Sunday, April 29, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 4 ch 5”

“Alcazar Family”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was pouring a drink as Sierra came into the room..”Daddy,Is Mother here “Sierra ask she had been crying. “No,Why are you crying “Lorenzo ask Sierra went by the bar and pour a drink.”Sierra you sure not be drinking “Lorenzo said “I don’t care,Not right now”Sierra said “Sierra,What is it”Lorenzo ask “Cal back in town,Daddy what do I do,If Grayson find out my marriage is destroyed “Sierra said “Is that all you're worrying about! Your son is here! You sure of raise him! Lorenzo yelled “Daddy , I was only a teenager, I couldn’t raise my son,Why could you see that? You only were upset that I give Cal our son to raise a Alcazar is all you care about “Sierra yelled “It’s Family you don’t walk away from family,We could of raise him”Lorenzo said “It was better this way part of the deal with Cal was he wasn’t supposed to come back “Sierra said “You and Cal we’re perfect together “Lorenzo said “It was just a fling away Grayson was away in Grease with his family “Sierra said “Yea for a year,Sierra you need to be honest with you're husband “Lorenzo said “I will handle this,Daddy are you and Mother going to fight for custody of Lorenzo “Sierra ask “Yes, I hope you’re on our side “Lorenzo said “I need to go”Sierra said and left.

At General Hospital-Cassie was in bed holding her daughter as AJ was with her side. “We are going to be the best parent “AJ said as Monica and Alan came into the room..”How is our granddaughter “Monica ask as Bobbie came into the room.”Come meet Micah Quartermaine “Cassie said “She beautiful “Bobbie said “Yes she is,We can’t wait to spoiled her “Alan said “She going to be loved”Cassie said “Yes she is”AJ said

At Faith-Faith had just came back from the hospital with Juanita. “You did the right thing in saving Sierra “Juanita said “I had no choice to save Sierra,Lorenzo was going to kill me”Faith said “One thing I know about my son is that thar family is important to him “Juanita said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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