Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 2 ch 45

 At The Courthouse-Faith and Olivia trial-It was on break when Lucas came by Olivia.”Olivia do the right thing for once in your life and take the plead deal and just go to jail finish your sentence and Let this town heal” No, Lucas you need to remember you and Jerome a powerful members of this town” Olivia said as Ava came by,” Leave our nephew alone and this town “I wouldn’t forget that you turned your back on me! A Jerome doesn’t forget “Olivia said 

In the hallway-Jackie was reporting on the trial,”So far the witnesses has been Ava Jerome she testified against her own sister who lawyer is the one and only Nora Buchanan from Llanview, We are on break because the DA got a mysterious phone call which his on now”Jackie said 

Robert was on the phone.”I will think about it”Robert said as Anna came by,”What’s going on”Not here”Robert said they went back into the courthouse.”Mrs.Buchanan do you have any witnesses “Yes I would like to call Faith Rosco”Nora said Faith took the stand.”Ms.Rosco did you Case the hotel explosion “Yes”Why did you do it”Because I want to sent a message to this town that I’m back and powerful then ever”Faith said “Do you care that innocent people died “No “Faith said “I have no more questions “Nora said “You just admitted that you case the explosion “Yes I did”I’m asking the court to sentence Faith and Olivia for years in prison now that Faith admitted it”Robert said “The Court will take what the witness say in the record “The Judge said Faith step down as Olivia was upset about her testimony.

“The Court will resume tomorrow “The Judge said as he discussed the case for now.

Skye look at her phone she had a test message and went into the hallway as Carly and Sam followed her.”Skye, you look serious about something “I just got a text message from Dex, Someone just sent a shipment at Lorenzo warehouse “Skye said “Let’s go”Sam said “We have to protect ourselves first’Yes”

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