Friday, April 5, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 2 ch. 37

 At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ was at home he was feeling overwhelmed with rebuilding the hotel and everything when Elizabeth came in.”AJ, We need to talk “About what! Is something else going on”No not like that Lucky in town I just spent time with him and the boys he is staying in town”Elizabeth said “I’m not surprised his back because of Laura”Yes, AJ I want you to know I have no feelings for Lucky, I’m done going down that road , I’m with you “I’m not jealous or insecure anymore, I trust you completely “AJ said “Me too”Elizabeth said as they share a kiss.”How is the hotel”It has an lot of damage but thankfully we can rebuild a hotel,We can’t bring anyone who died back “No we can’t “

At The Police station- Ric and John were talking when Anna came by,”Ric”Anna I heard you are the lieutenant mayor “Yes now I’m the mayor “Yes and I think Ric should be the lieutenant mayor “Why don’t we go talk’Anna ask “Yes, both of you talk it’s up to Anna I just think Ric will make a great lieutenant “John said he left.”Anna, I want justice for my ex wife and everyone that died in the explosion “We will get that,I’m working on bringing the mob down”Let me help you as lieutenant you know I’m qualified for it”Ric said “Yes you are, Alright you are my new partner “You can trust me”I hope so”Anna said as Lucky came in.”Lucky, I’m glad you’re home, We are sorry about your mother “Thanks, I want my job back as police officers here”I’m sure we can arrange that”Yes”Ric, I’m sorry about Alexis “Thank “Ric said as Mac came by.”Mac, I would like to be back as the police officer ‘Yes, we will be happy to have you back “Thanks, I need this” Lucky said 

At Jackie office-Jackie was writing tribute on Laura and Alexis and Drew and Olivia as Molly came in.”Molly, I’m sorry about your mother I just wrote the tribute for her”Jackie said “Can I read it”Yes,That’s why I called you here”Jackie said she show Molly the tribute.”It’s beautiful ,Thank you”You’re welcome, You’re mother was a great friend to me too”Yes, she like working here but the law was in her blood “Yes just like it is for you”Yes it is, My mother raised us to be strong women “Molly said she was feeling emotional. Lulu came into the office.”Jackie, Why did you want to meet me? I wrote a tribute about everyone who died, if you want to read it”Thank you, I wrote my own tribute too about my mother”I’ll published that too,I’m sure the tribute is beatiful your a great writer”

At Olivia Restaurant-Dante was talking to Sam about the restaurant.”Sam,Do you want to help manage the restaurant “Dante ask “Not really I don’t know much about the restaurant business but I can help you find someone , I think I know who would be perfect “Who”Dante ask 

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