Thursday, January 7, 2016

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 32~”Mystery”

At A hotel room~ Diego was their talking to a woman. “So when are you going to let me tell everyone I’m back”The woman ask “Soon, I don’t want you to hurt my father”Diego said “He left us, Lorenzo lied to you he know about you, Lorenzo know that I was pregnant”The woman said “Are you sure”Diego ask “Yes, Lorenzo give me money to get an abortion”The woman said “No”Diego said “You're father never want you then or now”The woman said

At Skye office~Skye was working as Jax came in. “Skye, I have some news”Jax said “What is that”Skye ask “I have to go to my London office”Jax said “For how long”Skye ask “Six months”Jax said “What about the twins”Skye ask “They can stay with you I know this isn’t going to be easy for me but I have to do this it’s also about our children's future”Jax said “What about Josslyn”Skye ask “Josslyn is going with me, I need to teach her how to run that office”Jax said “The twins will miss you but I understand just come back”Skye said Skye hug Jax, “Thank you, I would like to skype with the twins”Jax said “Yes you can , Do you want to say goodbye to the twins”Skye said “I don’t have time”Jax said Jax left.

At General Hospital~Lorenzo was waiting for Genevieve as his phone rang, “Lorenzo, Is it done”Lorenzo ask and hang up.

In Dr Drake room~Dr Drake was looking at Genevieve. “Dr Drake is it true, I can’t be a lawyer anymore”Genevieve ask “Yes I’m sorry”Dr Drake said “I don’t know what I’m going to do, I always love that I have an high IQ and the law, I love all the legal terms”Genevieve said “I know, I wouldn’t know what I would do if I could not be a doctor anymore, But it’s not who you are”Dr Drake said “I guess you're right”Genevieve said

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