Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 33

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica was in the den pouring herself some coffee as AJ came in the room.”Good morning,I knowing last night that Elizabeth didn’t feel good and went to bed,Could she be pregnant “ Monica ask as AJ poured himself a cup of coffee.”We don’t know, Elizabeth is scared about it “The risk could be but Elizabeth will have the best care “Yes she will, I’m going to check on her “AJ said 

Elizabeth/ AJ room- Elizabeth was in her bathroom holding a pregnancy test when Aj came in.”Are you “I haven’t took it yet “Elizabeth whatever it is we can face it together “Yes I know I can,AJ you make me happy I feel loved “I’m glad because I love you with everything “I love you too”Elizabeth said “Let’s do this  “Alright I’ll take the test”Elizabeth said 

At Ric office- Ric was working when Lorenzo came in,”Lorenzo,Why are you here”Now that you are lieutenant governor I believe we can help each other out “Why would I help you”Because I did something you never could I took down your brother you owe me”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Elizabeth/AJ bedroom- Elizabeth and AJ were waiting on news about the pregnancy test,”I love being a mother and rising the boys alone wasn’t easy but I did it”You raise three amazing boys,They are unique in their own way”That’s what I want each child is different”Yes”I wouldn’t mind a little girl “Elizabeth said “A little girl would be nice one that is as beautiful as her mother “AJ said he kiss Elizabeth as the timer went off and they look at the pregnancy test.

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