Monday, April 23, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 3 ch 9”

At The Courthouse-Lucian bail hearing-Tea who was Lucian lawyer was their and Lorenzo and Julian and Juanita. “You’re honor this is my client first ever crime,She had been a victim all her life and wants a second chance “Tea said “I have look over the case file and Lucian,You can get off no jail time if you do two hours of community service “The Judges said as Lucian stood up. “Yes you're honor “Lucian said “You will be doing community service at the HIv/Aids clinic for two hours a day ”The Judges said “Yes ,You’re honor “Lucian said it was over..Lorenzo was about to go see his sisters when Juanita stop him,”Mother,What is it”Lorenzo ask “We need to talk,About Faith “Juanita said “What”Lorenzo ask as Tea and Lucian came by. “I use my connections to get Faith free”Juanita said “How dare you! She killed my son! You will regret it! You were never there for any of us”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo,You would do the same for you're children “Juanita said “You’re not my mother anymore “Lorenzo said and left, “Mother,You need to give Lorenzo time”Tea said “I will “Juanita said

At General Hospital-Gina was in Kristina office having a sonogram on the baby and Skye was holding Gina hand. “Can the baby get HIV “Gina ask “No but you can’t breastfeeding him or her but we have so many ways to keep the baby from getting it”Kristina said “Good”Skye said “Yes,How far I’m “Gina ask “Four weeks”Kristina said “Does everything look good “Gina ask “Yes”Kristina said “I cannot believe that I’m looking at another grandchild,Lorenzo child “Skye said “I have a name pick out if his a boy or girl they are going to be name after their father “Gina said “Oh Gina”Skye said they hold each other. “We are done here “Kristina said she and Skye left so Gina could change..

In the Hallway-Skye and Audrey we’re talking when Scott came in carrying Audrey who was passing out. “Dr Quartermaine,I found my wife passed out “Scott said “Let’s get Audrey to a room”Kristina said they left. “Skye,I can’t lose either of them,I love them both”Scott said “I know,You will not lose Audrey “Skye said

Kristina look at Audrey and know she wasn’t going to make it and had to get the baby out, Scott came into the room. “Scott,We are losing you're wife,We need to get the baby out now”Kristina said “Audrey gone”Scott ask as Skye came into the room. “Yes say Goodbye ,I’m sorry “Kristina said “Audrey,You have been my best friend,You’re the only one who understand my childhood “Skye said “I love you are my life “Scott said Kristina took Audrey into surgery. “Scott,I’m so sorry “Skye said they share a hug.,

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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