Thursday, April 25, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 43

 At Steve-Steve was getting ready for the day having coffee when there was a knock on the door it was Elizabeth.”Elizabeth, come in” Steve said “I just heard some news, “What” Maya told me about you both together and I’m happy for both of you “Thanks, I want to tell you” It wasn’t Maya's fault she was talking to Skye about it” Oh” Does she make you happy “Yes she does “Well I’m glad I have new too, We are telling the Quartermaine tonight that I’m pregnant “Wow” I know I’m scared, I’m not that young anymore it’s a risk pregnancy” Yes but we will make sure you have the be, st care “Thanks “Did you tell the boys yet? No I’m going to take them to lunch I want to tell them separately, I do hope this one is a little girl “A niece would be perfect “Yes”Elizabeth said 

At AJ hotel- Skye and AJ were looking over the renovation of the hotel.”It’s beautiful “Yes it is,Now I been thinking maybe we should have a new name for the hotel”What are you thinking “Skye ask 

At Lorenzo- Lorenzo and Ava were having coffee sitting on the couch together,”Look Lorenzo I’m not looking for a relationship you are still in love with Skye and probably will always be”Probably “But we could have fun together “Really! Are you upset because I killed your brother “Yes I’m but we both are working together so why not have some fun! We could use it”Yes we could I’m not looking for anything more “Me either , I’m done with love”Same here”

At Gabriella closet -Gabriella was going thorough inventory when Charlotte came in,”Gabriella you want to see me”Yes Thank for coming on your day off , I have a plan to keep our store opened “What is it”Charlotte ask “We are going to do some columns about fashion in Sasha magazine and I created a app for fashion “This is a great start “ Yes it is,If you have an ideas too help “

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