Friday, April 26, 2024

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 45

 At Olivia's restaurant -Elizabeth was having lunch with Cameron and Ayden waiting for Jake who was late to come as he finally showed up.” Jake, Why are you late”Sorry I got busy, So what’s going on”I want to catch up with my sons,Anything new with any of you “Elizabeth ask “I been busy cooking here, I hope you like today lunch it’s a new meal I’m trying “Ayden said “Ayden I’m glad you like cooking here”Me too it’s been great but this place misses Olivia it was her dream “Yes it was”I’m almost done with medicine school’Another doctor in our family, I’m proud of all of you “Thanks “I been thinking about AJ offered of work at EIQ”You are a Quartermaine and have some share”Yes I do”I have some news I want to tell you with just us the original four, I love being your mother, I’m going  to do it again! I’m pregnant “Wow”I know it’s a lot to take in but I need your support “You have it”Yes,Maybe it will be a girl “Yes we  all wanted a sister we will be here for you “Thanks you”

Ned was looking around the restaurant wondering what to do with it when Dante came in.”Ned, Why did you want to see me I need someone to help us manage Olivia's restaurant, Carly isn’t coming back for a while “I’ll help you find someone mother would want this restaurant to stay open it her dreams “Yes it was I wish she was here” Me too”

At General Hospital- Cecil was being exam by Portia.”Cecil , Does your family know you are here to have surgery‘No I didn’t want to say anything in case it doesn’t work and I don’t get my eye sight back “Having there support would be good for you “I know”

Monica was by the nurse station and looked through file and saw Cecil file and look at it was shock about it.

Cecil room-Cecil was in bed thinking about the surgery and her life when Monica came in,”Cecil, It’s Monica I thought you may want to talk to somebody “You know about my surgery “Yes and I think you should tell your family you can’t do this alone “I’m just scared that this surgery may not work and I won’t get to see “I have seen doctors do this surgery in this hospital and I have seen results from it”Thanks you, I know we haven’t got along in the past but you accept me in your life and in your home “Well you our family “

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