Friday, January 29, 2016

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 69~”Mob boss”

At London~ Ned and Alexis arrive at a hotel and went by the desk. “We our looking for a american man, This is his picture

His name is Jasper Jacks”Ned said “I haven’t seen him”The man said “No, We been to all the hotel so which one is Jax at”Alexis said “Maybe he has a house, Keep calling him”Ned said “What if we don’t fine him, What if Lorenzo did kill him after all” Alexis said “Then we will take him down and make him pay”Ned said “I don’t know if we can before we left I found out that the government is on Lorenzo payroll”Alexis said “Then we need to take him down to it’s time to stop Lorenzo”Ned said “I agree”Alexis said “Let’s keep looking, I know one person who can help us, Julie still live here”Ned said “Good”Alexis said they left.

Port Charles~ELQ~Skye went into Edward office and look at the picture of Edward that was on the desk. “I didn’t do this to hurt the family I did this to take what sure of been mine, You did say I was a great businesswoman and I will show you that I’m just like you”Skye said as AJ came in. “Skye”AJ said “AJ, I’m glad you're working here too, Genevieve is going to be working in our legal department”Skye said “That’s great”AJ said “Yes, Finally I have what I want”Skye said “I hope you do”AJ said

In London~ Julie house~ Ned and Alexis came in. “Julie, Thanks for meeting us, Have you seen or heard from Ja at all, His now living here and we need to fine him”Ned said “No I didn’t know that Jax was here, He call me on his way here where we were going to meet but he never show”Julie said “Oh No”Alexis said “What is going on”Julie ask “We think Lorenzo Alcazar had something to do with this”Ned said “No”Julie said

At Port Charles~ Lorenzo office~ Lorenzo came in to fine a woman waiting for him. “Why are you here”Lorenzo ask “You're not going to thank me for getting Jax out of the picture”The woman ask “Look I help you fake you're death and you help me get rid of Jax we our even”Lorenzo said “I don’t think so”The woman said and kiss Lorenzo, “I love Skye, Faith not you”Lorenzo said “Oh Come on”Faith said “Leave town and my wife”Lorenzo said “I don’t think so”Faith said “Do you want to live, I suggest you do then”Lorenzo said Faith left. Lorenzo pick up his phone, “I need to take someone out tonight”Lorenzo said and hang up the phone.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 68

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was their with Skye and Lorenzo. “So you really want to be with Alexander”Lorenzo ask “How can you hate Alexander but support Lila Rae with Evan”Genevieve ask “I know what Alexander did to you”Lorenzo said “That is between Alexander and I and we made peace with it, It’s up to me to forgive him not anyone else”Genevieve said “I just think you can do better princess”Lorenzo said as Diego came in. “Father, We need to talk”Diego said “Alright, Genevieve take it easy on you're first day”Lorenzo said he left. “Genevieve, You're father is trying to back off don’t push it”Skye said “I’m not asking for too much, To have my life back I’m old enough”Genevieve said “You're right, Let’s go to the office”Skye said “Mother, Are you really sure that Jax just fall in love with someone else and is leaving his children”Genevieve said “ I don’t believe it either but I guess I don’t know Jax like I thought I did”Skye said “Really”Genevieve ask “Yes, People do chance and Jax was gone for so long”Skye said “Oh”Genevieve said they left.

At The warehouse~Lorenzo and Diego and Luis were talking. “Father, Did you really ask Evan to come join us”Luis ask “Yes, We can trust him, I don’t want to share this town with anyone”Lorenzo said “Alright, The new shipment will be here in a few weeks”Diego said “Good, This time I will run this town and no one can touch us, I have the government on our side too, I’m paying him”Lorenzo said “Good, I can’t go back to jail”Luis said “You will not son”Lorenzo said

On the docks~Genevieve and Skye were walking when John came by. “John”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I sure miss you at the office but I’m glad you're awake”John said “Thanks, I miss work too, How is Scotty doing as the new prosecutor”Genevieve ask “Not as good as you are”John said “I’m sure he isn’t”Skye said “I sure go but we sure caught up soon”John said “Yes”Genevieve said John left. “Are you okay”Skye ask “I just wish I could of been prosecutor of this town, I would do so many things”Genevieve said “Like take you're father down”Skye ask “Yes, If Daddy is breaking the law”Genevieve said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 67~

~The next day~At Lila Rae~Lila Rae was planning her wedding with Evan. “So are you going to have you're parents at the wedding”Lila Rae ask “No”Evan said “Oh”Lila Rae said “It’s okay, All I need is you”Evan said “Yes”Lila Rae said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were having coffee when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, Where did you go last night”Lorenzo ask “Daddy,I’m not ready to move out but I want you to give me some space and let me be with Alexander if I want it”Genevieve said “That’s what you want”Lorenzo ask “Yes”Genevieve said “Alright, You can have it”Lorenzo said “No asking me where I been or what time I sure come home”Genevieve said “Fine”Lorenzo said “This is good, Now Luis and Diego and Lila Rae and Skylar are coming here for breakfast, I have some news”Skye said “What is that”Genevieve said “You will know soon”Skye said “Alright,I go help in the kitchen”Genevieve said “Where is Bianca”Lorenzo ask “Bianca had to go to a meeting out of town”Genevieve said “Oh, Genevieve I will help in the kitchen”Skye said “Yes mother”Genevieve said she went upstairs. “Lorenzo, I think this is good”Skye said “I guess”Lorenzo said “Be happy”Skye said she kiss Lorenzo.

At Alexis office~Alexis was working when Ned came in. “Alexis, I have a bad feeling about Jax, I’m going to London to fine him do you want to come”Ned ask “Yes, I don’t think Jax would give up on his children”Alexis said “Me either”Ned said “Lorenzo is behind this”Alexis said “He has to be”Ned said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were having breakfast with their children. “So what is you're news”Lila Rae ask “You're father and I are getting marry again”Skye said “Wow, That’s great news”Skylar said “Why again,”Genevieve ask “We want to review our love for each other”Lorenzo said “Oh”Genevieve said “We our happy for you Mother, We can have a double wedding if you want”Lila Rae said “No I don’t want to steal you're day”Skye said “Thanks”Lila Rae said “Genevieve has news too”Skye said “I’m working at ELQ”Genevieve said “That’s great”Luis said “Thank you”Genevieve said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 66~”Romance in town”

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was making a romantic dinner outside for Skye on the porch when Skye came out. “Lorenzo, What is all this”Skye ask “A dinner for just us”Lorenzo said Lorenzo help Skye sit down, “Oh Lorenzo this is so romantic”Skye said “I’m glad you' like it, I want to show you how much I love you”Lorenzo said “I love you too”Skye said they share a kiss and Lorenzo got on his knees. “Skye , Will you marry me”Lorenzo said “Yes, Oh Lorenzo, Yes”Skye said they share a kiss. “Let’s blow out the candles and go to bed”Skye said Lorenzo blow the candles out and carry Skye upstairs where they made love.

At Alexander~ Alexander was working when Genevieve came in. “Oh Genevieve, Why are you here”Alexander ask “I miss you and we need to talk”Genevieve said “About what”Alexander ask “I’m going to spy for my family and get ELQ back”Genevieve said “How”Alexander ask “Mother, Ask me to work at ELQ in the law department”Genevieve said “Are you sure about it”Alexander ask “Yes, To do this I have to stay in the house”Genevieve said “Oh, What do you get out of it”Alexander ask “The Quartermaine are going to help me with Daddy”Genevieve said “Good, Let’s not talk about you're father”Alexander said they share a kiss and made love.

At The Quartermaine~Monica and Alan room~Monica was in the room when Alan came in. “Alan, Are you okay”Monica ask “Not really’ Alan said “Let me help you relax”Monica said she kiss Alan and they made love.

At Alexander~Alexander was holding Genevieve. “I sure go home before Daddy know I’m not back”Genevieve said “How are you going to get in”Alexander ask “I’m going to sneak in, I know how”Genevieve said “Alright, I love you and soon we won't have to sneak in”Alexander said “No”Genevieve said

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 65

~Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve came downstairs to find Lorenzo and Skye waiting for her, “Genevieve, I heard you know about me being you're guardian”Lorenzo said “Yes I do Daddy”Genevieve said “I just want to make sure you don’t relapse or something that’s all, I have a compromise for you”Lorenzo said “What is that”Genevieve ask “I’m willing to build you a house right next door or on my land and you can be alone and have you're life”Lorenzo said “But, You will still be my guardian”Genevieve ask “Yes, I’m not giving that up”Lorenzo said “Well you still try to control me, Who I see or what I do with my life”Genevieve ask “I just can’t watch you get hurt or go back to a coma”Lorenzo said “What if I want to be with Alexander, I love him”Genevieve said “You can do better”Lorenzo said “His better then Lila Rae Evan at least his not in the mob”Genevieve said “Genevieve , You're father is giving you some freedom ‘Skye said “Let me think about it, I need to go, Nikolas-Alexander is laying down”Genevieve said “Alright, Don’t be gone long”Lorenzo said “Leave me alone”Genevieve said and left. “I don’t think this will work”Lorenzo said “Well What are you going to do, You can’t control Genevieve all her life”Skye said “Yes I can”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo come on, Let Genevieve go”Skye said

At General Hospital~Tracy charity office~ Tracy was working when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, Are you okay”Tracy ask “No, I’m not”Genevieve said “What did Lorenzo do know”Tracy ask “Daddy say he will let me move out by either having a house on the land or buy me the house next door”Genevieve said “What did you say”Tracy ask “I wasn’t sure, I just want to get out”Genevieve said “I know you do, But I need you to stay in the house till we get ELQ back”Tracy said “I work at ElQ now I can just help you their”Genevieve said “Yes but you can spy on Skye their two and we will meet here to talk”Tracy said “Alright you have a deal”Genevieve said “Good”Tracy said “I will work on my end I promise you”Tracy said “I believe you never lie to me”Genevieve said “Good”Tracy said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 64

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo and Skye were home. “How did it go with Genevieve”Lorenzo ask “Good, We talk”Skye said as Genevieve came in. “Mother, I will take the job”Genevieve said “Good, I’m glad”Skye said “You will be great at it”Lorenzo said “Yeah , I need to chance I’m meeting Aunt Tracy to go over the charity”Genevieve said “Take it easy”Lorenzo said The nanny came down with Nikolas-Alexander who was crying. “Is Bianca here, Nikolas-Alexander will not stop crying”The nanny said “No Bianca is going to be late, Let me have my grandson”Genevieve said she hold Nikolas-Alexander, “I’m going to put him in the stroller and show Nikolas-Alexander the horse that will work, Would it my sweet boy”Genevieve said she put Nikolas-Alexander in the stroller and left. “I’m glad Genevieve is gone, We need to talk”Skye said “Alright, What about”Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo, Is it true that you're not just Genevieve medical guardian”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “You want to keep her here forever”Skye ask “Why not, We just got Genevieve back”Lorenzo ask “Yes we did but we can’t keep Genevieve here forever it’s time to let her go”Skye said “Skye”Lorenzo said

Outside~ On the grounds~Genevieve was push Nikolas-Alexander in his stroller, “Nikolas-Alexander, When you get older I’m going to teach you how to ride, You're mother love to ride too, Oh I love you so much”Genevieve said he stop crying and Genevieve carry him back inside. “Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Sh Sh. He finally stop crying"Genevieve said
 “He likes his nana”Skye said “Yes,I’m going to put him upstairs”Genevieve said she carry him upstairs. “Genevieve, Love her grandson so much, I have a feeling she regrets giving up Bianca”Skye said “Maybe”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I think this is a great compromise”Skye said “I guess”Lorenzo said

At Nikolas-Alexander room~ Genevieve was putting in bed. “You look so much like you're Grandfather Alexander, Oh Nikolas-Alexander I want to make up everything I miss with you're mother with you, I love you”Genevieve said she kiss her grandson and left.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 63

~At The Quartermaine hotel~Skye and Genevieve were having lunch. “So you want to move out”Skye ask “Yes,Mother I’m old enough and it’s time, I can hire a nurse to help me and staff, I can do this please talk to Daddy”Genevieve said “When you were in a coma you're father took so care of you he never give up on you even when the doctors told us we sure, You're father didn’t give up and Lorenzo just wants to hold you close and not let anything else happened to you that’s all”Skye said “I’m not his only children he can worry about”Genevieve said “That’s true, I always worry about you're brother”Skye said “Yes , Now that his working with Daddy”Genevieve said “Yes, I don’t like that Luis is working with you're father but I can’t stop him”Skye said “What about Lila Rae new man, Do you like him even though his in the mob”Genevieve ask “Yes,Lila Rae will be just fine,Now let’s talk about this new job at ELQ, You will be in changer of the legal department and help them with the case”Skye said “Mother, How can you take the family company, Doesn’t family mean anything to you”Genevieve ask “It’s about family, About my birth right “Skye said “You're still anger about get put up for adoption”Genevieve ask “I wasn’t put up for adoption I was stole”Skye said “Oh, Do you think Bianca is upset about what I did”Genevieve ask “I don’t know”Skye said “Oh, Anyway I will think about this”Genevieve said “Alright, I have to get back to the office”Skye said “I’m going for a walk, I need to be alone”Genevieve said “Alright, I will talk to you're father tonight, Do you have you're cell phone”Skye ask “Yes Mother, Thank you”Genevieve said and left.

On the docks~Lorenzo was walking when he ran into Alexis. “Great”Alexis said “Stay away from my daughter, She isn’t going to work for you”Lorenzo said “You finally have Genevieve in you're control don’t you”Alexis ask “I’m looking out for her”Lorenzo said “No you're not, I will be watching you and one day you will get arrest”Alexis said “No I will not”Lorenzo said and left.

At The Quartermaine~Alan was in the den when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, It’s nice to see you, How did you're doctor appointment go”Alan ask “Great , I’m sorry about my mother”Genevieve said “It’s not you're fault”Alan said “Mother ask me to work for her legal department”Genevieve said “Are you going to work at ELQ”Alan ask as Tracy came in. “You're going to work at ELQ”Tracy ask “I don’t know, I don’t want to betrayal this family, Grandfather you paid for me to go to law school I owe you were always their for us when our parents were not”Genevieve said “So you're upset with Skye”Tracy ask “Yes”Genevieve said “You sure take the job then you can help us get ELQ back”Tracy said “Tracy”Alan said “I will if you do something for me”Genevieve said “You are a true Quartermaine”Tracy said “Thanks, Daddy isn’t just my medical guardian but my guardian, I need to stop it”Genevieve said “We will talk to some judges”Tracy said “ You have a deal”Genevieve said “Are you sure”Alan ask “Yes”Genevieve said “Alright, I will help you too, We both will get what we want , Later we need to meet to go over the charity”Tracy said “I will, I have another phone call me on this one, The other one I’m sure Daddy bugs”Genevieve said she give Tracy the new number and left. “Alan, You don’t like this, Aren’t you upset about ELQ”Tracy ask “Yes, But all the hard work Genevieve has try to work with both Skye and Lorenzo is gone”Alan said “I know”Tracy said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 62

~At General Hospital~Lorenzo and Skye were waiting for Genevieve to come and Lorenzo wasn’t happy. “I know she went to see Alexander”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came in and Patrick came by too. “Genevieve, I’m ready for you”Patrick said “Let’s go then”Genevieve said Lorenzo and Skye went. “I Can see Genevieve alone”Dr Drake said he left with Genevieve. “Lorenzo, I know you're worry about Genevieve but we all need to get our life back”Skye said “I guess”Lorenzo said as Alan came by. “Daddy”Skye said “Skye, You lied to my face that day I ask you if you know that Jax took over ELQ”Alan said “I’m sorry, It’s just work”Skye said “Skye, You not only stole my father's legacy you broke my trust, You're not welcome in my house”Alan said “Daddy, I’m sorry it was just about business”Skye said “No it wasn’t, This was about the past too, I thought we have heal from it”Alan said “You're right, It was about taking what was my birthright”Skye said “You don’t need him Skye”Lorenzo said Alan left.

In Patrick office~Genevieve and Patrick were talking. “So how are you feeling”Patrick ask “Yesterday, I was running errands and I was so tired when I came home”Genevieve said “You don’t have a lot of energy as you did before, Have you been taking you're pills”Dr Drake ask “Yes, I have all of them in my purse”Genevieve said she pull them out. “You are healing, What about therapy”Dr Drake ask “I’m doing that, Can I ever go back to work full time”Genevieve ask “I would not recommend it”Patrick said “What about living on my own”Genevieve ask as Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Is everything okay, How is our daughter”Lorenzo ask “Why are you here, I can do this on my own”Genevieve ask “Genevieve,Yes you can”Dr Drake said and left. “What was that about”Lorenzo ask “None of you're business”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I’m just doing what is best for you”Lorenzo said “Genevieve, Why don’t just you and I go out to lunch, Have a girls day”Skye ask “Whatever Mother”Genevieve said she wasn’t sure how to get away from Lorenzo anymore. “I have to go to the office”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye. “Genevieve, I do love you”Lorenzo said he left. “Genevieve”Skye said “Just give me an min”Genevieve said Skye left and Genevieve start to cry.

In the hallway~Patrick was there when Skye came by. “Patrick, What was that last question Genevieve ask you”Skye ask “Skye, Genevieve wants to be on her own and she can”Patrick said “Really”Skye ask “Yes, I’m sure Genevieve will hire staff”Dr Drake said “Yes, Thank you”Skye said Skye went back into see Genevieve who was crying. “Genevieve baby what is it”Skye ask “I want to get back my life and live on own but Daddy will not let me , Do you know that his not just my medical guardian but my guardian”Genevieve said “Genevieve how do you know that”Skye ask “I ask Alexis to help me”Genevieve said Skye touch Genevieve hair. “I will talk to you're father, He just want to keep you safe that’s all”Skye said “Thanks Mother, I just want my life back and I’m sure you don’t want me at the house”Genevieve said “Oh baby ,Yes I do”, But you need to get you're life back too”Skye said “Will you help me”Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 61

~At Skye/Lorenzo~The next morning~Skye and Lorenzo were having breakfast with Genevieve. “Where is Bianca”Lorenzo ask “She had to go to work this morning”Genevieve said “Genevieve, After you're doctor appointment , I want you to come with me and we can talk about you're job”Skye said “Mother, I don’t know”Genevieve said “Genevieve, You're not take that job with Alexis”Lorenzo said “You just hate Alexis and hate even more that I’m a lawyer, You never support my dreams either of you and I’m sure you're both happy that I can’t be a lawyer anymore, One great thing about that coma, I need you to take care of me and Daddy you killed Julian and took his territory “Genevieve said “No I didn’t”Lorenzo said “Whatever, I’m going for a walk”Genevieve said she got up and walk by Lorenzo and he took her arm. “Genevieve, I’m just doing this to keep you safe as you're father it’s my job”Lorenzo said “Then give me some space and freedom”Genevieve said and left.

“Lorenzo, Genevieve is right, You need to give her some space”Skye said “I just don’t trust her”Lorenzo said “I know”Skye said as the nanny came down with the twins. “Laurel and John want their mother”The nanny said the nanny give the twins to Skye. “Thank you”Skye said “I can hold one”Lorenzo said “You take Laurel she like you”Skye said “At least my stepdaughter like me”Lorenzo said he pick up Laurel. “I love you Laurel and I will take care of you and support you”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came back in. “Genevieve , Do you want to hold one of the twins”Skye ask “I just came back for my wrap and purse,I’m going to take myself to the doctor”Genevieve said “Really”Lorenzo said “Daddy, I’m a adult I don’t need you, Mother twins do now that you got rid of their father”Genevieve said “I had nothing to do with Jax leaving and staying in London”Lorenzo said “Really, Then there really is a Santa Claus”Genevieve said “Genevieve, We our going with you”Skye said “Then you're have to meet me there”Genevieve said “This isn’t about the doctor, You want to go see Alexander before it, You are not seeing him”Lorenzo said “His better then any of the man Lila Rae was marry to, You can’t stop me”Genevieve said and left. “Damn it! Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Just give Genevieve some space she needs to get her life back too”Skye said “I didn’t do anything with Jax staying away”Lorenzo said “I believe you”Skye said “Let’s go to the hospital”Lorenzo said

At Alexander ~Alexander was on the phone when Genevieve came in and Alexander hang up. “Alexander”Genevieve said “Goddess, I’m so glad to see you”Alexander said “I had to see you”Genevieve said she kiss him. “I’m having a lawyer come to town to help you get away from you're father but this may take a while”Alexander said “Thanks for helping me”Genevieve said “Always, We will get back together no one can stop us this time”Alexander said “No, I hate that Daddy is trying to control me”Genevieve said “ I know”Alexander said “I sure go, I’m suppose to be at the hospital for a check up I’m sure Daddy and mother our on their way”Genevieve said “Yes, I heard you're mother owes ELQ”Alexander said “Yes, I can’t believe she did that to our family”Genevieve said “I’m sure Skye will not have it for long”Alexander said “Really”Genevieve said “Nope”Alexander said “So you're going to try to steal ElQ”Genevieve ask “Yes”Alexander said “What will you do with it”Genevieve ask “Give it back”Alexander said “Good, I still have my share”Genevieve said “Good, Let me walk you out”Alexander said they share a kiss and Genevieve left.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 60

~At Lorenzo/Skye~Genevieve and Bianca and Skye and Lorenzo and Lila Rae and Evan were having dessert and Genevieve just told them the news that she was going to work with Alexis. “Genevieve, I know you miss working but you can’t handle long hours anymore, Today going out you were so tired “Lorenzo said “You just don’t want me to work, To get out of this house”Genevieve said ‘If you want something else beside the charity you will work with you're mother”Lorenzo said “Genevieve, I need you're help in the legal department”Skye said “As What”Genevieve said “We can talk about that tomorrow, Now I do love my family this is just business”Skye said “Yes, We know Mother, How are the twins”Lila Rae said “Yes, When is Jax coming back”Genevieve ask “Jax isn’t coming back he meet someone in London”Skye said “Really”Genevieve said she give her father a look.”Evan, I would like to talk to you alone”Lorenzo said “Sure”Evan said “Daddy”Lila Rae said “It will be fine”Evan said “Yes it will”Lorenzo said Lorenzo and Evan left. “So Evan is in the mob too, Why do you like bad boys”Genevieve ask “You like bad boys too, We both like man like our father”Lila Rae said “No I don’t”Genevieve said “Oh Genevieve yes you do”Skye said

At Lorenzo office~ Lorenzo and Evan came in and Lorenzo close the door. “I have a lot of power in this town. I would love for you to join my sons and I as we take this town back”Lorenzo said “I would love too”Evan said “Good, You better treat my daughter right Lila Rae been thought a lot”Lorenzo said “I will sir”Evan said “Good”Lorenzo said they went back into the dining room. “Mother, Dinner was great”Lila Rae said “Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy it and you will have the best wedding that this town has seen”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Lila Rae said they share a hug, “Lila Rae, You have a good man”Lorenzo said “Yeah, I’m sure”Genevieve said “Thanks, I will meet you later Mother to talk about the wedding”Lila Rae said “Yes”Skye said Lila Rae and Evan left.

“Genevieve, You sure go to bed”Lorenzo said “I want some tea first”Genevieve said as Rose came in with tea. “I made you some Genevieve”Rose said “Thanks Rose, You always take good care of me”Genevieve said Rose sit the tea down and Genevieve drink it.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 59~

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Bianca were having dinner with Lila Rae and Evan. “So Evan what do you do for a living”Lorenzo ask “I run a business”Evan said “Oh We know what that means”Genevieve said “Genevieve”Lorenzo said “I love you're daughter and Raelyn and I will protect them”Evan said “You better”Lorenzo said “So have you set a date”Skye ask “In four months, Mother I need you're help”Lila Rae said “You have it”Skye said “Is it going to be big wedding”Bianca ask “Yes it is, Bianca I want you and Raelyn and both my sisters in the wedding”Lila Rae said “You want me in it”Genevieve ask “Yes”Lila Rae said “I will be in it, I do hope you're happy this time”Genevieve said “Thanks, I do want you to be happy too”Lila Rae said as Alexander came storm in. “You bastard! Alexander yelled “Alexander”Genevieve said he grab Lorenzo by his jacket. “Did you have anything to do with the fire that burn down my daughter house! What if My daughter and Grandson were in it! Alexander yelled Genevieve got up. “Alexander, Daddy didn’t do it”Genevieve said “Genevieve”Alexander said “I didn’t do it, Now I suggest you take you're hands off me”Lorenzo said “Alexander, Look at me, Our daughter and Grandson are fine”Genevieve said Alexander took his hands off Lorenzo. “Bianca, I’m glad you're okay, You and Nikolas-Alexander are coming home with me, I don’t want you in this house, You either Genevieve”Alexander said “You can’t take Genevieve”Lorenzo said “No you made sure of that! Alexander yelled “Alexander, Let’s go and talk”Genevieve said she left with Bianca and Alexander. 

“I’m sorry about this”Skye said “It’s okay, This can’t ruin my happiness “Lila Rae said “I didn’t set that fire”Lorenzo said “I know Daddy, You would not hurt us”Lila Rae said

In the living room~ Alexander and Genevieve and Bianca were their . :”Alexander, I know about Daddy being my legal guardian I don’t want him to know that I know, I need to get out of it first”Genevieve said “Alexis say their no way out of it but I will hire the best lawyer”Alexander said “I know you will”Genevieve said “Bianca, Do you want to stay here”Alexander ask “Yes , I need to keep my eye on mother”Bianca said “I want Bianca here”Genevieve said “Alright, Genevieve I will get you a new phone only call me on it will be safe that way”Alexander said “Good idea, I need to ask you something alone”Genevieve said Bianca left. “Alexander, That night we were together did you use a condom”Genevieve ask “Yes, This time I learn”Alexander said “Oh, I had a dizzy spell today must be the drugs”Genevieve said “I’m sorry about this but I will save you”Alexander said “Thanks”Genevieve said he kiss Genevieve into a passion kiss.

In the dining room~Lorenzo and Skye and Lila Rae and Evan were waiting for Bianca and Genevieve when Bianca came back in. “Where you're mother”Lorenzo ask “Saying goodbye to Daddy”Bianca said Lorenzo was about to get up.”I’ll go”Skye said and went into the living room to see Genevieve and Alexander kissing. “We will be together soon,I promise you this”Alexander said “I want that”Genevieve said as Skye came by them. “Alexander, You sure go”Skye said “Alright”Alexander said he left. “Mother, If you want to fix us I need you're help”Genevieve said “We will talk tomorrow”Skye said “Yes Mother”Genevieve said they went back into the dining room. “I’m sorry about Alexander”Genevieve said “He sure has a temper good thing you're not with him anymore”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy, Lila Rae I’m sorry I ruin you're night”Genevieve said “You didn’t”Lila Rae said as the maid Rose came in. “Time for dessert I made Flan”Rose said “My favorite”Genevieve said “My too”Lila Rae said “Yes I remember when you both were young girls”Rose said in spanish. “I have some news, I’m going to be running ELQ”Skye said “You took ELQ, From the family”Genevieve said “Yes it’s business”Skye said “Mother, How could you! Hurt the family like that, I thought Family meant something to you”Genevieve said “It’s Business and I want you to work with me”Skye said “No thanks, I have a job”Genevieve said “You do”Lorenzo ask “Yes , I’m going to work with Alexis”Genevieve said “Oh the hell you are! Lorenzo yelled

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 58~

At Alexis office~Alexis was on the phone, “Jax, Are you okay, When are you coming home”Alexis ask and hang up as Ned came in. “Is Jax coming home”Ned ask “No , Jax doesn’t want to come back to town ’Alexis said “What about the twins”Ned ask “I don’t know what Jax is thinking let Skye and Lorenzo raise the twins”Alexis said “Me either, He took ELQ before he left”Ned said “Wow”Alexis said”Yes but I will get it back”Ned said “I’m sure you will”Alexis said Alexander came in. “Alexander, Thanks for coming”Alexis said “You're welcome, Ned it’s good to see you”Alexander said “You too”Ned said and left. “So what is it”Alexander ask “I took over the paperwork , I’m sorry but Lorenzo isn’t just Genevieve medical guardian his her legal guardian”Alexis said “Oh No”Alexander said “Yeah this isn’t good”Alexis said “Does Genevieve know”Alexander ask “Yes she was here with Bianca, There something else you need to know”Alexis said

At Skye/Lorenzo~ Lorenzo was downstairs pour a drink as Skye came in. “How is Genevieve”Lorenzo ask “She getting ready, Lorenzo we need to talk”Skye said “What’s that”Lorenzo said “I got a letter from Jax today, His not coming back, Did you have anything to do with it, I want a honest answers”Skye said “No I had nothing to do with Jax not coming back”Lorenzo said “I hope you didn’t because if you did we can’t be together”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said “I just hate that my twins will not have Jax”Skye said “I will be their father, If you want you know I’m a good father”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came down she tried not to laugh at that. “Genevieve, What was that”Lorenzo ask “Nothing”Genevieve said “I hope you're feeling better now and try not to wear yourself out anymore”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy”Genevieve said “You have a doctor appointment tomorrow”Lorenzo said “Genevieve, Please let tonight be about you're sister”Skye said “I will”Genevieve said Bianca came down as Lila Rae and Evan came in. “Daddy, This is Evan Spencer”Lila Rae said “Nice to meet you”Lorenzo said “You too sir”Evan said The maid came in. “Dinner is ready”The maid said Genevieve took her daughter's hand and they went into the dining room.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 57

~At Skye office~Skye was working when AJ came in. “AJ, I’m glad you're here”Skye said “So why did you call me “AJ ask “I know that Jax was taking over ELQ, I help him and I want you to help me run it with Jax”Skye said “I know you help Jax, I will join you”AJ said “Good, We can take over this town even more , We owe two hotel that are a hit in this town”Skye said “Yes what else can we owe”AJ ask “With the both of us we can take over this town”Skye said “Have you heard from Jax”AJ ask “No, I’m worry Ja hasn’t call me since he left you would think he would want to say Hello to his children”Skye said “I guess”AJ said as a woman came in. “Mrs. Alcazar this letter came from you”The woman said and give it to Skye and left. Skye open the letter it was from Jax. Dear Skye, I’m going to stay in London with Josslyn, I meet someone and I’m happy, I set up a trust fund for our twins”Jax said

“This letter doesn’t make sense that Jax just left our twins”Skye said “Skye, You need to talk to Lorenzo he could be behind this”AJ said “That’s what Genevieve say too”Skye said “How is it going with her”AJ said “It’s not that easy, I have a feeling that Lorenzo is going to try to get Genevieve to stay with us”Skye said “Do you want that”AJ ask “I do want to be close with my daughter, But Genevieve can’t be on her own”Skye said “Does Genevieve know that”AJ ask “No, I need to go home soon. , Lila Rae is coming over for dinner”Skye said “That’s sure be fun”AJ said “Yeah”Skye said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Genevieve was waking up to fine Lorenzo sitting in a chair watching her. “Daddy, Why are you in my room”Genevieve ask “I just came to check on you, Are you feeling better”Lorenzo ask “Yes a little tired still”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I get you want to go out but you can’t go out long, You don’t have the same energy you did before”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy”Genevieve said “You're sister Lila Rae is coming over for dinner tonight, You need to get ready soon”Lorenzo said “Alright”Genevieve said Lorenzo left as Bianca came in. “Mother, Are you feeling better”Bianca ask “Yes, Come lay with me”Genevieve said Bianca came into the bed and lay down with her mother. “I’m sorry about today, I didn’t know you would get tired”Bianca said “It’s not you're fault, I’m sure my mother is upset that I took a nap she hate when we would nap turn the day when we were kids it doesn’t look right”Genevieve said “Yeah”Bianca said as Skye came in. “Genevieve, You're up good, I want you to get ready soon for dinner, Lila Rae is coming so please behave”Skye said “Yes Mother”Genevieve said “Thank you, Do you want me to help you”Skye ask “No”Genevieve said she got up and had another dizzy spell. “Mother”Bianca said “I’m okay, I just need a min”Genevieve said as Nikolas-Alexander was crying. “I sure check on my son”Bianca said and left. “Genevieve, Could you be pregnant, Did Alexander wear a condom”Skye ask “Mother, I’m sure Alexander did”Genevieve said “I hope so, You can’t take care of a child yet”Skye said “Mother, Do you want me here”Genevieve ask “Yes I do, I want to fix us”Skye said she took her daughter's hand. “Let me help you get dress”Skye said “Alright,Who else is coming”Genevieve ask “Just Lila Rae and Evan”Skye said “Oh”Genevieve said Skye pull out a black dress. “Wear this”Skye said “Yes Mother”Genevieve said she went into the bathroom and chance.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 56

~On the dock~Genevieve and Bianca were walking and Genevieve was getting tired. “Mother, Are you okay”Bianca ask “Yes, I’m just getting tired that’s all”Genevieve said “Alright, Let’s get you home”Bianca said “Bianca, Let me handle my father”Genevieve said “Sure”Bianca said she help Genevieve walk home.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was home worry about Genevieve who wasn’t home yet. “Lorenzo”Skye said as she came in. “Genevieve , Sure be back now, She been gone too long and is push herself”Lorenzo said “Genevieve, Well just have to learn that herself”Skye said as Bianca came in holding Genevieve who was so tired. “Genevieve”Lorenzo said and went by Genevieve. “Genevieve, Are you okay”Lorenzo ask “No Daddy, I don’t feel well”Genevieve said “We sure call a doctor”Bianca said “You're mother just needs to rest, I take her upstairs”Lorenzo said he carry Genevieve upstairs. “Bianca, Where did you and Genevieve go”Skye ask “Mother need to take care of things, I didn’t know this would hurt her”Bianca said

Genevieve room~Lorenzo put Genevieve in her bed and cover her up with a blanket as the nurse came in. “Let me check on Genevieve”The nurse said Lorenzo left and went downstairs. “How is Mother”Bianca ask “The nurse is check on her, Bianca, You're mother sure not be out too long, She doesn’t have the energy she had before”Lorenzo said “I didn’t know Grandfather”Bianca said “I know, So where did you go”Lorenzo ask “Mother, Just want to take care of a few things, I’m going to check on my son”Bianca said and went upstairs. “Genevieve, Really sure not slept too long”Skye said “Skye, Genevieve does need her rest”Lorenzo said “I know but we have a dinner party tonight with Lila Rae”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said the nurse came down. “How is our daughter”Skye ask “Genevieve is going to be fine, She just need to rest that’s all”The nurse said “Thank you”Lorenzo said the nurse left. “I need to go the office”Skye said as Bianca came down. “I have to go to my office too”Bianca said “It’s fine, I will be here”Lorenzo said “Alright, Dinner will be at seven, We our having Lila Rae and her fiance Evan”Skye said “Alright, Grandmother”Bianca said “I’m sorry about you're house but I’m glad you're here, I’m sure Genevieve feels the same way”Lorenzo said “Yes ’Bianca said Skye and Bianca left and Lorenzo went upstairs and check on Genevieve who was sleeping.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 55

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was having a drink when Skye came in. “How was work”Lorenzo ask “I need to tell you something, Is Genevieve back”Skye ask “No, What is it”Lorenzo ask he pour Skye a drink of water and they sit down. “It’s about ELQ, Before Jax left, We were planning on taking it and now we do owe it together”Skye said “You know owe ELQ”Lorenzo ask “Yes,I’m sure soon when the Quartermaine find out I help Jax I will lose all of them”Skye said “I’m sorry, You don’t need them you have me, I’m sure you will run ELQ great”Lorenzo said “Thank you”Skye said “We have always had a support and honest relationship”Lorenzo said “Yes we have, I wonder why Jax hasn’t call me yet”Skye said “I’m sure he will get back to you, Skye are you okay about having Genevieve here”Lorenzo ask “It’s not going to be easy, But I believe you're right, Genevieve can’t take care of herself anymore”Skye said “No, Genevieve sure be back soon”Lorenzo said

At Alexis office~Alexis was working when Bianca and Genevieve came in. “Bianca, Genevieve, What can I do for you”Alexis ask “Help me get my father off as my medical guardian”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I look at you're case, I’m sorry there nothing legal I can do to fight it, Lorenzo hire a good lawyer their no getting around it”Alexis said “No”Genevieve said “How long will Grandfather be mother guardian”Bianca ask “Genevieve , I look over all of it, You're father is you're guardian for life”Alexis said “No! Daddy lied to me, I sure not be surprised”Genevieve said “I’m sorry, I get that you don’t want Lorenzo to be in changer of you , I get having a control father”Alexis said “Yes , You do more then anyone, Oh Alexis the law I love so much as turn it’s back on me and it’s not just about Daddy run my life, I don’t know who I’m anymore, I miss the law so much I can taste it”Genevieve said “I would feel the same way, I can fix that”Alexis said “How”Genevieve ask “Come work for me, As my asst, You can still have something to do with the law”Alexis said “I will take it , Thank you”Genevieve said “You're welcome”Alexis said they left.

In the hallway~Genevieve and Bianca were their. “Mother, Are you okay”Bianca ask “Yes”Genevieve said “Do you think Grandmother know about it”Bianca ask “No, Mother is so blind when it comes to Daddy”Genevieve said “What are you going to do”Bianca ask “I don’t know, I’m not going to say anything right now”Genevieve said “Alright”Bianca said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 54~

~At The Quartermaine~Monica was in the den when Alan came in. “How did it go with Genevieve”Monica ask “Alright, I hope it works”Alan said “Me too, You don’t look too happy”Monica said “No I’m not, Skye is back with Lorenzo”Alan said “I’m sorry”Monica said “I guess we will never be free of that man”Alan said “No we will not”Monica sai

At Skye office~Skye was at work when Ned came in. “Skye, Did you know that Jax just took ELQ from us”Ned ask “No, How would I know that”Skye ask “I thought you and Jax were in business together”Ned ask “Yes, But I been away”Skye said “I don’t believe you that you didn’t know that we don’t owe ELQ anymore! Ned yelled as AJ, Michael , Alan. Monica, Tracy came in. “We don’t owe ELQ anymore! Tracy yelled “No, Jax just stole it from us and I’m sure that Skye know”Ned said “Ned, I been busy with my daughter I didn’t know”Skye said “So we our break”Tracy said “No we have the hotel”Ned said “Thank god I guess, We will get ELQ back we have to”Tracy said “We will, I’m sure my daughter didn’t know”Alan said “Thank you Daddy, You always believe in me”Skye said “Always”Alan said “We will be fine without ELQ”Monica said “Yes we will”Michael said “Thank god we have both hotels”AJ said “Yes, I guess we can count on you”Tracy said everyone left except AJ and Skye. “Skye, You just lied to our family, You know about this”AJ said Skye pour herself some water. “I could never lie to you”Skye said “So, You know that Jax was planning a takeover, and you didn’t tell me”AJ said”I’m sorry, Will you forgive me”Skye ask “Yes, So who is going to run ELQ , You or Jax”AJ ask Skye just smile.

At General Hospital~Genevieve and Bianca came in. “Mother, Why are we here”Bianca ask “I want to talk to Dr Drake, Without my parents”Genevieve said as Dr Drake came by. “Genevieve, What can I do for you”Dr Drake said “Can I live on my own, I need to get out of my parents house and take my father to court about him being my medical guardian”Genevieve said “You still have a lot of work to do, I would not recommend it , I’m sorry, I’m sure having Lorenzo as a father is hard”Dr Drake said and left. “Mother, Now what”Bianca ask “I need to talk to Alexis”Genevieve said she was getting tired. “Alright, Mother did you take you're pills”Bianca ask “Yes”Genevieve said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 53~

At Skye/Lorenzo~ A Room~Bianca and Genevieve were in it, “You can stay in this room, Bianca were you keeping something about the fire from me”Genevieve ask “Yes, he fireman say it start from my oven but I don’t cook I order in, So why was my oven on”Bianca said “Oh no”Genevieve said “You don’t think this was Grandfather do you”Bianca said “I will find out, Just stay here”Genevieve said she left.

Lorenzo was in his office with the door closed when Skye came in. “Skye, I’m working, You know you can’t come in”Lorenzo said “To bad! Did you set the fire to our daughter house! The house Bianca and our great -grandson were staying! Skye yelled “Skye, What I have done is out of love and for this family”Lorenzo said “Our grandchildren could of been in the house! Why what is the reason”Skye ask “Well now Bianca has to move in with us”Lorenzo said “Oh Lorenzo, You cross the line! Skye yelled they didn’t know Genevieve was listen to them. “So this is just to get Bianca and Nikolas-Alexander in the house and keep Genevieve here”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “How far are you willing to go to keep Genevieve in this house”Skye ask “How far I have to I will, I want Genevieve here,, Beside she can’t go out on her own”Lorenzo said “Oh Lorenzo”Skye said “Can you keep this quiet and look the other way, I made sure no one was hurt, I would never hurt Bianca and Nikolas-Alexander”Lorenzo ask “Alright”Skye said “Thank you”Lorenzo said Genevieve left. Lorenzo kiss Skye and she left his office and close the door.

Upstairs~ In Bianca room~Bianca was in the room when Genevieve came in. “Did you find out anything”Bianca ask “No, Why don’t we take Nikolas-Alexander and go shopping”Genevieve ask as Skye came in. “Do you have everything you need”Skye ask “Not yet, I’m going to take Bianca and Nikolas-Alexander shopping”Genevieve said “Oh, You can leave you're son here, The nanny can watch him”Skye said “Thanks Grandmother, Do you want to come”Bianca ask “No thanks, I have work to do”Skye said “Yes, I just need my purse”Genevieve said she went into her room. “Bianca, I know it’s sad about you're house but Genevieve will love having you here”Skye said “Yes”Bianca said Genevieve came back in, “Let’s go”Genevieve said they left.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 52

~Skye/Lorenzo~”Skye, You're really back with Lorenzo”Alan ask “Yes, Daddy I hope you can be happy for me”Skye said ‘Lorenzo, Better make you happy”Alan said “He does”Skye said as Dr Collins and Genevieve came back in. “So Genevieve, Are you going to get better, Think of this as soon as you're well you're be out of this house that you hate so much”Lorenzo said “Like you will really stop control me, When I was a little girl kids at school would think I was lucky my father was a mob boss so no one would mess with me and my mother is from a powerfully family in town, But they were wrong sometime it’s not always lucky or easy to live up to this family, That’s why I had to break free at sixteen years old”Genevieve said “You had a great childhood”Skye said “Yeah, I will get better but not for you two,But for my daughter and Grandson”Genevieve said “We're just glad that you want to get better, Why don’t we all have some lunch”Skye ask “Bianca, Where is Nikolas-Alexander”Genevieve ask “His laying down”Bianca said they all went into the dining room.

“Lila Rae, You don’t have to put you're life on hold for me, I never ask you too”Genevieve said “I’m getting marry soon and I would like Daddy to meet him”Lila Rae said “Sure, Bring him over”Lorenzo said “You're getting marry”Genevieve ask “Yes, I want to be happy unlike you”Lila Rae said “There nothing wrong with being with a man but not marry him”Genevieve said “Like you have good taste with men”Lila Rae said “Girls , Please”Skye said “Sorry Mother”Lila Rae said “Sorry, Bianca maybe after lunch we can take Nikolas-Alexander for a walk at the park”Genevieve said “Sure”Bianca said Lorenzo phone rang. “I have to take this”Lorenzo said he left with his phone. “Diego, What are you going to do now that you're back in town”Skye ask “I’m sure his going to work with his father”Tracy said as Bianca phone rang. “Bianca Cassadine, Oh no”Bianca said and hang up.

Lorenzo was in his office, “Is it done”Lorenzo said and hang up and went back into the dining room. “Bianca, What was that phone call about”Genevieve ask “My house - You're house was burn down, I’m sorry Mother”Bianca said “It’s okay, I’m just glad you and my grandson were not in it, We can’t replace you, Do they know what cost it”Genevieve ask “No, I don’t know where I’m going to stay Daddy out of town”Bianca said “You will stay right here”Lorenzo said “Yes, You can”Skye said “Yes, It’s okay Bianca”Genevieve said “I will help you get setting in”Skye said “No I will help my daughter”Genevieve said “Bianca, I’m glad you're alright”Alan said “Thanks”Bianca said “This was nice but I have to go”Tracy said “Me to. Bianca it’s okay”Skylar said everyone left and Bianca and Genevieve went upstairs.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 51

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were talking by them self. “Do you think it will work”Skye ask “It has too”Lorenzo said “Did you really mean it when you told Genevieve you would back off with her and Alexander”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said he took a slip of his drink. “Lorenzo, We been together for so long I know when you're lying”Skye said “Skye please, I don’t want Alexander with our daughter”Lorenzo said “You need to let it go or you will ruin things between you and Genevieve”Skye said

“Lila Rae, I get why you're upset but will you please just back off a little’’Skylar said “I will try”Lila Rae said “Thank you”Skylar said “You always see the good in everyone don’t you”Lila Rae said “Yes”Skylar said as Tracy came by. “Skylar is just like my mother”Tracy said “Thank you Aunt Tracy”Skylar said “I thought I was like my namesake”Lila Rae said

Outside~Genevieve and Dr Collins were talking. “So what do you think about what everyone say”Dr Collins said “I get that my family wants me to get better but how can I stop putting everyone life on hold if I’m living at home, Maybe it’s time I move out”Genevieve said “Do you think you can take care of yourself”Dr Collins ask “I could get a nurse to help me”Genevieve said “But there is something you're scared about”Dr Collins said “I’m scare that I may lose my temper or forget to do something that put my daughter or grandson in danger”Genevieve said “Then till then you can’t be on you're own”Dr Collins said “I hate that I’m back in his control in this house”Genevieve said “I know it’s not for long, Just till you're will”Dr Collins said “Let’s go back in”Genevieve said they went inside.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 50

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was in her room wearing her robe thinking about being with Alexander and how much she loved him when Skye came in. “Genevieve”Skye said again. “Yes Mother”Genevieve said “I been calling you're name, Why aren’t you ready Dr Collins will be here soon”Skye said Genevieve went into her closet and pick out a dress. “I help you get dress, Genevieve, Will you just try to listen to Dr Collins, I know you hate it but we all want you better, We all do love you”Skye said “Mother, I know Daddy is upset but I had every right to be with Alexander, I want to be with Alexander again”Genevieve said “I know you do, But you can’t sneak around”Skye said “I sure not have to, I’m not a teenage”Genevieve said “You're right”Skye said “Mother , I’m sure after I get better you want me out of here so you can be with Daddy and he can help you raise the twins”Genevieve said “That’s not true, I love that you're awake and here and I have Jax to help me with the twins he will not be gone for long”Skye said “Sure, Jax is going to let you raise the twins when you're married to Daddy, It maybe nice to live in fantasy land”Genevieve said “Genevieve”Skye said

Downstairs~Lorenzo and Luis and Diego and Skylar and Lila Rae and Alan and AJ and Tracy were there. “I hope this is a good idea”Skylar said “Me too”Alan said “It’s not going to work”Lila Rae said “It has to”Lorenzo said as Dr Collins came in and Skye and Genevieve came downstairs. “Why is everyone here, What is going on, Dr Collins”Genevieve said “I ask everyone to come and talk to you”Dr Collins said “This is a intervention, I don’t need one, I don’t have a drug or drinking problem”Genevieve said “We all are here to help you we love you”Lorenzo said as Bianca came in with Nikolas-Alexander.. “Sorry , I’m late”Bianca said “You ask my daughter to come! Why idea was this, Was it you're Daddy! Stop control me! Genevieve said “No Mother it wasn’t Grandfather , It was my idea, I don’t want you to lose you please I lose the mother who raise me because she didn’t like the fact that I had a baby, I can’t lose you too, We have a lot of making up to do”Bianca said “Oh Bianca’ Genevieve said “Genevieve, Each one of you're family members has a message for you”Dr Collin said “I go first, Mother please get better and then you can take you're house back and move in with me and Nikolas-Alexander, I need my mother when you were in a coma I hate it but at least I had you, I didn’t give up on you please don’t give up on yourself,I love you”Bianca said Genevieve touch her daughter's hair. “I love you too Bianca, When I try to kill myself it had nothing to do with you it was all me”Genevieve said “Yes it was, Because Genevieve is nothing but selfish”Lila Rae said “Lila Rae”Skye said “No let Lila Rae say it”Genevieve said “You know by making me you're medical guardian that I would not want the doctors or Daddy or mother not to follow the law and that this would come between Daddy and I , You hate how close Daddy and I were and now it ruin things between Daddy and I”Lila Rae said “Wow, You think I’m that selfish! No I pick you because I know you would do the right thing, Skylar I love you but you could not live with yourself if you did pull the plug that’s why I pick you”Genevieve said “I’m glad you're here”Lila Rae said “Thanks”Genevieve said “Genevieve, My other half, I’m glad you're here, I love you please don’t ever do that again, I know it sucks you can’t be a lawyer anymore but you can do anything else, I know you can”Skylar said “Oh Skylar”Genevieve said “We all need you sis, You're my little sister and I love you”Luis said “I love you too”Genevieve said “I would like to get to know you”Diego said “Thanks me too”Genevieve said “Genevieve, You're a Quartermaine and a strong fighter and you know how to pull yourself together and move on , You did it when Alexander left you on you're wedding day and you will do it this time too”Tracy said “Thanks Aunt Tracy”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I’m glad you're awake and I want you here I love you”Alan said “Oh Grandfather I love you too”Genevieve said “I’m sure you can find something you love to do”Alan said
“Thanks”Genevieve said “Genevieve,I love you too and I know that Constanza will miss you too”AJ said “I need to call her”Genevieve said “I tell her”AJ said “Are we done”Genevieve ask “No, You're mother and I haven’t gone yet”Lorenzo said “I know how you both feel”Genevieve said

“Genevieve, I want to fix our relationship, I want us to be close but you need to help me, I love you it broke my heart seeing you in a coma, I hate it, I’m sorry I left you but I had to do what I had to do, It doesn’t mean I didn’t love you”Skye said “Genevieve, I want to fix our relationship too, We were getting close in England and I’m sorry that I act the way I did today, You're right you have every right to be with Alexander, I just want you here”Lorenzo said “Are we done”Genevieve ask “Do you get what we all say to you, We all would like to get back our life”Lila Rae said “Genevieve, Let’s go for a walk”Dr Collins said “Alright, I get my wrap”Genevieve said she went upstairs. “Lila Rae, I get why you're upset but you need to let Genevieve deal with all this it’s a lot to take in”Dr Collins said “Alright”Lila Rae said “Will it work”Lorenzo said “I think so”Dr Collins said Genevieve came back in and left with Dr. Collins.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 49

~At Bianca~ Bianca was rocking her son. “Soon my parents will be together and we will all be a family”Bianca said as Raelyn came in. “Raelyn , You're back”Bianca said “Yes, The maid let me in, I’m sorry about Aunt Genevieve try to kill herself”Raelyn said “Thanks, I’m so glad Mother is fine for now”Bianca said “Yes, I heard Grandfather has custody”Raelyn said “Yes”Bianca said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo and Genevieve and Skye came in. “You sure shower and chance”Lorenzo said “How dare you come into the hotel and treat me like that! I had every right to be with Alexander! I’m not a child just because you our in changer of my medical care doesn’t mean you can control me”Genevieve yelled “This man has hurt you, I was just looking out for you”Lorenzo said “No it’s not about that! You just like to control me! You both do! But as a child you could never control me and I still will not let you! Genevieve yelled “You have no say now! Lorenzo yelled “You both need to calm down before you say something you can’t take back”Skye said Lorenzo pour a drink and walk by the fireplace. “This isn’t the first time you try to kill yourself, Remember, It was when you were in the plane crash and had burns everywhere on you're body”Lorenzo said “I still do”Genevieve said “Yes, I remember walking in on you trying to cut you're wrist, I was so scare and then now too I will not let you give in and kill yourself”Lorenzo said “You don’t need to control me”Genevieve said “Genevieve, You sure take you're pills, We will have a nurse here soon”Lorenzo said he open the pill bottle and give Genevieve the pills and a glass of water. Genevieve took her pills. “So Genevieve do you see that I’m doing this for love”Lorenzo ask “Yes Daddy”Genevieve said she didn’t believe her father for one min. “Good, You sure shower , Dr Collins is coming today”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy”Genevieve said Lorenzo kiss Genevieve on her forehead and went upstairs. “That went easy”Skye said “Yes it did, Maybe Genevieve is seeing things my way”Lorenzo said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 48~

The next day~At Skye/Lorenzo~ Lorenzo was up early on the phone when Skye came down wearing her robe as he hang up the phone. “Lorenzo. What is going on”Skye ask “Genevieve didn't’ come home last night., She not pick up her phone and I’m worry”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, It’s Genevieve she just doing this to get attention from you, Genevieve is just like me”Skye said “Skye, Genevieve can’t be alone we both know what she will do if she alone, Genevieve doesn’t have common sense”Lorenzo said “Well let me call AJ I beat they had dinner at the hotel”Skye said Skye call AJ. “AJ, Did Genevieve and Bianca have dinner last night at you're hotel, Oh thank you”Skye said she hang up. “What did you find out”Lorenzo ask “Genevieve had dinner with Alexander”Skye said “And”Lorenzo said “Calm down but Alexander rent a room”Skye said “Let’s go”Lorenzo said “I need to get dress, You calm down”Skye said “Fine”Lorenzo said Skye went upstairs and Lorenzo opening his safe and pull out a gun.

At The Quartermaine hotel~Alexander and Genevieve room~Alexander was still in bed and got up to fine Genevieve. “Genevieve”Alexander said she came out of the bathroom wearing a maid outfit. “So what do you think”Genevieve ask “I think I need to take that off you”Alexander said “I remember when I wear this outfit in The city remember, We were on a trip”Genevieve ask “Yes I do”Alexander said he kiss Genevieve and pick her up and put her on the dresser as Lorenzo kick the door in Skye came in too. “Daddy”Genevieve said “Get you're hands off my daughter! Lorenzo yelled he pull out the gun. “Daddy put the gun away! Genevieve said and she got up. “What the hell did he do to you here, and what are you wearing”Lorenzo ask “You have no right to know that or be here! Why can’t you just leave me alone! I’m not a child”Genevieve said “You're a heiress! Act like it! Skye will you help our daughter get dress”Lorenzo ask “Put the gun down first”Skye said “Daddy”Genevieve said “Go with you're mother”Lorenzo said he put the gun back in his jacket.

Skye help Genevieve get dress. “Mother, I just want to be alone with my boyfriend, I’m not a teenage”Genevieve said “I know just let you're father calm down”Skye said “Well you help me”Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said she touch her daughter's hair.

Lorenzo and Alexander were alone. “Genevieve, Isn’t a child you can’t stop us”Alexander said “What to beat”Lorenzo ask as Skye and Genevieve came out. “Genevieve”Alexander said Lorenzo took Genevieve hand. “Let’s go now! Lorenzo yelled “Alexander”Genevieve said “It will be okay, I promise you”Alexander said “Last night was wonderful”Genevieve said and they left.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 47

~At Alexis office~Alexis was working when Alexander came in. “Alexander , What can I do for you”Alexis ask “It’s Genevieve, Lorenzo is now her medical guardian she needs you're help to get out of his control”Alexander said “I know about it, I don’t think there's anything I can do but I will talk to Genevieve”Alexis said “Thank you”Alexander said “You're welcome, So are you and Genevieve getting back together”Alexis ask “I don’t know if we can get pass everything but I hope we can”Alexander said “Me too, Don’t let Lorenzo come between you both”Alexis said “I will try not to, Genevieve is so upset that she back in that house”Alexander said “I’m sure”Alexis said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was downstairs when Skye came in with Laurel in her arms. “Laurel doesn’t want to slept anymore”Skye said “Can I hold her”Lorenzo ask “Sure, Lorenzo I want you to be close with the twins, While Jax is gone they need you”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said Lorenzo pick Laurel up and she smile at him. “Laurel, Love you”Skye said as Genevieve came in wearing a black dress and saw her father holding Laurel and was a little jealous for some reason. “Genevieve, You look great”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Genevieve said “How are you getting their”Lorenzo ask “The driver”Genevieve said “Well have fun”Lorenzo said “Daddy”Genevieve said “Yes,”? Lorenzo ask “Don’t stay up”Genevieve said and left.”What was that about”Lorenzo ask “I think Genevieve was jealous that you're holding my daughter”Skye said “I can’t win with our daughter can I”Lorenzo ask “I guess not, I can’t either”Skye said

At The Quartermaine hotel~Alexander was waiting for Bianca and Genevieve when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve you look beautiful”Alexander said “Thank you, So Bianca not here”Genevieve ask “Not yet”Alexander said his phone rang it was Bianca saying she could not come. “I hope you feel better”Alexander said and hang up. “Is Bianca sick”Genevieve ask “Yes, Just a cold, So it looks like it’s just us”Alexander said “Yes it is”Genevieve said they order dinner. “I talk to Alexis”Alexander said “Can she help me”Genevieve ask “Alexis doesn’t think so but she will talk to you”Alexander said “Good”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Why did you want to kill yourself”Alexander ask “I just want my life back and if I can’t have it as it was then what I’m, Who i'm”Genevieve ask “You're still the same Genevieve Rae , That I love”Alexander said “You love me still after everything”Genevieve ask “Yes I do, Do you still love me”Alexander ask “Yes, I do, I did love Victor but not as much as I love you”Genevieve said they share a kiss. “Alexander, Let’s go get a room,I need to be with a man”Genevieve said “Well I’m the man for the job”Alexander said “Always”Genevieve said Alexander help Genevieve up.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were having a candlelight dinner. “This is nice, Just us”Skye said “Yes it is, Skye I need to tell you something”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I don’t want to talk about Genevieve tonight”Skye said “Alright”Lorenzo said they share a kiss. “Let’s go to our room”Lorenzo said they went upstairs.

In The Quartermaine hotel~Alexander and Genevieve room~ Alexander was kissing Genevieve and lay her on the bed and made love to her. “I do miss playing”Genevieve said “Me too, We can play next time I just want you”Alexander said “So their was no one else”Genevieve ask “No one who had my heart like you do”Alexander said they made love.