Thursday, February 29, 2024

What lies ahead part. 1 ch 49

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella came in with shopping bags and put them down on the floor and went to the bar to pour herself a drink as Lila Rae came into the room.”Gabriella I know what you’re up too”What! I’m just having some water, I just came back from working and shopping “I know you been visiting Daddy”Yes, What’s wrong with that! I love him you haven’t seen him “Till today and I know you and Daddy are up to something and I hope you don’t do help him out of jail “You want our father to stay in jail “Yes, Daddy is a killer and you need to face it like I did”Lila Rae said “How could you say that! About our father! I’m the only one who loves him”Gabriella yelled as Skye came In.”Girls,What is going on? I heard yelling “Skye ask “We our just having a disagreement “About what”What outfit I should wear on my next tour “Lila Rae said she didn’t want to upset her mother.”Oh”Skye said she didn’t buy it.

At The Burn down hotel- Jax and Carly were talking to the investigators about the fire,”The fire was an accident caused by a old furnace,you will need to replace everything if you want a hotel here “The man said as an man came by,”Jax Jacks, Carly Spencer “Yes that’s us”Have a good day “He said as he give them both the certificate mail and left as they open it.”What! The Quartermaine own right to owning any hotel in town! Carly yelled “We had a hotel last time and fought them and we will again, “Jax said “Maybe it’s just time to fold in and let this dream go, Everything is going against us from opening this” Let’s talk to Alexis first “Alright “

At The Quartermaine mansion- Althea was in her room washing her face she was feeling hot when Monica came in to check on her.”Althea, Are you alright “No I've been feeling hot, I think it’s getting worse “Do you want to go to the hospital “No, I just want to enjoy my time before I die” Alright, I will make sure you are comfortable “Thanks And for letting me stay here “You’re welcome “I think I would like some tea “Sure let’s go get some “

What lies ahead part 1 ch. 48

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Elizabeth were sitting on the couch having tea.”Elizabeth, I’m glad you came to see me, I don’t have a lot of friends “I’m glad I came here too” Elizabeth said as AJ and Ned came in,” Elizabeth, Why are you here “AJ asked “To visit Skye,” Yes it’s been nice “Good, I have some new I found in your office “Ned said “I should go” No stay Elizabeth “AJ said “What is it” Skye ask “Remember when we own the hotel before the fire” Yes I do” Skye said as Monica and Tracy and Brooklyn came in,” What’s this meeting about “Tracy ask “I found some interesting information about Grandfather before he died he work to get the right back on ownership of a hotel and we have it, We are the only one in town who have rights to an ownership of a hotel “Ned said “Let me see “Tracy said as she read the information that Ned had.”This is wonderful! Thanks, Daddy! Tracy said as she looked up.”Yes, it is! Ned, I’m glad you found that information “Skye said “Me too” Ned said “This is another win for us, finally we are winning “Monica said “So will you add more hotels “Brooklyn said “Yes I will “Ned said as Alexis came in,” Alexis, Why are you here” Tracy ask “I still have some unfinished business as your lawyer that I need to wrap up. You will need to find another lawyer now that I’m mayor “Alexis said “Congratulations “Skye said “Thanks, I’m sorry about your accident I do hope you find out what happened and recover “Alexis said “Thanks “Skye said 

“Alexis, can you do one last legal thing for us? Ned asks “What” Alexis asks “I found this information from Grandfather he was working on a deal to have the right to be the only family of owns a hotel,” Ned said as he gave Alexis the file,” Yes it looks legal, Jax cannot make a hotel or anyone else, Edward was a smart businessman “Yes he was” Ned said “I have all your cast that I worked on” Thanks, I’ll have to find another lawyer “What about Tea! She a smart lawyer “Skye asked “Call her “Ned said as he walked out with Alexis and they went by the door.”Ned, I still want to see you “Me too,” Ned said and kissed her.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 47

 At Stateville-Lorenzo cell- Lorenzo was in his cell when Lila Rae came by.”Daddy”Lila Rae you haven’t visited me yet”No it’s not easy dealing with you in here “I know and I’m doing everything I can to get out of here “Everything by use Gabriella! I know she been visiting you and lying about it! I love my sister but she is naive when it comes to you I know you will never get out of here”Lila Rae you use to believe in me and think I can do anything “Yes then reality came in, Leave us alone and stop Gabriella from coming here let us move on”Lila Rae said And left as the sheriff came by,”You’re getting a new cell mate “The sheriff said as Johnny walk by handcuffed.”Johnny Zacchara Lorenzo said as Johnny came into the cell.”Lorenzo it’s been awhile “Will now you can both caught up “The sheriff said and left.”I heard you were back And killed Sonny, Congratulations on that” Thanks, I heard you killed an innocent baby and young man trying to kill Sonny “Yes it was a mistake” Yes it was, and not very well covered up “No, The last time I was free I meet Skye she is beautiful and feisty I can see why you forget her for trying to kill you” Well I’m not perfect either “No”

At ELQ-Ned was in Skye office looking through her computer about the deals she was on the verge of signing and look at a account about the hotel deals from when Edward was alive and owned the hotel.”Oh Grandfather this is beautiful, I should of know you would do this “Ned said to himself as AJ came in,”AJ, Why are you here “To see if you need any help here, I want to help out “Thanks I found something from Grandfather that will stop Carly and Jax from owning a hotel or anyone else “Ned said he show AJ the file.”Grandfather was a lot of things but he was brilliant at business “Yes He was, That old goat is going to save us from beyond the grave” Yes he is “Aj said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was sitting on the couch mopping around she hated the way she looked as Elizabeth came in, ‘I hope you don’t mind I just let myself in “No it’s fine, AJ not here” I’m not here to see AJ, I’m here to see you’Me” I know we aren’t friends but I wanted to check on you, you have been thought a lot “Are you here as a nurse or friend “Whatever you need “Elizabeth said as she sits down,” You we’re great with my daughter and I know you and AJ are dating and I couldn’t be happier “Skye said “Thank we are trying “Good you both deserve to be happy “You too” No I’m too ugly to fall in love again “Skye your not ugly “Before this crash, I was trying to deal with my past, With my adopted mother who abuses me, I’m trying to come to terms with it because she dying and I want to move on” I understand trying to forgive parents, my parents sent me to live here and never looked back till now”Was it hard to forgive “Yes, I forgive my mother but my father is another story he always cheated on my mother “That’s hard to forgive , any forgiveness in life or marriage is hard, I forgive Lorenzo so many times till I couldn’t anymore “I’m sure you did, Skye you will recovery from this and get your life back “You’re right I will after all I’m Skye Chandler Quartermaine life had thrown me down many times “We All have been thrown down “Yes it make us stronger “Yes it does “Elizabeth said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 46

 At The Stateville jail-Lorenzo cell- Lorenzo was in his cell when Gabriella came by holding her purse.”Did you bring it “Yes”Gabriella said she pull out the notebook hoping the guard wouldn’t see it.”Give me the notebook and your secret phone “Lorenzo said Gabriella pull them out and handle it to Lorenzo and hide him from the guard as he text someone and then give Gabriella back the phone and notebooks.”Now I want you to pay attention to your phone and make sure no one see it”What are you up too”Get out of here “Yes”Gabriella how is your mother doing “Mother had scar on her arm and face, She want to stay at the mansion for now”I’m glad you’re mother is alright though “Me too”Well you should go, Don’t tell anyone you were here”I won’t “Gabriella,Your loyalty has means a lot to me “I know Daddy”Gabriella said and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was eating Lunch with Lila Rae.”So Lila Rae, What has been going on with you”Nothing just working on the next album,Mother I’m glad you’re alright “Me too, I don’t regret the trip I need to do that to let my past go”Skye said “I understand,Mother do you need anything else? Lila Rae ask “No I’m going to rest, I love you”I love you too”Lila Rae said she kiss her mother on the forehead and left as Tracy came by.”Skye, I’m glad you’re alright “I’m glad you’re alright too, I enjoyed us bonding on the trip” Me too, I meant what I said I’m letting it all go” Me too”

Lila Rae was walking when she walk by Gabriella closet and look into the window and didn’t see Gabriella as she went into the store and Charlotte was working.”Charlotte,Is my sister here”No she hasn’t been here all day, How is your mother “My mother is fine thank you “Lila Rae said wondering why Gabriella was lying about where she was.

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 45

 At Skye’s-Gabriella and Lila Rae were getting belongings for Skye when Gabriella cellphone rang she pick it up from her purse and answered it.”Gabriella ,Don’t say anything “Lorenzo said “Alright Charlotte, I’m glad you unpacked the package that came today’I need you to open the safe in my office the code is our anniversary and bring me the notebook and don’t let anyone know Lorenzo said “Alright “Gabriella said as she hang up the phone.”Is everything alright at the store “Lila Rae ask “Yes,Charlotte is handle it”Good, I’m going to the hotel to pick up mother favorite lunch, I’ll meet you at the mansion “Alright “Gabriella said Lila Rae left and Gabriella went into her father’s office and open the safe and saw emergency money and the notebook.Gabriella looked at the money,”How much is in here? Why do you want this notebook “Gabriella ask herself.

At AJ hotel-AJ was outside thinking about the plane crash as Elizabeth came in,”AJ, Are you alright! You look a million miles away’I was just thinking about the plane crash and what could of happened to Skye and even Tracy I would miss”It was scary but it didn’t happen,Now enjoy Skye here and life”I’m, I don’t want to hide us anymore, I want to tell everyone that I love you”You love me”Yes I always have “AJ said as they share a kiss.”I want to tell everybody too, I don’t want to hide this relationship, I’m finally happy “You deserve it” We both do” Yes”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye was sitting down looking at herself in the mirror and saw the scar and throw the mirror as Jax came into the room.”Jax, I’m sorry “It’s alright I just wanted to check on you “That’s sweet but you don’t want to see me, I’m a freak now”Skye said as Jax came by her.”No you’re not a freak, You are still beautiful “Jax, You always had a way with words “I meant it, I was scared about you when I got the news about the crash”Jax said as Lila Rae came in,”Mother, I have your lunch”Thanks,where is your sister “She went to her store”Oh”Skye said “I should go and let you rest “Jax”Skye it can wait’Lorenzo said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 44

 At Port Charles-Jax and Carly were at the hotel looking at the damage with Mac.”Do you think it was arson? Jax ask “We are looking into it,But the furnace system is old and it looks like it came from that”Mac said “Well we can file a complaint with the insurance “Yes”Mac said and left.”Carly,We will not give up we can build this hotel right here across from the Quartermaine another hotel”Jax said “No we will not give up that’s what they want “Yes they do”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Ned and Monica  and Brooklyn and Gabriella and Lila Rae and Sasha came in with Skye and Tracy and Cecil and Althea who needed to recover from the plane crash .Skye sit down “Girls , Can you get me some of my belongings from our house “Yes Mother “Lila Rae said “Here a list”Skye said “We will go, You just rest”I will”Skye said the girls left.”Do you need anything “Monica asked “No, I’m glad to be home, “Cecil said “We are glad you’re home and we will look into the crash and what happened, “AJ said “I know, Ned we need to talk about ELQ, can you run things awhile I’m recovering “Yes, You just force on your recovery, “Ned said “I will “Skye said “I would like to rest” Althea said “I’ll show you a room “Monica said 

At The Mayor office- Alexis was setting in when John came in,”Congratulations on being the next mayor “Thanks ,You will not regret helping me win “No I wouldn’t, You and. Anna will be great for this town”Thanks “The first order of business make sure Lorenzo Alcazar stay in jail “I will sir you can count on that “Alexis said 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 43

 At New Jersey Hospital -Gabriella was in the hallway on the phone with Tea,”Aunt Tea,Yes Mother is going to be find we are going on an plane and ahead back to Port Charles, Can you let Daddy know”Gabriella ask as she hang up the phone and cried of relieved that her mother was alright.

Skye’s room-Skye was in a wheelchair when AJ came in.”Skye, I’m glad you’re alright, I know biologically you’re not my sister anymore but I love you like a sister still “AJ said “I love you like a brother, not even biological can break our bones at least we are cousins “Skye said “Yes, Did you deal with everything in London ”Aj ask “I still have something I need to deal with but I head a little with Althea and Tracy and Cecil they all were helpful “I’m glad”AJ said as Kim came in holding a bag,”Skye, I’m your doctor Kim Williams I have some cream for you to put on”Kim said as Skye look at her .”Thanks,You have nice red hair like me”Skye said “Thank, I like being a red head “Me too, My daughter Gabriella had it till she dyed it blond just to get my attention “Skye said “I have met your daughters they love you so much “Kim said “Thanks for everything “Skye said as Aj push her out of the room.”You’re welcome Mother “Kim said 

Tracy and Cecil and Althea and Skye were in wheelchair in the hallway with their family.”The Jet is all set  let’s go home “Ned said 

At Port Charles-Stateville-Lorenzo cell- Lorenzo was in his cell worrying about his wife when Tea came by.”I have news about Skye “Is Skye alright “Yes she going to be alright she just has some scars on her body and will be recovering at the Quartermaine mansion “Why not at our house “I don’t know “I’m glad she alright “Lorenzo you need to let her go, I hate seeing you like this “I wouldn’t let her go,When I get out of here I will be fighting for my family “Lorenzo said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 42

 At New Jersey Hospital-Skye’s room- Skye was in bed sleeping when Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”Oh Lila Rae we could of”Don’t say it, We didn’t “No, I felt like we keep losing our family with Daddy in jail “We are still a family,No matter what “Lila Rae said as Skye wake up,”Gabriella, Lila Rae, What happened “You were in a plane crash but you will be alright, You had to be brought to a hospital in New Jersey but will be transferred to General Hospital soon”Lila Rae said as Skye stood up a little in bed and looked at her arm.”Why do I have scar on my arm? Skye ask “You had some glass hit your arms and face but you will be alright mother we will help you”Gabriella said “Yes we love you”I love you both too.,Is everyone alright “Yes, No one died, Cecil is blind but everyone else injured are miner”Gabriella said as Monica came in.”Monica “Skye, You will recover from this If you want I suggest you and the girls come stay with us,” Monica said “I think that’s a great idea, “Skye said “Mother, We can get you a nurse to stay at our house “Gabriella said “Gabriella I think this is for the best, Thanks Monica, I would like Althea to stay with us she has no one and come here to die she has cancer “Skye said “We can arrange that, You rest” Monica said 

At Althea room- Althea was in bed when Kim came in to exam her,”What’s your name Dr,“Kim Williams”Williams”Althea said she was thinking about someone.”Yes, Anyone how are you feeling? Your cancer is terminal “I know I just want to be comfortable and die with my loved one around me, Is Skye alright “Yes she is fine, No one died in the crash “Good”

At Tracy room- Tracy was in bed when Monica came in,”How are you feeling “Fine, How is Skye”Skye had glass shattered on her arms and face and is going to need to recover so she and the girls are coming home with us “That’s wonderful that Skye will be moving in”Yes she wants Althea to stay too”That’s fine, I heard Cecil is blind”Yes she going to need a lot of care”Monica said 

Cecil room- Cecil was in bed feeling sorry for herself and Sasha was holding her hands as Monica came in,” Cecil,How are you doing? Monica ask “Oh Monica not good I want to see”I know we will get you the best care when we get home “Thanks “You are family “

What lies ahead part 1 ch 41

 At New Jersey Hospital-Gabriella and Lila Rae were nervous about waiting on news about their mother when Monica came by,” Why is it taking so long “Gabriella asked “I know it’s hard waiting but we want Skye's surgery to be a successful one we don’t want to rush it, Now I know this isn’t easy and you both feel alone but you’re not, You both can stay at my house with Skye if she needs help recovering “Monica said “Thanks Monica you have been so good to us” Lila Rae said “We take care of our own” Monica said “Yes we do” Brooklyn said 

Ned was coming out of Tracy's room when he went into his pocket to grab his phone as it went off and he answered it.”I can’t talk right now but you will be paid for it, I will make sure no one finds out about this”Ned said as AJ came by and Ned hang up the phone,”So it was you who hire somebody to burn Jax and Carly hotel down “What are you going to do! I took care of this family like always “I’m going to have your back on this, I don’t want Carly to get everything she lose “I figured we would be on the same page “Yes we will, Now we need to make sure our love one are alright, I know Skye is technically your sister but she will always be mine” AJ said “I will never have the same bond you and Skye have and we will take care of our family together “Yes you don’t have to do it alone anymore “No, This time you came back you haven’t screwed up anything “Ned said “Thanks “AJ said 

Gabriella was in the hallway looking at pictures on her phone of her family.”I will make us a family again “Gabriella said as Kim came by .”I have news on Skye “Kim said as Lila Rae and Gabriella took each other hands as Ned and AJ came by with Olivia and Monica.”How is our mother “Lila Rae ask “Skye had a lot of glass that shattered in her arms and face, I got all the glass out but it left a scar “Kim said “Can mother have plastic surgery “Gabriella ask “She needs to heal first but she could down the road ,Skye going to need a lot of care on the scar”Kim said “I will help my niece,I would like to transfer everyone to General Hospital “Monica said “Yes I will help you with the arrangements “Kim said “Can we see our mother “Gabriella ask “Yes, Just don’t over due it”Kim said 

Monday, February 26, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 40

 At Carly’s-Carly and Jax were home watching the election results.”Looks like Alexis is the winner “Yes she going to use that to make sure Lorenzo doesn’t come home “It’s a great thing “Jax said as he looked at his phone.”Why do you keep looking at your phone “I called Ned a few hours ago and left a message asking about Skye’Jax said “I do hope for the girls sake that Skye alright but leave the family alone they are busy “Carly said “You have nothing to worry about, I’m in this relationship with you , I just care for Skye and want her to get the best care “The Quartermaine will make sure “

At Alexis/Anna headquarters-Alexis and  Anna were celebrating their win with their families.”Mom,Are you alright “Sam asked “I wanted so bad to be mayor so I can keep this town safe but no matter what I do it wouldn’t bring your sister back to us” No it wouldn’t but this is a good way to honor her” Yes it is” Alexis said she hug Sam. 

Anna was taking it all in when Robin came by,”So how are you feeling lieutenant? Robin ask “I’m taking it all I can’t believe this happened to me”Well you And Alexis will do great”Yes we will “

At The Hospital in New Jersey- Tracy’s room-Tracy was in bed with a gauze  on her head when Ned came in .”Mother,I’m glad your alright, I called Dillon his in his way”Ned said “Thank ,I love you Ned “Tracy said as she took his hand,”I love you too “Ned said “How is Skye”She still in surgery, You had to be landed in New Jersey so as soon as it’s safe you all will be transform to General Hospital “Ned said “Skye And I bonding in London , Skye had to deal with a lot of pain in London”I’m glad you when but I hate that you were in a accident’Me too “

Cecil room-Cecil was in bed with gauze on her eyes when Sasha came in she took a breath and went by Cecil bed,”Mother it’s me,Sasha”Sasha, Why are my eyes covered “You were in a plane crash, Your at a hospital in New Jersey, Mother you were injured in the crash you are blind”No! Cecil yelled “I’m sorry but I’m glad you’re here and alive I will take care of you “Sasha said “Can I get my sight back “I don’t know but you’re not alone”I’m glad I went to London,I need to help Skye deal with the past and I wouldn’t change that just the crash “I agree I don’t blame anyone for this “

What lies ahead part 1 ch 38

 At Alexis/Anna campaign headquarters-Alexis and Anna were waiting on the results as Laura and Lulu and Felicia And Mac and Robin came by.”I hope you both win”Changes are good because we were the only ones running “Yes”Anna said as Alexis was looking around.”I thought Ned and Olivia would come “Alexis said “You didn’t heard? There was a plane crash that Skye and Tracy and Cecil were in “Robin said “No, Are they alright “The are ahead to the hospital in New Jersey “Robin said “I hope Skye alright she was an important person in my life and Tracy too, I wasn’t nice to her when I was younger “Lulu said “Me too”Laura said as Jackie came by.”I would like to interview you both” Jackie said 

At Carly’s- Carly and Jax came home.”Jax, Are you hungry “No, I’m worrying “I know that Skye means something to you”I hated the way I ended my marriage to Skye, I hurt her for Brenda who ended up breaking my heart,I could of had a marriage with Skye and right after I say I do to Skye I cheated on her with Brenda”Jax said “I can’t stand either of them but I was on Skye side “I know, Carly in London Skye and I didn’t have affair we just work together on business I though her a lot in business now she successful in ELQ but that’s not what Skye really wanted she wanted the Quartermaine to love her a family of her own,You and Skye do have things in common “We do have men in common “More then that “

New Jersey hospitals- The Quartermaine arrive at the hospital hope to fine there family when a in older women came by.”I’m Dr Kim Carr can I help you “I’m Dr. Monica Quartermaine I was on the phone with you about our family members”Monica said “Yes they were in a plane crash , they haven’t arrived yet”Kim said as the paramedics came in with Skye and Tracy and Cecil and Althea. Kim look at Skye .”No it’s you”Kim said “Do you know my mother “No, she just look familiar “Kim said “Mother you have to be alright “Gabriella said to Skye who was unconscious.”We need to exam them now”Kim said Skye and Tracy and Cecil and Althea were pull into room.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 37

 At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ and Ned and Olivia and Brooklyn and Lila Rae and Sasha were worrying about Skye and Cecil and Tracy .”Skye,,Cecil and my mother will be fine they are strong women “Yes they are,I’m worrying about my sister “Lila Rae said as Gabriella came in.”Lila Rae”Gabriella where have you been? We been trying to reach you “I was visiting with Daddy, I saw the notification on my phone about the crash , I’m sorry I wasn’t answering “It’s alright, So Daddy know”Yes, Daddy needs to come home and mother needs to be alright she the only family we have “Gabriella said as Monica came in.”Girls no matter what happened you are welcome here”Monica said “Thanks “Yes”Gabriella said “I just got off the phone with the hospital in New Jersey they are not there yet but we should go and by the time we arrive they will be there “Monica said “What about the election? We should vote first “Olivia said “I voted by mail “AJ said “Me too, let’s go”Ned said as Jax and Carly came  in.”The maid let us in,We want to help” Jax said “There is nothing you can do, Skye and Tracy and Althea and Cecil are on their way to New Jersey Hospital “Monica said “Jax, Thank but we got this” AJ said “Alright if you need anything “Jax said “We know” Ned said they all left the house.

At Stateville-Lorenzo was in his jail cell upset that Skye was in a crash and he couldn’t do anything about it when Tea came by.”Lorenzo, I wanted to come tell you something it’s about Skye”I heard, Gabriella was here when she found out, Tea I need to get out of jail my family needs me, my wife needs me “Skye your ex wife “On paper she is but in my heart she not”I’ll try but I don’t think I can get you out of here “

At Jackie newspaper- Jackie had just finished the article about the plane crash and published it and left to cover the election.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 36

 At AJ’s hotel-Carly and Jax were in the hotel lobby talking about Skye.”Carly, I’ll be honest with everything but now isn’t the time to talk about that, I need to use my resources to local Skye and see where the plane crash”Jax said as Jackie came by and heard Jax talk about the crash.”I do hope Skye and Tracy and Cecil make it and whoever this Althea is,Gabriella and Lila Rae need Skye”Yes they do”Jax said as Jackie left and went to her office.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned was on the phone trying to find answers about the crash when Olivia and Brooklyn and Lila Rae and AJ and Monica came in and Ned hang up the phone.”Have you found any answers? AJ ask “Is my mother alright”Lila Rae ask “No, All I know is the plane crash in New Jersey and they are ahead to the location hospital “Ned said “I’ll use my contacts to find answers at the hospital “Monica said “Lila Rae, Have you heard from Gabriella? She not answering my phone calls “My either I don’t want Gabriella to read about this” Me either “

Ned went to pour himself some water as Olivia came by him.”Lean on me, Let me in”My mother and Sister has to be alright.We have lost a lot and rebuild our family “Yes you have, Tracy and Skye are fighting and they will make it”Olivia said “I hope so”Ned said as Sasha came by.”What’s going on”Sasha there was a plane crash with your mother inside “No! My mother has to be alright, All of them” Yes they do need to be alright “

At Stateview-Gabriella was finish her visit when Lorenzo.”Daddy, I guess I should go”Gabriella, I understand you want me out I want to be home too but don’t do anything “Is that a order “Yes you know I’m a serious man “Yes I know.Alright I just miss our family “Me too”Lorenzo said as Gabriella got up and heard her phone and she pull it out of her purse and saw a news notification about the crash.”No! Gabriella yelled “Gabriella,What is it”Mother plane went down, Daddy mother could be”Don’t say it”Lorenzo said as an office came by.”What’s wrong “My mother was in a plane crash, I need my father to come home “I’m sorry about your mother but that’s not going to happen “Gabriella go to the Quartermaine mansion “Yes Daddy I’ll keep you informed “Gabriella said and left.”Skye you have to be alright, I still love you”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 35

 On the jet-Skye and Cecil and Tracy and Althea were on their way home when the jet felt bumpy.”No! What’s going on” Skye asked “I think we are crashing, “Tracy said “No,” Cecil said “Skye, I love you and I’m glad we found each other and I’m sorry for what happened between us,” Althea said as they crashed down.

At Port Charles Stateville-Gabriella went into the jail and sat down by Lorenzo who had a beard now.”Did you open the letter from me” Yes Daddy, Thank you for the credit card but I want you home more than anything “I know sweetheart but I don’t think I’m getting out of here anytime soon “You can’t give up” Gabriella said as she touch the necklace that she was wearing from Tea.”Who gave you that necklace “Aunt Tea, She said it was your mother “Yes it is, I’m glad she gave it to you “Me too, The Quartermaine threw me a birthday party last night “I’m glad, I love you and wish I was there “Me too” Is Skye still out of town “Yes she supposed to come home today “Good, Don’t give your mother a hard time that she been gone “I wouldn’t, Daddy I’m going to get you out of here “How” I don’t know”

At AJ hotel- AJ was working when Carly and Jax came storming in.”AJ! It had to be you! Was it worth it? Carly yelled “Worth what? I don’t know what you’re talking about “The hotel we brought to fix it was burned to the ground “I’m sorry but it wasn’t me” AJ said “I hope not because I will make you pay” You brought an old buildings they have a lot of problems “Yes they do” Jax said as AJ cellphone rang.”Ned, What is it? No! I’ll call Lila Rae and Gabriella, Skye has to be alright “AJ said as he hung up the phone.”AJ, What’s wrong with Skye” Jax asked “Skye and Cecil and Tracy and Althea were on their way home when the family jet crashed, Ned can’t get a hold of anybody from the airport “AJ said “No, I’ll use my connections too” Jax said “Thanks, I need to find the girls, I need to tell them face to face “Yes you do” Carly said AJ left.”Skye has to be alright she can’t be gone” Jax said “Do you still love her? You never really told me what happened between you and Skye in London “Carly said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 34

The Quartermaine mansion- Ned and Aj were having coffee and talking.”Oh, I have some information, Carly and Jax brought the run down hotel by the river front “Really”Yes they are going to fix it up “Well see about that”Ned said “What are you planning on “You will find out soon “Ned said as Gabriella came downstairs.”Ned, AJ thanks for the birthday party again, I’m going to go home “Do you want some breakfast “No thanks “Gabriella said And left.

At Olivia Italian restaurant -Olivia was setting up the restaurant for the day as Carly came in.”Carly, You look happy “I’m, Jax and I are going to open a hotel we are investing in the old hotel by the riverfront “That’s wonderful “Yes everything seem perfect “Good “

At Alexis law office- Alexis was working on her victory speech when Nikolas came in.”You will win tonight “Thanks, I hope so,” Alexis said “Do you need anything “No you've been great helping me on the Champaign “You can thank me when you win” I should will,” Alexis said 

At The Hotel by the river front it was on fire as Jax and Carly came by and watched their dream come up in smoke.”No! Carly yelled Jax called for help .

At Sasha magazine- Sasha’s was in her office showing Gabriella around.”Gabriella,I’m glad you can work here we need it,Maxie is working here too but I need more staff”No probably I love fashion I wanted to be a fashion designer “Well worked here will help that dream come true “Yes it will

At The Hotel- The hotel was still on fire as the fireman came by and try to put it out.”Jax, this isn’t good “It doesn’t mean this dream of our is up in smoke “

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 19

 At Lorenzo- Lorenzo was having breakfast with his children.”The last couple of days have been so sad” Yes it has” Lila Rae said “Yes if I lose one of you or your brother I won’t go on” Lorenzo said as The maid came in,” Mr.Alcazar you have a visitor “Sent them in” Lorenzo said as Ava came in,” Lorenzo, We need to talk about our future in this town “Ava said “Excuse me girls” Lorenzo said he got up and went into his office with Ava,” What do you want” I believe we could work together “Really, You want to work with me? I did kill your brother “yes and I will never forgive you for that but we have to stop Jerry behind the grave of whatever his planned and my sister and Faith and I believe together we could be powerful”Yes we could be powerful, I don’t know if I could trust you “That make two of us, But I love my daughter more then my hate for you and I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her anymore “Family is important to me too,I will work with you, Let’s have a drink to that”Lorenzo said 

At General Hospital- Donna room-Carly was sitting by Donna when Lucas came in,”Lucas,How is my daughter “Carly,There hasn’t been any chance “No,I have to save my daughter “I know I wish I could of proved that “I know you do, How are you doing with Wiley “I can’t believe his gone it was hard giving him up but at least I could see him”I know, Monica and Willow are planning the funeral “It’s not going to be easy but we have to deal with this”

Maxie came in with her parents and walk by Lucas,”Maxie, I’m so sorry “Thanks ,I’m sorry about Wiley “It’s a sad situation for everyone “Yes,I came to pick up my children “Do you need anything “Nothing you can give me”Maxie said 

At Lorenzo- Lorenzo and Ava were just finished up talking as Anna came into the office.”Well what are you both planning? Do I need to worry “Why are you here”I unfortunately need your help in making sure whatever Jerry has plan next we can stop it”Anna said “That is something we both can agree on”Ava said “Yes this town has enough lose”Lorenzo said 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 33

 At London-Skye was packing up some of her old belongings and it was getting to her emotionally so she went outside and walk a little and ran into friends of hers that she had a crush on when she was young.”Antoinette “Grayson it’s been awhile, I go by Skye now it’s a nickname “Skye, I like it, Why are you here! It’s Been ages “Yes it has, Althea not doing great so I’m taking her back home where I live now “Where do you live “In the states a city in New York “Nice, Do you work “Yes I run a business,What about you”I took over my family business it’s been nice catch up with you “You too “I’m sorry about Althea”Thank “Skye said and went back into the house.

Althea was watching Skye through the window talking to Grayson as she came back inside,”Skye , You know Grayson is single “Althea right now I’m not into finding love , it’s about me right now”You know you still have some another thing you need to deal with,You know what I’m talking about “Althea said “No I don’t “Don’t you remember? You had a baby when you were a teenager and give it up “No I didn’t ! You’re just lying! Skye yelled as Tracy and Cecil came in.”What’s going on”I’m just telling Skye she needs to deal with something else too, When Skye was raped she ended up pregnant and give the baby up if you want to deal with the past you need to deal with all of it”Althea said as Skye cried.”I do remember, when I was pregnant with my girls I keep thinking of that time I was pregnant and scare and give the child away’Skye said “Do you remember anything about the baby “Tracy ask “Yes it was a girl but it was a close adoption “Yes it was but we can find her, Skye it’s going to be alright you can handle this! I remember pushing you to give the baby up, You wanted to raise her you were in your twenties “Yes I should of raise her we had the funds and it wasn’t her fault about the raped”No it wasn’t “Did you give her up in London”Tracy ask “No we went to the New Jersey to give her up so she could have a new start on everything “Yes “We will hire someone to find her”Yes it’s time I’m a mother to all my daughters “Skye said 

In Port Charles -The Quartermaine mansion- Gabriella birthday party- Gabriella was enjoying her birthday  when Sasha came by,” Sorry I’m late, I been staff at the magazine “Really, Do you need help” I was going to ask you I will help” Great, I hope you had a nice birthday “Yes I did, Soon our mothers will be home” Yes they will “Sasha said “Gabriella, Do you want to stay here” Lila Rae ask “Yes” Me too”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 32

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Brooklyn and Aj and Ned and Monica and Tea and Daniella and Lila Rae were there having a party with Gabriella.”Gabriella, Lila Rae I know you have your room at your mothers but the room here that are for you both if you ever need it”Monica said “Thanks you that’s very sweet of you “Lila Rae said “Yes it is, I need some help from you all,Grandmother has told me that all of us together we can do anything, The best birthday present for me would be my father coming home “Gabriella said “Gabriella “Lila Rae said “I understand you wanted your father to come home but you’re father is responsible for my husband dead,I wouldn’t do anything to help him”Monica said “Mother told us what happened and I’m sorry “I don’t blame you or your sister for it and I have made peace with Skye about it and that’s all I’m going to do”Monica said “Why don’t we have cake”AJ ask he was trying to make peace.”Yes,That sounds good “Brooklyn said as Elizabeth And Ayden came in.”Happy birthday “Elizabeth said “Thanks, Ayden that cake looks amazing you are really talented “Gabriella said “Thank “Ayden said 

“Gabriella, I want you to open this”Tea said as she give Gabriella a box she open it and pull out a necklace.”Tea it’s beautiful “Thanks, it’s your Grandmother I have a necklace for each of you , I never know my mother she give me away but she left me a box full of jewelry of hers and I want each of her granddaughter to have it”Tea said “Thanks, Daddy doesn’t talk much about her”I know”Tea said as Dex and Josslyn came i n holding bags.”Sorry we are late”Dex said “I’m just glad you're here I haven’t seen you in a way, I know I seem a little materialistic but I just want my family around me,” Gabriella said “We know sis” Yes we know and we love you, We are glad you’re better with your eating disorder, “AJ said “I will always be in recovery but I’m trying “Yes,” Gabriella said Ned light the candles and they say Happy Birthday.

Gabriella blow the candles out and cried wishing Lorenzo and Skye were here with her and AJ came by her and sit by her.”Thanks for doing this”You’re welcome, I have Lean with everything that happens that family is important “Yes it is, I will still fight for my father to come home “You’re a Quartermaine fight is in your blood “Yes it is”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 31

 At The Governor office- John was in his office working when there was a knock on the door.”Come in”John said as Gabriella came in.”Can I help you”I hope so, I’m Gabriella Alcazar, I was wondering if you would help me get my father out of prison “Gabriella, I understood you miss your father but he was tried and convicted in a court of law and will follow his sentence “I will do anything for you, I just need my father to come home he only plead guilty because he wanted to keep us safe, Daddy love us”Gabriella said “I’m sorry ,It’s out of my hands “John said “I hope you don’t get reelection “Gabriella said and left,

At The Quartermaine mansion- Ned  and Monica were decorated the house for Gabriella birthday party when there was a knock on the door and Monica went to open it was Carly.”Carly, Why are you here? We are getting ready for a party tonight “It wouldn’t take long it’s about the birthday girl “What about my great niece “Monica ask “Gabriella has it in her head that she can get Lorenzo out of jail “Carly said as Ned  came by.”No”Yea she had a run in with Alexis and Anna about it,She not going to take no for a answer “Carly said “Thanks for telling us, We will handle it”You’re welcome “Carly said she left as Lila Rae and Brooklyn and Tea and Daniella came in.”I’m glad you’re here”Ned said “Yes,The birthday girl isn’t here yet” Monica said “Why was Carly here”Brooklyn ask “It was nothing, Tea can I talk to you “Monica ask “Sure”Tea said Monica and Tea went to talk.”It’s Gabriella I guess she is trying to get Lorenzo out of jail “I've been trying too, I have been using all my connections but it’s not going to happen, I’ll talk to her” Thank you, no matter how I feel about Lorenzo, I don’t want Gabriella deserves again “Me either “

Lila Rae and Brooklyn and Daniella were in the den with Ned .”This is nice that you’re doing this for my sister “It was AJ idea”Yes he wanted to make this special since Skye not back “Mother called me she coming home tomorrow “Lila Rae said as Aj came in with a cake shaped like a shopping center.”Wow, That’s an amazing cake Brooklyn said “Ayden made it”AJ said as he put it down and Tea came into the den.”Gabriella is pulling up the driveway “Tea said 

Monica opens the door for Gabriella.”Gabriella, come into the Den”Monica said as they came in the den .”Happy birthday! Everyone yelled “Oh this is a wonderful surprise,That cake is looks amazing “It was made by Ayden Spencer “His very talented “Yes, Gabriella we want you to have a special day “Yes, Let’s open presents “I have a special gift for both of you Lila Rae and Gabriella you have your own room here if you need to stay here this is your home too”Monica said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 30

 At Althea- Skye was still in London and hated that she missed Gabriella birthday and pick up her cellphone and called her.”Gabriella,I’m glad you pick up, I’m sorry I miss your birthday I need to deal with things here but when I get home we will do something special, I love you “Skye said she hang up the phone as Cecil came in.”Skye, Are you alright “No,Today is Gabriella birthday and I should be home “Skye,You have to deal with this,Gabriella will understand “I hope so,Cecil I do miss our relationship I thought I didn’t need you till now”I miss you too, Lying about you as my daughter wasn’t to hurt you, I love you and wanted to keep you safe from Tracy”I understand now why you did it “Thanks can we have a relationship “Yes, I could use all the mothers I need, here I’m with three and when I was little I always wanted one”Skye said “How are you doing with Althea news about her health “I’m not surprised she had bipolar it explains a lot, The abuse I suffer wasn’t my fault “Skye said as she cried and Tracy came in.”No it wasn’t your fault “Cecil said And comfort Skye.”Skye,the abuse you suffered from wasn’t your fault it was the adults who failed you too, It was my fault that I let Althea raise you and my father to “Yes but I’m ready to move on from it, I’m sick of being angry, I have two beautiful children who love me and a business to run and a family, I want to let go of the past “Skye said “I’m glad you are ready to move on,It’s not good to hold the anger “Cecil said “No it’s not, I think it’s time we go home, I’m glad you all came here with me”Skye said “We need to be here too”Tracy said as Althea came in,”Is everything alright “Yes, It’s time to go home, Althea I want you to come with us”Alright, We have a lot of packing to do, Skye I named you in my will as my heir you will have all the money you need and my house “Thanks “Skye said “I did love you Antoinette I’m sorry I hurt you maybe we can go to therapy together “Maybe,I do want you to meet my daughters but if you cross a line “I understand, You’re a better mother then I was”Then all of us ‘The cycle of abuse ends with me”Yes it does “

In Port Charles-Gabriella was walking holding shopping bags and sit down on a bench and pull out her cellphone and look at a picture of her with her family.”I miss us as a family,I’m going to get you home Daddy”Gabriella said as Anna walked by.”Anna Devane,Your running for Mayor right “Yes I’m, Why”Anna ask as Gabriella got up.”You probably have connections I read that you were a double spy”Yes,What can I do for you “Help me get my father out of jail, Daddy been good in jail it’s time for my father to come home “Gabriella said as Alexis came by.”No way in Hell will your father get out of jail, He deserves to be in jail for killing my daughter “Alexis said “Daddy has done his time it’s time to let him come home we need him” Gabriella said “No you don’t, My daughter Kristina will never get to have her own family her whole future was ruined by your sister and then your father “Alexis said “If you want to get votes by your people you will believe in second chance “Not by criminals! Your father who you love is a criminal! Alexis yelled as Carly came by.”What’s going on! “Gabriella I understand you want your father out of jail but it’s not going to happen “Anna said “Yes it will , no one say no to me”Gabriella said “You’re a fool then “Alexis said and left with Anna,”Gabriella “I’m a fool to want my father out of prison “No your not,It’s hard loving someone who is in this lifestyle but I don’t think it’s going to happen “Just watch! I’m a Quartermaine and Alcazar a powerful family and I have connections “Gabriella said and left,

At Lila Rae Studio- Lila Rae was writing songs she had a lot of songs written for a lot of albums when there was a knock on the door it was Brooklyn.”Brooklyn, I just finished writing a song it’s a love song I think it should be my first single “Let’s hear it”Brooklyn said 

Monday, February 19, 2024

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 29

 At AJ's diner -Ayden was working he enjoyed cooking and running the place when AJ came in,” Ayden, How are things going “Great the customer likes the new menu “That’s great, Do you know how to make a birthday cake “Yes, Why” My niece Gabriella birthday is today and I need a cake” I’m on it boss” Thanks, I’m glad you’re the cook here you’re a lot better then the chef we had before “Really” Yes” Thank I not experiencing as another chef” Sometimes you learn on the job” Yes”

At General Hospital-Elizabeth and Portia were working at the desk when Steven came by.”It’s been slow “Yes it has”Steven said as Robin came by.”It’s so nice to be back “Robin said “It’s good to have you back here”Elizabeth said “Yes”Robin said as Monica came by.”Dr.Quartermaine, it’s good to see you here”Robin said “You too, I just had an emergency meeting with the board we are having financial issues and need to raise money fast “Monica said “Will the hospital close “Elizabeth ask “If we can’t raise the money we need to come up with some ideas and have someone raise the money “Monica said “What about Lucy? She's great at the nurse ball” Elizabeth said “Unfortunately she is good at it” Monica said “We will save this hospital “Robin said “Yes we will “Steven said “I hope so” Monica said 

At Gabriella’s closet -Gabriella was folding clothes and feeling sad when she look at her cellphone and saw a picture of her with her family.”I miss all of us together, I’m going to get you home Daddy “Gabriella said to herself as Charlotte came in,”Sorry I’m late”It’s alright we are slow”Yes, Are you alright “Not really, I miss my family and today is my birthday “Happy Birthday “Thanks, I need to get my father out of jail “How”I don’t know”Gabriella said “If I could help you I would”Really? Why”We probably have a lot in common our childhood “Yes,Raise with money”Yes and no one told us no”No the guilt parents feel so they never say no “Yes”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 28

At The Brownstone- Felicia and Carly were talking.”Do you like showing tenants' rooms here? “Yes, Why”Jax and I are looking into investing into another hotel I could use some help running this place “I would love to be the manager here “Thanks, We will talk later “Yes”Felicia said “I do hope Ayden and Jake and Charlotte and Danny and Christy are happy here”Carly said and left,”Felicia, Do you really want this’Yes I do, I need something “I’m happy for you”Yes”

At Bobbie’s- Gabriella came in and sit down as Josslyn came by to take an order.”What would you like”A  chocolat sundae “For breakfast “Yes and fries “Gabriella said Josslyn went by the counters and put the order in as Carly came by.”Josslyn,How is everything going “So far good, What did Dad want”Your father brought a hotel for us to fix up and run”Nice,I’m happy for you”Thanks “Carly said as Gabriella came by the counter.”You’re order should be up soon”I just wanted to sit up here”I’m surprised you’re here”Carly said “It beats a big empty mansion “Gabriella said as Josslyn give her the ice cream and fries.”That’s your breakfast “Yes”Gabriella said she pull out a spoon and eat the ice cream.”Happy Birthday to me”Gabriella said “It’s your birthday “Yes and mother is still out of town and Daddy,Well you know,Birthday used to be a huge thing, We would have a nice day just use together in London, Now Mother In London dealing with all her mothers “Gabriella said “All her mothers”Yes her adopted mother and Cecil and Tracy”Oh, I’m sure Skye will call you and celebrate when she gets home “Carly said as AJ came in and saw Gabriella eating ice cream.”Gabriella, Why are you here? Eating ice cream “At least I’m eating, it’s my birthday “Oh, Happy Birthday, Why don’t you come to the mansion tonight for dinner? You shouldn’t be alone”Sure, I would love too”Gabriella said she open her purse and pull out a letter.”Daddy sent me this letter today I haven’t open it yet, Have you heard from Mother “No,I’m sure Skye will call you she needs to deal with this “I know, I just miss my parents, I miss fighting with Daddy”Gabriella said as she opened the envelope and pull out a credit card.”Oh My God! Daddy sent me a credit card with no limit! Gabriella said “Wow, That’s nice “Yes,I’m going shopping “Gabriella said and left.

“she seen happy now”That’s not what she truly wants or needs “No it’s not,You are good with her”Thank, Did she pay for her food “No”Carly said AJ pull out some money and paid for it.”I do have some news, I’m opening a hotel that will be better then yours “Go ahead and try”AJ said as AJ cellphone rang he pulled it out and saw the Id and answered it.”Skye, You need to come home, The girls are alright it’s Gabriella birthday,What! Why are you going to do that? AJ ask he hang up the phone and touch his face he was worrying about Skye.”Is Skye alright “Carly asked “Why do you care “I don’t but you look upset “I’m just worrying now I need to get a cake,” AJ said and left.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 27

 At Port Charles-Skye’s house- Gabriella came downstairs she was all alone and poured her elf me water.”Happy Birthday to me”Gabriella said as she pick up her cellphone and try to call Lila Rae but she didn’t answer so Gabriella pick up her purse and left.

At an old hotel - Jax and Carly walk in.”Jax, Are you thinking of buying this hotel”I did, We can fix it up and run it together I know you are happy with Bobbie’s and the brownstone but I want a hotel “I want a hotel too, I think this will be a hit for both of us”Yes it will,We just need to fix it up”Carly said 

At The Brownstone- Robin came in looking around remember when she would stay here when she was a little girl when Felicia came by.”Robin “This looks like it use to “Yes it does and it’s been full with tenant “Felicia said as Elizabeth and Ayden and Jake came in.”Elizabeth, Jake, Ayden “Felicia said “The boys are ready to move in”Elizabeth said “Yes we are”Jake said “Carly isn’t here but I told her I would show you a room “Felicia said the boys left with Felicia.”Elizabeth, How are you doing with the boys moving out “I know this would happen but both at the same time “I know it’s hard, How is Cameron “Great he is studying hard, I’m proud of my boys, Ayden got a Job at AJ as the cook “That’s nice”Yes it is”Is there something going on with you and AJ”Yes we are dating again, We did the last time he came back from the dead”Oh, What happened “Carly and AJ lied to me”I hope this time it works “Me too,So what about you and Patrick “We are divorced “Oh, I’m sorry I’m here for you “Thank “

Felicia came back into the room.”The boys are all settled into there rooms”Felicia said as Charlotte and Danny and Sam came in,”Felicia,Danny would like a room “Me too”Charlotte said as Carly came in,”Sorry I’m late”It’s all ready I don’t mind helping out, The Brownstone was my home and I’m glad it’s fully up with tenants “Felicia said as Christy came in with her luggage.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 26

 At London-Althea’s house-Skye was in her old bedroom looking around remembering when she was a little girl playing in her room she walk around and saw her old doll house and touch it as Tracy came in.”So this was your room “Yes”It’s beautiful “Yes I had everything money could buy,a nice house to live in a big better but not what I truly needed a mother love to protect me and keep me safe “Skye said as she cried as Cecil came in.”Skye,How are you doing here? With Althea news about that she sick”Cecil ask “I should be happy that she finally dying after all I wanted her dead but I need closure,I do want to bring her back to Port Charles and get her medicine help”Skye said “If that’s what you want to do “Tracy said “Yes we all need to deal with the past”Cecil said they left the room and went to the Den where Althea was having tea.”

Althea, I do have some questions for you” Skye said “Alright, Do you want some tea or water” Althea asked “No we are find we just need some answers “Skye said as Skye sat down by Althea she looked at her and didn’t see the same woman who abused her.”What do you want to know “Althea ask “Why did you keep me? You blame me for not saving your marriage to Adam so why keep me? You didn’t love me”Skye ask “Yes I love you, I hated that I hurt you I wasn’t well and I was drinking too, I’m not just a woman with a bipolar disorder but an alcoholic, I wish it turn out differently “Me too, I’m a mother now something I never thought would happen to me and I would lay my life down for my daughters “Skye said “I’m sorry I hurt you, I loved you and I wanted to be everything to you that’s why I give you everything “Did you hate Skye because she was my biological daughter from my affair with Adam”Tracy ask “I did resent Skye a little, Adam did know you were his biological daughter with Tracy”Althea said “Daddy know I was his? Skye ask “Yes”Last time I saw him Adam thought I wasn’t His daughter, He thought I was Alan Quartermaine and Rae”Skye said “Adam called me after you both had that fight and I confirmed that it was a lie he try to call you “Althea said “But I wouldn’t take his calls! I was upset and ignored Adam, He must have thought I hated him” Skye said and cried. Althea touched Skye's face,” No, Adam loved you,” Althea said 

“I loved him too,I also love Alan as my father too,I’m proud that I’m a Chandler and a Quartermaine “Skye said “Yes you are,Now tell me about your family “Althea said 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 25

 At London-a mansion-Skye and Cecil and Tracy arrive at the mansion and got out of the car and Skye took it all in and remembers her time here as a little girl.”Skye, Are you alright “Yes I just need a moment “Skye said as they went by the door and knocked as an old maid open the door.”I’m here to see Althea , I’m her daughter Antoinette “Skye said “Come in,I’ll go get her”The maid said and left, “Antoinette “Tracy ask “Yes,That’s my real name Skye is a nickname but I legitimately changed it”Skye said “Antoinette is a great name “Tracy said “Yes, it was my uncle Stuart give me the nickname “Skye said as a old woman came in with grey hair and looked at Skye.”Antoinette my beautiful daughter has return “Althea said and hug her.”Yes it’s me, This is Tracy Quartermaine and Cecil Quartermaine you may know her as Rae Cummings”Skye said “Yes I know who both of them are, Tracy slept with my husband and stole him and Cecil try to steal you away from me”Althea said “Althea,I wasn’t your to steal you took me from Tracy”Skye said “Edward arranged it all ,He thought it was best that you were raise by me and it was we had a happy time together “Althea said “Happy! Do You usually drink most of my childhood “I had a problem I was stressed raising you and trying to save my marriage, You ended up trying to kill me, Now anyway why are you here” I need to make peace with my past” Are you happy that I’m alive “Yes” Do you have a family of your own? I see you married” Yes I’m, Althea I will tell you everything but we need to talk about the past, “Skye said “Antoinette, I’m not well I've been diagnosed with Bipolar, I’m sorry I hurt you I did love you “Althea said “You have bipolar “Yes it’s genetic “That’s no excuse to hurt Skye” Tracy said 

“You hurt Antoinette too you didn’t fight for her you know I had her and you just walk away “Yes I did and I regret it”Tracy said “Cecil,Why did you pretend to be her mother “Because I thought my daughter was really died and didn’t want to deal with that pain”Cecil said “Antoinette,I can’t hurt you anymore I’m finally dying “Althea said as she cried and Skye looked at her and comfort her.”No one should die alone, Why don’t you come home with us? I would like you to meet my daughters Lila Rae and Gabriella “I would love too “Althea said Tracy and Cecil give each other a look they were not sure about this.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 24

 At Bobbie’s diner- Sam and Danny we’re having breakfast together.”Danny, Why did you want to have breakfast together “Because I need to tell you something “What is it”I’m moving out,I just renting a room at the brownstone “I know this would come soon but I’ll miss your “It’s not fair away and Ayden and Charlotte are moving in too”I know it’s not fair I’m just going to miss you at home”I’ll always come to visit “Yes, What are you going to do for a living “I’m going to look for a job today it wouldn’t be to hard I’m have a major in mathematics “Yes you do”Sam said “Mother,You raise me right it’s time for me to go”I know”Sam said Danny left as Sam    was taking a moment when Carly came by.”Sam,Are you alright “I’m just emotional, Danny growing up his moving out “Oh, I remember that it’s hard to watch your children fly away but it’s part of growing up “Yes he got a room at the brownstone “He be alright, Ayden is there “Yes, Ayden and he are close “Sam, It will be alright “Carly said 

On a Jet-Skye and Cecil and Tracy were on the jet going to London and Skye was feeling emotional about to face her past .”Skye, I know this isn’t going to be easy but you can do this “Yes I know I can,I just don’t want too,I never look for Althea because if she was dead she couldn’t hurt me”She still can’t “No she can’t “No, Now I finally have family of my own nothing can take that away “No”

At The Brownstone- Ayden was unpacking his room when Jake came in,”Ayden, I came to help and see if there another room”You want to move on too”Yes,I talk to Mom and she alright “Jake said as Danny came in holding a box.”You’re moving in” Yes,” Danny said “This should be fun “Yes”

At Skye’s- Gabriella and Lila Rae were talking over coffee.”Gabriella , I decided to move out you can have the guest house if you want it”Why! Why all the changes! Gabriella I know it’s a lot but life is about changing “I need to get to my store “Gabriella said and left.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 23

 At Skye’s- Skye was getting ready to leave on a trip she was in the living room with her daughters when the maid came in with Cecil.”Cecil,Why are you here “We need to talk, I heard you are looking into your past”Cecil said “Girls, Can you give us a moment “Yes”Lila Rae said she left with Gabriella.”Why do you care that I’m looking into my childhood “Because I know where Althea is, she is alive “How do you know “I saw her in London we had words she knows that I wasn’t your biological mother “Why do you want to help Me “Because we both need to heal, I do miss you, I hate that I lose you “You’re right we need to do this together but someone else needs to join us” Who” Tracy, I need to heal from all my past to deal with my future “Skye said she made a phone call.

In the kitchen- Gabriella and Lila Rae we’re making ice cream sundae.”I can’t believe mother is divorced Daddy”Gabriella we are going to be alright “Are you going to see him? His so lonely “Maybe,    How was it”It wasn’t easy seeing Daddy like that he looked older” I’m sure, How is the store doing “Great, I've been selling a lot of clothes “Good”

In the living room-Skye and Cecil were talking.”You’re right to heal from the past you need to deal with it with all your mother “Yes “Skye said “What’s going on”Tracy ask as she came in.”I want all of us to go to London we all need to face the past”Yes we do, But are you sure about Cecil coming “Yes, Will you come “Yes”Tracy said as Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”What’s going on”Cecil and Tracy are coming with me to London”You can stay at the mansion if you want to”No we will be alright “If you need anything call the family “Tracy said as Dex came in.”Dex, I’m going out of town “Alright everything will be alright here”Thanks, Girls I love you both and I’ll call you “Skye said “Mother it’s going to be alright “Yes I’ll work and study “Gabriella said “Yes we both will be alright “Yes we will “

Friday, February 16, 2024

What lie ahead part 1 ch 22

 At The Clinic- Elizabeth was happy that she was apart of this as her mother came by.”Sorry I’m late “It’s alright “Elizabeth said as AJ and Monica came by.”Dr.Quartermaine I would like to help you raise funds for this I have years of experience “Carolyn said “That’s great, Let’s go talk to Lucas”Monica said they left,”I’m glad to be part of something I can make a difference in”Elizabeth said “I’m happy for you”AJ said he kiss her for the first time in public.”I know you both were in a relationship “Skye said “Yes we are” Well I couldn’t be happier for both of you” Thank you “You both will be perfect for each other “We hope so” Yes, Anyway AJ I need to go out of town for awhile I was hoping you could keep an eye on my daughters “Yes, Where are you going “To one of my childhood homes, it’s a long story but my adopted mother could be alive “Oh, This isn’t good is it “No it’s not but I need to deal with it” We all have to deal with painful things “Yes”

Lucas and Monica were talking to Carolyn,” I have raised money for the women's shelter and I want to help you both too” Sure we could use it” Thanks “Carolyn said 

At The Women Shelters- Carly was showing Terry around.”Do you have staff here”Yes the doctor from the hospital volunteers here”That’s great “This would be your office,I’m glad you’re doing this “Me too, I was ashamed that my father was an abuser and I wanted to stop the pattern “We are not our parents or to blame for who they are” No we are not,Bobbie would of loved this”Yes with the Brownstone and Bobbie And the clinic And this shelter I feel my mother presented in this town”She always with you “Yes she is “

At Skye’s-Skye was home in her room packing when Lila Rae and Gabriella came in,”Mother,What’s going on”I’m leaving town for business I’ll be home soon”Oh, How long”I don’t know you both could stay at the mansion but I need to do this”Skye said “This isn’t business “No it’s personal, I will explain later “Mother you do what you have to do”Thank “Skye said she carrying the bags downstairs with her daughters as the maid came in,”Mrs.Alcazar there is someone to see you “The maid said it was Cecil.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 21

 At The Clinic-Lucas and Elizabeth and Monica were getting it set up for the opening.”This is going to be a great night “Yes it is”Monica said “Is your speech all ready”Elizabeth said “Yes it is “Lucas said as Carly and Jax and Josslyn and Olivia and Ned and Tracy and Robin and Portia and Alexis and Laura and Anna and Robert and Skye and Felicia and Mac and Maxie and Sam came in.”Welcome to the town's first free clinic this is in honor of my parents Tony and Bobbie Jones, My parents loved this community, and being a nurse and doctors taking care of people no one no matter the cost will be turned down “Lucas said everyone clapped there hands.”Lucas this is wonderful and ELQ will like to keep funding it”Skye said “Thank “Yes it’s just what the community needs “Sam said 

Felicia was looking at a picture of Tony and Bobbie together.”You both would be proud “Felicia said as Lucas came by.”Your parents loved you and they would love this “Thanks Felicia “Lucas said he left as Skye came by.”Felicia I have a lead of where Althea could be, Someone been staying at the London house so I’m going to take a trip “Skye said “Do you want me to come with you”If you want to but I need to do this on my own “I think so too, You can do this”Felicia said “Yes I can , I would like to pay you for your service “Thanks “Felicia said 

Alexis went to talk to Anna.”Anna, I’m going to run for Mayor, I would like you to be my lieutenant “Really “Yes I want to get rid of the mob for good, So far no one has try to take over from Lorenzo “Yes I would run with you”We will make a great team “Yes we will “

Skye went to get a drink as Jax came by.”Skye, I heard you will be running ELQ by yourself “Yes I am, It’s been fun taking the deal you wanted I just made a deal with Chandler Enterprise and I know you’re in financial trouble “Why are you enjoying this? Why! You hurt me”I thought we got past it”I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to get revenge “Skye said and left,

Lucas and Carly were talking.”Lucas this is wonderful ,Mom would love this”Yes she would so would my father “Yes he would “Carly said as Sam came by.”This is a wonderful clinic and with the community support it will be successful “Yes it’s what we need “Yes”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 20

 At Skye’s-Skye was on the phone.”Yes I know it’s been awhile I need some information about Althea”Skye said 

At Carly/Jax-Jax was home he just  hang up the phone as Carly came in.”Jax,We need to talk I want this to work between us but lately it’s been hard you’re hardly here” I know I've been busy with my company getting it financed stable the deals that I keep losing to Skye are hurting me And I need to get back on top” You lose a lot of money “Yes” I’m sorry I do hope you get back on top from Skye “Thank it’s been fun to have some competition, Skye is a very smart businesswoman “I heard some news today she is going to run ELQ by herself, Ned is stepping down from ELQ, Jax I want you to get back on top “Carly ”Thanks “Jax said he kiss Carly 

At AJ hotel- Robert and Laura we’re meeting,”Robert, I been trying to find a replace as the next mayor I think you should run’Laura said as Alexis came by.”Well, I have some news, I’m putting my name in the run for mayor “Really! You would make a great mayor “Laura said “Thanks “Who is your running mate “I asked Scotty “You asked Baldwin, You need someone stronger and it’s not me either “Who”Anna, You both could kick ass”Robert said “Anna”Alexis said “Two women on the ticket, That would be a powerful ticket “Yes and I’ll help you both win”Robert said “Me too”Laura said “I have to talk to Scotty”Alexis said as Scotty came by.”What’s going on? Alexis I been thinking about your offer and I don’t want to be your running mate,But Thanks for the offer “You’re welcome, I’ll find someone”I do hope you win and destroy the mob”Scotty said 

Ava was by the bar having a drink and listening to them.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 19

 At Skye’s-Skye was looking through some old box of her and Althea.”Where are you hiding “Skye ask herself as there was a knock on the door and Skye went to open the door it was Ava,”Ava, Why are you here”Skye ask her as Ava came in.”I want Lorenzo territory “What does that mean for my family “I will keep you and your daughters safe, You don’t have anything to do with the business “No but I did help Lorenzo get ruined of Sonny” Yes and I’m happy about that, My daughter is free of him” What about Dex” I could use him in my business “Oh, Well I don’t care about this, as long as my family is safe “You’re washing your hand of Lorenzo” Yes, I’m divorced him” Well I should go” Ava, Stay safe and your daughter “We will “Ava said and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was on the phone when Ned came in.”Thanks I will take care of it”Tracy said as she hang up the phone.”Ned, Why do you want this music career! You just throw away a big opportunity to be mayor of this town’That was John”Ned ask “Yes he was disappointed that you wouldn’t take his offer so he ask Alexis “Alexis will do a great job”Yes I guess but this is a great opportunity for our family our last name, Ned what if you are lieutenant mayor “Mother it’s time I follow my dreams I was Mayor for awhile and I had to resign “Ned said “Ned “No! I’m not putting my dreams on hold anymore “Alright,I wonder who could be lieutenant”Tracy said 

At Scotty-Scotty was reading the newspaper when there was a knock on the door it was Alexis,”Alexis come in,What kind I do for you”I have decided to run for mayor,Do you want to be my lieutenant “You’re picking me”Yes, you’re a great lawyer and you love this town I think we will be good at it”Let me think about it”Alright, I do want to keep the mob out of this town “I feel the same way, Sonny destroyed my daughter’”Lorenzo killed mine”Yes we have that in common unfortunately “Yes”

What Lies Ahead part 1 ch 18

 At Gabriella closet-Gabriella was on the phone with Charlotte.”Charlotte if you still want that job it’s yours, Yes it’s fine “Gabriella said and hang up as Skye came in.”Gabriella, How is it going “Great, I just hire Charlotte and we just got a order of clothes to hang up”Great,You’re doing well running this store, How was your appointment “Great Mother I have gain weight “That’s wonderful, Gabriella I’m glad you’re doing well , I was worried we would lose you so was your father “I know but I’m still here”Gabriella said as Skye touch her daughter face.”Yes you are, I know you don’t want me to divorce your father but it’s something I need to do and we will be alright “Skye said “Alright, I understand “Good” Just promise me that we won’t have to live somewhere small like the brownstone” We wouldn’t “Skye said 

At Valentin- Charlotte was in her room packing up her belongings when Valentin came in,” Charlotte, What’s going on”I’m moving out , I rented a room at the brownstone “Charlotte “I know it’s something different but it’s what I need and I got a job at Gabriella closet”What about school “I’ll still go to college I need to do this”Alright if you need anything or need to come home”I know Papa but it time I spread my wings”Yes it is, I’m glad it’s not to far”Me too”

At Alexis law office-Alexis was working she enjoyed getting her license back when John came in,”John it’s been awhile “Alexis said “Yes it has, Alexis I’m glad you’re back as a lawyer “Thanks why are you here “Alexis ask as she got up,”I need someone to run for Mayor, I was wondering if you want to”Yes I do”Great, We need to work on your campaign for it “It will be easier I’m the only one running “Yes so far, I hope you win because I don’t like the lieutenant mayor “I’ll start working on it “Who would be your lieutenant “I’m not sure but I will start working on it”Great”John said and left.

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 17

 At ELQ-Skye and Ned and Tracy were talking about ELQ when Felicia came in to tell Skye that she couldn’t find an Althea Patterson.”Is there a fake name that Althea would use”Felicia ask “Not that I know of, I’ll look through some of my childhood memories and see what I can find “Skye said “Why would Althea be using a fake name “Tracy ask “Because she supposed to be dead”Skye said “She in hiding “Felicia said “Yes she is and I wonder why she hiding from! Is it from me? Skye ask herself.”Do you know where she could be living at”Felicia ask “Althea owed house everywhere we would move a lot”Skye said “Alright get back to me, We will find her”Felicia said she left.”Skye are you sure you want to open that Pandora's box “Ned asked “Yes I need to deal with my past and I’m trying to come to terms with you as my mother, Now I need to check on my younger daughter she just had her checkup today “Skye said “Alright, Skye if you and the girls want to stay in the mansion you can “Tracy said “Thank “Skye said” I’ll talk to my lawyer about giving you my share “Ned said “Ned, Are you sure about it” Yes”

At Olivia Italian restaurant-Olivia and Carly we’re having lunch together.”So how is it going with Jax”Olivia ask “I want to be happy with him but I don’t know if I can , At the Brownstone reopening he left to make an business call his upset that Skye keep taking business deals from him, I don’t want to complete with business to get Jax attention “Have you talk to him”Yes I have, I want to be happy with him “Carly said as Ned came by.”Ned.Why are you here “Olivia ask “I have some news I just left ELQ and will be focusing on my music career “Ned said “Wow, So Skye get ELQ”Carly said “She been running it better then anyone else has”Ned said as the Governor John came by.”Ned, I would like to talk to you”John said they went to talk.”This isn’t good, Skye running ELQ that means she going to fight Jax for deals”Carly said “Carly, Go talk to him”You’re right “Carly said and left.

Ned and John were talking.”I’m looking for someone to run as Mayor now that Laura step down and her lieutenant is fulling in but it’s time we have someone permanent “John said “I understand but I don’t want to be Mayor of this town “Ned said “Alright I guess I need to find someone else “John said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch. 16

 At Jackie’s office- Jackie enjoyed be back at Port Charles and running the newspaper that she changed the name to The Port Charles Herald she always like that name she was working when Christy came in.”Can I help you “Jackie asked “I’m Christy Collins and I was wondering if you have a job opening, “Christy asked “I do need a journalist for the entertainment column, Do you have any experience “Yes I do, I have my resume and I studied journalism in school, “Christy said “Well welcome on board “Really “Yes” Thanks, You are a great journalist And I hope to be like you as a respectfully journalist “Thanks, I have done my share of traveling for a story but I’m glad I’m back here” Jackie said 

At AJ’s dining -Elizabeth and AJ were talking.”Thanks you for hiring my son but don’t be easy on him “I wouldn’t it work out perfectly “Yes it did”Elizabeth said as they share a kiss.”Well I should go and get ready for the clinic opening “Yes my mother is so excited about it”Me too,This town needs it”Yes it does “

At ELQ-Skye was in her office on the phone.”Jr,Are you ready to sell? I want to help you”Skye said as she hang up the phone as Ned came in.”Ned, I’m glad you’re here,I just talk to Jr and he just sold me Chandler enterprise, Jax try to take it over so I had to move fast “I trust your judgment, I have made a decision about my future “What’s that “I’m leaving ELQ it’s all yours “Ned said as Tracy came in.”Why are you leaving ELQ? Tracy ask “To do my real passion, Music “Ned! We been over this before you belong here”Tracy said “Skye been great at running it and if you need any help you can call me”Ned said “You should follow your dream,I have my own news”Skye said “What is it”Tracy ask “I’m divorced Lorenzo “Yes! Skye you and the girls should move into the mansion “Tracy said “Mother, Skye I know it’s not an easy decision and we are here for you and the girls “Ned said “Thanks it’s time I move on and deal with my past and present “Skye said as Felicia came in.”Skye,We need to talk “You can talk in front of my family, I ask Felicia to help me find Althea I think my adopted mother is alive “She maybe but Patterson isn’t her last name “What! Skye ask “I call the number you give me work and personal friends and they never heard of Althea Patterson “No”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 15

 At The Shopping Center-Ned’s recording studio-Ned was showing Lois and Brooklyn and Lila Rae around.”Ned, The studio looks great we could record a album “Lois said “Yes, I want to record a album I miss recording “Ned said “It’s time you come back into music “Lois said “I want you to record my album “Ned said “I would love too”Lois said “Lila Rae, You can use this studio too”Ned said “Thank “Lila Rae said “ You too Brooklyn “I will I just need to write some songs “Brooklyn said “Me too”Lois said 

AJ’s diner - AJ was at the diner talking to his staff.”Sir, I had a better job offer in the City, So I’m leaving “No You my cook”Yes I know I hate to do this to you “When do you leave “Today “Today! I know it’s last minute I’m sorry “The Cook said and left as Elizabeth came in,”AJ,What’s going on you look upset “My chefs just left! I guess I need to close it till I can get someone to cook for me”No, I have an idea my son Ayden is going to culinary school,Why don’t you hire him to work here”Oh Elizabeth,I’m glad you came in you just saved me! If Ayden can make simple food then yes he gets the job” AJ said “I’ll call him” Elizabeth said 

At Anna- Anna and Robin were sitting on the couch having coffee together,” Robin, What’s going on” I left Patrick we were having problems “I’m sorry “There are no hard feelings towards him, We just couldn’t get it to work that’s why I came home i need a new start” I’m glad your home “Me too, I try to get Noah to come home with me but he wanted to stay with Patrick “Is Noah angry “No his just close to his father “Did you get your job back “Yes I did” Good “This town is different “Yes it is.”

At AJ’s dining- AJ and Elizabeth were talking when Ayden came in,”What’s going on” My chef just quit and your mother was telling me you want to be a chef, I need one soon”AJ said “Are you hiring me because of my mother “No Ayden I believe in getting everything a chance at something and I need a cook,If you want this the kitchen is your the menu to play around with “How much does it pay”We can talk about that “Alright I’ll work here awhile I go to school, I do need to pay for it”Ayden said “Thanks you so much,You just safe me’AJ said “Congratulations you have a job and a place to live “Elizabeth said 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 14

 At Elizabeth- Ayden was in his room packing his bags as Elizabeth came by.”Ayden I always know this day would come you leaving and spearing your wings,You will do great “Yes I will become of you “Oh Ayden “You’re a great mother “Ayden said he kiss Elizabeth on the cheek.”I also got into culinary school, I started a few day‘Ayden said “That’s wonderful you will be a great chef “Maybe one day I’ll work at the hotel or Olivia restaurant you never know”

At AJ hotel- AJ was working at the desk when Skye came by.”AJ, How is everything going “Good so far, You look happy “Lila Rae is home from the tour”That’s good but it’s not that “No, I’m divorced Lorenzo it’s time I move on”Yes it is, You can do this”Yes I can”Skye said as Tea came by.”AJ,Skye you want to see me “Yes let’s go to the dining room “Skye said as they left.

In the dining room- Skye and Tea sit down at the table.”Tea, I need a lawyer if you don’t want to do it I understand but I want a divorce “Skye said “Lorenzo is my brother and I love him but you need to move on we all do” Tea said “So you will do it” Yes” Thanks I don’t want anything from Lorenzo he can have the house when he gets out and I have my own money, I don’t want it to get nasty “It wouldn’t, Lorenzo may be upset but he can’t fighting it” No he can’t, Have you seen him” No, if I did it wouldn’t be good, I been trying to get Dex to leave the job “I understand that, it would be great if the mob just dies “Yes it would I want my son safe” I feel the same way about my children “

At Felicia/ Mac- Felicia was on the phone about looking for Althea for Skye.”Yes, I’m looking information on Althea Patterson,You never heard of Her? She work here”Felicia said she hang up the phone and was wondering what was going on.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 13

 At Skye's -Skye was finished having breakfast with her daughters she just told them she divorced Lorenzo and Gabriella wasn’t happy about it.”Mother,Don’t sell   the house “Gabriella said “I’ll think about it,You need to go to your doctor appointment “Skye said “Yes, I can go by myself “Gabriella you have been on the right track with your recovery “Thanks Mother it’s not easy “I know it’s not”Oh I forgot Charlotte Cassadine want to work at the store “Gabriella the store is up to you with hiring staff etc”Reannlly! I have an idea for a app for the store “What kind of app”Customer can pick out a outfit online that looks good on them a image of them to see if the outfit looks good on them “Gabriella said “I like that idea”Skye said “Me too, I can help you”Lila Rae said “Thanks, I should go”Gabriella said she left,”Mother,Gabriella will come around with the divorce, I love Daddy but I understand you need to move on”Yes I do, I will always love your father “I know “So what’s next “I’m going to write my next album, I loved living on the road “I’m glad you’re following your dreams, I also I’m glad you’re home I miss you “Skye said they share a hug,

At Lucy- Lucy was having breakfast with Christy. “Mom, I did something yesterday that I need to tell you about “What”It’s nothing bad, I rents a room at the brownstone “Oh”I’m staying in this town “Good I been enjoying seeing you”Me too”Now what are you going to do for work “I haven’t got that far I did study journalism in college “Yes and I’m sure you could get a job with Jackie or Sasha “Yes I think I can”

At General Hospital- Portia was by the nurse station when Gabriella came by.”Gabriella, I’m glad you’re here,Let’s go to an exam room,You do look good “Portia said as they walked.”I been trying to get better “Gabriella said as they went into a room and Portia look at her.”Have you been eating “Yes”What about seeing Dr.Collins “I been talking to him “Good how are you feeling “Good I do have energy then I have been “That’s good, let’s weight you” Can I see how much I weigh “Gabriella ask as she got up.”Yes,but don’t let it ruin your recovery “Portia said as she help Gabriella on the scale.”You are at the weight you should be”Thanks for helping me”Your welcome “Was I close to death “Yes “No”Gabriella stay on track and keep seeing me and Dr.Collins “I will, I didn’t realize what it was doing to my body “Yes it was damaging your body, Are you back on your period “Yes”Good”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 12

 At Skye’s-Skye was downstairs having coffee when the maid came in with a tray of food for breakfast.”Thank you, Gabriella should be wake soon”Skye said as the maid put a tray down it had fruit and bagels and hard boiled eggs and cheese on it and she left as Gabriella came in.”Good morning ,Gabriella I’m glad you’re awake I need to tell you something it’s not going to be easy but we will handle this “Skye said “Mother,You scared me”It’s not anything that bad,I’m going to call your sister later “Skye said “I’m right here”Lila Rae said as she came in,” Lila Rae, I’m glad you’re here! I need both my daughters, I’m divorced your fa ther‘Skye said as she cried a little.”Mother,just because Daddy is in jail doesn’t mean you can delete him from our family, I have visited him in jail you both haven’t! Gabriella said”Gabriella “Lila Rae said “You cannot move on like Daddy doesn’t matter , He only in jail because he didn’t want me to testify against him”It’s more then that, I will always love your father but it’s time to move on, I may even sell this house “Skye said “Gabriella it’s going to be alright “Lila Rae said “ Let’s have breakfast together,So Lila Rae how long are you stayiwas nwas g “Skye ask.”For good the tour over it was wonderful but it’s time to be home and work on the next chapter “Yes the next chapter”Skye said 

At General Hospital- Portia was working when Robin came by.”Can I help you”Portia ask “ I’m Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake , I use to work here”Dr.Portia Robinson”Nice to meet you”You too,Do you want to work here again “Yes I do”Robin said as Monica came by.”Dr.Quartermaine”Robin said “I just talk to the board and if you want to come back you are welcome too”Yes I do, This is my home “Yes it is,Dr,Robinson I hope you support Dr.Scorpio-Drake”I will “Portia said as Elizabeth came by,”What’s going on”Robin is back where she belongs with the three of you running the hospital I know it’s in good hands,Three powerful women “Monica said “Oh Dr,Quartermaine that means a lot to me “Portia said “ Me too “Robin said “ Yes”Elizabeth said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Tracy were having breakfast together as Brooklyn came in,”Any food for me”Brooklyn said as Ned and Tracy turn around,”Brooklyn,You’re home “Yes the tour is over “Where is Lois”She stayed at the hotel, The tour was amazing, I loved being on the road “It’s in your blood “Yes”Now what’s next “I don’t know, Maybe make more music “Brooklyn said 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 11

At The Brownstone-Carly was greeted everyone who was leaving as Monica came by.”The Brownstone looks wonderful you did a great job”Thanks Monica”I’ll see you at the opening of the clinic tomorrow “Yes,I’m glad your working there”Me too, it give me a new perspective of my next step in life “Monica said as Robin came by.”Robin, I hope you will be at the opening of the clinic tomorrow’s “I will,I may stay in town”Robin said “Good we need you”Monica said “I hope you do work at the clinic “Carly said Monica and Robin left as Lucas came by.”We did great tonight “Yes and tomorrow is the clinic opening, “Lucas said “Yes, I asked Terry to help run some ideas at the shelter she is a counselor for abused women, “Carly said “We need all the help we can get,” Lucas said 

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was laying in bed trying to sleep she been having a hard time sleeping in a big bed without Lorenzo and got up and put on her robe and looked at the window thinking about her time with Lorenzo the good and the bad between them.

At Carly’s- Carly came home from the opening of the brownstone and looked at a picture of her with Bobbie.”This town still love you,I hope you like that the brownstone is open again “Carly said as Jax came into the room.”Why did you leave the opening “I had a business call to make,Chandler enterprises is in financial trouble and I want it”Jax said “Isn’t that Skye father business “Yes , Adam gone, Jr been running it into the ground “Jax said “I need you tonight and you failed me”No you didn’t need me,You never do”Yes I did need you tonight was hard for me, You are always about business “I need to make money I lose a lot when Skye took my business deal”So that’s why you want Skye father business,It’s about revenge isn’t it”Do we have to do this now”No,I’m going to bed”Carly said and went upstairs.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica was in her bedroom and looked at a picture of her when Bobbie on the dresser.” I miss you my friend,Take care of our man now, Alan and Tony”Monica said 

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 10

 At The Brownstone reopening -The town was there as they celebrated the reopening and remembered Bobbie and the time they spent there. Elizabeth was showing her boys around.”Mom,You used to live here”Jake ask “No but I spent time here with Lucky”Elizabeth said “Oh”Ayden said “Ayden,You’re father loves you’Yes I know mother he does call sometimes “Yes he does “Elizabeth said 

Felicia was walking around and saw the photo of Bobbie and Tony with BJ.”Now you are all together “Felicia said as Maxie came by.”Lucas told me they were going to add a picture of Bobbie and Tony and BJ here”I think it’s perfect “Me too”Maxie said as Robin came by,”So Robin are you staying in town? Where is Patrick and Emma and Noah”Felicia ask “I’ll full you in later but Emma is at college she is per med”Robin said “Emma going to be a doctor! That’s wonderful “Yes I’m proud of her “What about Noah”He stay with Patrick”Robin said 

Carly was feeling emotional as Terry came by.”I’m sorry if I brought up bad memories about your mother life, I just wanted to be here for Bobbie she was like a mother to me”Terry said “It’s not your fault about your father”Thanks “Terry said “What do you do for a living “I’m a counselor for abused women, I’m trying to help stop the repeat of abuse “I think that’s wonderful and so would my mother, We are also opening a abused shelter here in my mother name “I think that’s wonderful “Thanks I would love to get your opinion on it before you leave”Carly said “Yes I would love to help”Terry said as Cecil came by.”Terry Brock ,It’s good to see you “Who are you “It’s me,Cecil Quartermaine I had some work done on my face I was in an accident “Cecil said “Oh my god! I wouldn’t of recognized you,It’s so good to see you “Terri said “You too”Cecil said 

Ayden was looking around and went by Carly.”Carly, I would like a room here”Ayden said as Elizabeth came by.”Ayden,Are you leaving me” Mom, it’s time”Yes it is”Elizabeth said “Let’s get you set up”Carly said 

Skye was watching Cecil and Terry talking as Gabriella came by,”Mother, Can we go home? This isn’t a place for us”Gabriella said “No it’s not”Skye said they left.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 9

 At The Brownstone-Carly was showing Lucas it before everyone came in.”Carly,it look wonderful “Thanks I do remember spending time here I hope I made our mother proud “Carly said as Robin came in,”I think you did”Robin, I didn’t know you were in town”My mother told me about the reopening and I had to come see it, I loved Bobbie she was there for me when I was a little girl and I can’t believe she gone”Robin said “We can’t either “Lucas said “I heard you are opening a clinic “Yes I’m,How long are you staying in town? We could use you too’Lucas said “I’m not sure, You both are making Bobbie proud and I’m sure Tony would be proud of the clinic that was one of his dream for low income families “Robin said “Thanks  “Carly said as Felicia and Mac and Anna and Robert and Maxie and Skye and Gabriella and Monica and Josslyn and Jax and Lucy and Alexis and Sam and Laura and Kevin and Elizabeth and Jake and Ayden came in.”I want to welcome you all to the reopening of the Brownstone it was a important establishment in this town it was a home for many families and full of love my mother loved this place “Carly said as a  woman came by.”Yes Bobbie did”She said “Who are you, “Carly asked “Terry Brock, “Felicia said “Yes, Bobbie was married to my father it ended horribly but I loved Bobbie and wish I was here for her funeral but I couldn’t make it but when I found out the Brownstone was being reopened I had to be here “Terry said “Terry, This is Carly Spencer Bobbie daughter and Lucas Bobbie son “Felicia said “It’s nice to meet you both you too” Carly said 

Anna and Terry went to talk.”How are you doing? What have you been up too”Anna ask “I’m a counselor for abused women and children isn’t that ironic “Terry you aren’t responsible for your father actions “Anna said as Lucy came by,”Terry it’s been a while “Yes it has, Poison anyone “No, I have changed “Lucy said “I think we all can let the past go”Anna said “I can”Terry said 

Carly wasn’t sure of what to think about Terry when Lucas came by,”Do you remember anything about Terry father “Carly ask ‘Yes, D.L he abused our mother “Lucas said as Josslyn came by,”I didn’t know Grandmother was married to someone who abused her”Josslyn said “Mom put it behind her”Lucas said as Laura came by,”Bobbie never blame Terry for her father abuse “It’s not her fault “No it’s not”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 8

 At Bobbie- Skye was alone sitting at the table looking at pictures of her and Althea .”Why can’t you just leave me alone “Skye ask herself as Carly came by,”Skye, Are you alright? I’m closing up soon”Carly ask “Yes, I’ll go “Skye said as Carly saw the picture.”Is that you as a little girl “Yes it is,With my adopted mother you know you think I was just a rich little girl growing up getting everything I wanted but you can’t be more then wrong I never got what I truly wanted till now, A family who love me”Skye said as she got up.”You’re right I always thought you were just a spoiled rich girl “Money can’t buy love “No it can’t “Carly said 

At Lorenzo coffee shop- Dex was running the business he miss Lorenzo so much as Tea came in.”Tea, Why are you here “Because we need to talk,I know you miss Lorenzo but I think it’s time you follow your dream I know it’s not this “I have to oversee father legacy “No you don’t,This isn’t your dream”You don’t know that”Dex,I don’t want you in jail or dead “Tea said “I know, I’ll be careful “Dex said 

At Ava- Ava was on the phone,”I’m going to takeover the business if it’s the last thing I do,Jail wasn’t enough for Lorenzo, I want to take everything from him “Ava said she hang up the phone and smiled.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was home and look around and made a decision about her future and picked up her cellphone,”I need to see you right away “Skye said she hang up the phone as Gabriella came into the room.”Mother,are you alright “Yes, why don’t we get ready for the reopening of the Brownstone “Alright “Gabriella said 

What lie ahead part 1 ch 7

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was at home looking through more of her old childhood memories she picked up a picture of Althea and her it was the last one of her together with her.”Althea can you be alive? I do need to deal with this “Skye said as she picked up her cellphone and made a phone call.”Felicia, I would like to talk to you, Yes I’ll be there “Skye said as she hung up the phone picked up the picture, and left.

At The Cassadine Enterprise-Spencer and Nikolas were talking.”I have some interesting news.,Chandler enterprises is in financial trouble and ELQ is interested in helping them”Nikolas said “Not if we get it first “Spencer said “Yes, I have met JR many times I’m not surprised he couldn’t handle his family company “Nikolas said 

At The Brownstone -It was all finished for the reopening and Carly was taking it all in.”Mom, I hope I make you proud tonight with bringing back the brownstone “Carly said as she walk out a woman was following her.

At Bobbie’s-Felicia was waiting for Skye to come wondering what it was about as Skye came in and sit down.”Felicia,Thanks for meeting me, Are you still in the PI business “I still have connection, but I wouldn’t help you if this is mob related “It’s not, it’s about my past”Skye said she pull out the picture of her and Althea.”This is the woman who raised me, I thought she was dead, but I’m beginning to think she alive “Skye said “Why did you think she was dead”Felicia ask as Carly came in and went by the counter.”Althea was a mobster she was abused to me, Physical and emotional and mentally “Skye said as she cried and wipe her tears.”I’m sorry “Felicia said “I had no choice in doing what I did get out and be safe, We went on our annual winter ski trip and Althea ski into an avalanche and never made it out, I was finally free “Skye said “I never know you had a hard life “No everyone thinks I just came from money when all I wanted was love, Can you help me find out the truth “Skye ask as Carly came by holding coffee pot.”Do you want anything “Carly ask “No Thanks “No I’m good “I hope you both come to the Brownstone opening “Yes I’ll be there “Felicia said “Maybe “Skye said as Carly left.”Yes I’ll help you”Thanks I need to make peace with my past and deal with my future whatever it may be and the fact that I’m Adam Chan And Tracy Quartermaine daughter “Skye said “Do you have any address of house Althea could be staying at”Felicia ask “Yes”Skye said she pulled out a address book.”This is all the house we owned “Does Althea have an family out there “No I believe she was the only Patterson alive “Skye said “I will look into this “Thank Felicia “I owe you,Maxie told me you were close with Georgie “Yes I was,I try my best to give her advice on Dillon, I just wish she was here” Me too”

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 6

 “What Lies Ahead part 1 ch 6”

At ELQ-Skye office-Skye was in her office on the phone with Jr.”Jr, it’s Skye I have some news to share it turn out I’m your sister after all , I was wondering how the business is going? Skye ask as Ned came in and Skye hang up the phone.”So what did you find out about Chandler enterprise “Unfortunately it’s not doing well and Jr is going to come here he needs advice about what to do with the company “Skye, I think we should takeover the company we wouldn’t ruin the company we will turn it around “I just don’t want to ruin Adam memories he was a great ruthless businessman “Yes he was,Just like Edward they both would go ahead to ahead with business deals”Yes,Adam and Edward were alike the one thing they loved the most was family “Yes,Skye are you coming to terms with Tracy? We both share the same mother “Yes I am, I realize I need to deal with my past and figure out my future “I wouldn’t say it but you can do better than Lorenzo “Thanks Brother “Skye said Ned left. Skye open a box from Athe dam it had stuff from her childhood pictures of Althea and one was current picture of Althea.”No you can’t be alive “Skye said to herself.

At Bobbie’s -Felicia and Mac were having coffee together,”I loved that this is called Bobbie I feel so close to her like her spirit is here like at Bobbie funeral I felt BJ spirit “I remember you telling me that , I wish I was here for Bobbie funeral”Mac said Felicia took his hands.”Tonight is the reopening of the brownstone and it’s going to be perfect to remember Bobbie “Yes it is we had a wonderful time living there with Bobbie and Tony”Yes we did “

At The Quartermaine mansion -Tracy was in the den reading the letter from Adam when Skye came into the room.”I need you to be honest with me, ‘Alright, What’s going on”Do you know if Althea is alive? Skye ask “No, I didn’t know she died”Tracy said “You never had any connection with her”No,Skye what’s going on? I know you had a horrible relationship with her”Yes I did, She abused me physically and emotionally and mentally the only way out for me was to kill her, She can’t be alive “Skye, She cannot hurt you anymore “I know but I need to deal with my past and you as my mother “Yes and you’re future “Yes”

Friday, February 9, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 5

 At ELQ-Tracy and Skye were talking.”Are you sure about taking over Chandler enterprise? You are a Chandler do you really want to destroy Adam memory “I just want to honor his name and keep the business going, I’ll call Jr hopefully his running it well “Hopefully “When I found out I wasn’t a Chandler it destroyed me, Now after all I’m a Chandler and I’m trying to deal with you as my mother “I know you have a lot going on but you can handle it and you’re not alone, You are a Quartermaine,You don’t need Lorenzo “I love him “ Skye, You can’t put your life on hold for him, think of your daughters”Tracy said as Ned came in,”So what did Adam leave you both”Ned ask “He left me stock in his company, I need to call Jr and see how he is doing in the business “I know that they just lose a ten million deal”Ned said “ No this isn’t good “No it’s not,I think we should take it over “Ned said “Ned, I don’t think that’s a good idea “ Are you going soft mother? Is Adam the one that got away “Ned ask “I need to go”Tracy said she left.”I think Tracy did love Adam, I was made with love” Are you finally coming around to having Tracy as your mother “I’m trying “Good, You can handle it” Yes I can”

At The Clinic-Lucas and Monica were working on it as Elizabeth came in carrying a box.”I have some supplies “Elizabeth said “Thank for picking it up, Elizabeth I’m glad you will work here” Me too, I think we have everything we need “ Yes we do, tomorrow is our opening day” Lucas said as Carly came in.”How is everything going “Great, Tomorrow is opening day “Yes,everything is going to be good “Monica said as Elizabeth phoned rang it was on the table and Carly saw the Id,”Why is AJ calling you”Why is it your business “Elizabeth said she took the call outside,”Carly, leave Elizabeth alone, AJ isn’t your business,Besides are you happy with Jax? Monica ask “Yes I’m “Good leave my son alone you are poison to him”Monica said and left the room.”Do you have feelings for AJ” No, We did slept together but it was nothing “I hope so”What about you? Are you going to find an love”Maybe I haven’t given up “Lucas said “Me either “