Friday, April 27, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 3 ch 47”

At General Hospital-Kristina was in her office looking at the donor list of who could be a donor for Sierra when Alan came into the room,, “Kristina ,Do we have a donor for Sierra “Alan ask “I’m looking at the list and I cannot find a match someone who has the same blood type “Kristina said “Not even Skye “Alan ask “No”Kristina said “This isn’t good “Alan said “No it’s not”Kristina said

The nursery room-Skye and Alexis were looking at their Grandson. “Skye,We need to decide on what to do with our grandson “Alexis said “Yes,We have a lot to decide about starring with a name”Skye said “I found Gina list,She wanted to name him,LJ”Alexis said “Lorenzo The 3”Skye said “Yes”Alexis said

Kristina office-Kristina wasn’t in her office when Lorenzo came into the office and went by Kristina desk and look at the computer and saw who was a match for Sierra and left..

Sierra room-Sierra was laying in bed when Tea came into the room. “Aunt Tea,I’m glad you’re here , I need to do my will,I’m not going to beat this, I need to figure out who’s going to raise my children,Grayson can’t do it alone “Sierra said ‘It is the responsibility thing to do, I will help you”Tea said “Thanks, I’m worrying about my parents “Sierra said “I know”Tea said

In the Hallway-Skye was so worrying about Sierra when Lorenzo came by. “Skye, I’m going to save our daughter “Lorenzo said “How “Skye ask Lorenzo touch Skye hair, “Trusted me”Lorenzo said “Always “Skye said Lorenzo kiss Skye and left..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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