Friday, April 26, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 51

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was making sure everything was perfect for tonight dinner she wanted the best for AJ when Danny came in.”Danny, it’s good to see you”Sorry I didn’t call “You are welcome here anytime this is your family house”I just miss Dad and need to be here “Sure, We are having a family dinner tonight why don’t you stay”Monica ask as AJ came in.”Danny”Uncle AJ”Danny is staying for dinner and you can stay the night if you want you have a bedroom here”Monica said “Thanks “Ayden is in the kitchen helping the cook and Jake is playing a video game if you want to visit him”Thanks “Danny said and left.”AJ, You look so happy at the hospital “I’m Mom everything is going my way” Yes it is, and about time”

At Lorenzo coffeehouse- Lorenzo was checking on his employees when Gabriella came in,”Gabriella why are you here! You’re mother doesn’t want me to see you “I don’t care, I’m old enough to do whatever I want besides I need some coffee “Oh Gabriella you are like both of us you’re mother and I “It’s a bad thing? No”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Brooklyn was in the den when Jr came in,’Jr”You want to see me, So what Is your news “I’ll move in with you, I’m done running from love”Good”Jr said they share a kiss,”We are having a family dinner if you want to join us”Sure”Jr said 

Elizabeth was in the dining room putting some flowers in a vase as Carolyn and Sara and Hayden came in.”Elizabeth what’s going on”Sara ask as Monica and Skye and Maya and AJ and Brooklyn and Jr and Tracy and Ned and Lila Rae and Gabriella and Danny and Jake and Ayden and Cameron came in,”What’s going on? Why this special dinner “Brooklyn ask as they sit down,”I’m pregnant “Elizabeth said “That’s wonderful “Yes it is”We found out today it’s twins”Elizabeth said as Jeff came in.”Sorry I’m late “It’s allright I just found out I’m pregnant with twins “Elizabeth said “That’s wonderful “Jeff said “We found out we are having one boy and girl “AJ said “A little girl “Monica said she was feeling emotional about this,

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