Monday, April 23, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 3 ch 22”

“Stuart Chandler Alcazar”
At Scott-Scott was packed there was boxes everywhere when Skye came into the room she wasn’t sure what was going on. “Scott,What is going on? Are you and Stuart leaving town”Skye ask “I’m leaving town,Skye I cannot be a father by myself I’m scared and I want to travel to Africa to help HIV/Aids patience , I cannot take my son with me”Scott said “Then Who going to raise you're son “Skye ask “I had lawyer draw up paper, I want you to raise my son”Scott said “Are you sure about this “Skye ask “Yes,You are a great mother and I know my son can count on you “Scott said as the nanny brought him down and place him in Skye arms. “Scott,You can see him whenever you want too”Skye said “Thanks I know this is the right thing to do”Scott said “What about the center “Skye ask “Josslyn and Robin are going to run it”Scott said “Good”Skye said she loved holding a baby in her arms..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was sitting on the couch holding Sierra in his arms. “I haven’t told anyone yet about the cancer,Grayson still on his business trip,I have a lot to do pick out guardian for the children just incase”Sierra said “Don’t go their “Lorenzo said he was thinking how much could his family take when Skye walked in holding Stuart he thought that Skye stole the baby. Lorenzo got up from the couch. “Skye,Why is Stuart here with you”Lorenzo ask “His going to be ours,Scott is going to Africa and ask us to adopt Stuart, I have the adoption paperwork,We have another son to raise and this time, I’m going to protect him”Skye said Sierra got up,”Mother,You’re a great mother “Sierra said “Thanks Sweetheart,Have you been crying “Skye ask “Yes Mother, I have some bad news I told Daddy ,I have leukemia “Sierra said “No”Skye said “We are going to get you the best treatment “Lorenzo said “Yes “Skye said “I have to go to the hospital for my first chemotherapy treatment “Sierra said she left..”Lorenzo,Are you upset about Stuart “Skye ask “I just don't want you replaced him with our son”Lorenzo said “I look at this as a second chance to not make the same mistake, I made with Lorenzo Jr, I will always love our son”Skye said “I know you will “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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