Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What Lies beyond ch 9

 At Olivia restaurant -Elizabeth and Lucky and Lulu and Dante were celebrating about Ayden running the restaurant and Dante was feeling emotional about it and missing Olivia. Lulu could tell and pull him aside.”Dante,Are you alright “I just wish my mother was here and running her dream restaurant “Me too,Are you having mix feelings about giving Ayden the restaurant “No I can’t run it and I know he will do wonderful with it as much as my mother would “Dante said “Yes he will “Lulu said 

Ric and Skye came in and Ric looked at Elizabeth he still had feelings for her as he sat down with Skye.”Do you have feelings for Elizabeth still “It’s complicated “Ric said “I understand about complicated relationships “Skye said “Yes I’m sure you do, So are you really over Lorenzo “Yes for the sake of my daughters safety “Will maybe you can help me get Lorenzo “What do you want me to do? Skye ask as Lorenzo came in and saw them talking and was jealous about it and left.

Elizabeth went to talk to Ayden .”I’m so proud of you”Elizabeth said “I will prove to everyone that I will run the restaurant as Olivia wanted “I know you will “Elizabeth said as AJ came by.”Ayden I heard about the restaurant I’m happy for you even though I will lose you as a cook at the hotel “AJ said “I enjoy working there too and at the dining “I know you did”When is the hotel reopening “Tomorrow “AJ said 

At Bobbie’s - a woman came by and unlocked the door as she came into it and turned on the lights.”It’s good to be home “As Lorenzo came into the dining.”Carly, you’re home”Yes I’m,Why are you here”To get something to eat but I see something better than food”Lorenzo said as he went by Carly and Kiss her.

What Lies beyond ch 8

 At Olivia restaurant- Lucky and Lulu were having lunch with their children it was hard for both of them and they left the table to get drinks. “Lucky, Are you alright “It’s hard trying to pick up a relationship with Ayden I miss so much time and that’s on me”Yes is it’s hard I understand that”You missed Charlotte and Rocco wasn’t your fault you were in a coma”Yes too long of a coma”Lulu said as Elizabeth and Ne d and Dante came by.”What’s going on”We need to talk to Ayden it’s business, “Dante said they went by him.”Ayden you been doing great with the restaurant and we appreciate it and know that Olivia would love it, We want you to run it”You want to give me the restaurant “Yes you’re a great cook”I wouldn’t change anything that Olivia did she was a great at running the restaurant “Ayden said “My mom love the way you cooked too she believe in you “Dante said “I will be happy to run it but on one condition “What’s that”I’m  keeping the name “Thanks you “Thanks you both I don’t know much about the business side”I will help you with that part”Ned said 

Elizabeth was watching her son and proud of him as Lucky came by.”Our son is now running a restaurant “Elizabeth said “Yes and that’s on you , You did this “Lucky said 

At Lorenzo coffee shop-Lorenzo was ordering some cookies and tea for Gabriella when Ric came in.”Ric, Why are you here”I want some coffee and your place is the best coffee in town and I want to warn you that just because the governor pardon you don’t mean I will not come after you, You better watch yourself “No that would be you “Lorenzo said as he handed Ric coffee.”Now leave “Lorenzo said “I’m not scared of you I was never scared of you “Ric said he left.

Skye was walking on the docks as Ric came by.”Skye,Are you alright “Not really, A lot has happened “Yes it has”So you went to get coffee at Lorenzo are you asking for trouble “I was just warning Lorenzo that I will be watching him”Oh”Skye, Do you want to get some lunch “I would love too”Skye said 

What Lies Beyond ch 7

 At Olivia restaurant-Ayden and Lucky we’re having lunch together.”Ayden, Are you seeing anyone “Not yet, Are you alright that I’m gay”Yes I love you son I know I made mistakes in not being in your life I failed as a father and I can never make it up to you “No you can’t but I have an amazing mother “Yes you do Elizabeth is a amazing mother and woman “Do you still love my mother “As friends but our marriage didn’t work but I don’t regret you”Lucky said as Lulu came by.”Lulu”Lucky, Ayden it’s good to see you “Thanks you “Do you want to join us? If that’s alright with you Ayden “Lucky said “I’m meeting Charlotte and Rocco “ Lulu said “They can join us too “Ayden said as Charlotte and Rocco came by.”Come join us”Ayden said they sit down.”Ayden this restaurant is better now that you’re the cook”Charlotte said “Olivia recipe are still on the menu she was a great chef too, she teach me a lot about the business and cooking “Ayden said “That’s good, Olivia was an perfection when it came to cooking “Lulu said “Rocco what about you? What career are you heading into “Lucky asks “I haven’t decided yet “Oh” I’m sure it will be great “Yes” Charlotte is still working at the store with Gabriella “Yes I want to see her soon that was horrible what happened “Yes it was”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Ned was meeting with Dante about what to do with the restaurant “Dante thanks for coming over I been thinking we need somebody to manager the restaurant “Yes we do , I wish Lulu could do it but she busy at the newspaper “Yes I have someone in mind “Who”Ayden his been great as a cook”Ned said “You want to sign over the restaurant to Ayden “Dante ask as Elizabeth came in.”You’re going to give the restaurant to my son “I want to his very passionate about the business and he has keep Olivia dish on the menu, We need to think about what the future is for the restaurant “Ned, Your not doing this because I’m married to AJ are you”No, Ayden is a wonderful chef, You raise four wonderful boys “Thank you Ned”You’re welcome “Alright I think this will work lets go talk to Ayden “Dante said “He at the restaurant with Lucky”Elizabeth said they left.

At Tea law office-Tea was looking at the paperwork from Lorenzo about Gabriella biological parents and Google them to see what they were like.’I will make sure you can’t take her away from us”Tea said to herself.

What lies beyond ch 5

 At General Hospital- Jeff room- Jeff was in bed talking to Lucas.”Dr.Webber you can go home today but take it easy you should not over do it and you may need some help in every day situation “Lucas said “Thank you Lucas, You remind me of Tony he would love that his son is a doctor “Thanks you, I feel my father every day when I work here “I’m sure, Bobbie was a great nurse too”Yes she was and Elizabeth is a wonderful nurse to work with “Lucas said as Carolyn and Naomi came in.”Naomi,Your in town”Jeff ask Lucas left the room.”Yes I came to be with my daughter who just lost her daughter “Yes it’s sad”I’m glad you’re alright “Naomi said “So now you both have met”Yes we have, We have a lot to talk about “Carolyn said “I can’t get stressed “Jeff said “When you are recovering we will talk to you”Carolyn said “Carolyn “I don’t hate you but there is a time when I’m done with forgive you for cheating because it’s been a lot”Yes I know”Jeff said as Steve came in.”Mother, Dad, You can get out of here “Steve said “Steve, This is Naomi Hayden's mother “Nice to meet you” You too “

In the Park-Elizabeth was walking she wanted some alone time when she ran into Lucky.”Lucky, I haven’t seen you in awhile “I wanted to stay away you are happy with AJ and I didn’t want to ruin it”You don’t ruin anything,I’m glad you’re still in town, for Ayden “Me too, So you and AJ are having an baby together “Yes we are, It’s twin “I’m glad AJ make you happy you deserve it, I was a horrible husband to you “We both made mistakes in our marriage but I don’t regret our son “Me either “Lucky said as Ayden came by,”Ayden “Mom, Dad”Ayden and I plan to meet here and then get some lunch,Do you want to join us”No you both enjoy “Elizabeth said “Is the hotel back open “No not yet”Elizabeth said “We can go to Olivia I know the chefs “Ayden said Alright “Lucky said and left with him.

At The Quartermaine, she came into the den and poured herself some water at the bar when AJ came by.”Skye,Are you alright “No I’m not, my daughter is in jail for trying to kill anyone in this town and my another daughter was shot at! Lorenzo right it’s all my fault! I brought Kim into our lives “You want to know your daughter And nothing is wrong with that.You didn’t know this would happened we both have been there wanting revenge “Yes we have, I know that Faith raised Kim and it destroys her I want to change it”I know you did”I should go to the hospital “Skye said 

What Lies Beyond ch 4

 At Lorenzo-Lorenzo had just told Tea about Gabriella biological mother.”Do you know anything about Gabriella biological father “No why”We need to make sure all this is legally so they have no rights to Gabriella had the birth mother ever call you”No She doesn’t have any of my contacts information, I only know about her”Let me make sure everything is legal “Why does it matter soon Gabriella will be eighteen and she will never know about this”Lorenzo it’s out there and AJ know it’s risky “You’re right “I will make sure Gabriella is protected I love her too”I know you do”Lorenzo said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ was at home thinking about the secret about Gabriella and what it will do to Skye when Ned came in.”AJ, Are you all right “I’m just a little nervous about being a father the twins will be here soon “Yes they will but you will be a good father this time all of us are behind you” Thanks Ned we came a long way “Yes we have, “AJ said as Tracy came in,” Monica is resting now we need to talk about when the hotel opening will be” Tracy ask “It’s tomorrow “Good is everything set” Yes” AJ said as Skye came in.”Skye,How is Gabriella doing “She resting at the hospital I just want to take a break “Skye you’re not alone in this”Tracy said “Thanks you I’m just glad I didn’t lose my little girl it wasn’t an easy pregnancy I almost lose her then”Skye said “You did”Tracy ask “Yes I was unconscious when I give birth to Gabriella I don’t remember it at all”Skye said “We are glad it turned out well for both of you “Ned said “Yes “Tracy said “Thank I’m going to rest”Skye said 

At The Brownstone- Emma was getting ready for work when Robin came in,”Mom, Why are you here “I want to see how you are doing with what happened last night at the hospital “It was scary but I’m glad we didn’t lose any patients “Me too”is it normal drama at the hospital “Yes it can be”Robin said 

What Lies beyond ch 3

 At General Hospital- Jeff room- Jeff was in bed when Elizabeth came in.”Elizabeth “Jeff said “How are you doing “I’m tired I don’t remember what happened “A doctor Who worked with her played with medicine to hurt and kill people in this town but you will be fine “Did anyone die” No” Good” Yes I’m glad you made it I needed you “I want to be a better father to you,” Jeff said as Steve and Sarah and Hayden came in.”My children I made mistakes with all of you but want to fix it”We want that too “Yes “

Carolyn was walking in the hospital when Naomi came by,‘Your still here”Yes I have to make things right with my daughter “I understand that I have to with my children too”We both have made mistakes as mother “Yes we have “

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was upset that AJ blackmailed him about the truth about Gabriella when Tea came in.”Tea, Why are you here “You didn’t tell me everything about Gabriella “I guess I can tell you, I just told AJ”Why”Because he overheard us at the hospital and now is blackmailing me”No”I don’t do well when someone blackmails me”Lorenzo his Skye family if you hurt him you will never get Skye back that’s unforgivable “I know it is! Maybe you should tell Skye about Gabriella “Skye will never forget me”Tell me everything and we will figure this out’Tea said 

At Pentonville-Kim came in escort by an officer and he put her in a cell and left.”Kim, now we are together “Faith said as she greeted her daughter,”Mother! Your my cell mate “Yes I’m “Faith said 

Monday, April 29, 2024

What Lies Beyond ch 2

 At General Hospital-Elizabeth was waiting for AJ they were going to have a sonogram on the baby’s when AJ came by.”Elizabeth, Sorry I’m late”Did you have a ELQ meeting “No I’ll tell you later let’s go check on the twins “AJ said as Portia came by.”I’m ready for you “Portia said 

In Gabriella's room- Gabriella was in her bed she was waking up and confused about what was going on when Skye came in,” Mother, Why I’m here” You were shot last night but you will be fine “Who shot me? I don’t remember anything Just rest baby” Skye said she didn’t want to tell Gabriella the truth.

Portia office-Elizabeth was lay down on the bed as Portia was doing the sonogram and AJ was holding her hand,”How are the twins “So far they are perfect but I suggest now that you’re in the late stages of pregnancy to take some time off”I have decided that last night was a lot on me “Yes it was a stressful night “Portia said “Yes it was”AJ said 

Maya was looking at the hole in the ceiling when Skye came by,”Maya”Last night was horrible “Yes it was my own daughter shot my another daughter “I’m sorry how are you feeling “I’m sad for Kim I just try to talk to her but she won’t listen to me”Kim was a great doctor “Yes she was”,Maya can you look at Gabriella chart? How bad is the damage “I will”

Tracy was pushing Monica in the wheelchair as they came by.”Monica, I’m glad you’re coming home today “Yes we are”Thanks you, I heard about Gabriella I hope she alright “Me too” She will be she an Quartermaine”Tracy said 

Elizabeth and AJ came by.”How is the baby’s “Great but I’m taking my maternity leave now “I think that’s wonderful “Yes”

What lies beyond ch 1

 At Lorenzo- Lorenzo was at home enjoying the quiet morning now that he was free from going to jail and Gabriella was making progress in her recovery when there was a knock on the door it was AJ.”AJ, Why are you here”I heard you talking to Tea last night that Gabriella isn’t your biological daughter with Skye, Now start talking! AJ yelled “Skye was pregnant it was hard on her because of her age and health issues she went into labor early and she was unconscious when she delivered what was supposed to be our baby girl Gabriella but it was a dead baby girl and I couldn’t break Skye heart I didn’t want to tell her about our daughter that died, I heard a nurse say that a young woman just give birth to a daughter who she didn’t want to raise and would be going to a foster care “That’s Gabriella “Yes she has a great life with us, If Skye or Gabriella find out it will destroy them both “Why did the woman give Gabriella up? She a model and doesn’t want a baby I look into her”A fashion model is her mother “Yes that’s probably why Gabriella love fashion “Probably “AJ, You can’t say anything, Skye will be destroyed “I know and I won’t say anything but you have to stay away from my sister she better off without you! If you try to romance Skye back I will tell her everything! I love both Gabriella and Skye and Lila Rae and I will protect them from you! AJ yelled “I will do anything for my family, We have an understanding “Good “I Didn't Take Gabriella just because I did it for my love of Skye” I do believe you love her but it comes with a cost” Most love does, “Lorenzo said 

At The Police station -Kim cell-Kim was in her cell when Skye came by,”Why are you here “To see you, Is this what you want a life in jail because you were so angry that I give you up”I don’t regret anything I did”You don’t have any remorse do you! I understand being angry I been there but you had a life of being a doctor you could of made a better life without Jerry and Faith “I loved them as parents “Kim said as Anna came by.”We are moving you to a more secure prison “Anna said “I really did want a relationship with you but it’s to late for that”Skye said “Goodbye mother dearest “Kim said as Anna unlocked the cell and took Kim.

Friday, April 26, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch. 66

 At General hospital-Skye went into the hallway by Lorenzo and Lila Rae as Lucas and Portia came by.”How is our daughter “Lorenzo ask “Gabriella made it was a hard surgery the bullet hit her into the head she will have brain damage “How bad? Lorenzo ask as he touch his face.”We don’t know but you will need to be patient with her, Gabriella should not be alone for awhile “Lucas said “Can we see her”Skye ask “Yes but don’t overwhelm her”I wouldn’t “Skye said they left with Lila Rae.

Elizabeth was in the hallway she was feeling overwhelmed and tired with everything going on as Hayden came by.”Elizabeth, How is our father “He is resting but it’s touch and go”No,Are you alright “No it’s been a long day and stressful “You should take it easy when do you go home “Soon”Elizabeth said as Naomi  came by.”Mother,Why are you here”I came to see you, I’m sorry about Violet I should have been here for you’Yes you should have”Hayden said as Carolyn came by.”Naomi Dreyfus it’s been a long time “Yes it has,Carolyn you look good “If you’re here to go after Jeff I don’t care, We are divorced he all your “Carolyn said “Mother “Elizabeth said 

Gabriella room-Gabriella was in bed sleeping when Skye Lorenzo and Lila Rae came in and Skye went by her daughter and touched her hair.”Oh baby girl I can’t lose you,Remember how hard that pregnancy was on me! We almost lose her then “Yes but we didn’t, Skye I’m sorry for what I say”Me too we both love our girls so much “Yes we do”Lorenzo said he went out of the room and lean against the wall as Tea came by.”Lorenzo, How is Gabriella? I heard you are finally free”Yes I’m , Gabriella is allright but she had some brain damage from being shot I should of stop Kim “You saved Gabriella don’t blame yourself’I have always saved my baby girl from when she was born”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, What are you talking about “Gabriella isn’t our biological daughter,It’s a long story “Lorenzo said as AJ was listening and in shock about what he heard.”What are you talking about “It’s a long story “Yes it is,I’ll tell you later I can’t keep this secret anymore “Lorenzo said 

Lila Rae came out of the room,”Daddy, Why did you leave like that”I thought you’re mother would want to be alone with you and your sister that’s all”Oh I know tonight was overwhelming but it’s all right now “Yes it is “

Gabriella room-Gabriella wake up as Skye was watching her.”Mother “Gabriella “What happened “You were shot at but you will be alright “Skye said as Lorenzo and Lila Rae came in,”Yes Gabriella you will be alright ,We all will “Lorenzo said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 65

 At General Hospital -Skye and Lorenzo were waiting on news about Gabriella who was shot by Kim.”Skye “Lorenzo said “I can’t believe that Kim was so angry about me giving her up for adoption that it came to this “Skye said “Gabriella thought something was off with Kim,We should of listened to her! It wouldn’t come to this “Lorenzo said “Are you blaming me for our daughter getting shot! Skye yelled “You always thought I would put our daughters at risk when it’s you! Your daughter did this! Lorenzo yelled as Lila Rae came by.”Both of you stop it! Blame isn’t going to help “Lila Rae said as the governor came by,”Lorenzo, I heard you stopped what could of been a horrible night “I did what I had to do, it was worth it”I’m pardon you from the charges against you but don’t make me regret it because it will not happen again “I won’t Sir, Thank you “Lorenzo said Skye was upset and walk away.”Thank you Governor “Lila Rae said “I hope your sister makes it”He said and left.

“Daddy, that was a little harsh with mother “Probably, I’m just worrying about your sister’Me too,I hope you don’t take your pardon for granted and behave “I will “

Ric was talking to the Governor,”I pardon Lorenzo the charges will be drop’ “Why would you do that “Because he saves life’s tonight, Don’t question me! The Governor said ‘Yes sir “Ric said 

Skye went into the church and sit down.”Please save Gabriella I can’t lose my baby girl “Skye said as AJ came into the church,”I thought you may need someone to talk too”I’m sorry about Kim she put my daughter and Monica in danger”It’s not your fault “Lorenzo think it is, How is Monica “She rested “I can’t lose my daughter, Gabriella didn’t like Kim and I should of listen to her I just thought she was jealous “You want to know your daughter it’s understandable “I understand Kim anger I been there “Yes you have “

Elizabeth came into the church.”Gabriella is out of surgery “Elizabeth said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 64

 At General Hospital-Outside- Mac and Ric and Lucky were talking about a plan to go inside the building when Spinelli came by.”Spinelli we need your help in how to get into the hospital without Kim knowing we are coming in”Mac said “I have a plan “Spinelli said 

Lorenzo was walking behind the building and looking around how to get into the hospital.

Inside- Kim had just told Skye she wanted revenge on her.‘I’m sorry I give you up, I want you to have a better life and I’m sorry you didn’t, I understand what you’re going through but this isn’t the way to do it”Skye said “Oh I think it’s perfect! Not just revenge on what you did to me but what this whole town has done to my parents! I have nothing to lose! Kim yelled as she shot the gun and Lorenzo came crashing down from the ceiling and grab Kim.”You will not hurt my family! Lorenzo yelled as Lila Rae knowing Gabriella was on the floor bleeding.”No! Gabriella! Lila Rae yelled Lucas came by and look at Gabriella as Mac and Ric and Lucky came in and arrested Kim.”Gabriella has to make it! Skye yelled “No! Lorenzo yelled

“Lorenzo! How did you get in! Mac yelled “Doe it matter! I stop Kim! I don’t care what happened to me now my daughter was just shot! Lorenzo yelled 

Skye was upset about this situation as Kim was taking away and the lights came back on.”Skye”Lorenzo said as he came by.”What are you arrested for “Shipping Weapons but I’ll get out of it”I don’t care, I just don’t want to lose our daughter right now”Me too”Lorenzo said 

Mac was talking to Lucky as the Governor came by.”Mac, I’m glad this situation was handled and not a lot of civilians were injured “Me too but I can’t take all the credit “

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 63

 At The Police station- Mac was on the phone.”No, I will sent my men over to the hospital “Mac said as Lorenzo and Tea came by and Mac hang up the phone.”What’s going on at the hospital? My wife is there”Lorenzo ask “Ex-Wife, I’ll have a cop take you and your son to your cell for the night “Mac said “Mac”Lorenzo said as Lucky came by.”Mac,I just got the message that there a blackout at the hospital and somebody tempted with medical and Ivs”Lucky said “No! Mac, I can help you “Lorenzo said “I can handle this on my own”Mac said as a cop came by too take Lorenzo away,”Lorenzo just go I’ll handle this”Tea said Lorenzo left with the cop.”Mac, What is going on with my family “Tea asks “I have information that Kim is doing the dirty work of Jerry Jacks, She is the one who is trying to kill people by being tempted with the IV and medical “Why would she do that” Jerry raises her, Now I have to go” Mac said he left with Lucky,

Lorenzo was about to go in his cell when he turn around and beat up the officer and left the station.

At General Hospital- Kim was holding everyone hostage .”Kim,You don’t have to do this we will give you whatever you want “AJ said “I don’t need money I have my own, I want to be accepted by my mother I should of been raise by her! Kim yelled “I understand your anger but none of us have anything to do about it”AJ said “please put the gun down and we can talk “Anna said 

Skye was in her room laying on the bed and heard all the yelling and got out of bed and put herself in a wheelchair and well herself out of the room,

Skye saw Kim holding a gun and wheel herself by her,”Kim,What’s going on”It’s me! I’m doing all of Jerry dirty work I tamper with the Ivs and Medicine it’s the only way a lot of people will die! Kim yelling “Why would you do that how do you know Jerry! Skye yelled “He was my father! He raises my with Faith! You were my number one target! Now I have you where I want you! Kim yelled

What Lies ahead part 3 ch 62

 At General Hospital-Anna and Steve were talking.”Do you have any security cameras that are in the medicine room “Yes we are having them sent to you‘Steve said “Thanks we have to find the person “Yes we do this could hurt a lot of people if we don’t stop it”Steve said as the paramedics came in with Jeff.”Dad, What happened’ Dr.Webber called us that he wasn’t feeling good and he was unconscious when we got there “The paramedics said “Dad, We will save you”Steve said as Lucas came by.”Steve, let me look at your Dad, You go get Elizabeth “Lucas said “Alright” Steve said 

Anna was worrying about the town when Felicia and Jackie came by.”Anna we found some information about Jerry let’s go somewhere and talk “Felicia said they went into an office.”We found out that Jerry and Faith were married and Raise Kim together “Jackie said “No,We believe someone is tempted the medical and Ivs here and it could only mean Kim she doing Jerry dirty work “Anna said “We have to stop her”Felicia said 

At Monica room- Monica was in the bed when AJ and Ned came in.”We are glad you are all right we love you “I love you all too” Monica said 

Jeff room- Jeff was on the bed and Steve was working on him as Elizabeth came in,”Daddy, You have to make it’Elizabeth said as the hospital lose power.”No! This isn’t good “Steve said 

Anna and Felicia and Jackie came into the hallway as Kim came by.”Is this the next planned “Yes, I been helping my father make his enemies pay like he ask me too”Kim said “You’re going to spend life in jail is it worth it”Yes it is”Turn the power back on”Anna said “No”Kim said “You’re biologically mother Skye is a patient here don’t you care about her “Anna ask “No, She never wanted me! It’s time to make her pay! Kim yelled as Gabriella and Lila Rae came by,”What is going on,Why are the lights out “Gabriella your right about me! I’m hurting your mother! I want revenge! Kim yelled “You bitch! Gabriella yelled 

What lies ahead part 3 ch 61

 At General Hospital- Emma was showing Anna and Robert and Ma c the medicine room when Robin came by.”Robin,How is Monica” Anna asked “She is stable for now, We are running tests on her heart medication, Elizabeth has a feeling this was Jerry's plan to go after the patient in the hospital “It’s the only way to get the whole town,” Mac said “Yes, But he would need an outsider helping “Anna said “We have someone here that would help him,”Robin said 

At A House outside of town-Jackie and Felicia walked up the an abandoned house.”So this was one of the houses Jerry lived in “We should look around “Felicia said as a neighbor came by,”no one lives here anymore “Do you know the person who live here”Yes it was a rude couple and a little girl “What did the woman look like! Jackie ask “She was blonde and skinny carrying a gun”The man said Felicia pulled out a picture in her purse of Faith,”is this the woman “Yes,They were married “Thank you”Jackie said he left.”So Jerry and Faith were married “Felicia said they went inside and looked around.

At Port Charles -General Hospital-Mac and Robert were looking in the medical room.”We have to have a solution case “Yes and to stop his plan”But what if this isn’t all of Jerry planned “Robert said 

AJ was waiting on news of his mother when Elizabeth came by.”Monica will be alright she stabbed now you can go see her”Elizabeth said as Ned and Tracy came by.”What happened to Monica “Tracy ask “We are still looking into it but she stable now”Elizabeth said “Something is going on”Tracy said “Yes there is”Ned said “Someone tempted with Ivs and we think medication ,Anna and Mac and Robert are looking into it, This could be Jerry planning to hurt everyone in town “Elizabeth said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 60

 At General Hospital-Anna and Robert and Mac came in as Emma walk by.”I’m glad you’re all here we just found out that somebody tempted with Ivs here and put a medical that can cause heart problems “Emma said “No, Do you know who has access to the medical room”All of us but we have to sign out who take any medication and who put it away “Emma said 

Monica room-Monica was still unconscious as Elizabeth and Sarah and Steve try to save her.”Monica, you  have to make it my children need their grandmother “Elizabeth said as Steve give Monica CPR they got her stable.”Elizabeth “Monica said “Monica, You’re in the hospital the paramedics found you passed out in the parking lot ,Do you remember anything “I wasn’t feeling good so I took my heart medication that’s all I remember “Is it in your purse “Yes”Monica said Elizabeth give Monica her purse and Monica open it and give it to Elizabeth.”We will test this to make sure you will be alright “Thanks for saving me” Monica said “You just rest Dr, Quartermaine” Sara said they left.

“Elizabeth,Do you think someone play with the medication too”Yes. I do”Elizabeth said as Robin came by.”How is Dr,Quartermaine “She stable for now , Can you run a lab on her medication “Elizabeth said “You think someone playing with the medication too”Yes, I also have a feeling this was Jerry plan to Hurt everyone in town”Elizabeth said “How would he get into the hospital “Sara ask “Someone helped him”Elizabeth said “Kim,Faith adopted daughter “Yes”Elizabeth said 

Gabriella was in the hallway and listened to their conversation and was upset but decided to keep quiet for now.

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 59

 At General Hospital -Gabriella and Lila Rae were worried about Skye when AJ came by.”Girls, What’s going on” We don’t know, Mother's surgery went well and all of sudden her heart monitor went off,” Gabriella said as Sasha came by.”Just like my mother did” Do you think this isn’t a coincidence “It doesn’t make sense of what going on” Sasha said as Elizabeth and Portia came by.”We have Skye stabbing you can go see her “Portia said “Thanks Dr.Robinson” Lila Rae said the girls left.

“Elizabeth,Do you know what happened to the Iv”I’m looking into it, I have Emma running labs on it”Good I want to pull everyone off the Ivs just in case “Portia said “Yes”You really think someone is messing with the Iv”AJ said “We can’t take any chances “Portia said as Emma came by.”I have the information you need “Emma said “I’ll go and Check on Skye”AJ said he left.”What did you find out Dr.Scorpio-Drake”Portia ask “All the Ivs are tempted with a poison that stop the heart “No”We need to call the authorities “Who know what the side effects can be “Elizabeth said 

At Skye’s room-Skye was in her bed feeling tired when the girls came in.”Mother, How are you feeling “A little tired”We are glad you’re alright “Yes we are”AJ said as he came in.”Me too, I wonder what happened “Dr.Robinson and Aunt Elizabeth are working on it”Yes they will figure it out “AJ said 

Elizabeth was at the nursing station as Monica came in with the paramedics she was unconscious ”Dr.Quartermaine, What happened “We found her passing out in the parking lot”The paramedics said as AJ came by.”Mother! AJ ask “Let us work on her”Elizabeth said as Sara and Steve and Maya came by.”Maya, Can you stay with my husband “Yes”Maya said Steve and Sara and Elizabeth took Monica to a room.”My mother can’t die on us we need her,I need her”AJ said “Yes, Do you want me to call anyone “No I will “Aj, I know we don’t know each other’s but I would like too”Same here, I know my mom was happy you were back and a doctor “she one of the best “Yes”

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 58

 At General Hospital-Elizabeth was talking to Amy.”Did you change Cecil Iv this morning “Yes I did”Let’s go look in the supply room “Elizabeth said 

At Skye’s room- Gabriella and Lila Rae were in the room looking at Skye who was sleeping.”Don’t tell mother about Daddy yet”Lila Rae said “Alright, I wouldn’t “Gabriella said as Skye woke up.”Gabriella, Lila Rae, How did the surgery go”Great, the scar are gone”Good, I can’t wait to see myself “Skye said “Mother we love you even with them”Gabriella said “I know you did, I did this for myself “Skye said 

Elizabeth and Amy were in the supply room and Elizabeth pulled out the IV medical and looked at it as Emma came by.”Nurse Webber , You want to see me”Yes I want you to run labs on this and let me know what you find “Elizabeth said “What’s going on”I think the IV we’re tamper with “Elizabeth said “That’s not good, I’ll keep it between us”Yes we have to figure out who did this “Elizabeth said Emma left with the Iv medical.

At The Police station -Lorenzo and Dex were In their cell.”I’m sorry about this son”I have no regrets working with you “Dex said 

Ric was in his office when Ava came in.”I hope you have a soiled case against Lorenzo “No Thank to you “It was fun playing Lorenzo, and sleeping with him was fun his good in bed”Ava said 

At General Hospital- Skye’s room- Skye was sleeping when she flat line .”Mother! Lila Rae yelled “Mother! Gabriella yelled as Elizabeth and Maya came ran in and looked at Skye.

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 57

 At The Police station- Lorenzo and Dex were in the interrogation room with Ric,” You don’t have a case against me you just want to make a name for yourself and arrest me, Let my son go” No, Your son works for you it’s your fault that his arrest too” Ric said “I wouldn’t talk without my lawyer “Lorenzo said 

Mac was in the hallway when Tea came in.”I need to talk to my client now” Tea said “Right in the interrogation room “Mac said “What evidence do you have on my client “We have the weapons he was going to ship it’s a solid case “Mac said he gave Tea the information and she was upset and went into the interrogation room.”I need to talk to my clients alone “Tea said “We have a solid case not even you can save them both “Ric said he left.”Lorenzo, what did you get my son into? I just saw the case Mac had on you both it’s not good”You have to get me out of this”It’s not going to be easy you’re a felony “Thank for reminding Me “Lorenzo said “Mom. I want to still work for Lorenzo I have no regrets about it, Not after everything he had done for Me “Dex said “Thanks you “Lorenzo said as Mac came in.”It’s time to take you both to your cell”Mac said 

At General Hospital-Lila Rae and Gabriella and Kim were in the hallway waiting on news about Skye when Portia and Maya came by,”Skye surgery went well you can both see her but don’t be long “Portia said “Thank you both “Lila Rae said they left.

Elizabeth was looking at Cecil chart trying to figure out what was going on when Portia and Maya came by.”Elizabeth, What’s going on”it’s Cecil her heart monitor went off and I can’t figure out what happened “Elizabeth said 

Kim was listening to them and remember part of the plan that Faith and Jerry had for everyone.

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 56

 At Lorenzo warehouse -Lorenzo and Dex were talking.”Are you should about trusting Ava”Yes I believe I can”Something else is going on with you and Ava”Yes we are use each other’s for sex”You’re use Ava to get over Skye “Yes”Lorenzo said as Gabriella came in.”Gabriella, Why are you here”I need to talk to you, Hi Dex”Gabriella “What is it? Do you need money or anything “No I just want to tell you that Mother is having surgery on her scar today from the plane crash you may want to see her “Gabriella, Your mother and I are not getting back together, Now you should not be here “Lorenzo said “Listen to your father “Ric said as he came in with Mac and Lucky.”We have evidence that you have illegally weapons here and your under arrest “Mac said “Daddy”Gabriella go get Tea”Lorenzo said “Gabriella do you know what goes on here”Ric ask “Leave my daughter alone “Lorenzo said “Ric, We have Lorenzo and Dex that’s all we need “Lucky said “Alright, Go”Ric said Gabriella left.”You wouldn’t have us for long “Lorenzo said “Oh I believe we have a case against you “Ric said 

At Tea house-Tea was at home when there was a knock on the door it was Gabriella.”Gabriella, What is it”Daddy been arrested and Dex too”No”You have to save them “I will,You need to go home you should not see your father like this “I hate that he does this”I know baby, What were they arrested for “Illegally weapons “No”Tea said she pick up her purse and left with Gabriella.

At General Hospital-Lila Rae and Kim were in the hallway waiting on news about Skye surgery.”I wonder where Gabriella is”Maybe she shopping “I know my sister is hard on you but she just doesn’t want our mother hurt”I understand that I’m a outsider but I want to be apart of this family “You are”Lila Rae said as Gabriella came by,”Gabriella, Where have you been “I need to talk to you alone it’s about Daddy”Gabriella said “I’ll go see if I can find anything on mother “Kim said and left.

“What is it”Daddy and Dex have been arrested “No for what “Illegally weapons, I just told Tea”Good , Daddy will get out of it”I hope so “

Cecil room- Cecil was sleeping and Sasha was by her bedside when her heart monitor went off,”Mother! Sasha yelled and went to get help.”Elizabeth, my mother heart monitor went off”Sasha said Elizabeth ran into the room with Sasha and look at Cecil.”This doesn’t make sense “Elizabeth said as Steve came in and they got Cecil stable.”I don’t get why her heart monitors went off it doesn’t make sense “Elizabeth said “No it doesn’t “Steve said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 55

 At The Police Station-Mac was in the hallway when Ric came in.”Ric, What can  I do for you”I have a plan that will help us bring down Lorenzo, I have an undercover cop in his organization and he just sent me a picture of a shipment “Ric said “Why wasn’t I informed about this? Becau se I’m lieutenant governor beside it’s the only way to bring Alcazar down”Ric said as  Lucky came by.”What’s going on”Lucky ask “We our going to bring Alcazar down by working together we can keep this town safe”Ric said “You’re right so what was in the shipment “Mac ask “Weapons who know what Lorenzo will do with them”Ric said “Let me help on this case “Lucky”Mac said “ My sister was in a coma for years because of the mob, even though she back I want to take down the mob”Lucky said’”Alright, But Ric we work together on this “Alright, I have heard Alcazar and Ava are working together, Lucky maybe you can follow her”Sure”

At General Hospital- Portia office- Portia was talking to Skye about the surgery on her scare.”We can do the surgery today if you want’Really “Yes”Portia said as Maya came in.”Maya, Why are you here”I have work under many plastic surgeon as a intern and I’m going to help on this case “Yes she is, I was just telling Skye we can do it today “Good”I’m so glad to have this surgery I hate looking at the scars I want to  feel like my own self, I’m doing this for myself not a man”Skye said “We understand, Now let’s get you ready “I would like to see Cecil first “Sure”Maya said Skye left, 

Skye was in the hallway and called Lila Rae about the surgery and told her to tell Gabriella as Kim came by as Skye hang up the phone.”Skye, What’s the new on the surgery “I’m having it today “That’s wonderful “Kim said “Thank, I need to check on Cecil “Skye said and left as Portia and Maya came by,”Dr.Robinson , Who are you having to assist you in surgery of my mother “I’m “Oh, I would like too”Kim said “ Dr.Carr, You’re to personal on this case, I’m sorry but it will just be Dr.Ward “Portia said Kim was upset and Maya was wondering why she was.

Cecil room-Cecil was in bed and Sasha was holding her hand as Skye came in the room.”Cecil, Sasha “Skye I’m glad you’re here”I want to check on you before I have surgery “On what”I’m having plastic surgery on my scars‘That’s good”Thanks I want to put the plane crash behind me”Me too”Yes”

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 54

 At General Hospital-Cecil room- Cecil was in bed when Amy came in with a new Iv and s it it up for her.”Who’s there” Cecil asked “It’s Amy I’m just changing your IV, Do you need anything “Amy asked “Just to go home “You will soon,” Amy said as Sasha came in,” Mom, Are you alright “Yes” She doing good’Amy said and left the room,” I can’t wait to get the bandages off and see you again “Me too, I’m glad you’re going to be alright “Me too”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye was in the den talking to Lila Rae and Gabriella and Kim.”Girls I have some news I want to talk to you about “What is it”I’m going to have surgery on my scar I want them off of me”What is the risk’Its a easy surgery’Kim said “Yes, I’m going to talk to Portia about it today “Skye said “If that’s what you want we will support you “Lila Rae said “Thanks, Lila Rae and Gabriella I know it hasn’t been easy not seeing your father but it’s for the best “Skye said “We understand “Lila Rae said “I should go to the hospital “Me too”Skye said they left.”I hate that we can’t see Daddy and they are divorced “Gabriella said “Me too but what can we do about it” We can do something “Gabriella said 

At Lorenzo warehouse Lorenzo and Dex were with their workers opening shipment of weapons when Lorenzo and Dex we’re not looking one of the workers took pictures of the weapons with his phone and put the phone away before anybody could see it.

“Father, What is your plan for the weapon “We ship them to some of another mob boss in another state “Yes”Dex said “Now that Skye took your sister away from me I have nothing left to lose “Lorenzo said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 53

 At The Quartermaine crypt-AJ was there he touch Alan gravestone.”Dad,Michael I have some new I want to share with both of you ,Elizabeth is pregnant with twin, Michael your going to have a little brother and sister I wish you were here and Wiley he should be here too”AJ said as Willow came in.”Sorry I want to visit Michael and Wiley this morning “No it’s alright,You’re welcome here”Sorry I couldn’t make dinner last night I didn’t feel like being around everyone “Willow you are still a part of our family’I know it’s just been hard”Yes it has “Why are you here “I want to tell my family my news,”What is it? I could use some good news “Elizabeth and I are going to have a baby”Wow,That’s wonderful “Thank,Why don’t I leave you alone with them”AJ said he left.”Oh Michael, Wiley I miss both of you so much it’s not fair that you’re both gone “Willow said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy and Monica and Elizabeth Skye and Gabriella and Lila Rae and Kim were having breakfast together.”Elizabeth, I know a fashion designer who started a baby fashion line and maternity clothes I can get you some clothes “Gabriella said “Thank you,I could use some better maternity clothes then last time’Elizabeth said “I remember wearing them”Skye said “We should have a baby shower “Monica said “Maybe “Elizabeth said 

Kim went by the bar all the baby stuff was getting to her when Skye came by.’Kim.Are you alright “No,Do you ever wish you keep me? Kim ask “I do think about what could of been but I wasn’t ready to be a mother to you it wasn’t your fault it was me”Skye said “If I wasn’t convinced through rape would you of keep me”Kim ask “probably not, I was an teenager “Skye said “I just wish I wasn’t raise by Faith”Me too, I do regret that”Skye said 

Willow came into the room as everyone was talking.”Willow, Come in and have some breakfast “Elizabeth said “Yes, Where is Amelia”Monica ask “At a friend house, I just heard about the new Quartermaine that are on there way, I’m happy for you Elizabeth “Willow said “Thanks you”Elizabeth said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 52

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Elizabeth and AJ has just told the family that they were having twins Hayden was a little sad missing Violet and went into another room and Elizabeth follow her.”Hayden, I’m sorry about this I should of told you about my pregnancy alone”No, You have a right to move on, I’m just missing my daughter “I miss her too “I know you do I’m just having a hard day I ran into Maxie today at the park and we are going to fix up the park”Hayden said as they walk back into the dining room.”You’re  going to fix the park”Carolyn said “Yes in honor of my daughter and Bailey the park needs new equipment “Hayden said “Yes it does, Why don’t we sponsor it” Monica asked “Sure, We have future Quartermaine who needs the park too” Tracy said “It will be great business for ELQ” Ned said “Yes it would “Skye said “Thank, Everyone been so welcome to me” Hayden said “You’re a honorary Quartermaine” Tracy said 

Elizabeth went into the hallway as Carolyn and Jeff follow her.”Elizabeth,We are so happy about you and AJ and the twins we want to be here for you this time “Jeff said “I want you to be here for me too,I was thinking maybe we could go to counseling together “I would like that”Me too”Jeff said they went back into the dining room.”I want to make a toast to my mother and AJ and the twins, I can’t wait to have a little sister to protect over and another little brother “Cameron said “I’m finally not the little brother anymore, I can pass some advice to both of them” Ayden said “The twins are going to need all of you “AJ said “Yes they are” Elizabeth said 

Monica was looking around her family and feeling emotional and happy about the twins when Tracy came by her.”Monica,Are you Alright “Yes I’m , We finally have new members of our family what I want this house full with family “Yes, Also ELQ has been successful we can now let the next generation of Quartermaine take over “Yes”

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 51

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was making sure everything was perfect for tonight dinner she wanted the best for AJ when Danny came in.”Danny, it’s good to see you”Sorry I didn’t call “You are welcome here anytime this is your family house”I just miss Dad and need to be here “Sure, We are having a family dinner tonight why don’t you stay”Monica ask as AJ came in.”Danny”Uncle AJ”Danny is staying for dinner and you can stay the night if you want you have a bedroom here”Monica said “Thanks “Ayden is in the kitchen helping the cook and Jake is playing a video game if you want to visit him”Thanks “Danny said and left.”AJ, You look so happy at the hospital “I’m Mom everything is going my way” Yes it is, and about time”

At Lorenzo coffeehouse- Lorenzo was checking on his employees when Gabriella came in,”Gabriella why are you here! You’re mother doesn’t want me to see you “I don’t care, I’m old enough to do whatever I want besides I need some coffee “Oh Gabriella you are like both of us you’re mother and I “It’s a bad thing? No”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Brooklyn was in the den when Jr came in,’Jr”You want to see me, So what Is your news “I’ll move in with you, I’m done running from love”Good”Jr said they share a kiss,”We are having a family dinner if you want to join us”Sure”Jr said 

Elizabeth was in the dining room putting some flowers in a vase as Carolyn and Sara and Hayden came in.”Elizabeth what’s going on”Sara ask as Monica and Skye and Maya and AJ and Brooklyn and Jr and Tracy and Ned and Lila Rae and Gabriella and Danny and Jake and Ayden and Cameron came in,”What’s going on? Why this special dinner “Brooklyn ask as they sit down,”I’m pregnant “Elizabeth said “That’s wonderful “Yes it is”We found out today it’s twins”Elizabeth said as Jeff came in.”Sorry I’m late “It’s allright I just found out I’m pregnant with twins “Elizabeth said “That’s wonderful “Jeff said “We found out we are having one boy and girl “AJ said “A little girl “Monica said she was feeling emotional about this,

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 50

 At General Hospital-Portia was doing a sonogram on Elizabeth and AJ was holding her hand.”How is our baby “Perfect everything is going great, Do you want to know the sex” Yes” Elizabeth said as Steven came in,” I’m here to support my sister “You just in time to know the sex” You are having a girl” A little girl, I always wanted one daughter “Me too” It’s not all your having twins “Portia said as she shows them another heartbeat.”Did you say twins”Yes a boy and girl”Wow”You both will have your hands full “Yes we will but it will be worth it”Yes it will be”AJ said they share a kiss.

Monica was working at the nurse station when Carolyn came by.”Monica, We need to talk about the fundraiser for the hospital, I want it to be black and white formal ball but Lucy”Is driving you crazy,You both need to come together on this idea, What does Lucy want”A musical performance like the nurse ball”No I agree with you about the ball, We are almost done with the hotel you can have it there”Monica said as Elizabeth and AJ came by.”Elizabeth,Are you alright? You both look different “You will know the new tonight I want you to come to the Quartermaine “Sure I would love too”

Maxie was walking looking at the playground the play equipment was all broken and needed to be replaced when Hayden came by,”I know how I can honor my daughter “Maxie said “How”Fix up this playground it’s always been broken and this town children need a safety place to play “Yes they do, We could do it together”Yes we owe it to both our daughters “

At General Hospital-Cecil room-Cecil was in bed she still had the bandages on her eyes when Skye came in.”Cecil, I’m glad your surgery went well “Me too, I’m glad you’re here”Me too, You having this surgery made me realize that I want to have surgery on my scars “That’s wonderful “Thank it’s time I take care of myself’Yes it is”

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 49

 At Jackie office -Jackie was working on the next article of the newspaper when Felicia came in.”Felicia,What can I do for you “I need your help , I’m investigating what Jerry Jacks has sent for us next and I was wondering if you can use your source to help me”Yes I will this is what make me a great reporter investigative case”Yes it does whatever Jerry has plan we need to make sure no one is hurt again innocent children die the last time my granddaughter “I’m sorry about that,How is Maxie doing’ she trying but it hasn’t been easy “No it’s not, I miss my granddaughter all the time I hardly know her “

At General Hospital-Elizabeth was feeling tired from helping surgery on Cecil when AJ came by.”Elizabeth, Are you alright “Just tired”Maybe you should cut down on your hours you don’t have to work hard anymore “I know but I love my job “Yes I know you are one of the best nurses “AJ said and kiss Elizabeth.”Let’s go have our sonogram “Do you want to know the sex”Yes I do”Me too, We need to tell the family too”Yes hopefully tonight we can but I have been enjoying the secret “Me too”Elizabeth said as Skye came by. ”AJ, Why are you here”Just checking on my wife, “Cecil had surgery she will see me again “That’s wonderful “Yes we need to go, I have an appointment “Appointment? Are you alright “Yes,We are going to tell everyone tonight, I’m pregnant “Oh that’s wonderful “Yes it is”I’m happy for both of you “Skye said 

At Hayden office-Hayden was looking at the finances for Crimson when Jackie came in.”Jackie,Why are you here? You didn’t even show up to your granddaughter funeral “Yes I know and I’m sorry I was away on assignment but that didn’t excuse it , I didn’t even know Violet and I regret it”I disappointed my daughter too I wasn’t always there for her and now it’s to late”Yes it is”But my daughter will not be forgotten “We both will make sure about it”

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 48

 At General Hospital -Portia and Steve and Maya and Elizabeth came out of the surgery room from working on Cecil and were all reflected about it.”I think it went will”Portia said “Yes me too, Now we need to tell the family “Steve said they went by the family and Sasha took Skye hand as they came by.”How is our mother “Sasha ask Skye was touch about it.”The surgery went well we wouldn’t know if Cecil can see through her eyes have to be covered with gauze for a while “Steven said “It takes time for the sight to come back “Portia said “You can see Cecil but don’t overwhelm her” Maya said “We won’t, Thank you all for helping her, Sasha why don’t you go first “Skye said “Thank for the support everyone “Sasha said she left.

Skye open her purse and pull out a tissue to wipe her tears and pull out a mirror too and look at her scars she hate them,”Skye “Maya,Can I get rid of these scars “Yes you can it’s a tension surgery but I believe you can handle it”Maya said “I believe I can too, I can survive anything after all”Skye said 

Kim was in the supplies room putting away supplies that just came in.

Cecil room-Cecil was in bed with gauze on her eyes as Sasha came in,”Mother it’s me, Sasha your surgery went well you have to keep the bandage on your eyes for awhile “I’m glad your here”Me too, I do love you “Sasha said she took Cecil hand,”I love you too”Cecil said “The whole family is in the hallway too, They want to support you even Tracy”I never thought I would be accepted back into the family’I always wanted a family we both win”Sasha said 

In the hallway-Skye was thinking about the surgery went Monica came by.”Monica, I need your professional opinion about a surgery on my scare , Maya was telling me about it”Yes you’re scar are heal enough that you can have the surgery “Monica said as Tracy came by,”What surgery “On my scare it’s time I do it, “Alright let’s schedule it”Monica said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 47

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Lois was in the living room pouring herself some water when Brooklyn came in,”Brooklyn,Where have you been “Lois ask “Jr brought a new house a mansion he want me to decorate it and move in with him”Why don’t you look happy “Because I’m scared I do love Jr but I don’t want to get hurt”Oh baby I understand that but it does happen when you love someone but it’s worth the risk”What do you think of Jr? I know Grandmother love the idea of us together “Don’t have a relationship with him because of Tracy, Do what makes you happy”I’m happy with him, I could fall in love with Jr”Brooklyn said as Tracy came in,”That’s what I love to hear “Tracy, You will not push my daughter into a relationship with anyone “I just want Brooklyn happy and I do believe that Jr could make her happy “Tracy said “It’s all been to much today,Jr want me to move in with him, I need some fresh air “Jr wants you to move in”Yes he just brought a mansion “Really! Oh Brooklyn I just want to see you happy before I die”Tracy you will never die”Lois said “Thanks you Lois “Tracy said as her cellphone rang it was on the bar and she pick it up.”Skye, What is it, Thanks for telling g us “Tracy said and hung up the phone.”Cecil in the hospital having surgery on her eyesight’We should go to the hospital, Sasha needs me”Brooklyn said 

At General Hospital-Sasha was in the hallway worrying about her mother and thinking about all the work in there relationship they did as Nina came by.”Sasha, What’s going on with Cecil? Is she all right “My mother decided to have surgery on her eye sight she want to see, I didn’t know about what she was going through “Sasha your a great daughter and maybe it was just something your mother had to deal with on her own”Yeah I don’t care if she can’t see I just want her it’s been so long that we were apart “Sasha said Nina hug her as Skye came by with some tea, “I have some tea for you, Nina it’s good to see you “You too, I hope Cecil is alright “She will be,Cecil is a fighter like Sasha”You too”Sasha said as Tracy and Lois and Brooklyn came by.”Is Cecil alright “We don’t know anything yet “Sasha said 

Skye walk away and Tracy follow her.”Skye, Talk to me”Cecil may not be my mother anymore she did deceive me but I still care about her it has nothing to do with us “I understand Cecil and I got close over the years of her living at the mansion “Yes,We did make progress when we went to London “Yes we did “

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 46

 At ELQ-Skye was working she liked working at the company when her cellphone rang it was Monica,” No I don’t know anything about it, I’ll be right there” Skye said 

At Crimsons- Sasha and Nina were working together when Hayden came in,”Hayden why are you here “Hayden is working here at the magazine she is  the business manager “Really? You hire Hayden”I was the CFO before I left town”Yes I remember but I don’t know if we can trust you”Nina said as Skye came in,’Skye,Why are you here”Sasha ask “I need to talk to you, Monica been calling you”Oh I have my phone is on silent is everything alright “It’s your mother she in the hospital’No”Let’s go I’ll take you “Skye said “Go, We will meet you there I’ll show Hayden around “Alright”Sasha said and left.

At Jr-Jr was showing Brooklyn is house that he just brought.’”This house is nice”You can decorate it anyway you want”Jr said “ Jr”Brooklyn said “I know you’re scared about getting hurt but that is life you can’t run from it, I want to be with you”Jr said “Oh Jr, I know life isn’t easy and it’s hard being alone I don’t want to be alone anymore “Good, Why don’t you move in here? We could build a studio on this property too”Yes, I’ll move in with you”Brooklyn said they share a kiss.

At General hospital- Portia was in the hallway getting ready for Cecil surgery went Monica came by.”Dr.Robinson how are you feeling about the surgery “Good I’m going to assistant in the room “Portia said as Skye and Sasha came by,”What’s going on with my mother “Sasha ask “Dr.Quartermaine this was private between patients and doctors,Sasha your mother isn’t sick.Cecil is having surgery on her eye sight to see again “Wow! Is there any risk”Sasha ask “With surgery there is always risk “Can I see my mother “Yes’Portia said 

Cecil room- Cecil was in bed a little nervous about the surgery when Sasha came in,”Mother, I heard about the surgery I wish you told us”Sasha said as she took her hands.”Sasha, I’m glad you’re here i need my daughter “Cecil said as Skye came in she miss her relationship with Cecil..”What about me”I need both of you, I want to see again but if this surgery doesn’t go good I want you both to know that I love you “Cecil said 

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 45

 At Olivia's restaurant -Elizabeth was having lunch with Cameron and Ayden waiting for Jake who was late to come as he finally showed up.” Jake, Why are you late”Sorry I got busy, So what’s going on”I want to catch up with my sons,Anything new with any of you “Elizabeth ask “I been busy cooking here, I hope you like today lunch it’s a new meal I’m trying “Ayden said “Ayden I’m glad you like cooking here”Me too it’s been great but this place misses Olivia it was her dream “Yes it was”I’m almost done with medicine school’Another doctor in our family, I’m proud of all of you “Thanks “I been thinking about AJ offered of work at EIQ”You are a Quartermaine and have some share”Yes I do”I have some news I want to tell you with just us the original four, I love being your mother, I’m going  to do it again! I’m pregnant “Wow”I know it’s a lot to take in but I need your support “You have it”Yes,Maybe it will be a girl “Yes we  all wanted a sister we will be here for you “Thanks you”

Ned was looking around the restaurant wondering what to do with it when Dante came in.”Ned, Why did you want to see me I need someone to help us manage Olivia's restaurant, Carly isn’t coming back for a while “I’ll help you find someone mother would want this restaurant to stay open it her dreams “Yes it was I wish she was here” Me too”

At General Hospital- Cecil was being exam by Portia.”Cecil , Does your family know you are here to have surgery‘No I didn’t want to say anything in case it doesn’t work and I don’t get my eye sight back “Having there support would be good for you “I know”

Monica was by the nurse station and looked through file and saw Cecil file and look at it was shock about it.

Cecil room-Cecil was in bed thinking about the surgery and her life when Monica came in,”Cecil, It’s Monica I thought you may want to talk to somebody “You know about my surgery “Yes and I think you should tell your family you can’t do this alone “I’m just scared that this surgery may not work and I won’t get to see “I have seen doctors do this surgery in this hospital and I have seen results from it”Thanks you, I know we haven’t got along in the past but you accept me in your life and in your home “Well you our family “

Thursday, April 25, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch. 44

 At Jake- Jake was in bed with Emma they been seeing in each other and were kissing in bed when Jake look at the clock.”Oh No! I have to get dressed! I’m meeting my mother for lunch “I should go too”Emma said they got out of bed,”Do you think it’s time to tell everybody about us”Maybe we should “Jake said “I thought we were just having fun”Emma said “We should talk about where this is going “Yes we should, Jake I don’t want to get hurt “Me either but I want to be in love and with you “Jake said “Maybe we could see where this is going “Maybe “

At Maxie-Maxie was looking at a picture of Bailey and missing her daughter when there was a knock on the door it was Hayden holding a box.”Hayden, Come in”I have some of Violet belongs that I didn’t want to throw out I thought maybe Georgie could use them”Thanks, I haven’t gone through Bailey belong yet it’s to hard”Yes it is, I can’t believe that this happened “ Me either, I’m worrying about what is next”Me too”Hayden said “So your staying in town “Yes I need my family more then ever “Yes it helps but I don’t think this pain will ever go away “No”I haven’t left the house since I lose Bailey”Maybe we can help each other “Maybe,We are the only one who understands this pain”Yes”

At Felicia/Sam PI office- Felicia was looking at a file when Anna came in.”Felicia, Do you have any information regarding what Jerry plan to do next? No I haven’t but I’m working on the information “I hope you get it soon before something else happens “Me too, Jerry hurt my family with his poison ”Felicia said “How is Maxie doing “Not good she hasn’t left the house since it happened “Felicia said 


What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 43

 At Steve-Steve was getting ready for the day having coffee when there was a knock on the door it was Elizabeth.”Elizabeth, come in” Steve said “I just heard some news, “What” Maya told me about you both together and I’m happy for both of you “Thanks, I want to tell you” It wasn’t Maya's fault she was talking to Skye about it” Oh” Does she make you happy “Yes she does “Well I’m glad I have new too, We are telling the Quartermaine tonight that I’m pregnant “Wow” I know I’m scared, I’m not that young anymore it’s a risk pregnancy” Yes but we will make sure you have the be, st care “Thanks “Did you tell the boys yet? No I’m going to take them to lunch I want to tell them separately, I do hope this one is a little girl “A niece would be perfect “Yes”Elizabeth said 

At AJ hotel- Skye and AJ were looking over the renovation of the hotel.”It’s beautiful “Yes it is,Now I been thinking maybe we should have a new name for the hotel”What are you thinking “Skye ask 

At Lorenzo- Lorenzo and Ava were having coffee sitting on the couch together,”Look Lorenzo I’m not looking for a relationship you are still in love with Skye and probably will always be”Probably “But we could have fun together “Really! Are you upset because I killed your brother “Yes I’m but we both are working together so why not have some fun! We could use it”Yes we could I’m not looking for anything more “Me either , I’m done with love”Same here”

At Gabriella closet -Gabriella was going thorough inventory when Charlotte came in,”Gabriella you want to see me”Yes Thank for coming on your day off , I have a plan to keep our store opened “What is it”Charlotte ask “We are going to do some columns about fashion in Sasha magazine and I created a app for fashion “This is a great start “ Yes it is,If you have an ideas too help “

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 42

 At The Quartermaine manison-Gabriella was in her room looking at a picture of her and Lorenzo together she didn’t want to stop seeing her father and got up from bed and grabbed her robe and went into the hallway she knock on Lila Rae bedroom door and she opened it.”What is it Gabby “Lila Rae ask as she came in.”I hate that we can’t see Daddy, His all alone in that big house it’s not right we are old enough to see our father “I hate it too, but maybe just give Mother time to calm down “Maybe I just hate that his alone” Gabriella said 

At Lorenzo house- Lorenzo woke up in bed and look at Ava who was on the another side of the bed sleeping he got up and went into the bathroom and look at himself in the mirror and saw his wedding ring still on and took it off his finger and went into the bedroom to get dressed and looked at a picture of his family with Skye and Dex and the girls.”I will get my family back “Lorenzo said as Ava wake up.”Lorenzo, last night was fun”Yes it was, Why don’t you get dressed and we can talk over coffee “Sure”Ava said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye was in the den pouring some coffee as Maya came in the room,”Skye, Are you alright “Yes it’s time for a new start”Skye said “Skye, I do hope you find someone “Thanks, What about you”Actually I been seeing someone it’s been a secret for awhile now”Who”His a doctor at the hospital “Tell me everything “It’s Steve Webber “Maya said as Elizabeth came in,”Your seeing my brother “Yes we been keeping it a secret for awhile because of work, I’m sorry “No, I just want my brother happy that’s all he deserves it “Yes both of you do”Skye said as AJ and Monica and Tracy and Ned came in,”Elizabeth and I want to have a family dinner tonight it’s been awhile “Yes it has and that sounds great “ Yes,  how is the hotel renovation going? We need to open it soon “Tracy said “it’s coming a long great I’m going over there today “AJ said “The three hotel will be open soon to by the river front “Ned said “Skye, We need to talk about your daughters future “Tracy said as Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”What else are you going to do to us! You took our father away! I know it was you Grandmother who suggested it to mother! Gabriella yelled “Yes! It’s for the best! This family is important to me! You and your sister are the next generation of Quartermaine”Tracy said 

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 41

 At Lorenzo coffee shop-Lorenzo was having a meeting with Ava and Johnny and Dex. “I want to be smart about our shipments and we need to trust each other to make this work “Lorenzo said “Yes we all want to be successful now that it’s just us”Ava said “Yes, I’m not as evil as my father was”Johnny said as Skye came in.”Well a monster meeting “Skye said Johnny came by her.”Skye, it’s been awhile you still look gorgeous “Thanks you are still charming “Skye said she touch his face.”Skye, Why are you here “Lorenzo ask he was a little jealous,”We need to talk about our daughters and what I have to say this meeting just confirms it”Skye said “We will go”Ava said they left and close the door.”Skye, What is your news”You are not going to like it, I know you love our daughters but I’m keeping them safe from you, You will not see either of our daughters anymore and Lila Rae and Gabriella will now go by Quartermaine I had your trustful that you sent both of our daughters up sent back to you, They don’t need your money or anything from you “Skye said “Skye you can’t do this, the girls are old enough to see me”Lorenzo you made this choice went you went back into this lifestyle, I know you love our daughters that’s why I’m asking you to do this “Skye said “Skye, I’m the girls father you can’t change that fact! Lorenzo yelled as Skye pulled out some paperwork.”I know you are and that you love our daughters”Yes I would die for them and you “All I want from you is to sign this “Skye said as she give Lorenzo the paperwork.”You Know Gabriella is having financial trouble at the store “Yes, I’m helping her now help both Lila Rae and Gabriella “Skye said and left. Lorenzo picks up a glass and throws it.

Ava was in the shop went Skye came by.”His all your, I do hope you know what you’re getting into “Yes I do, I can handle men like Lorenzo “Yes I’m sure you can,You’re the reason my brother was shot and we thought he was dead! We only got him back because of Nina”I’m sorry what happened to AJ”No you’re not, You’re a cold bitch, I hope you’re daughter doesn’t turn into you”Skye said and left.

Lorenzo was in his office upset about what Skye ask him to do he was looking at the paperwork when Ava came in,”What did Skye want”For me to ease my life with my daughters”This lifestyles does come with a cost “Yes it does “

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 40

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Gabriella was telling the family the financial situation at the store.”I have a lot of clothes that aren’t selling in this town because this town doesn’t know anything about fashion “Gabriella said as Sasha came in,”What’s going on”My store in financial mess “Maybe I can help you, I can do an ad in the magazine’I think that’s a wonderful idea and what about your App idea”I haven’t put it together yet”Well we should start it’s going to be alright life is about failing sometimes “Thanks Mother “You can always come to me with anything, Both of you “Skye said “I have some news “Lila Rae said “What is it”I’m seeing someone “Who? A boy this time”No Grandmother I’m gay”Yes,Who are you seeing “Skye ask “Christy Baldwin “Another Kristina? Tracy ask “Mother, Lila Rae I’m happy for you I would like to get to know her”Thanks we been hiding for awhile now”You never have to hide of who you really are both of you “Thanks “I love you both so much “

At General Hospital-Elizabeth was working when Carolyn came by.”Elizabeth, is everything alright “Yes, Why are you here”I have a meeting about the fundraiser for this hospital “Who do you have a meeting with “Elizabeth ask as Lucy came by.”Me, We are on the financial committee together, now let’s get a room and talk”Good luck both of you “Thanks,Elizabeth if you want to talk after “Maybe “Elizabeth said Carolyn and Lucy left,

At a conference room- Carolyn and Lucy were talking.”I think we should do a black tie event “We could have it at Olivia restaurant’Yes we could say ten dollars a plate “This town love this hospital no one is going to let it close “No”

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 39

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Gabriella were in the living room talking.”Gabriella, What’s going on”The store in financial trouble, I’m over my head in the paperwork of running the store, I know all about fashion but when it comes to the bills and etc”Why didn’t you say anything? I could help you”Mother you a smart businesswoman and it hard to walk in your shadow,I want to do it on my own without any help and I made it worst, I’m a loser “Gabriella said as AJ came in,”Gabriella, Don’t ever call yourself a loser “Uncle AJ”You’re uncle right just because the store in financial trouble doesn’t mean you’re a loser now let’s go over your paperwork and we will fix this”Mother, I need to fix this myself “Why don’t I just help you get organized and I been thinking about your future and you’re sister “Skye said as Lila Rae came in,”Mother, What’s going on”You’re father is back in the business and I want to keep you both safe so from now on you both will live here and your last name will change to Quartermaine”Mother you can’t erase Daddy away his our father and I love him”Me too, You can’t stop us from seeing him”Please, I have to keep you both safe this town lose so much”What about my trustful? I just received it”I sent up a trustful for you both and I’ll tell your father about this”My belonging are at Daddy”We will get it”Skye said “Alright if you want us to do this we will “I know it won’t be easy “Skye said as Tracy and Monica and Ned and Brooklyn came in,”What’s going on”I have an confession to make, I just told my mother the store in financial trouble I failed each of you “Gabriella said “Gabriella you didn’t fail us”AJ said “No it going to be alright we will sent up an account for all your bills can be made “I owe Charlotte a lot of money for working “We will figure it out “Thanks “

At Olivia's restaurant-Lulu and Charlotte are having dinner together,” So how is it going with Gabriella at her store “I like working with Gabriella we have a lot in common but I just hope she fixes her problem “What problem’” Gabriella is over her head in the financial situation “No” When it comes to fashion she great at it “

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 38

 At ELQ-Hayden was setting up her office she like having a job she needed a distraction on healing of losing Violet when Tracy came in,”Tracy, Is Skye back “No she had something personal to take care of I thought I would come check on you “Tracy said as Hayden pour herself some water.”I’m glad you ask me to work here this is what I need “I’m glad, Skye has been running it great we are riches then ever but she needs someone to help her and someone we can trust”You trust me”Yes I always have “Yes you have “Hayden said as Tracy took a slip of water.”Tracy, Are you alright “Yes I’m “

At Gabriella’s store-Gabriella and Charlotte were working on orders.”Gabriella I have to go, I’m meeting my mother “Yes that’s right go”Thanks for being honest with me “Charlotte said as Skye came in,”Now maybe you can be honest with me”Skye said as the power went off.”No, This isn’t good “Gabriella get your financial book and we will go to the house and talk”Mother, I’m sorry “Gabriella said she took the book and left with Skye.

At Lorenzo coffee shop- Lorenzo was in his office when his cellphone rang.”Lorenzo,No I’ll take care of it”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone as Ava came in.”Lorenzo “I need to take care of my daughter she having financial difficulties in her company then we will get down to business “Lorenzo, Gabriella is older now and probably can handle her business on her own she doesn’t need her daddy's money” Gabriella is spoiled I know that but she was the daughter I had to hide and I want to make it up to her by never says no to her “It’s time now that Gabriella takes care of her business, she is a smart woman “Yes she is, Just like her mother, “Lorenzo said 

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 37

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Tracy were talking.”I know you are concerned about this but this is the only way to protect the girls “Yes it is”What lawyer did you call”Tracy ask as Ric came in the room.”You called Ric? The lieutenant “Yes, Ric is a great lawyer and knows how to handle my ex-husband “Yes I do, What’s going on” I want to keep my daughters from Lorenzo I need your help legally “What do you want me to do” Ric ask 

At Gabriella’s closet -Charlotte was at the shop worrying about the store she like working there with Gabriella even though she had her own money and didn’t need to work she like working with Gabriella and being her friend when Gabriella came in with Lorenzo.”Daddy, Thanks for the ride but I can do this on my own with Charlotte “Yes, I know if you need me call me”I will thanks for lunch “Gabriella said she kiss her father goodbye Lorenzo left he know something was going on he knows his daughter. Gabriella close the door.”Charlotte, What’s going on”We received packages without any items in it and the mail is pilling up,Gabriella what is going on”I owe you the truth about the store it effects you too, I like working with you,I never really had a friend till I found you”I feel the same way we had the a similar childhood “Yes we do, My family doesn’t know about this buy the store in financial distress, I got over my head in this‘Gabriella said 

At Christy- Christy was at home in bed with Lila Rae they been having a secret relationship.”Christy I’m thinking we finally tell our family the truth “I think so too, we have nothing to hide “No we don’t and nothing to be ashamed of “No”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Ric we’re finishing up there meeting.”You know Lorenzo isn’t going to handle this well”Ric said as he slip some water.”I need to keep my daughters safe and I will do that, I’m not scared of Lorenzo “Skye said as she slip some water and her cellphone rang.”Speaking of the devil ,Lorenzo what do you want”Skye ask she hang up the phone.”What is it”Something going on with my daughter Gabriella I sure go, Ric thank for this”You’re welcome, I understand why you want to do this “Ric said he got up.”Do you have regrets that we didn’t continue our relationship “Ric ask “Some but I don’t regret my children “No of course not”Ric said 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 36

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was upset about Lorenzo news and didn’t know how to take it when Tracy came in,”Skye, Why are you home early? Is it ELQ”Tracy ask “No, I had to get a file I left here, I’m glad I did come back, Lorenzo was here”Why”To spent time with our daughter but it’s the last time he will spend the day with my daughter, Lorenzo back in the mob, I have to keep my daughters safe”We will come up with a plan”I need a lawyer “

At General Hospital- Elizabeth was feeling distracted about the news of her pregnancy she was a little scared about it when Robin came by and talk to Elizabeth about a case but she didn’t reply.”Elizabeth,Are you alright “No, I’m not”Is it AJ”AJ and I are fine”Good, Do you want to talk “Yes but not here “Elizabeth said they went into Robin office,”What is it? Are you sick”No, I found out today I’m pregnant “Oh Elizabeth “I want this baby I do especially with AJ , I love him and to have someone help me with raising the baby will be wonderful but I’m older now and it will be a risky pregnancy “Yes it will but we will get you the best care, You can even take the time off”Thanks, We only told Monica this morning “I’m sure she was happy “Yes”I understand being scare I was when I had Emma and Noah because of my statistics but they didn’t get HIV”I’m glad “Me too And I don’t regret having them”I don’t regret this baby maybe it will be a little girl “

At Olivia's restaurant- Lorenzo and Gabriella were having lunch together,” Did you tell Mother about you and Ava “No, I told Skye that I’m back in the business “Oh, Mother looked upset “Yes I broke another promise “You and mother will never be together again “No” Lorenzo said “When you were gone I hope we could be a family again “I know” Lorenzo said Gabriella try to eat some of her food when her cellphone rang.”Charlotte,I’ll be right there”Gabriella said as she hang up.”What’s wrong “A order was received wrong and Charlotte can’t handle it alone”Alright I can take you”I’m sorry Daddy”It’s alright “

What lies Ahead part 3 ch 35

 At ELQ-Skye and Hayden were working together Skye was impressed of how smart Hayden is,”So you and Tracy are close’Skye ask “Yes we become close when I was here the last time, So she your mother “Yes it’s complicated “Most families are”Yes”Skye said as she was looking for a file.”Can I help you look for something”I must of left that file at home I was working on it at the mansion, I’ll go get it”I can just finish up here”Why don’t you set up your office? I’ll show you it” Alright “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella was in her bedroom listening to music louder and open her package of clothes for the store she was keeping a secret about the store from her family.

The doorbell rang And the maid open it was Lorenzo.”Mr.Alcazar”I would like to see my daughters”Lorenzo said as he came in.”Lila Rae isn’t here but Gabriella is”I can heard my daughter music, I’ll go up to her room “Alright just follow the music “The maid said Lorenzo went upstairs.

Gabriella room-Gabriella was in a sexy outfit looking at herself in the mirror as Lorenzo knocked on the door and Gabriella open the door.’Daddy,Why are you here “I want to see you, Can you turn your music down “Lorenzo ask Gabriella turn her music down.”Gabriella you know you live in a house with many families members you can’t blast your music “No one is home expert me, “Is that your new outfit “It’s for the store I was just trying it on”Oh, Why don’t you change and we can go out to Lunch? I’ll call Lila Rae”She at the studio and wouldn’t pick up “Then it will just be us “Alright I’ll change “I’ll be downstairs “Lorenzo said he went downstairs.

Skye was in the living room looking for the file when Lorenzo came in and she looked at him she still loved him but know she couldn’t be with him anymore.”Lorenzo,Why are you here”I’m waiting for Gabriella we are going to have lunch together “Oh,Lorenzo be honest with me”On what”You are still in the mob you never left”Skye said “Yes,You’re right “Lorenzo said as Gabriella came in and saw the spark between her parents and wish they would just admit that they love each other.”Gabriella,I’m glad you’re ready let’s go”Lorenzo said “Mother,Do you want to come “No, I have to go back to work,Gabriella are you going to the store today “Yes I’m “Good, I want a update later on your financial “Yes Mother “Have fun”Daddy where are we going’We could go to the coffee shop “Lorenzo said “Why don’t you go to Olivia restaurant “Skye ask “Yes”Gabriella said “Alright , let’s go”Lorenzo said they left,

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 34

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Elizabeth and Aj bedroom- Elizabeth and Aj were a little shocked about the test results.”I want to keep quiet till it’s safe”I will do anything you want but my mother known last night what was going on”No”Yes, Elizabeth I know you always done it alone but not anymore “Thank “

Monica was downstairs having more coffee when Maya came in.”Maya, How was the medicine conversion “It was good I have a lot of information “Great’Yes and supplies from the pharmacy “Maya, I’m glad you came home and worked at the hospital you will carry on the family legacy “Thanks for giving me advice and mentor me but I’m a Ward” Yes and you are a Quartermaine you can’t deny it” I guess not, So what has happened awhile I was gone” We lose some young patients, Wiley died “No, What happened “

Elizabeth and Aj came into the room.”Maya your home”Yes I’m, I wish I was here sooner I could of saved Wiley “It’s not your fault “Thanks, I’m going to get cleaned up”Maya said and went upstairs.”So what the new “We only will tell you but I’m pregnant “Congratulations I will keep it quiet but Elizabeth we will get you the best care “I know, I’m late for the hospital “Elizabeth said she left.”AJ”I’m finally going to be a father and I’ll do whatever it take “You will be great father “

At ELQ-Skye office-Skye and Tracy were having coffee and conversation about the future of the company.”Skye, You have been running the business wonderfully we are making a lot of money but I was thinking you need someone to help you too since Ned doesn’t want to run ELQ”Who”Skye ask as Hayden came in.”Hayden, I think she will be great in ELQ , Hayden was CFO of Aurora “You work with Drew”Yes we had a history “Drew wasn’t a great businessman the company was a mess “He uses to be till Carly destroyed him”She destroyed everyone, I think we could work together “Me too”I’ll let you both work”Tracy said she left.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 33

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica was in the den pouring herself some coffee as AJ came in the room.”Good morning,I knowing last night that Elizabeth didn’t feel good and went to bed,Could she be pregnant “ Monica ask as AJ poured himself a cup of coffee.”We don’t know, Elizabeth is scared about it “The risk could be but Elizabeth will have the best care “Yes she will, I’m going to check on her “AJ said 

Elizabeth/ AJ room- Elizabeth was in her bathroom holding a pregnancy test when Aj came in.”Are you “I haven’t took it yet “Elizabeth whatever it is we can face it together “Yes I know I can,AJ you make me happy I feel loved “I’m glad because I love you with everything “I love you too”Elizabeth said “Let’s do this  “Alright I’ll take the test”Elizabeth said 

At Ric office- Ric was working when Lorenzo came in,”Lorenzo,Why are you here”Now that you are lieutenant governor I believe we can help each other out “Why would I help you”Because I did something you never could I took down your brother you owe me”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Elizabeth/AJ bedroom- Elizabeth and AJ were waiting on news about the pregnancy test,”I love being a mother and rising the boys alone wasn’t easy but I did it”You raise three amazing boys,They are unique in their own way”That’s what I want each child is different”Yes”I wouldn’t mind a little girl “Elizabeth said “A little girl would be nice one that is as beautiful as her mother “AJ said he kiss Elizabeth as the timer went off and they look at the pregnancy test.

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 31

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella was in her room unpacking her clothes that she ordered from Paris when Tracy came in.”Gabriella,We need to talk “About what? You’re future, let’s go downstairs and talk”Yes Grandmother “Gabriella said 

At Olivia Italian restaurant- Nina and Sasha were having dinner together.”I can’t believe everything that’s happening the last few weeks “Me too, So are you staying “Yes I have decided to move back so has Willow “That’s good “Yes, Sasha you have been doing great with Crimson I’m not going to take it away from you” Maxie and Gabriella have been helping me run it, Why don’t we run it together “I would love too” Nina said she touched her hand,” Good, Our magazine is going to be even better “Yes, How are things with Cecil “It’s good I was scared of losing her when the plane crash” I’m glad you found your mother “Thanks, Are you and Willow close” Yes we are hopefully that wouldn’t change “Nina said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy and Gabriella were in the living rooms sitting on the couch having tea together,”Gabriella,I know you been enjoying the store and helping Sasha at the magazine but I believe you can do something even better “Grandmother I want to be in fashion,I want to be a designer “That’s what I was hoping you would say, There is a great fashion school in Paris “Tracy said as Skye came in.”Mother,Are you trying to sent my daughter to Paris”Skye ask “I know about that school and I did sign up to go to it but I haven’t heard from them yet”I can put in a word “No, I want to do this on my own “Mother let Gabriella do this on her own “Alright “Mother,Are you alright “Yes I’m “I’m going to check on Lila Rae”Gabriella said she left,”Skye “I remembered Faith, We went to school together her name was Faye when I know her we had a fight that ended our friendship “So that’s why she adopt Kim”Yes but I think there more going on”Skye said 

In the gatehouse- Willow was staying there with Amelia when her cellphone rang,”Carly, I’m sorry about Donna,No I understand be safe”Willow said 

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 30

 At Carly’s-Josslyn was on the phone with Jax lawyer about his will.”Yes, I understand as his only daughter I’m supposed to run it but I don’t want too “Josslyn said as Carly came in the room and Josslyn look at her and hang up the phone.”What’s going on”Dad lawyer want me to come to London to go over the will and business he had there”Why don’t you go”Because I’m not leaving you”Why don’t we go together I could use a break from this town”Are you sure “Yes, We both need each other “Yes we do,I’ll call the jet we can use Dad “Yes”

At General Hospital- Kevin office-Kevin was in his office when Skye came in.”Thank for seeing me “You’re welcome, Why do you want to be hypnotized “I need to remember my childhood, I saw a picture in Althea belonging of me with Faith Rosco I don’t remember meet her till I came here, I would like to know why she took my daughter “Alright let’s hypnotize you”Kevin said he hypnotized Skye,”I remember going to a party for a girl in school her name Faye,Wait! That’s it! Faye was Faith,We played we were good friends “Why did you stop “Faye was over at my house for a sleepover and I saw her stealing my mother jewelry she lied that she didn’t take it but she did,We were close friends till that day “Skye said “Do you remember anything else “Yes, I remember the raped by David and Althea telling me it would be best if I give her up but I didn’t want too, I want to raise her but I can’t fight Althea she was stronger then me,I wish I raise Kim instead of Faith, I know Kim feels the same way she hasn’t called me mom yet”Skye said “I’m sure Kim needs time”Yes,I’m done”Yes”Kevin said Skye wake up,”Skye, I think you need more counseling about your past”I will,Kevin what about you! How are you doing “Thanks for asking, I’m doing my best I’ll always love Laura” She loved you, I wish I had that kind of love, “Thank, “Kevin said 

At Laura graveyard-Lulu was at Laura grave,”Mom,I wish you were here, We lose Wiley and Donna and Bailey and Violet four beautiful children who should be here, not in heaven I don’t know how to help Maxie and Carly, How do you heal from this “Lulu ask 

Monday, April 22, 2024

What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 29

 At The Quartermaine Mansion-Skye and Tracy were searching through Althea belongings and Skye pull out a photo book and look through it and found a picture of her as a little girl with Faith.”I found something, a picture of Faith and I together but I don’t remember it”Skye said as she show it to Tracy.”I think the only way we are going to get an answer is if I have Kevin hypnotize me to remember “Are you sure about that” Yes I need to, I’ll call Kevin now, The girls are staying over “Good they belong here” Yes they do, I don’t want them at Lorenzo there no way his out of the mob” Skye said as she picks up her cellphone and called Kevin,” Kevin, I would like an appointment, Yes I can come now “Skye said Skye hang up the phone.”I’m going to go”Skye,You can handle this you are not alone”I know, I feel like I have a family now”Good “Tracy said 

At Ava-Ava was having a drink thinking about her and Lorenzo went there was a knock on the door she open it was Carly.”Carly, Why are you here”I want to see Avery, I need to see her “I’m sorry about Donna, But you are not Avery mother “I know”I can’t get over the fact that you fix the DNA test through I should of know you would”You slept with my under age son! I did what I had to do”Well I’m doing what I have to do for my daughter now get out, You will never be in Avery life again “Ava said Carly was upset and left.

At Lorenzo- Lorenzo told Tea that he was still in the mob and that Dex was working still for him,”I should of know you lied”Tea said “Tea,There no way out of this,But I promise to keep Dex safe”You better, I should go, I do love you “I love you,Tea you need to find someone I know you still love Victor but I want you happy he would too”maybe Victor was the jealous type “Tea said and Left,

What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 28

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was drinking some water when Kim came in from seeing Faith.”Skye,Can we talk”Kim ask she wasn’t really to call Skye mother yet.”Yes,What is it”Skye ask as Kim pour herself some water and drink it.”I just saw Faith she wouldn’t tell me what Jerry has plan next but she told me something interesting about both your past”what is it”That you know each other before you both came to Port Charles “I don’t remember that’Could you of block it? Like you block me”Yes I could, Kim I want you to know I never blame you for the raped”I know, I understand why you give me up I thought Faith loved me but it was all for revenge “I’m sorry “I did have everything money could buy”We probably had the same childhood “Skye said “Probably “ Kim said as Gabriella came in with boxes.”Gabriella,Why do you have all those packages? So is that why it took you so long at your father “Yes I ordered some new clothes and Daddy freaked out about one of the tops Like he to judge “You’re father just loves you”Yes I know” Why don’t you put them in your room “Skye ask Gabriella went upstairs.

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was having an drink as Tea came in,”Tea,Why are you here”I want to catch up on my brother “Tea said she sit down and almost sit down on Ava bra and pick it up,”Who’s bra”Tea ask “it’s nothing “Lorenzo spilled “Tea said “It’s Ava”You and Ava Jerome! Tea ask “Yes we just had sex by the fireplace and Gabriella walk in”No”Yes, Gabriella upset but she come around she always does “Gabriella adores you”I know”Why are you and Ava sleeping together “All you need to know it’s time for our family to be back on top”Lorenzo said “You’re not out of the mob are you “Tea ask as she got up,”Tea, I can’t leave no one leave the mob”Lorenzo said “Is my son still in it”Tea ask “Yes”Lorenzo said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye went into Althea room and look through her belongings as Tracy came into the room.”Skye, What’s going on”Kim made a shocking revelation from Faith that I know her in my childhood but I don’t remember her”Are you sure about this? Yes I have to know the truth about my past maybe I’ll see Dr,Collins “Let’s look at Althea belongs “Thanks “You’re welcome I know you want to deal with this but you’re not alone’I don’t feel alone anymore “Skye said as she smiled at Tracy.

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 At Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Ava were having sex on the floor by the fireplace and didn’t hear Gabriella who came in.”No! Gabriella yelled as Lorenzo move his head and looked at his daughter he grab his shirt and pants and put it on as he got up and Ava grab her clothes.”Gabriella,Why are you here! I thought you were going to your mother “Why are you sleeping with the woman who put you in jail! Gabriella yelled “It’s complicated now why are you here! Lorenzo yelled “I came to get an outfit for tomorrow. Why are you so upset with me”Gabriella ask “I just wanted sometime alone”Lorenzo said “Don’t worry I won’t be long! Ava I thought you hated my father for what happened between him and your brother “I do hate your father for killing my brother “Ava said Gabriella went upstairs.”I’m sorry about my daughter “It’s alright it should of not happened we should just work together in business “I guess so,We are alike Ava”Lorenzo said “Yes we are too like in many ways it could be trouble for this town”Ava said “Maybe “Lorenzo said as the maid came in with boxes,”A shopping order came for Gabriella “The maid said as she put them on the floor,”Your daughter love to shop”Yes unfortunately she does “Lorenzo said “Gabriella looks up to you “Ava said as her cellphone rang.”Josslyn,Why are you calling me? No”Ava said as Gabriella came into the room Carrying a bag and Ava hang up the phone.”That was Josslyn, Donna passed away “No,That poor baby”Gabriella said “Yes, I need to tell my daughter she close with Donna”Ava said “I’ll talk to you later “Lorenzo said He helped Ava to the door and she left.”Gabriella, I know you’re upset that I slept with Ava it’s just sex, I want to move on from your mother “With any woman “No,Ava and I have a lifestyle in common “Your not out of the mob are you “Gabriella ask “Packing came for you “Lorenzo said Gabriella know her father wouldn’t ask her questions and open her package and pull out a sexy top,”You’re not wearing that top! Lorenzo yelled “Daddy! You of all people can’t control me on what I wear after what you do for a living “Gabriella said, “It’s too sexy “I’m going to Mother “Gabriella can you keep this between us” Yes” Have the driver take you “I will, I thought when you came back we would be a family again “I know baby” Lorenzo said Gabriella grab her boxes and left.

At Carly’s-Carly came in with Lucas and Josslyn.”Do you want us to do anything “No I just want to be alone I know you’re worrying for me and want to help me but I want to be alone”Alright “Josslyn said “I have to go back to the hospital “Yes go save a life in honor of Donna”I will, I wish “I know,Me too”Carly said she went upstairs,”I’m worrying about my mom “Me too”

At Ava-Ava came home she enjoyed spending time with Lorenzo even though he killed her brother they had a lot in common.”Avery”Ava said as Avery came into the room.”Avery, I have some sad news to tell you “Ava said 

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 At Maxie-Lulu was trying to help Maxie with losing Bailey.”I want to help you I wish I could “I know you do I’m just glad your here to support me”Always I wish I know Bailey more”Me too”Maxie said “How are James and Georgie doing “They are sad about their sister “I’m here for you and the kids “Lulu said as her cellphone went off she pull it out of her purse.”It’s Lucky”Lulu said As she answered her cellphone.”Lucky, What is it? No I’ll be there “Lulu said she hang up her cellphone.”What’s going on”Donna gone”No! I’m so glad Jerry is gone or I would’ve killed him myself with everything he did” Me too, I should go” Tell Carly I’m sorry “I will “Lulu said as she left.

At The Prison-Kim was having a visit with Faith .”Do you know what Jerry is going to do next from below the grave “It’s all ready in place and there is nothing we can do about it”Yes there is you can stop it “Kim ,Why I’m not getting anything out of these”You could become a better person for me, the daughter you love”Kim.The reason I raise you was revenge it was to hurt Skye “You didn’t know her then “Yes I did she most of forgot about it but we know each other “Faith said 

At General Hospital-Carly was crying about Donna with Josslyn and Lucas and Lucky.”We keep losing our family members there is not many Spencer left”Carly said as Lulu came by.”Carly, I’m sorry “Lulu said “Me too, my baby is gone”Carly said Lulu hug her.”You are not alone “I know I’m not “

At The Docks-Skye and Gabriella and Lila Rae were walking holding shopping bags,”It was a nice day ,Why don’t you come spend the night at the Quartermaine “I guess we can”Lila Rae said “Alright let’s call Daddy “Gabriella you’re father will be fine “Skye said 

Gabriella pull out her cellphone and called Lorenzo.”Gabriella it’s fine, I’ll be alright I can find something to do”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone and Look at Ava who was at the house with him and kiss her.

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 At The Quartermaine mansion- Elizabeth was outside thinking about her family when Steve and Hayden and Sarah came by.”What’s going on”We want to see you,We all need to deal with Dad in town”Steve “We can’t ignore him”You know his not going to stay in town he will leave soon besides we don’t need him we have each other “Elizabeth said “Yes we have each other, I would like to know us all better as adults but he is our father “Sarah said as Jeff came by.”Why are you here”I have a proposal for all of you, I think we all should go to therapy session with Dr.Collins “You are going to stay around “Yes I’m , I have family here that I need to fix “I guess we could try”Hayden said “It’s going to be a lot of work “Elizabeth said “Yes and I’m ready for it, I want to know each of you and my grandchildren “Jeff said 

At General hospital-Donna room- Donna was in a coma on a ventilator while Carly was by her bedside,”You will come back to me I know it , I don’t give up on the people I love “Carly said as she cried and Robin came in to check on Donna,”Any improvement “No”Robin said “She will come back to me”Carly said Robin went into the hallway and saw Lucas,”Lucas, you need to convince Carly it’s time to let Donna go”Robin said “ I know you’re right, I just hate it I want to fix this for my sister “Lucas said “I know you do something it’s hard a doctor when we can’t  fix everything “Robin said as Lucky came by.”Lucky”I want to check on Donna and Carly, but by the way you both look it’s not good “No it’s not, Donna is dying and my sister doesn’t want to deal with it,” Lucas said “We will help her, somehow, “Lucky said 

Donna room- Donna was in a coma and Carly was by her bedside as Lucas and Lucky came in.”Donna,You’re Uncle Lucas is here and you’re cousin Lucky you haven’t met him yet, You will went you wake up “Carly said as she looked at Lucas and Lucky,”Carly”Don’t! I know what you’re going to say! That Donna not going to wake up but she will just like Michael did! Carly yelled as Donna ventilator went off.”No! Save my daughter! Carly yelled as Robin and Emma came running in And Lucky helped Carly into the hallway.”No! I can’t lose another child we have lose so much this year “Carly said 

Donna room- Robin and Emma and Lucas were working on Donna but it was too late and they went into the hallway.”Carly, I’m sorry ,You know I would do anything for my niece I love Donna too! Lucas said “No! My baby girl “Carly yelled “I’m sorry “Robin said