Thursday, January 7, 2016

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 9

~At England~Lorenzo house~Genevieve was upstairs in her room packing her belongs when Diego came in. “What are you doing”Diego ask “Packing, We our going home, I need to get home to see my daughter”Genevieve said “You have a daughter”Diego ask “Yes, Bianca, I just reconnection with her, I give her away when she was a baby and I just found out she had a child too, I need to get to her”Genevieve said “What about you're doctors”Diego ask as Lorenzo came in. “That’s what we need to find out, I made an appointment for you with Dr Hayward today”Lorenzo said “I don’t care what Dr Hayward says,I’m going home”Genevieve said and pick up a dress and fold it and put it in the box. “Genevieve look at me”Lorenzo said Genevieve look at Lorenzo. “With you're health we can’t risk it, So I want you to stop being so stubborn and listen to what the doctor says”Lorenzo said “Daddy”Genevieve said “Genevieve Rae”Lorenzo said “Fine! Genevieve said “I wish you were not so stubborn you must get that from you're mother”Lorenzo said “I’m nothing like Mother”Genevieve said “Okay, Let’s go, Diego we will see you later”Lorenzo said “Sure, Father I have things to take care of and when it’s time I will go back to Port Charles with you”Diego said “Good”Lorenzo said Genevieve and Lorenzo left.

At Port Charles~Jax house~Jax was taking care of the twins when their was a knock on the door it was Lila Rae. “Lila Rae, Why are you here”Jax ask “We need to talk”Lila Rae said “Alright, What is it”Jax ask “I want to know if you love my mother”Lila Rae said “Yes I do, But you're mother love Lorenzo”Jax said “I know but as much as I do love my father even though he is mad at me, I want my mother to be happy and move on”Lila Rae said “I think you're mother needs to move on too but she love you're father and I can’t force her to stop loving him and I did hurt you're mother “ Jax said “Yeah, You know Mother birthday is soon, I have an idea that may help you get back in mother good grace” Lila Rae said “What is it”Jax ask “Mother’s birthday is soon, We could throw her a party’ Lila Rae said “That may work”Jax said

At England~The Clinic~Dr Hayward was talking to Genevieve and Lorenzo. “You can go home but you need to take you're meds and have check ups with the doctors at General Hospital and keep going to therapy”Dr Hayward said “I don’t need to learn my shapes and colors I know them”Genevieve said “Fine But don’t push yourself and you still can’t be on you're own yet, You sure stay with you're father,”Dr Hayward said and look at Lorenzo who smile at him. “Can I get my life back as a lawyer, I miss the law”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I know this is hard on you but you're brain isn’t the same as it was”Dr Hayward said “No! I sure of never woke up”Genevieve said and got up and cried as Lorenzo stood up. “Genevieve look at me”Lorenzo said Genevieve look at her father. “I’m glad you wake up so you will not be a lawyer anymore but you can do something else that’s not who you are”Lorenzo said “Yes it is! Julian destroy me! This is what he wanted! Genevieve yelled Lorenzo hug Genevieve . “Genevieve, I know this is frustrated for you, But I’m sure their are other things you can do”Dr Hayward said “I guess, At least I have money”Genevieve sad “Yes”Lorenzo said “Daddy, Let’s go home”Genevieve said “I need to take care of you're bills, But wait in the car for me”Lorenzo said “Sure”Genevieve said she left. “So did I tell you're daughter everything you wanted”Dr Hayward ask “Yes, You did, Here is you're check for you're clinic”Lorenzo said and handle David the check. “I hope you don’t regret control you're daughter” Dr Hayward said “I never will, I finally have a chance with my daughter and no one is going to take it away”Lorenzo said and left.

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