya and Portia were talking about Lila Rae's condition.”How can you wa ke Lila Rae up from this coma”I had a case in my last hospital where I give my patient a “Liquid sleeping pill when she was in an coma and she woke up it did the opposite and it saved her, there is research on it”Maya said “I have read it,It looks like you will be a great addition to the hospital “Thank Dr.Robinson I’m looking forward to working with you too”Maya said as Elizabeth came by.”Maya”Elizabeth, it’s good to see you “You too, Are you working here”Yes, I’m now a doctor here”That’s wonderful, Edward would be happy for you”Yes he would “So how are you a Quartermaine “My grandfather Bradley was Edward son”Oh,Well Welcome to General Hospital we need more doctors we been short staffed “

Carly room-Carly was breathing slowly on her own and she was awake but not talking still when her family was in the room.”Mom, You have to make it” Josslyn said “Josslyn, “Carly said “Mom, You came back to us,” Josslyn said “What happened “Carly asked “Just rest for now,” Michael said he had mixed feelings about Carly being awake.

Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in bed in a coma with Skye and Calista and Rae were waiting for her to wake up as Maya came in.”Rae, Calista this is Maya she is a Quartermaine too and a doctor who will bring your sister back to us” Skye said Maya gave Lila Rae liquid sleeping pills.”What did you give my granddaughter “Rae ask “A liquid sleeping pill it helped my patient I had before and it worked “It does the opposite of coma patients “Yes,We just have to wait “

Wiley/ Amelia room- Wiley and Amelia were in intensive care with oxygen on them as Michael and Portia came in,”How are my children doing “Michael they both should be improving and they haven’t ye which isn’t good “What choice do I have to help them “Michael ask as AJ came in.”I’m sorry but there isn’t any thing we can do for them both of their lungs were damaged in the accident the oxygen is the only thing that is keeping them alive right now and they both will be brain damaged “Portia said 

Revelation ch 51 part 3

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned was on the phone.”Yes, I want to call a board meeting now we need more doctors working “Ned said as he hung up the phone as Olivia came in.” the Olivia, Are you alright” Yes, I’m on my way to the hospital “ I’ll go with you, I have a board meeting “Is the hospital alright “No we need more doctors working it’s staffed “Ned said ‘ Maybe I can help, “A woman said as she came into the room.”Maya your back”Yes , I’m , I have great news I’m a doctor now and I want to work at the hospital “Yes, I’m sure we will get you a job there,Do you remember Olivia “Yes, I do it’s nice to see you, I’m sorry about Monica and Tracy”Thanks “

At General Hospital- Outside- Skye and Tomas had just share a kiss.”You're still a great kisser “It helps to have a good partner “Yes, Anyway I need to go back to my daughter “Skye said as Ava came by,” So what is your history with each other? Tomas were you in on bringing down Lorenzo “Ava ask “I need to go back to my daughter “I wouldn’t tell anyone Skye , I have your back “Hopefully I can trust you “Skye said “I do hope Lila Rae wake up”Ava said Skye went back inside.”So your in love with your brother widow’Skye and Lorenzo were not married “No,It’s like you took over his life “

Inside General Hospital- Portia was looking at Carly test results as Skye came by.”Dr.Robinson is my daughter coming back to me! What is the next step in bringing Lila Rae back to us” Skye asks “The longer Lila Rae is in a coma isn’t good, You may want to send her to a clinic “No! I’m not sending my daughter away ! Skye yelled “Maybe I can help “Maya said as she came by.”Maya, You’re home”Yes, I’m a doctor and my specialty is in a coma “Are you the doctor that Tomas knows “No, but I been wanting to come home and I heard about what happened and wanted to help”Maya said “ I’m glad you are home, Dr.Robinson this is my cousin Dr.Maya Ward”Nice to meet you, I’ll give you Lila Rae chart”

Revelation ch 50 part 3

 At General hospital-Carly’s room- Lucas had just taken the life support off Carly and was feeling sad that his sister was dying when Carly opened her eyes as Michael and Josslyn came in.”Mom,Are you coming back to us”Josslyn ask “Is Mom coming back? Like I did when I was in a coma “Michael ask as Lucas checked her vitals.”I think she is let’s see if Carly can breath on her own, Don’t make her talk yet “Luca said 

In the hallway- Skye was taking a break from visiting Lila Rae when AJ came in.”Skye,Are you alright? Can I get you anything “Bring my daughter back to me , I want to know who did this! Skye yelled as Anna came by.”Do you know whose car hit my daughter “Yes it was Carly” Will you arrest her if she makes it” Yes, We have a case against her “I hope so” Skye said as Calista came by.”Mother,We need to talk to the doctor ,Lila Rae grabbed my hand, I think she maybe coming back to us”Calista said “That’s great “Skye said as Michael came by,”Michael,How is Carly”AJ ask “Lucas took Mom off life support she open her eyes they are trying to see if she can breathe on her own, my mother will come back “”Michael said “That’s not fair! My daughter is in a coma because of your mother reckless driving and Carly will make it! Skye yelled as Jax came by.”Skye, We need to talk “No! Anna if Carly survived this I don’t want her to survive this accident she deserves to go to jail! Skye yelled “We will let justice prevail “Anna said “I need some air “Skye said “Mother “Calista, Just give me a minute “Skye said she went outside.”Michael you have to understand where you’re aunt Skye is coming from “I do, my mother cause a accident where my wife died, I’m angry too”Michael said 

Skye went outside to clear her mind as Tomas came by.”Skye,If need to I will destroy Carly! I love your girls like my own,No one hurts are family “Tomas said “Thanks you, We did get close when I was looking for Lorenzo and I enjoyed it “Me too”Tomas said he kiss Skye.

Revelation ch 49 part 3

 At General Hospital- Lucas and Jax were talking.”Lucas, Well Carly recovers from this”It doesn’t look good she hang on because of the life support “No”Yes I hate this too, I have to tell my nephew and Niece that their mother wouldn’t recover from this”Lucas said as Michael and Josslyn came by,”No! My mother is going to die”Josslyn yelled “Yes I’m sorry but Carly is only still here because of the life support “No! Is there anything you can do? Another doctor “Michael asks 

At Lila Rae's Room- Lila Rae was in bed in a coma when Rae was in her room,” You have to wake up, You’re mother needs you, All in one night everyone's life was changed “Rae said as she touched Lila Rae's hair as Calista came in.”Rae” Calista, How are you doing? I know it’s difficult “Yes it is, I’m mad at Mother for lying but I also want my sister to wake up I need her” She needs you too will Lila Rae wake up “Calista asked 

In the hallway-  Jax and AJ were trying to help Michael and Josslyn deal with the news when Lulu Lucky and Laura came by,” We are here for both of you, You are Spencer” We can’t lose my mother “I know it there anything we can do for you” Laura ask “Lucas is taking mom off life support right now we didn’t want to be in the room” Michael said as Anna and Mac came in,” How is your mother “Why? Are you here to arrest her “Michael ask 

Carly’s room- Carly was in bed on life support when Lucas and Portia came in and took Carly off life support as Carly open her eyes.”Carly! Are you coming back to us! Lucas ask 

At Lila Rae room-Rae and Calista were in the room talking to Lila Rae who was in a coma still.”Lila Rae, I need you to come back to us , Can you touch my hand “Calista ask as Lila Rae touch her hand.”Is Lila Rae coming back “No it was just an touch “

Revelation part 3 ch 48

 At General Hospital- Skye came out of Lila Rae room she need a minute to herself when Calista came by with Tomas as his phone rang.”I have to take this”Tomas said he left .”So you stay with Tomas last night “Yes,I stay with Daddy”Yes I forgot that we have to pretend, I have lot going on right now, Calista I know your upset with me but right now I need to concentrate on your sister who is in a coma “I understand I just need to inject to everything “Me too, Last night was horrible “Yes it was,I wish it didn’t happen’ “Me too”Skye said as Tomas came by,”Skye, That was a doctor in The City he want to look at Lila Rae medical chat he specialties in coma patient “Really! Is he good “Yes he is one of the best doctors I know, Here is his number‘Thanks you I’m going to call him”Skye said she left,”That was wonderful of you”You and your sister our family to me and I will do anything for, You our a Alcazar “Tomas said as Jax walked behind them and Tomas saw him.”I would rather be an Alcazar than a Jack, We are a force to be reckoned with and you did something no one can ever take away you gave my son back to me and I know you will do the same to Lila Rae “Calista said she hugs him and then turn around and saw Jax.

“Calista,I knew it’s a lot to take in from everything that happened last night but I want to know you and your children “I can’t deal with this right now”Calista said she left .”Stay away from my daughter’She mine not your “Jax said 

Lucas was looking at Carly’s medical chart when Elizabeth came by,” Lucas, How are you doing “Not good, I have to tell Michael and Josslyn it’s time to pull the plug on Carly she not going to wake up “Are you sure you want to handle this case “Yes I need too”, I couldn’t be upset with Carly for what she did to my parent's marriage but I forgive her we have grown into a relationship, We got close this couple of months “I’m glad you both made peace with each other your mother would want that” Yes”

Revelation ch 47 part 3

 At Tomas-Calista was having tea she stay there for the night she wanted space from Skye as she saw her cellphone ringing with Skye name on the ID. Calista didn’t pick it up as Tomas came into the room he like having family around and he like building a relationship with Calista.”Calista, Did you sleep well “No last night was horrible “Yes I know it was, I've been calling doctor appointments to help Lila Rae” Thank you” You both mean something to me, my family “I’m not” Yes you are, Why don’t we go get something to eat and then see Lila Rae “Sure,” Calista said she felt safe with Tomas after all he brought her son home.

At Carly’s- Josslyn wasn’t sure how to deal with the fact that she had a sister as Donna came in,”Josslyn,Where is Mother “Mom was in a car accident she in the hospital “Well she be alright “I don’t know “

At General Hospital- Lila Rae room- Lila Rae is lying in the bed in a coma when Skye was sleeping on a chair she had been there all night when Rae came in holding a coffee cup in her hand and woke up Skye,” Rae, Why are you doing here” I wanted to check on you and Lila Rae, I have some coffee for you “Rae said she gives it to Skye.”Thanks I most of falling bask to sleep after trying to call Calista “Have you talk to her “Not since last night she upset with me”Last night was horrible “Yes it was! I want to know who hit my daughter car! Who put my daughter in a coma”Skye yelled

At The Police Station- Anna and Mac we’re looking at the evidence on the car accident that happened last night as Jax came in.”Do you know who caused the car accident “Jax asked “Yes we do we have our report finished but we can’t make it public yet” It was Carly, wasn’t it? She stormed out of the hotel so angry last night she always hurt someone when she is upset! Jax yelled 

Revelation part 3 ch 46

 At Carly’s -Josslyn was in the living room getting ready to go see her mother in the hospital and she pick up a picture of her with Carly as Jax came into the room.”Josslyn, Are you alright “No., Thanks for staying last night “I’m here for you “What happened last night at the hotel don’t have to get into it now “Yes we do alright, I was angry for all the moments I lost with you because Sonny had me deported and your mother didn’t do anything but forgive him so I team up with Skye to get revenge on you’re mother and Sonny “I’m glad that Sonny is out of our life but did you have him killed! I don’t want to lose you”You wouldn’t,I had nothing to do with that but I did make sure your mother went to jail for insider trading, because of that we lose the hotel,It was all your mother who committed the crime no one else “True it was a stupid move,Was Nina in the plan”Yes to be with Sonny”Wow! Anything else “Last night I learned that you have a sister “Who”Calista”That’s why she keep looking at me in the hospital yesterday “Yes”Do you love Skye or mom”Let’s go see your mother “No I want to see her myself,Maybe go visit Calista’Josslyn “I’ll be alright “

At Nina-Nina was in her house looking at a picture of her and Willow together wondering if she should tell everyone her secret when there was a knock on the door it was Ava,” I thought you could use a friend, You know we fool everyone when we ended our friendship in public no one saw what we were up to coming, Take care of Sonny “No they didn’t, I have no regrets in it” Me either, I have my daughter to myself, Nina Are you alright I'm not sure what to do about the fact that Willow isn’t my daughter, I love Wiley and Amelia so much and I want to be in their life” Then you keep the secret to yourself, You can still be close with Sasha still “Sasha is doing so much better working with me” That’s great “She a smart businesswoman “Just like her mother “I don’t regret what I did by destroying both Carly and Sonny” Same here

At The Quartermaine mansion- Michael was having coffee when AJ came into the room he wanted to help his son.”Michael, How are you holding up “Not good, I hate that my wife is gone my children are in the ICU and my mother is on life support “I know, I’m sorry about Willow she loves you “I love her too it was first a marriage of convenience and then it turns to love”

Revelation ch 45 part 3

 At General hospital-Michael was getting inpatient waiting on news about his family when Aj came by,”Michael, I’m here for you”Thanks I just can’t lose my wife and children and mom, I know the history you have together “My history I have with your mother isn’t something you need to worry about “I heard what happened tonight I can’t believe Jax did this”He was upset because he miss so much with Josslyn any parent would feel the same way “probably “Michael said as Portia and Lucas and TJ and Elizabeth came by.

“We have news on your love ones “Lucas said as Calista took her mother’s hand.”What is it”Michael ask “Willow didn’t make it, I’m sorry,We did everything we could “Lucas said “No! What about my children “They are in intensive care and hook up to Oxygen they need a lot of care “Lucas said “No! Willow”Nina said she didn’t know what to do about the fact that Willow wasn’t her daughter.”Carly is on life support right now she injured her head “Portia said “Well my mother make it’Josslyn ask “it’s touch and go right now”Portia said “What about my daughter “Skye ask “Lila Rae is in a coma right now “Well she wake up “We don’t know”Can we see our love ones “AJ ask “Yes. Go ahead “Portia said Josslyn and Michael left and Skye and Calista.

“I can’t believe Willow is gone,” Nina said “Are you going to tell everyone that she's not your daughter “Not right now, it’s still sad” Yes it is,” Ava said 

Portia was exhausted from working the hospital was short of doctors and everyone was over worked as Lucas came by.”This has been a long night “Yes we need more doctors “Portia said as Ned came by,” Portia, Lucas you both look exhausted “Yes, We need more doctors we are short-handed “What about Steven Hardy” He working on getting his license back I'll see what I can do, This hospital has always been important to my family and I’ll make sure it stay the heart of this town “Ned said “Thanks Ned, it’s good to have support and We have Emma who is our medical students “Lucas said 

Carly’s room- Josslyn was in the hallway looking through the window at her mother she didn’t want to see her mother like this when Emma came by.”Josslyn, I’m sorry about your mother “Thanks, it’s not good is it” Josslyn I can’t say anything I’m just a medical student but I’m here for you “Emma said 

Revelation part 3 ch 44

 At General Hospital- Carly’s room-Portia was working on her and Emma was assisting her.”We are losing a lot of blood “Portia said “This isn’t good “No it’s not” Emma said 

Willow’s room-Lucas was working on Willow trying to stop the bleeding as Elizabeth came in,”Dr. Jones do you need anything can’t get the bleeding uncontrolled and Willow hasn’t woke up yet has been unconscious since she got here” Lucas said 

Lila Rae room- TJ was working on Lila Rae who head was injured and she was bleeding.”Lila Rae I can’t lose you “TJ said 

Wiley and Amelia were in a room being look at by a nurse.

In the hallway- Skye was getting impatient waiting on news about Lila Rae when Calista came by,” Mother “I know you’re upset with me but right now I don’t need this” I don’t want to be mad at you, I want Lila Rae to be alright “Me too you both are my life, everything I have done is for you both “Skye said 

Jax and Josslyn we’re talking.”I can’t lose mom, I need her”Josslyn said “You’re mother is strong and she will beat this’ Jax said as Michael came by. “Michael we will fight this we will fight for our loved ones, “Jax said “Sounds like you both had a night at the hotel, You revealed some secrets, “Michael said “Yes it doesn’t matter now,” Jax said 

“Alexis, Do you know what happened tonight “Ned asked “Yes, Jax and Skye and Nina teamed up to get revenge on Carly and Lorenzo and Jason and Sonny, “Alexis said “Nina, Was part of this” Olivia asked “Yes her marriage Sonny was part of the plan Alexis said 

Revelation part 3 ch 43

 At General Hospital-Skye and AJ were waiting on news when the Quartermaine cane by,”Do you know anything! What happened! Ned ask “Tonight at the hotel was an interesting night that’s for sure’AJ said as Jax and Alexis came in,”Yes! A lot of secret came out “Jax said as Josslyn and Michael and Nina and Ava came by.”We don’t know anything yet “AJ said “How did this happened’Michael ask “A lot of secrets happened at the hotel tonight and people were upset, “AJ said as Calista Tomas and Tea came by,

“Calista,I’m glad you’re here”Only for my sister that’s all! I’m still mad at you “Calista yelled “What is going on here”Ned asked “Mother lied about who my father is, it’s Jax” Calista said “I did the best thing for all of you, I need to focus on Lila Rae” Skye said 

Nina was upset as Ava came by,’ I hope Willow and the kids make it” Me too, I’m sorry that you’re daughter was in a car accident “Ava said “Tonight I found out that she, not my daughter “What! My Mother and Harmony did work together on taking my daughter but it’s not Willow and Nellie “Who”Sasha is my daughter the one I always wanted! I don’t know how to feel about it”You can feel happy I know you our closer with Sasha”Yes I’m, I have try to have a relationship with Willow but she keeps pulling away but I don’t want this”I know’

At The Accident scene- Anna and Mac were looking at the cars and trying to figure out what happened.”It looks like Carly car hit Willow and Willow end up hit Lila Rae went she try to stop it”Anna said “I wonder if any alcohol was involved and we should make sure nothing was tampering with especially in Carly’s car she always going to be a track of the mob because of Sonny”Yes”

Revelation ch 42 part 3

At Tomas- Calista was looking at a picture on her phone of her with Lorenzo when her cellphone rang and she saw it was Aj but didn’t pick up the phone.

Tomas and Tea were in the den having a drink.”If Lorenzo know Skye was use him he would destroy him”Tea said “Yes,We need to look into his death”You think Skye plan him getting shot in front of his daughter “I wouldn’t put it past her “Tomas said as Tea cellphones rang and she saw the ID was Skye and pick it up.”Skye, Calista isn’t ready to talk to you, what! I’ll tell her “Tea said she hang up the phone,”Lila Rae was in a car accident “No”Tomas said they went to see Calista who was in the living rooms.”Calista, AJ has been trying to call you There been an accident “No” It’s Lila Rae” Tea said “Let’s go” Tomas said they left,

At Carly’s- Josslyn was reading in the living room she hoped her parents were out making up as her cellphone rang it was Michael,”Michael ,No! I’ll be there “Josslyn said 

At ELQ hotel- Jax was at the bar having a drink it was a long night of secret being revealed when Alexis came in,” Jax, Are you alright “You know Skye's secret “Yes, I wanted to tell you but I thought it sure is her” I can’t believe I was kept from my own daughter’s it worth getting revenge on Carly “That I don’t regret “Jax said as his cellphone rang, Josslyn, Are you alright, no I’ll meet you at the hospital “Jax said he hang up the phone.”There was an accident , Lila Rae and Carly and Willow and the kids “No! Alexis said 

Revelation ch 41 part 3

 Outside The Car collision-Skye and AJ got outside of the car to help the victim.”No! That’s Lila Rae car! Skye yelled she ran to her daughter car and Lila Rae was faced down on the steering wheel with blood on her face.”No! Lila Rae! Skye yelled as Elizabeth came by,” Elizabeth, Can you help my daughter “Skye asked Elizabeth looking at Lila Rae as the paramedics came by,” Elizabeth “Skye, I know it’s hard but let the paramedics work on Lila Rae” Elizabeth said “Skye, I’ll drive you to the hospital “Yes, We just stopped to see if we could help not see that my daughter was in an accident too” Skye said “I know, I’m going to check another car” Elizabeth said she went to Willow car and saw the kids in the backseat and Willow was knocked unconscious.”No! Willow,Amelia,Wiley”Elizabeth said as the another paramedic came by and work on them as AJ came by,”It’s Willow “AJ said “Yes and the kids”How does this all look “Not good this was a horrible accident “Elizabeth said “If it was an accident “AJ said 

Skye walk by the another car and saw Carly unconscious in her car and bleeding on her forehead as Elizabeth and AJ came by.”This was all Carly! She hit Willow’s car which then hit Lila Rae” Carly is a disaster, “AJ said “Yes, if my daughter dies I will kill her,” Skye said “Let’s get you to the hospital and we can call Calista “She wouldn’t take my calls” I’ll call her” AJ said they went into the car.

At Michael's house- Michael was at the new house unpacking he was almost worried about Willow and the children when his cell phone rang .”Elizabeth,What is it,No! I’ll be there “Michael said he hang up the phone.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Brooklyn was getting ready for bed when her cellphone rang.”Aj, What is it! No, I’ll tell the family “Brooklyn said as she hung up the phone Ned Olivia and Dillon came in,” What’s going on” There was an accident, Both Willow and the kids were in it, and Lila Rae” No! Olivia yelled “Who call you”AJ”Was he driving “No it wasn’t him it was Carly “Brooklyn said “We need to get to the hospital “Olivia said 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Revelation ch 40 part 3

 At Michael/Willow new house- Michael was home unpacking their belongings and waiting for Willow and the kids to arrive he was worrying because they were late and called Willow.

Willow was driving with the kids in the backseat Amelia was crying so Willow turn to look at her.”Amelia we are almost to our new home “Willow said 

Carly was driving and crying she was frustrated and humiliated by Jax she saw her cellphone ring and looked at it and didn’t see the car in front of her and didn’t stop and hit the car.

At Tomas-Tomas and Tea came in with Calista.”I talked to the nanny the babies are sleeping so they should be alright till morning “Calista said “Calista I understand you're upset but your mother loves you and Lorenzo did too” Tea said “If he knew the truth he wouldn’t love me” Calista said “That’s not true at all, the family was important to Lorenzo “Tea said “Tomas, Do you still care about me as a family “Yes I do, You and your children are still important to me and welcome here” Tomas said “I just can’t believe my mother lied to me, she know how it feels to be lied to about your family “Calista said 

AJ was driving Skye home when they came across a three car collision.”No, We need to call for help”Skye said “Yes I’ll call for help “AJ said as he pull the car to the aside and called for help.

Elizabeth was driving and came by the car collision and pulled out the aside and got out of the car to help.

Revelation part 3 ch 39

 At Nina-Nina came home from dealing with seeing the fallout of Carly which she enjoyed she poured herself a drink and put it down and open a closet and pull out a boxed from her childhood and sit down on the couch and look through it and found letters from Madeline and read it.”No,My wish is true, Willow and Nelle isn’t my daughter, Sasha is”Nina said to herself 

At ELQ hotel- Skye was upset that her secret was revealed and went by Jax who was still in the dining room.”Jax, I hope you can forgive me I have been enjoying our time together, planning our revenge on everyone and having a relationship I think we have a chance again “Skye said “I need time to inject to all this” I had to keep the secret, Lorenzo would have killed me” Skye said “I do know that” Jax said he left.”Mother, I can’t believe you did this! Did you ever love Daddy”Lila Rae ask “Yes, When I had you I fell in love with him but our relationship changed and I had no choice to take him back when I found out he was alive “You used him, No wonder you didn’t want to marry him, Daddy love you and you broke his heart “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae”I’m going to my room at Bobbie’s”Lila Rae said she left.”So this is why you understand my lie about you”Yes, Are you going to say I told you so”Skye ask “No,Skye was getting revenge worth it”Rae ask as AJ came by,”Yes it was,the mans who destroyed me and my family are gone”Skye said “Skye, let me take you home “AJ said 

Carly was in the lobby and look at Jax who had come in as Elizabeth came by,”Jax,Are you alright “Not really the first time I took revenge on the people who hurt me I end up hurt too”That’s usually what happens “Elizabeth said 

Carly left the hotel upset and went into the car and drive fast.

Revelation part 3 ch 38

 At ELQ hotel- Skye and Nina and Jax just relieved their secret to Carly about their revenge against her and Sonny and Jason as Elizabeth was in the hotel with AJ who was enjoying the downfall of Carly and Nikolas and Tomas  and Tea were there as Skye just admitted she had a secret to share about Jax and Calista since Alexis just pressured her to reveal the secret.”mother,What is going on”Calista ask as Tomas came by,”Why don’t I take the girls home”No! I need to say this! It’s time I admit my secret “Skye said as she cried,”Skye,What is it! Jax ask “Do you remember when I ended up pregnant with Calista! We were wondering if she was your or Lorenzo “Yes I do “Well something must of happened to the DNA test because Calista you are not Lorenzo daughter you our Jax and I “Skye said “No! How could you! Did Daddy know”Calista ask “No, Lorenzo loved you “You lied to me all my life! You lied about who my father is! Calista yelled “I didn’t know you were not Lorenzo till a couple of years ago when you were a little girl you had surgery and you needed a blood transfusion “How did Daddy not know”Lorenzo was out of town when you were sick”Skye said “Well that work for you! Lorenzo would of destroyed you if he know about you and Jax together! Jax your upset with me which I understood but you should be upset with Skye too! She keep your daughter from you! Carly yelled “You destroyed me! You destroyed our marriage by sleeping with Sonny! Josslyn was the only good thing between us”Yes she was but we almost have history “History I want to forget! Jax yelled Carly cried and went into the lobby.

“Jax” Skye said “I wish you would have told me from the moment you realize that Calista is our daughter! Calista I want to get to know you and your children “I’m not your daughter! Calista yelled “Calista, can I do anything for you” Take me home “Calista said she left with Tomas.”Jax, she come around’I didn’t want Carly to see this but I can’t believe you lie to me about something so unforgivable “Jax if Lorenzo know the truth it could have destroyed our plans! You know I’m right “Skye said “Yes”Jax said 

Carly was in the lobby wiping her tears as Nina came in.”So you falling for Sonny was all about revenge “Yes,We would still be together if I never told him that I did the right thing in turn you in to the CDC”What else was your plan “You will never know now that Sonny is gone it doesn’t matter, I don’t care anymore or if you do anything to me, I have a successful magazine and a relationship with Sasha who I wish was my daughter unfortunately it’s Willow “Nina said 

Revelation part 3 ch 37

 At ELQ hotel- Skye was with Rae and her daughters and Elizabeth and AJ had just come into the hotel talking to Nikolas and Tomas and Tea were having dinner when Jax came in and Carly who followed him was upset as Jax admitted a plan of revenge against her and Sonny and Jason and Lorenzo.’Jax now isn’t the time “Skye said “Yes it is! You have always said the satisfaction point of revenge is finally telling your victims what you did to them” Jax said “You both team up to get revenge on me and Sonny and Jason” Carly yelled as Nina came in.”Yes! When we reconnected in London, Jax was devastated that he couldn’t see Josslyn anymore thanks to Sonny who took another biological child from his father and you just stood back and forgave him! We came up with a plan for revenge and we need someone in this town to help us someone unexpected “Skye said “Who? Carly yelled “It was me! I didn’t love Sonny I used him when I found him in Nixon Falls and had amnesia I used him as part of our plan to destroy you and Sonny” How did you become part of this plan “Carly asked “Nina and I know each other from board school before she was in a coma “I should of know you both are alike! Anyway Jax I thought we got past it when you came back again! Carly yelled “I lied! I was waiting for the right time to get my revenge! When I found out you lost the hotel because you committed insider trading and of course, you didn’t take responsibility for it! You let Drew take the fall we both knew it was time to start our plan! So we move on to Aurora and then have you finally pay for a crime you committed! Jax yelled “So you just use me as part of your plan! You didn’t want another chance at us! Carly yelled “No! I didn’t want another chance with you! I had a plan to destroy you even more! Now that Sonny and Jason are not here to save you! I hate you! I hate that you let Sonny take Josslyn from me! Having her visit me wasn’t enough! Jax yelled as Alexis came in.’I will never forget you for taking a child from me! AJ I understand how you feel towards her” Jax said “I’m sorry she hurt you too, She is not worth it! AJ said “Skye, isn’t there something you need to tell Jax? Alexis whispered to her, “You know! Skye whispered “Yes! Tell him now! Alexis said “Alexis, Skye what’s going on? Jax yelled “Jax, Calista I have a secret about the both of you, Calista Lorenzo isn’t your father! Jax is! Skye yelled 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Revelation ch 36 part 3

 At ELQ hotel- Skye was at a table with her daughters and Rae. “Rae, Are you  going to stay here”Yes for a while, I want to be close again with all of you, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you Lila Rae when you were when through all that hell” I have been getting better, I have been seeing Dr.Collins “That’s great it’s important to deal with it, I should have been here to when Lorenzo died” You never like him,” Calista said “Your father was a complicated man “Yes and now his alive” Calista said as Tomas and Tea came in and Tomas look at Skye as he sit down at a table with Tea,

Are you falling in love with Skye”I could see why Lorenzo did, I have to take over his life “Yes but not everything, They were not even married “No, I’m sure Lorenzo didn’t like that “No he didn’t’

Nikolas was at the bar having a drink when Elizabeth and AJ came by Nikolas looked at them and went by Elizabeth and AJ,” So are you two officially together “Yes we are, This time we will get it right “No, he will hurt you Elizabeth but I’ll be here for you again “Nikolas, We are just friends, We been friends since we were teenagers’Yes we did” Nikolas you will find someone “AJ said 

Jax came in and ordered a drink at the bar and then went by Skye table.”Skye,We need to talk “Jax said as Carly came by.”I know it! Just admit it you both are in love! Carly yelled as Skye got up from the table,” Get out of my hotel! You are not welcome here! Skye yelled “No! I want the truth! Carly yelled “You really want the truth! It’s not what you think! Yes Skye and I had something when we both lived in London after living this town! You know when Sonny departed me! We team up to get revenge on everyone who hurt us here! You and Jason and Sonny and Lorenzo! Jax yelled “Jax”Skye said “Mother,What did you do! Lila Rae yelled 

Revelation part 3 ch 35

 At ELQ hotel -Elizabeth  and Aj were in bed from having sex.”Elizabeth,Are you alright “Yes it was fabulous, AJ I never stop care about you when you were gone” After I woke up from the coma I wanted to come back to you I wanted to fix things between us” Me too, This is our second chance “Yes it is, I wouldn’t hurt you this time “We both are not perfect, I was torn between you and Nikolas “Yes” But now I know what I want, “Elizabeth said she kiss AJ.

At Carly’s- Carly was downstairs looking at the information she found in Jax room when he came in,”Carly, What are you doing! Is this is all my personal information “Yes! I know you’re keeping something from me about your time in London with Skye! If you want us to work you need to be honest with me! Carly yelled “My life in London is in the past! Why can’t you just let this go and give us a chance! You keep digging and you will ruin us! Jax yelled “Jax! You are keeping something! Carly yelled “It’s your fault anyway that I was in London! Sonny had me deported and you stood by him! You forgive him for anything but you won’t give me the chance! It’s over whatever we had! I’ll get my stuff ! Jax yelled he grab the information that Carly had in her hand as Josslyn came in,”What’s going on between you two “Nothing it’s over before it starts “Jax said he went upstairs to get his belongings.”Mom,What is going on? What did you do! Josslyn yelled “I just wanted your father to tell me what his life was like with Skye in London “Why”Because I think not only were they business partners but lovers”So you had relationships when Daddy was in London! You both were not together then”Josslyn said as Jax came in with his belongings.”See even our daughter is more mature then you”Jax said “Jax”No I’m done! I did come back for Josslyn she needed me when you were finally in jail for insider trading which you should have been! Jax yelled and left.

“Mom,Go after him”Josslyn said “Oh Joss I think it’s over “Carly said 

Revelation part 3 ch 34

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Rae were still talking.”I want to still be a part of you and the girl's life, I want to meet Calista's children, How are they doing about Lorenzo's death” Rae asks “Lila Rae is working she a journalist with Kristina and trying to deal with what happened to her in Amsterdam and Calista just got her son LJ back he was kidnapped by Lorenzo mother “Wow! How did you get him back “Lorenzo twin brother Tomas is in town he past himself as Lorenzo to get LJ back “Sound like a good guy, is he in the same business “Yes, His just like Lorenzo just a different name “Skye said “Skye, Are you and Jax still together “Rae ask “No, I’m not ready to forgive you but I understand why you did it, I have done a lot of things in my life “Skye said as Calista came in with her babies and Lila Rae. “Lila Rae,  Calista it’s so good to see you both, I want to meet the babies “Me too, We miss you “What do we call you” Rae”

At ELQ hotel- Elizabeth and AJ were having lunch together.”I’m sorry I've been busy with everything “it’s alright, How are you doing with the boys moving out “I know this would happen and I’m glad they are still in town I know they will be alright “Yes they will, Elizabeth I have a secret I need to tell you, Dex is my son” Wow” When I was shot before after I kidnapped Michael and I was in hiding I meet someone and we had sex, Dex was supposed to come back with me when I return but his mother didn’t want him too” I’m sorry you lose another son” Thanks “Did you want Dex to work for Sonny” Dex found out what Sonny did to me and blamed him for us not being together “I understand the anger, I was so angry with my parents I’m glad that we are making peace with each other’s “Yes, I want to move past the anger nothing can stop me with having a relationship with Michael now” No” Do you want to go to a movie or something “Let's get a room” Are you sure “Yes, I don’t want to take it slow anymore “Elizabeth said they went upstairs.

Revelation part 3 ch 33

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Rae came into the house to talk.”Start talking! Did you know that Tracy was my mother not you! Skye yelled “Yes, I learned that day at the hospital when we got our DNA test with Tracy she didn’t know you were her daughter till that day “Why didn’t you tell me? Skye asks “You were already upset with not being Alan’s daughter I can’t do that to you and I talked to Alan he agreed that the best thing was not to tell you so he convinced Tracy to keep the secret “So Alan knows I’m Tracy and Adam daughter! Everybody did but me! I let you back in my life when I became a mother you were there when I had Calista and didn’t say anything “Because I like our relationship, after finding out you were not my daughter I had to deal with the fact that my daughter is dead. I wanted to hold on wa hat I had with you, I love you Skye and the girls you are my everything “Rae said “Why did you come here now”To fix our relationship I been trying to get a hold of you and you haven’t answered “I didn’t want to deal with you”How are you dealing with Tracy as you’re mother “Not good! I’m glad she dead! Skye yelled

At ELQ hotel- Lois and Jax were finished up there lunch.”Is Julie going to take care of Alec when Brenda goes “Julie is busy with work, I’m not sure who will take care of him, Alec is a teenager now”Yes he a little older than Josslyn” Yes,Jax, are you thinking of taking him in? Lois asked “Alec and I had got close when I saw him last and I always wanted more children, “Jax said as Alexis came by and heard that and reminded Skye’s secret about Calista.”Alexis”Lois is good to see you, Jax”You too, I have to go”Lois said she left .”Is everything alright “It’s Brenda she dying and will leave behind her son. I want to raise him”Are you sure “Yes, I always wanted more children “I will help you with it, but what about Carly”Alec is an teenager who just needs some guidance, No Matter what happened between Carly and I will help him”You are a great guy, Brenda hurt you and you still want to help her son”It wasn’t his fault “

At Carly’s- Carly was looking in Jax room and found his passport and some legal papers and went downstairs as Michael and Willow came in.”We have good news we have found a place to live”That’s wonderful “Yes it is,We finally have our own place “

Revelation part 3 ch 32

 At ELQ hotel-Skye was in the hotel dining room waiting on some takeout food as Brooklyn came by,”Brooklyn,How is everything here”Great so far”That’s great you been running the hotel wonderful “Thanks, I want to make Tracy proud’Brooklyn do it for yourself ,Make yourself happy “I will, Have you deal with Tracy as your mother “Brooklyn ask as Rae came behind Skye.”Skye “Rae said as Skye  turned around.”Why are you here”Because I owe you the truth but face to face “Alright let’s go somewhere and talk privately, “Skye said she left.

At a house-Michael and Willow looked at one and it was perfect for them and the kids and at a great price.”Let’s buy it “Michael said they brought the house.

At Carly’s house- Carly was home alone and went upstairs to Jax room and look through his belongs to find information on his life in London .

At Tomas's house- Tomas had come home and had a drink he was happy with his meeting with Ava when there was a knock on the door it was Calista,” Calista, Come in you don’t have to knock “Thank you I want to buy you something to Thank you for everything you did “I would do it again, Family is important to me you don’t have to get me anything “I wanted too, if you’re going to be like my father you need to dress like him” Calista said she give Tomas a shopping bag and he open it was a Italian suit.”Daddy always dressed to the nine and I’m sure you do” Yes I do, Thank you so much, I know this is a compilation but I want a relationship with you and your sister. I was feeling lonely in Llanview now I don’t “I’m glad,it was mine fault that Daddy was murder this whole thing is my fault he would always say you can’t trust anyone that we have to be careful because of this lifestyle “Yes it’s true but I don’t think Lorenzo would want you to blame yourself he loved you “I disappointed him when I got pregnant “Calista said as Tea came in with luggage.”Tea, You’re moving in”Yes I’m,”Yes she is, You and Lila Rae are welcome too, You can stay here in between your mothers “

Revelation part 3 ch 31

 At ELQ hotel-Brooklyn was hosted the hotel she like working at the hotel when Lois came by.”Brooklyn, I have some great news about Baz,We just made a deal with him and his friend who is trying to be a singer too she good and they will be here tomorrow “That’s wonderful “Yes,Brooklyn do you like running the hotel”Yes, Grand wanted me to run it and I wanted her legacy to live on, We can still run L@B  together “Yes we can, I talk to Brenda and told her we been running it , she want to give you her share “Why”Because you been running it and Brenda can’t run it anymore “Lois said as Jax came by.”Lois, Brooklyn it’s good to see you “You too, How are you doing? You're not back with Carly are you” Oh, Lois” Why don’t we have lunch and catch up” Sure I do have some news to tell you” Lois said they sat down at a table.

“Lois, What’s going on? I heard you mentioned Brenda's name “Yes, I did, Brenda wants Brooklyn to have her share of L@B, Brenda isn’t doing well healthy “Yes I saw her when I was in London “Oh, So what was your life in London life” Lois ask as Skye came in and Jax look at her,” Did you and Skye hook up “Lois ask “It was before Lorenzo came back we were ex with benefits “Do you love Skye or Carly” Lois ask “It’s complicated “You’re relationship are” Yes, What about you? Jax ask “I came back to town to help my daughter after Chase broke her heart “Yes, But I’m sure there is someone special for you”You too”I understand that Brenda is dying and we have made peace with each other “That’s good, I do have something else to tell you, it’s about Brenda son”

At Bobbie’s dining-Carly was inside pouring coffee when a woman came in,”Can I have a cup of tea “Sure”Carly said as she looked at her.”Rae Cummings”Yes,Carly it’s been a while’Yes it has, Are you here to see Skye”Yes I just need a minute “I’m sure you do,Rae did you live in London with Skye then”Yes,Why”Was Skye with Jax then “Carly ask “I will not air my daughter business especially to you “Fine “Carly said Rae paid for the tea and left,

Revelation ch 30 part 3

 At Olivia Restaurants -Olivia was working the restaurant getting ready for the dinner rush when Carly came by.”Carly, Are you ready for tonight “Yes, I’m , How are you? Carly ask “I’m good , We are relief to have LJ home”I’m glad his home”Me too, Anyway we need to get everything ready for tonight “Olivia said as Ayden came in.”Ayden, I’m glad you’re here “Yes, I just moved into my own place “Where at”Carly ask “Aunt Bobbie”That’s wonderful “Thanks, So did Danny and Jake”Your first place is always special “Yes, Now I need to get working I need to make money “Ayden said he left.”Wow, They are old enough to move out now” Olivia said “Yes,” Carly said “So are you and Jax getting together “We are taking it slow, But I have a feeling he's hiding something about his time in London with Skye” Carly, Do you want to go there? I’m just scare I don’t want to get hurt “I understand that”Olivia said 

At General Hospital-Lucas was showing Emma around who was starting her residency at the hospital.”I want to be treat like everyone else I don’t want to be compared to my parents “I agreed with that, Living up to your parents legacy is hard “Yes it is”Emma said as Elizabeth came by,”Emma, I’m glad you’re intern here”Me too, I was just telling Dr.Jones I don’t want to be treated any different and not compare to my parents “You wouldn’t be”Elizabeth said 

At The Park- Calista was pushing her children in the stroller she was so happy to have all her children together and LJ wasn’t hurt. “Daddy I hope you’re alright with this lie”Calista said to herself.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Revelation ch 29 part 3

 At L&B records- Brooklyn and Lois were having a meeting.”Brooklyn, I just got this demo from an artist who is trying to get a recording deal in LA, I think we should get him”Lois said she play the demo.”He sounds good we need another new artist since we lose one”Yes,His name is Baz,I have a zoom meeting with him soon”I’ll be there “Good, We need an artist or we have to close “Hopeful it wouldn’t come to that”

At The  Waterfront property- Ned was supervising the groundbreakers on the property when Alexis came by,” So you finally brought the waterfront property, I heard you lost your friendship with Jax over this,“, We are going to build a restaurant and hotel and clinic here and maybe some house but I’m sure Jax will come around this is business ”Ned said “I hope so” Alexis, Do you want to look around “No I need to go” Alexis said she left.

At Ava’s coffee shop-Elizabeth and Sam we’re having coffee together,”This morning I was thinking how crowded my house is right now but I enjoy it, I wasn’t thinking I wish my boys would move out “I know I wasn’t emotionally ready for this”Sam said as Ava came by,”Sam,Elizabeth thanks for coming, Can I get you anything “No Thank “Sam said as Tomas came in.”Lorenzo “Ava said as she went by him.”We need to talk “Tomas said they went into Ava office.

Ava office- Ava and Tomas were in the office.”I’m actually Tomas , Lorenzo twin brother but I have to pass off as my brother to keep my mother in jail “Oh, I know about the plan to bring LJ home but I didn’t know you were going to keep this up”Yes just for now, I will be take over my brother business here”Selina and I have been running this business, Maybe we can work together “You Jerome are a powerful family in town and I’m willing to work together “Me too”

Revelation ch 28 part 3

 At Tomas-Tomas was at home he was like this new life in Port Charles and having a family around him he miss his son who was away as there was a knock on the door it was Skye with Lila Rae and Calista he like Skye and could see why Lorenzo was in love with her.”Come in”Tomas said Skye came in when Lila Rae and Calista.”I was telling the girls that you have to pretend still that you are Lorenzo “Skye said “Yes, I don’t want to replace your father but I do need a new start and I want to get to know you both and protection you from enemies of the family, I have a son I would like to bring him to town and for you both to know him’Tomas said “What is his name “Lila Rae ask “Sebastian, He like to be called Baz his trying to make it in the music industry “Tomas said “Oh, I know this isn’t easy when we see we see our father who’s death is my fault “Calista said “Calista,You’re father and I did disagree a lot in business but he loved you and wouldn’t want you to blame yourself,You didn’t know that you were sleeping with the enemy, He use you and that happened in this lifestyle, You just have to be careful who you trust “Yes I do” We will go with this plan” Lila Rae said “Thank you, You both are welcome to stay here or visit “I’m moving into my place, Bobbie, I should go” Lila Rae, You will need to keep the bodyguard “I will “Lila Rae said “I’m going to go to, I want to be with my children “Calista said she left,

“looks like we are finally alone”Tomas said “Yes,I guess so”You finally have Lorenzo out of your life “You wanted him gone too, Now you can have his life”Well he did try to take mine”Tomas said “Yes he did”I’ll be here for the girls and you “Tomas said he touch Skye face,”I don’t need you in my life I’m just grateful you helped bring my grandson home”Skye said she left.”Soon you all will be my family “Tomas said 

Revelation ch 27 part 3

 At Sam/Dante- Sam and Dante were having breakfast with Danny and Emily and Rococo.”Mom. I have some news”Danny said “What is that”Sam ask “I’m moving out, I rent a room at Bobbie’s Breakfast “I know this day would come you are getting older “Sam said “Yes, I’m ,Ayden and Jake are getting a room too’Danny said “That’s cool “Rocco said “Rocco, Are you thinking about moving out too”Dante ask “Maybe it’s hard staying here and mothers”Yes I know”Dante said “Danny , I’m going to miss you”Emily said “I’ll always be here for you “Danny said “Yes, it’s just time for Danny to fly”Sam said 

At ELQ hotel-Alexis and Steven were having a meeting.”Alexis, Can I get my medicine license back “You have to pay for what happened in Memphis and admit responsibility for it” The patients I was helping were sick there was no way they would recover so I thought it was best to let them go” I understand and I will get your license back “I heard you had to deal with this too “Yes I had to fight to get my license back “I’m glad you did “Me too, I miss it so I understand how you feel “Yes, Being a doctor is who I’m “

At Bobbie’s Breakfast -Elizabeth was there with Ayden Jake and Cameron when Sam and Danny came in,” Danny you’re moving here too” Elizabeth asked “Yes” Danny said as Felicia came in,” Ms.Scorpio” Boys I have a room for each of you” Felicia said “Boys, I want you to respect the rules here” Elizabeth said “We will it’s going to be fine “Ayden said “Yes it is” Jake said “I have a lot of renters moving in today” Felicia said as she left with the boys to show them a room.”I know this day was coming soon I just wanted to be prepared for this”Elizabeth said “Me too, But I think the boys will be alright they have each other’s back “Sam said “Yes they do,They have grown up as brothers “Yes,Rocco may get a room here too his talking with Lulu today”Sam said “That’s nice and Emma and Lucas have room here too”Yes,Let’s go get some coffee’ Sounds good’

Revelation ch 26 part 3

 At The Quartermaine Mansion-Skye was in the den thinking about keeping Tomas as Lorenzo just to keep Juanita in jail she wasn’t sure about how her daughters would handle it as AJ came in.”Skye, I heard that LJ is home”Yes my grandson is home “So this is all over? Does Tomas pretends to be Lorenzo “No it’s complicated, Tomas may still need to be Lorenzo “Skye said as Lila Rae and Calista came in,” What do you mean? Tomas still has to pretend to  be Daddy”Lila Rae ask “Yes, Juanita will cooperates with the authorities on her case if they leave Lorenzo alone “Wow, Juanita really love Daddy”Lila Rae said “Yes she does, Are you both alright with it”Skye ask “It wouldn’t be easy seeing Tomas pretending to be Daddy but if it keep her in jail that’s all that matters “Calista said “Yes, We will try “Lila Rae said “Alright,We need to go see Tomas about all this “Skye said “He really know how to handle Juanita he was great with her “Lila Rae said “That’s good, I was worried about you in the house with her yesterday “I don’t think she really would of hurt us, I think she just wanted LJ to be a part of the business when he got older “it still wasn’t right for her to take my son”I agree “Lila Rae said as Dex came in.

“Lila Rae, Calista I want you to meet my son Dex,” AJ said “Nice to meet you” You too” Dex is moving in here,” AJ said “As I’m moving out today, “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae, Are you sure about that” Yes I’m “

At Elizabeth- Elizabeth was having breakfast with her family thinking about her family when Cameron came in.”Mother “Cameron you’re home “Yes I’m “Elizabeth said she hug her son.”So what have I been missing? Cameron ask “Cameron , This is your Aunt Sarah and your uncle Steve “I’m glad you’re home from college “Me too, I’m on a break “We need to catch up but I’m late for a meeting “Steven said he left,”Mom, it’s been crowded here lately which I’m not upset but I been thinking of moving out”Ayden said “Where too”We both got room at Bobbie’s breakfast “You’re both moving out”Elizabeth said she felt sad,”Elizabeth I know it’s hard but you did great as a mother it’s time for them to fly “Carolyn said “Yes I know “Elizabeth said 

Revelation ch 25 part 3

 At General Hospital- Elizabeth was working she was exhausted and tired from a long night when Calista came in with LJ.”Nurse Webber, my son is home I just want someone to make sure he's alright “I’m so glad he's back in your arms” Thank, Me too I miss so much him” Calista said “LJ is so young he won’t remember any of this” Yes, I’m glad about that” Calista said as Lucas came by.”Dr.Jones can you look at LJ”Elizabeth ask “Yes, I want to make sure my grandmother didn’t hurt him”Sure come with me “Lucas said they went into a room and Lucas look at the baby.”LJ , doesn’t seem to be injured at all, He needs to gain some weight but that’s it”Lucas said “Thank you”You’re welcome, I’m glad this work out and you’re son returned to you unharmed “Me too,Some don’t think I should be a mother because I’m young but I love my children and they deserve the best “Yes they do”Lucas said “I’m going to bring my son home finally “You did the right thing in bringing him here “Lucas said 

At The Police Station- Juanita was in the interrogation room with John,” You’re not just charged with kidnapping but Rico charged to many others we have been wanting to arrest you” I will give you anything if you leave my son alone and never change Lorenzo with anything “Juanita said as Tea came in.”I hope you were not talking to my client without her lawyer “It’s alright I’m willing to make a deal I’m old anyway I can’t run the business anymore “You’re mother is willing to turn cooperation with our investigation exchange to keep Lorenzo out of jail “John said “Mother,Let me talk to John on your behalf “Alright, I’m surprised you’re doing this”Me too” Tea said she went into the hallway with John,

“John, We can’t make that deal my brother Lorenzo is dead” So your mother believes he's alive and that’s what she going to think, I want your mother in jail, “John said as Skye came by,” Did you charge Juanita with Kidnapping “Yes, Juanita is willing to cooperate with our investigations into the business if we leave Lorenzo alone” So what does that mean “Tomas stay as Lorenzo “

At The Quartermaine mansion- Calista was in her children room putting her son to bed.”LJ, You are finally home where you belong “Calista said 

Revelation ch 24 part 3

 At Tomas- Tomas was there with his mother and sister and Lila Rae they were trying to get Juanita to bring LJ home.”Mother, Can you bring me my grandson”Yes, his right outside on the terrace with the bodyguard I been taking care of him, LJ is our family heir”Yes he is, LJ needs to stay with me so I can teach him”You’re right now that you’re alive he belongs here, I will give him to you but I will not be charged with kidnapping‘Mother, I’ll help you get out of this “Tea said “I have seen you as a lawyer you are great in court, I know Victor Mother in the CIA we work together I’m sorry his gone”Thanks Mother “Alright I will surrender “Juanita said she went by the terrace and open the door her bodyguard was there holding the baby she took him as Anna and Mac and John came by holding guns.”Juanita, Give us the baby” Anna said 

Calista and Skye were waiting outside by the police car.”I hate this, You’re sister is inside with your grandmother who is a maniac “Yes and my baby we can’t just sit around “Calista said “Let’s go” Skye said they walked around the property.

Juanita was outside the terrace holding the baby as Anna and Mac and John were holding a gun on her as Tomas came outside.”Now we don’t need to get violent here, My mother will cooperate with you “I was just sick thinking my son was dead when his alive” Juanita said as Calista and Skye came by,” LJ, Give me my son! You have no right to take him! Calista yelled “I’m a better mother then you are”Juanita said as she give the baby back to Calista.”Oh, LJ, I’m so glad you’re home’Calista said “Juanita Alcazar you are under arrest for the kidnapped of Lorenzo Alcazar Jr and many reasons “John said “I will get out of this, Tea will be my lawyer “I’ll make sure you’re treated right “Tea said “I’m going to take my son to the hospital to be checked “I didn’t hurt him,His the future of our family “Juanita said as she left with John. Tea left too,

“ I’m so glad this is over “Skye said “Yes, me too thank you Uncle Tomas”You’re welcome, I’m glad I can help , Lila Rae it was nice having you here “You too”

Revelation ch 22 part 3

 At Tomas-Tomas and Tea arrived home.”I’m glad you’re doing this”For my family besides it wasn’t easy live in Llanview seeing Blair with Todd”I’m sure it wasn’t “I been thinking after this is over to stay here “In Lorenzo house”Yes, Why don’t you move in? I’m sure it’s not easy living in the hotel”No it’s not, But are you sure you can have this house? Tea said as Lila Rae came in,”Lila Rae”You look like my father so much, it’s like his here”I want to help and get to know my family “Yes,I just came to get my belongings I’m moving into a new place “Really “Tea ask “Yes, Why”I been thinking after this is over to stay here in this house if I can”I’m sure it will be fine it’s to sad for us , Daddy was shot here in the living room “I’m sorry Lorenzo is gone he loved you”I know”Lila Rae said as the doorbell rang and Tomas went to open it was a woman.”Mother “Lorenzo, I’m glad you’re home I miss you so much “Juanita said 

Lila Rae pulled out her cell phone and texted Skye about Juanita being here as Juanita and Tomas came in.”Mama”Tea said “Tea, my usefulness daughter “That’s very touching I always wanted a relationship with you I miss be a fool”Tea said “Yes you are”Juanita said “Mother, I want you to meet my daughter Lila Rae”Nice to meet you”You too”Did you come with anyone “Yes but his safe right now , I want to spend time with my son”Juanita said she touch his face.

At The Police station-Anna was working when Skye and Calista came in.”Anna, This plan work,Juanita here at Lorenzo house “Skye said “I know we have been surveillance of her,We have the plan to bring her into custody and bring your baby home “Anna said 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Revelation part 3 ch 21

 At The Waterfront- Ned was there meeting with Skye and AJ.”Ned,Why did you want to meet here”AJ ask “I have some great news about for our company and this property “Ned said as Carly and Jax came in,”You brought this property “Jax ask “Yes! I know you were one of the persons who was bidding for this property but I made a better offer, We will build another hotel here and shopping center and maybe a clinic in honor of Monica”Ned said “I like that idea,Ned this is wonderful it will make us even more richer”Skye said “Yes it will’AJ said “Jax, I’m sorry you lose out but this is wonderful for my family, We need to make sure this community know our family name “Skye said “You sound just like Tracy”Carly said “Yes, Let’s go”Jax said Carly and Jax left,

“Ned, Maybe Calista could host  this she needs a job something she can do and take care of the babies, “Skye said “I don’t have a problem with that we need all the family on this project and Brooklyn has been busy with the hotel and Deception “Yes, Ned I like the idea of opening a clinic in honor of my mother “Me too” Yes”

Tomas was walking on the dock when Alexis came by.”Lorenzo! You’re alive! Why can’t you die”Alexis yelled “I just have good luck “Tomas said as Carly and Jax came by .”You look so much like Lorenzo “Carly said “You know about this plan”Alexis ask “Yes, we have to go along with it for a baby sake”Carly said “That’s the only reason I’m doing it”,You are a thug too”I think I’m going to enjoy this town”Tomas said and left,”He does look so much like Lorenzo “Carly said “Yes he does, Alexis are you alright “Yes”

Tomas was walking home as Tea came by.”I’m glad you’re home I miss you so much “Tea said she hug him as a woman was watching them.

Revelation part 3 ch 20

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye was in the living room looking at a picture of Tracy she still hasn’t deal with the fact that Tracy is her mother she been a little busy as her cellphone rang .”Tomas yes I’m glad you’re here we have come up with a plan, You need to be seen in town so word gets out that Lorenzo is alive “Skye said as Lila Rae and Calista came in and Skye hang up the phone.”Mother,What is the plan to get my son back “Calista ask “Tomas is going in town now we need everyone to believe his your father and when word gets to Juanita she come with LJ”I hope this plan works “Me too”,Yes, I have a ELQ meeting we just need to act like everything is normal “Wait, Mother last night I have made a decision on where I want to live”Lila Rae said “Where”Skye ask “Bobbie’s bed and breakfast “You want to live there? You wouldn’t have an aid” Calista said “I don’t need one I just need my own space “Lila Rae, I understand that but we need to make sure it’s safe, We are not a normal family “Skye said “I know mother “I’ll go with you to check it out and we will bring the guards” Skye said “Alright, can we meet at ten” Yes” Skye said and left,

At Michael- Michael and Willow were talking about moving back to the mansion.”Michael, Do you want to go back to the mansions “I’m glad AJ is back and I want to be close to him but I think it’s time we owe our own house “Michael said “I was thinking that too”Willow said “Alright let’s go look for one”Michael said as Josslyn and Carly came in,”Michael,What is going on”We have decided to look for our own place it’s time “Are you sure , I like having everyone here”Carly said “Yes it’s time to move out “Alright “I have been feeling the same way “Josslyn said “You wanted to move out “Carly ask as Jax came in,”Yes, I ask Felicia for a room at Bobbie’s “Josslyn said “Jax, Our little girl is moving out “Carly said and pull Josslyn closed to her,”It’s time,Josslyn will be fine “Yes I will “So I guess it will just be Jax and Donna with me”Carly said “Let’s go look for a house,The Nanny took Wiley and Amelia out”Willow said “Alright “Carly said “I’m going to pack too”Josslyn said she went upstairs.”I guess I need to get use to them moving out “Yes, I been thinking of a new business adventure for me “Where”The waterfront property is up for sale we could buy it and make a hotel and restaurant “Jax said “I hope you get it, I can’t invest in any business part of my probation “Yes I know “

Revelation ch 19 part 3

 At ELQ hotel- Erica and Nina and Sasha were working on the last minute details .”I hope people come I heard there was a reopening of an apartment building today “Erica said “Yes. But it should be ended soon and then people will come here for dinner “I hope so I give up a lot to move here “Erica said as Skye came in with her daughters. “Skye,I’m glad you’re here “Of course I’m a invest in this magazine and I want it to be a successful one”Me too it’s my new beginning as a model “Sasha said 

At Bobbie’s Bed and Breakfast and tenants -Felicia greeted everyone who was leaving as she felt the spirit of Bobbie leaving too.”Bobbie this town loved you so much, I hope I honor you the way you want me to, I miss you so bad all of you “Felicia said 

At ELQ Hotel-Nina and Erica and Sasha were almost ready for their launch as Lucy came in.”Nina, Erica Kane what is going on”You are just in time to find out “Erica said as Carly and Laura and Kevin and Josslyn and Anna and Emma and Felicia and Maxie came in.”What is going on here”Carly ask as Nina and Erica took the stage.”Thank you for coming to the launch of our magazine, I want to thank my partner Erica Kane for coming on this new journey and Sasha who will be our model and partner too, “Welcome to Brave “Nina said as Erica showed the cover of the magazine It was a cover of Sasha.

Lucy was upset that Sasha’s was now Nina model as Maxie came in.”I can’t believe Sasha left us for Nina! I’m going to sue her”Lucy said “Lucy, I know you’re upset but sue Sasha isn’t going to work “Maxie said “We need to come up with an way to fix Deception “Lucy said 

Carly was having a drink as Nina came by.”Nina, I don’t want to fight right now”Me either, I’m putting the past behind me, my marriage to Sonny and our feud “I agree it’s time to move on”Carly said as they shake hands.

Skye was enjoying the evening with her daughters when she got a text from Tomas about him being in town.

Revelation ch 18 part 3

 At The New Brownstone-Felicia was showing Maxie and Mac around.”This is beautiful you did a wonderful job on the rebuilding of this” Maxie said “Yes you did, Bobbie and Tony would love it” Mac said as Laura and Kevin and Lucy and Anna and Emma and Carly and Lucas and Josslyn and Jax and Michael and Willow came in,” Thank for coming, I loved this building when I was younger I have so many memories of being here with Bobbie and Tony and Lucas and BJ, I did them for Bobbie she was so sad when it close and it’s much needed in the community, Welcome to Bobbie’s Bed and Breakfast and tenets are welcome here” Felicia said as a picture of Bobbie was behind her by the fireplace and Carly and Lucas were touch by it, ‘Felicia, Thank you for doing this in our of our mother “Carly said “It helps me heal by doing this, now you’re mother live on here and Bobbie and with you both” Felicia said “Yes she does “Luca said 

Lucy was looking around as Laura came by.”Lucy, Are you alright “I can feel the spirit of Tony and Bj and Bobbie here tonight “It’s the memories we all have, I remember living here with Lucky and Luke, We drive Bobbie crazy “Yes I remember that”Lucy said 

Felicia and Anna were talking.”Felicia you did a wonderful thing tonight we need this in the community “Yes we do, I need this” Felicia said as Emma came by,” Emma, I’m glad you came “Me too, I want a room here “Of course you can stay here” Felicia said 

Laura and Lucy were still talking.”Laura is it true that Lorenzo Alcazar is alive “Lucy ask 

At Lorenzo old house- Tomas came into his late brother house and look around the house.”Home sweet home “Tomas said to himself as he poured himself a drink.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Revelation ch 17 part 3

 At Llanview-Tomas house- Tomas was at his house he was a little bored in Llanview after breaking up with Blair he really didn’t want to be in town with her and seeing Blair together with Todd as there was a knock on the door it was Blair, “Blair, Why are you here”You’re family in Port Charles needs your help, Your brother Lorenzo family,His significant others Skye been trying to call you “I have been getting an unknown caller “Yes, a little boy is missing, You’re nephew “What do I have to do” Pretend to be your brother Lorenzo, They think you’re mother took him” I’ll do it, Thanks, Do you want me to go with you’No , Blair we can’t be friends and maybe this will be my new start I been looking for, it’s been hard living in this town seeing you happy with Todd”Well I hope you find your happiness and bring the little boy home “Me too, I’ll get ready to go”Tomas said “Yes, I do have one thing to say , I saw your mother in town today at the park with the baby “Was he harmed “No”My mother probably wants to use him to work for the CIA like we do”Probably but his just a baby “Yes, I sure go”Tomas  said Blair left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ and Ned were talking.”So is Dex your only son that’s we don’t know about “Yes”Did Monica know he was your son”Ned ask “Yes Monica know Dex is my son “AJ said as Dex came in with his luggage as Brooklyn and Skye came in,”Dex, Why are you here? With Luggage “Brooklyn ask “Dex, is my son with another woman and I ask him to stay here after all his an Quartermaine “AJ said “You’re AJ son! Is that why you work for Sonny” Brooklyn asked “Dex is loyal to the family not the enemy of our family, Dex, Let me show you a room” AJ said “Wait, I need to talk to everyone “Skye said Skye's cellphone rang and she saw it was Tomas on the ID and she answered it.”Tomas, Are you going to help”Skye ask as Calista and Lila Rae came in and Skye hang up the phone.Mother, What is going on”Calista ask “It’s about the plan to bring your son home, Your father has a brother Tomas he live in Llanview he your father twin and Is going to come here and pass off as Lorenzo to help bring LJ home “His going to help us,What does he want”Calista ask “Nothing this is what family does “Yes”Soon my son will be home “

Revelation ch 16 part 3

 At Bobbie’s- Skye and Tea were talking about the plan to bring LJ home.”You’re going to use my brother on your plan” Yes it will work “I do hope it does bring LJ home but are you sure it will work “Yes, unfortunately, I had to call Blair and tell her, He wouldn’t answer the phone “I will see what I can do say and left as Carly came by with the bill for Skye who pulls out some money and got up.”Skye, I do hope this plan works “Thanks, Carly hold your daughter Donna close to you, I failed Calista in so many ways if I had it my way she wouldn’t be a mother at a young age “Skye, it’s not your fault we can’t stop our daughters from having sex” No we can’t, I just never thought this would be her life she had so many dreams “Skye said as Michael came in,” Skye “Michael I’ll see you later “Skye said and left.”Did my eyes descend me! Were you and Skye getting along “Yes we were, She was telling me a plan to bring LJ Home”Yes, AJ told me”How did your visit with AJ go”Carly ask as Josslyn came in,”Your never going to guess who is Dex father “Who” Josslyn ask “AJ, Dex is my brother’What! Who’s the mother “Someone AJ hook up with when he was gone the first time “Wow! Are you alright “I’m in shock about this “Dex being AJ son make sense “Yes. Dad want me to move in the mansion “Really! Monica wanted you out of the house “Because I let you and Sonny in the house “Oh, if you want to move back I’ll respect it” Thanks “

Felicia was outside of the new brownstone building and looking at the sign when Lucas came by.”Felicia, You name the Brownstone after both my parents “Yes I did, I hope you’re alright with it” Yes I’m, I think it’s perfect “I wanted to honor both Tony and Bobbie I miss them both so much and they both give me so much too” Yes, BJ Heart” Yes. Let me show you around “

At The Park-Dex was thinking about the truth coming out when Josslyn came by,”You’re AJ son”Yes, I’m a Quartermaine “Why didn’t you tell me”You never ask about my parents, it was always about you and your family besides your family hate mine and the feeling is mutual “Dex said and left.

Revelation part 3 ch 15

 At the Quartermaine mansion-Aj was alone when Dex came in,” Dex, Why are you here” Because I hate being away from you it’s been too long I want to tell everyone I’m your son” Dex said “I know it’s frustrating I want to tell everyone that you’re my son too” AJ said as Michael came in,” Did you just say you’re Dex father “Yes, I’m, I want to tell you it’s just been crazy since I got back “Yes it has, Dex did you know this when you came to town to work with me” Yes, That’s why I agree to bring Sonny down “Who is Dex mother “Someone I was close to when I was away the first time “Oh” Michael I hope it doesn’t change our relationship “It doesn’t “Michael said as Ned came in.”Dex,Why are you here “Ned ask “Ned , I have to tell you something, Dex is my son”What! Ned ask “It happened when I was away and hidden the first time’Did Monica know’Yes she did “Dex, Welcome to the family “Thank “Yes, I want Dex to move in,You too Michael I know my mother didn’t want you here but she was just upset that you let Sonny and Carly in her house, which I understand and I will honor that”AJ said “I will talk to Willow, I do miss this family’Michael said 

At ELQ-Jeff was waiting for Elizabeth to come they were going to have lunch together when Laura came by.”Jeff, How are you doing “I’m having a good day, Life is good with my children home and we are putting the past behind us “I’m glad you have that chance “Thanks, “Jeff said as Elizabeth came by,” Elizabeth it’s good to see you “You too, Do you want to join us I was just leaving “Laura said as Elizabeth sit down,” Elizabeth you look exhausted “ The hospital has been busy you work to hard” I like my job” I’m glad you do, I’m proud of you as a nurse and mother “Thanks, I’m glad you’re here, I’m glad we put the past behind us” Elizabeth said 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Revelation part 3 ch 14

 At Bobbie’s-Carly and Donna we’re having lunch together.”Donna, I know it hasn’t been easy for you but I want to fix things between us, I want to be a better mother to you “I just miss you so much “I miss you too but this time nothing is going to take you from me”Carly said 

Skye was outside of Bobbie she was exhausted after talking to Blair about the plan when she pick up her cellphone and called Tea who didn’t pick up so Skye hang up the phone and went inside Bobbie’s and saw Carly with Donna and smiled at that little girl and was about to get a table when Carly came by.”What can I get you “I just want some herbal tea that’s all, I’m sorry to interrupt your time with Donna “It’s alright “Carly said she saw the newspaper in Skye hands and the headline and grab the newspaper.”Lorenzo alive”Carly whispered “No, We are hoping that will bring Juanita out of hiding and my grandson home, please don’t say anything “I won’t, I do what him home”Thanks for delivering them, this isn’t what I wanted for my daughter from all of this”Life isn’t how we plan it”No”Skye said as Tea came in.”Skye, Why did you call me”Tea ask “I’ll let you both talk, Skye I hope it works “Thanks “Skye said Tea and Skye sit down at  a table.”What is going on”We may have the plan to bring LJ home, We are going to make it look like Lorenzo is alive, I called Blair she going to help, “Skye said “How” Tea asked 

At Skye’s Media center- Nina and Erica have finally put together their magazine cover and we’re ready for the launch of the magazine.”I can’t wait for everyone to see this magazine “Nina said “You were right about Sasha she is the perfect model “Yes she is,Sasha and I had a special relationship, for while I thought she was my daughter I still wish she was”Nina said “She can still be your daughter it doesn’t have to be biological “No your right “Nina said 

Revelation part 3 ch 13

 At Ava’s coffee shop- Ava was meeting with Skye.”We are going to let everyone believe that Lorenzo is alive we are hoping it will bring Juantia to town with LJ, I need your help with this” Of course we will help bring the baby home” Ava said “Yes I have my men looking for Juanita too” Thanks, We have been looking at all the house that Lorenzo owe” Skye said “How are you going to make it look like Lorenzo alive” We are going to put in the newspaper and move some funds” Skye said “You need someone to look like him” Ava said “Who” I know the perfect person” Skye said Skye didn't know if she could trust this plan but wanted to bring her grandson home.

At Molly’s office -Molly was working she was happy to open her own law firm when Tea came in.”Can I help you “Molly asked “I’m Tea Delago, a lawyer “Yes I have heard of you, You’re a great lawyer like my mother “Yes I’m, I was wondering if you need a partner “Sure, why not” That’s good, I need to be close to my family here” Yes, I’m sorry about LJ” Thanks hopefully he be home soon,” Tea said 

At Skye’s Media company- Lila Rae and Kristina were finished up the newspaper article on Lorenzo when Skye came in,” Mother, We just finished the article “Great, We are going to bring your nephew home”Skye said 

At Llanview- A elderly woman was in the park holding a crying baby as Blair came by.”Can I help you with your baby? “No we are fine, His just hungry “Yes, is that your grandson “I need to go,” The woman said she walked away with the baby and Blair thought that was suspicious and was about to follow them when her cell phone rang.”Blair Cramer ,Why are you calling me! Blair yelled 

Revelation ch 12 part 3

 At Michael-Carly and Lucas were talking to Felicia about Jax past in London.”Skye and Jax did have a relationship in London “Felicia said “I know it! If Lorenzo know Skye cheated on him! Carly yelled “It was just business from what I can tell, Jax and Skye work on a deal together” That’s all” Yes, It was before Skye found out that Lorenzo was alive and then she went back to him “So they never slept together Carly ask “That I don’t know, it’s all in this file,” Felicia said she pulls it out of her bag,” Carly, we all have a past if you want a relationship with Jax let this all go,” Felicia said “Yes I agree, “Lucas said “I just don’t want to get hurt again, “Carly said “I understand that,” Felicia said “Felicia, I’ll see you tonight at the opening of the Brownstone, “Lucas said “Yes you can move in there, I’m glad you’re coming home to the Brownstone “Me too,” Lucas said he walk Felicia to the door, 

Carly look at the file and read it as Donna came in.”Mom, I’m hungry “Yes let’s get some breakfast “Carly said she put the file down,

At Skye’s Media company- Lila Rae was in her office writing about her father being alive and she was feeling emotional wishing this was true when Kristina came in.”Lila Rae, What is going on” Anna and Agent Cates think the only way we can bring LJ home is to make it look like my father is alive “Oh, I’m sorry “I just wish it was true “I know it’s not easy “No it’s not, I know he was a dangerous man but to me he was my father “I feel the same way about mine” Yes you do” Let me help you with this”

At Ava’s coffee house-Ava was working when Selina came in.”Why are you here “Skye called me”Selina said as Skye came in.”Skye, What is going on”It’s about my grandson, I need your help in bringing him home “Skye said 

Revelation ch 11 part 3

 At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ and Ned and Skye were having breakfast together and celebrating last night opening of the casino.”Last night was wonderful running the casino with my son, I want him back under this roof”Monica didn’t want Michael here anymore because he let Sonny and Carly run around this mansion,Not to mention the whole town thought this was a daycare for their children which stop now! Ned said “I agree only Quartermaine children around here’Skye said “I understand why my mother was upset but I miss years with my son’Maybe sent some rules “Skye said “Maybe “AJ said as Calista and Lila Rae came in.”Girls, I talk to Anna and John last night they have a plan to get LJ home”Skye said “How! Calista yelled as the doorbell rang Brooklyn came downstairs in the foyer and opened the door it was John and Anna,” Come in, Everybody is in the Den” Brooklyn said Anna and John followed her.

“Anna, John my mother was just about to tell us your plan on bringing my son home “Yes, You gave me the idea last night when you said Lorenzo would have never let this happen, We make it look like Lorenzo is alive and I believe Juanita will bring your son home, “Anna said “How do we do that” Lila Rae ask “You published a story in your newspaper about your father’s coming home and we make it look like money is moved “Do you think this will work “Ned ask “We have to try but we need everyone in on this not just this family “Alright we will ask around “Yes I’m sure the whole town will help us they just want my son home” Yes, Let’s get started, “Anna said “I’ll go to the office, “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae, Calista’ are you all right with this “Skye ask “Yes, I will do anything for My nephew “I will do anything for my son “Alright let’s do this” Skye said 

At Michael- Lucas was in the living room packing more bags as Carly came in,” Why are you packing “I’m moving into the Brownstone tonight “Why! You can stay here”Because I need my own place “Well I’m glad you came home for my children “We are family and I felt that mom would want me to be here “Yes she would,Lucas is it hard seeing Wiley “No I’m glad his still in my life I like watching him grow up”We all need you”Yes And now it’s time I build my life here”Yes me too”Are you and Jax getting back together “I don’t know I feel like his keeping secret about his time in London with Skye “Oh, I hope you both get back together he was my favorite “I know, I want to try but I don’t want to get hurt “Me too “Lucas said as the doorbell rang Carly went to get it was Felicia.”Felicia come in”Carly said as they went into the living room,”Do you have information on Skye and Jax time in London! Where they lovers”Carly ask “Carly you hire Felicia to look into Jax past! Why don’t you ask him”I did he wouldn’t tell me”Yes I found something about Jax “

Friday, July 12, 2024

Revelation ch 10 part 3

 At The Quartermaine  casino- The town was there to celebrate with AJ and Michael as they opened it everyone was having fun gambling and drinking when Ava came in and, looked around as she went by Nikolas.”Nikolas it’s good to see you, How is everything “Good the business is good “That’s good “What about you” Life is wonderful, “Ava said 

Dillo n was by the bar when Felicia came by.”Dillon,How long are you staying “I’m moving back home I just wish I was here to make up with my mother before she died” Tracy loved you and she knew how you felt “Our relationship was complicated “Yes she was a complicated woman “Yes I can’t believe she gone and Bobbie and Luke” Me too, A lot has changed “Yes, What about you” I’m reopening the Brownstone “That’s wonderful I’ll have to get a room “Dillon said as Lucas came by.”Felicia I heard your reopening the Brownstone “Yes I’m “I need a room, I can’t stay long in the house with my family I need my own space “I feel the same way”

Elizabeth was playing a game as Aj came by holding a drink.”I have a drink for you thanks, AJ can you really run a casino where there is alcohol “Yes I can do this I want to for your my son” I hope you can “Thanks Are you seeing anyone “No what about you” No, Maybe one day we could see a movie or something “I would like that”

Kristina and Willow were talking.”How is working with Lila Rae”I like it we have become good friends we have a lot in common “Yes I’m sure you do”

Skye was walking when Carly came by.”You need to stay away from Jax, I’m going to get him back for good this time “You can have him , I don’t want him anymore the only man I want is my grandson back In my daughter arms “Skye said “Me too “Carly said 

AJ got up and talk to everyone.”Thanks for coming tonight it was a hit opening we made a lot of money “AJ said 

Revelation ch 9 part 3

 At The Quartermaine casino- The town was there to celebrate with Michael and AJ and gamble a little.Olivia and Elizabeth were talking. “Thank you for suggesting my son work at the mansion “You’re welcome, Ayden is a great chef I just hope he knows what his in for”He does I told him about the Quartermaine “That’s good “How is your restaurant doing “It’s going well, I’m glad that Steven is back “Me too my whole family is back under one roof which doesn’t have a lot of room “Elizabeth said 

Felicia was looking at Jax and Skye who were stare at each other from cross the room as Carly came behind Felicia.”Have you found anything “ Not yet but when I do I’ll tell you”Felicia said Carly walked away.

Anna was playing a card game when Calista came in.”You should not be here you’re not old enough “Anna said “I’m not going to gamble or drink anyway have you,u heard anything “Calista asked as John came in.”No I haven’t yet but I promise you I will find your son”Anna said “I hope so this wouldn’t of happened if my dad was alive “Calista said and left it give Anna an idea as John came by,”John, I have an idea of how to get LJ home into his mother arms “Ho We bring Lorenzo home How”

Willow was play a game when Nina came by,” You look good “You too, How is Crimson “It’s been good I will make an announcement soon about it” I’m glad it’s going well” Thank what about you “I’m trying to find a Job I need a new start “Willow said 

AJ was watching everyone gamble away as Skye came by.”This was a great idea a easy way to make money “Yes it was and with my son on my side “Yes,Now if only we could bring LJ home “Skye said as Anna and John came by,”I think we could make that happen, We have an idea into getting LJ home “How”We make it look like Lorenzo is alive maybe then Juanita will want to see him and bring LJ home “How do we do that “Skye ask 

Revelation ch 8 part 3

 At The Quartermaine Casino- AJ and Lulu were greeted everyone who came in as Laura came in.”Lulu you look lovely I’m so glad you are back and have a job “Thanks I’m getting my life back “Lulu said as Sam and Dante came in and Lulu looked at them.”Lulu,Are you alright “I just can’t believe it’s over between Dante and I”I’m sorry baby”Laura said they share a hug as The Quartermaine came in,”AJ, This looks great “Skye said “Yes hopefully you will make us richer “Ned said as Carly and Jax came in with Josslyn  and Michael and Willow.”And Michael too”Carly said “Michael will get his fair share this casino will be a hit said “For Michael's sake I’m glad you’re awake,” Carly said as Elizabeth Sarah and Steve came in.”Elizabe th, I’m glad you’re here”Thanks this is my brother Steve and sister Sarah” Yes it’s nice to meet you both well have fun”AJ said 

Dante and Sam were playing cards when Lulu came by,” I hope you win” Thanks it’s good to see you, “Dante said “You too” So you working here” Yes I’m, I’m getting my life back one day at a time, “Lulu said 

Alexis and Nikolas and Felicia and Mac came in.”Hopefully tonight is a quict night and nothing happened “Yes it would be nice if nothing chaos happened “Alexis said “Well anything seem to happen in this town, Skye ruined Tracy wake”Yes she did”

Felicia was watching Jax and Skye looking at each other when Anna and Tea came in and Tea went up to Alexis. “Alexis Davis “Yes, You’re Tea Delago, yes I’m, I have always admired you as a lawyer, I have been thinking of opening a law office here, Would you like to join me? I work with the DA in town but my daughter needs a law office to join”Maybe I’ll talk to her “Tea said 

Kristina and Nina and Sasha and Erica came in as AJ went up and front to talk.”I want to thank everyone for coming to the opening night of the Quartermaine casino that I will run with my son, I keep beating dead And I’m glad I do I have a lot to be grateful for “AJ said 

Revelation part 3 ch 6

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Calista was holding a blanket she brought for LJ she was missing him so much when there was a knock on the door she went to open it was Tea.”Tea,Why are you here”I know you are upset with me but I love you,We our family “I don’t know you”Yes we are strangers but I want to make it up to you “Mother told me it was my Grandmother who took my son, You saw her and didn’t recognize your own mother! Calista yelled “No I wouldn’t, She didn’t raise me I was giving up to her sister because I was a daughter, My father didn’t want a daughter I’m not useful in the mob as a boy’Oh I didn’t know that”I know there a lot in our family you don’t know “Do you think she will hurt him”No I don’t “Do you think she want to use him for the business “Yes, if you’re father was alive this wouldn’t happen,Juanita needs another mob boss in the family “Tea said as Skye came in,”What’s going on”Skye ask “Tea was just telling me about my grandmother “Yes I believe that this wouldn’t of happened if Lorenzo was alive”Daddy would of keep my son safe “Yes he would “Skye said “I’m going to check on the babies “Yes, We need to get ready for AJ and Michael opening of the casino “Skye said Calista went upstairs.”Tea, Are you here to help us” Yes, I want to know my family “I didn’t want this” I know me either, “Tea said 

At Elizabeth- Elizabeth was enjoying having her house filled with her family when there was a knock on the door she opened it was AJ,” AJ, Why are you here? Don’t you have a busy night to get ready for “Yes,I do,Elizabeth it’s nice to see you “You too, I’m glad your awake”Thanks, Is Ayden here”Yes why”Elizabeth ask as Ayden came in the room.”Ayden, I’m AJ Quartermaine “Yes we met before “Yes,Anyway my family needs a new cook and I heard you are one of the best “You want me to work for your family “Yes it pays well and you can stay in one of the gatehouse rate free”Wow! That’s a nice offer but my son is working for Olivia “I talk to Olivia and she support this”Alright I’ll take it”That’s great, Elizabeth I hope to see you at the casino tonight “I’ll be there “I can’t wait to get started “Ayden said AJ left.”Ayden “This is my dream job “Yes it is “Elizabeth said 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Revelation ch 5 part 3

 At Skye’s Media Company- Skye and Jax just had sex and we’re getting dress.”That was fun”Yes it was, Skye”I’m alright I like keeping this secret and having sex with you”Me too”Jax said they share a kiss as Ned came in.”Well this confirms everything “Ned said “Why are you here”Skye ask “Calista was looking at pictures and this photo of both of you fell of the boxes, So you two were together in London “Yes we were “Skye said “Jax, Where you part of the plan to bring Sonny down “Yes I was! He had me deported I missed so much with Josslyn “Yes you did, Ned you can’t say anything “Skye said “I wouldn’t, I’m glad this town is free of Sonny but I want to know everything that you two did, and are up too” Ned said 

At Bobbie’s-Josslyn was working when Carly came in.”Josslyn, Let’s have a break together “Carly said they sit down at the table together.”Jose, Now that you’re not going to be a doctor, What is your plan “I don’t have one”Well you need one now I’m home and with you and Donna you need to take your life back “Yes I will,Maybe I’ll work with Dad”Maybe I’m sure Jax would want that “Are you and Dad back together’No we are just friends “Oh”Josslyn we love you so much “Yes I know”Josslyn said 

At Skye’s media company- Skye and Jax just told Ned about what they did and are planning to.”So now it’s time for Carly to pay besides going to jail what will happen to her “Ned, That’s all you need to know “Alright I just hope you know what you’re in for “I do, Now I need to go” Jax said and left.”Skye, I know you don’t want to deal with having Tracy as your mother but you need to deal with it, You can’t bury it” I know I just can’t believe she and Adam” Yes it sounds like they were in love” Adam was ruthless in life and business they were a perfect fit I guess, I was devastated when I found out Adam wasn’t my father and now finding out Alan wasn’t my father it was devastating too, he know I wasn’t his “I believe he was protecting you and Tracy “Yes for the good of the family “Yes, You probably would do the same “

Revelation ch 4 part 3

 At The Brownstone- Felicia was finalized all the details of the brownstone for opening day when Carly came in,”Felicia, I heard you were reopening the brownstone I had to stop by my mother loved this place “Yes she did,Bobbie was happy her “Yes, With Tony and Lucas before BJ dead and I came to town “Yes, Carly why are you here “I wanted to catch up with you we haven’t talked since my mother death”Yes and you were arrested “Yes anyway are you still doing PI”Yes,Why”I need someone to investigate Jax past In London I think his hiding something about what he share with Skye”You think Jax was with Skye”Yes I do, it’s not that I’m upset with I was with another too but I have a feeling what his hiding is big”I’ll see what I can find “Thanks,When is the reopening of this”Tomorrow I hope you come, it’s going to be a whole new start for this town with a new name “Felicia said 

At Skye’s media company- Skye was in her office working on a deal for Chandler enterprise when Jax came in.”Skye, Can we talk “Jax ask as he closed the door. “Yes, I heard what happened with my daughter I fix it”How could Calista remember she was only five years old”She was six years old , it was a good time “Yes it was you were raised the girls alone and we found each other in London and came up with a plan for revenge’Yes you were upset that Sonny deported you”Yes I missed so much with Josslyn and Carly didn’t help me come back, Getting revenge on her too was icy on top”Yes it was, When I found out that Monica wanted to help get revenge to it all came together, She wanted Sonny dead and she wanted Jason not to have any Quartermaine money and Michael too which surprised me”Yes,Monica and Lorenzo teamed up and us”Yes and the sex was good”Skye said as she kiss him,”Yes it was”Are you going to get back with Carly”No, I’m still angry with her not just for the deportation but for putting my daughter life in risk by working with the mob”So why are you living with her”For Josslyn besides it’s a great cover to finish revenge on Carly “Yes I guess you’re right “Do you need to get back to work “I can take a break “Skye said they had sex on the table.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Calista was in the den looking at pictures that Skye had of them as a family when Ned came in.”Calista what are you doing “looking at pictures of my childhood trying to find something “Calista said as a picture fall out and Ned pick it up as Calista didn’t see it. It was a picture of Skye and Jax together Ned put it in his pocket.”Well good luck with it”Thanks”Calista said 

Revelation part 3 ch 3

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Aj were talking.”So how are you doing with Tracy as your mother “I don’t want to deal with it, I don’t want that women as my mother “Skye, I understand how you feel about Tracy she didn’t treat me better either, have you call Rae”No”Skye, You know what can happen if you don’t deal with this”I’m not going to drink, I’m sorry about the accident “I know,I just glad we both are fine”Me too”I need to go to the casino, Michael And I are going to open it tonight “I can’t wait”Skye said AJ left. Skye went by the bar and poured herself a drink.

At The Park- Calista was pushing the stroller she wish that LJ was home she miss him so much as Carly and Jax came by they were on a walk.”Calista it’s good to see you“Calista, I’m using my connection to help find your son”Jax said Calista was remembered seeing Jax in London.”I remember you coming to see us in London when I was little it was just mother and Lila Rae and I , Daddy was away a lot when I was little “No I wasn’t there”Jax said he didn’t want anyone to know.”Oh, I should get home I don’t want to be out long”Calista said she push the stroller and left.”Jax, What was that about? Every time I ask you about your life in London you shut me down “I living in London and Australia a lot between Port Charles since I couldn’t stay in this town because of Sonny having me deported “I hate that it happened “Really! You forget him that time and marry him”Jax, We are building a relationship I don’t know what it will lead to but I want to find out “Carly said “Then let my past go’Jax said “Jax, We need to start over and get to know each other, I want to make this work‘Carly said as Jax cellphones rang he pick it up,”Jax,No I’ll be right there to take care of it”Jax said he hang up the phone. “I need to go I may of lost another deal to ELQ or Chandler interpreter “Alright go”Carly said she was upset about Jax not answering her about his past.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye was thinking about drinking when she stopped herself as Calista came in with the babies who were in the stroller sleeping.”Graham and Callie are sleeping ,mother I need to ask you something “What is it”Skye ask “In London when it was just us you and me and Lila Rae, Daddy was hiding, Didn’t Jax come to the house a lot “Calista ask Skye remember being with Jax.”No he didn’t,Why would you ask that”Because I remember his accent “No it wasn’t Jax, Maybe a guard, I have to go to work “Skye said she left she hated lying to her daughter and went into the car.”

Inside- Calista took the babies and put them in bed and left the room and went into Skye’s room and search her room.”I know you’re lying to me “Calista said