Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What Lies Ahead Part 2 ch 48

 At Skye’s -Lorenzo was in the secret room that he built in his house it had a bed and Tv and the walls were soundproof Just in case he had to hide from a enemy and keep his family safe he was just glad to be home and see his daughter who came in.’Did you find something “Yes, Someone named Jerry Jacks was behind the explosion, Robert knows about it” Thank you “ You’re welcome, Mother wants to look at your books about any enemies that could take over “I’ll deal with it” Daddy, is there any way you can get out of your troubles “I don’t know” What if you helped stop anyone from coming “Maybe “Do you want me to tell Dex your here” Yes, sent him down “I will “Gabriella said and went upstairs.

Skye was upstairs pouring herself some water when Dex came in.”Skye, Are you sure about this ? Not just bring down any mob boss but Lorenzo too”I just want us safe”Skye said as her cellphone rang.”I have to take this “Skye said she left the room as Gabriella came in.”Is Mother gone”Yes why”Dex just trust me and come with me, You have to trust me and not say anything “I don’t like this”Dex said Gabriella took his hand and they went to the secret room to find Lorenzo there.”Lorenzo ,Gabriella you can get in trouble “I’m just saving our family “Gabriella said and went upstairs.

“Dex, I have to clear my name so I can be free and be here for our families “How will you do that”I’m working on a deal with Robert, I stop any mob boss from coming in if he lets me free “Why the secret “Because I don’t know if the deal will work and if I can trust Skye”Lorenzo said “Where do I come in”Dex ask 

At The Police station - Robert was on the phone with Nora .”I’m glad we have a deal”Robert said he hang up the phone as Anna came by.”Tell me the rumor that you made a deal with Faith and Olivia are not true “Yes it is,We know have Jerry “Robert said as he made another phone call.”You have a deal “Robert said 

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