Friday, April 26, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 60

 At General Hospital-Anna and Robert and Mac came in as Emma walk by.”I’m glad you’re all here we just found out that somebody tempted with Ivs here and put a medical that can cause heart problems “Emma said “No, Do you know who has access to the medical room”All of us but we have to sign out who take any medication and who put it away “Emma said 

Monica room-Monica was still unconscious as Elizabeth and Sarah and Steve try to save her.”Monica, you  have to make it my children need their grandmother “Elizabeth said as Steve give Monica CPR they got her stable.”Elizabeth “Monica said “Monica, You’re in the hospital the paramedics found you passed out in the parking lot ,Do you remember anything “I wasn’t feeling good so I took my heart medication that’s all I remember “Is it in your purse “Yes”Monica said Elizabeth give Monica her purse and Monica open it and give it to Elizabeth.”We will test this to make sure you will be alright “Thanks for saving me” Monica said “You just rest Dr, Quartermaine” Sara said they left.

“Elizabeth,Do you think someone play with the medication too”Yes. I do”Elizabeth said as Robin came by.”How is Dr,Quartermaine “She stable for now , Can you run a lab on her medication “Elizabeth said “You think someone playing with the medication too”Yes, I also have a feeling this was Jerry plan to Hurt everyone in town”Elizabeth said “How would he get into the hospital “Sara ask “Someone helped him”Elizabeth said “Kim,Faith adopted daughter “Yes”Elizabeth said 

Gabriella was in the hallway and listened to their conversation and was upset but decided to keep quiet for now.

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