Sunday, December 24, 2023

Secrets part 2 ch 69

 Secrets Part 2 ch 69

At AJ” Jax was just finishing up his lunch with Alexis when Skye came into the hotel and looked around.”It’s been a nice lunch but I need to get back to work “Alexis said she got up as Skye came by,” Alexis, Jax “Skye said “You look horrible “Alexis said Skye had been crying.”Do you need a divorce lawyer “Alexis asks “No, I’m not crying because of Lorenzo, Gabriella went on a trip today, We just dropped her off” Well you’re lucky to still have her” Alexis said and left.”I wish Michael and Kristina were still here, I do hate that they both are gone” Skye said as she sat down by Jax.”I know you do, So Why did Gabriella go to Paris “She wants to go to fashion week and she has been doing great in her recovery she even gained some weight “Skye said “That’s wonderful “Yes it is, So Jax what are your plans “I’m going to stay here, Skye you should know that I’m not happy about my daughter dating your stepson “I understand but Dex is a great guy he just want to make Lorenzo proud “I do understand that but I want my daughter here” I get that too” I’m surprised that you and Lorenzo got back together “We had a lot of work to do in our relationship but I love him “He just better make you happy “He does, So what are you going to do while you’re here” Carly and I are going into business “Really! You and Carly “Yes, We were hoping you and Lorenzo would sell the property by the pier “For a hotel” Yes” Jax, I wouldn’t be a great businesswoman if I did that,” Skye said 

Cecil came by she missed Skye.”Rae, it’s good to see you “Jax said “Jax, Her name isn’t Rae it’s Cecil, She and Quartermaine, It was one of her many lies beside me not being her daughter, “Skye said “Skye, I just want to start over “Well I don’t! Skye yelled as she got up and Carly came by.” Cecil, stay away from me and my family now I have to go”, Jax good luck with finding a property “Skye said as she left,” We are not going to get the property, Blackmail Lorenzo backfire on me” We will figure it out “Yes we will, Cecil I’m sorry about Skye “Carly said 

Dex came in he was waiting for Josslyn as Tea came by and looked at him so many times she wanted to tell him the truth but backed out and went into the lobby as Carly came by,” Tea, Are you alright “I’m fine! Why do you care” I just saw you crying that’s all,” Carly said as Josslyn came by.”Is everything alright “Yes it’s fine, “Tea said and left.

Secrets part 2 ch 68

 Secrets Part 2 ch 68

At AJ Hotel- Alexis was having lunch with Jax,” Alexis, how is it going “It hasn’t been easy but I have been trying, I just got my law license back so I opened a law firm “That’s wonderful, I’m glad you have it back “Thanks so what is your plan “I’m going to stay here I miss my daughter and I need to see her grow up” Yes you do, I’m glad you’re staying “Thank “So are you going to try to get Carly back “No, I’m done with her” Really” Yes beside she slept with AJ” What! It was a drunk mistake but I’m not getting roped into it” Good Just focus on Josslyn “Yes I will, I’m not crazy that she dated Lorenzo's son” I agree with you need to make sure she's not with him” I just need to figure how”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Ned was pouring himself a drink as Lois and Brooklyn came in,” You both look happy “We are, We may have saved our company, We just finished an album with Lila Rae and it’s going to be an hit” That’s good, I’m glad you sign her “Me too” Brooklyn said “So Skye is your sister “Yes she is” It makes sense that Tracy is her mother “Yes I guess so” Ned said as Cecil came in.”Rae” Lois said “Actually I’m Cecil Edward's cousin, and I keep my identity a secret “Wow, why” It’s a long story “I’m sure it is” I need to go,” Cecil said and left.”So Skye's mother is Edward's cousin” Lois said “You know us Quartermaine we are not boring “No you’re not” So how long are you staying “I was thinking of moving to Port Charles, I’m going to find my place “You can stay here, “Ned said “Thank “Lois said 

At Lorenzo coffee shop- Lorenzo had come in after dropping off Gabriella at the airport and went into his office he was about to do some work when Carly came in.”Carly, Why are you here? In my coffee shop “It was Sonny, Anyway I wanted you to sell me the property by the pier “Why would I do that? Lorenzo asked as he got up and went by Carly.”Because if you wouldn’t I’ll tell Dex who his mother is” Really! You’re going to throw my sister raped in my face! You’re going to sink that low! Lorenzo yelled “Tea was raped! Carly asks “Yes! She doesn’t even know that Dex is hers she put it behind her, But you don’t care! Your that selfish “I’m sorry, I won’t say anything “Good oh you will not get that property I wouldn’t betray my wife for you “Lorenzo said “I will get back on top” Carly said and left.

Secret part 2 ch 67

 Secrets Part 2 ch 67

At Dr. Collins's office was sitting on his desk when Skye Lorenzo and Gabriella came in.”I’m glad you’re both here, Gabriella you look well “Thank you” Gabriella said they sat down.”What do we have to talk about “Gabriella ask “Gabriella I have a feeling that the rape and your eating disorder is connected and I do believe you should talk about it with Dr,Collins “Skye said “I believe your mother  is right have you ever deal with it”Kevin ask “No”Tell us that night what happened “Kevin said “We were living in London and I was alone ,Daddy was at a meeting and mother too , I was studying and the new bodyguard came in and wanted to talk to me, I told him I didn’t talk to bodyguard and he became angry and grabbed me I was wearing a skirt that day so he just pull it and raped me, Daddy came in as I was on the floor and grabbed him that’s all I remember “Yes, You when upstairs and clean up and I took care of him “I brought you some plan B”Yes “Did you try to talk to Gabriella about it”Yes but she didn’t want to talk about it”I didn’t want the rape to be apart of me, I didn’t like being labeled a victim “It’s not apart of you but you need to deal with it, Was it the beginning of your eating disorder “Yes’Why did you think you need to staved yourself “Something I can control about my life, We keep moving to different places and now here I miss Paris and London this town is boring “Gabriella I do believe your improve your health and I think a trip is a great idea “Thank but I want to know , Daddy did you suggest this trip so I will be away from Phillip”I just don’t think that right now you need to have a relationship, you need to concentrate on your recovery “I will.”I do think a trip is a nice idea but I don’t want you to have a relapse “I wouldn’t “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned Olivia and AJ were there a sign was up saying Happy Retirement when Monica came in and they clapped.”We love you and we wanted to throw you a retirement party, You were the best doctors ever to that hospital “AJ said “Thank you I feel that it was time to retire and let the younger doctors have their shine “We wanted to show you how much we love you too” Ned said “I know I felt it” Monica said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lila Rae was celebrating with Brooklyn and Lois in the living room they just finished recording Lila Rae and were about to pop some champagne when Skye Lorenzo And Gabriella came in.”What’s going on” Who are you “Gabriella this is Lois, Brooklyn's mother we just finished the record” That’s wonderful “Yes it is, I’m glad the studio work,” Lorenzo said “It’s a great studio, we need to go, Now we just need to promote your album, Lila Rae it was great working with you and Lorenzo it’s great to see you “Lois said as she touch his face and Skye grab her hand,.”Get your hands off my husband! You let him go his mine” I was just being friendly “Lois said “Let’s go Mother “Brooklyn said they left.”Daddy, You And Lois” Lila Rae ask “It was before your mother “How many women before you met mother “Gabriella ask “After a couple of failed relationships we became friends just talking about how much we screwed up in relationships and then we decided to date and then I end up pregnant with Lila Rae” Then you got married “No, We had some bops and then after some time apart we saw each other again and then had you, “Skye said “If you didn’t get pregnant with me would you be together “Yes, Why are you asking all this “I’m just wondering why you are so strict with us in relationships “We just want you both to be happy that’s all, Gabriella why don’t you get ready for your trip, “Skye said Gabriella went upstairs.”Lila Rae, I want to hear your music “Skye said “You will soon” Lila Rae said 

Secret part 2 ch 66

 Secrets Part 2 ch 66

At General Hospital- Monica was by the nurse station making notes when Skye and Lorenzo came by with Gabriella.”What’s going on? Is everything alright “Monica asked “Yes, Gabriella is going to Paris in a few days and we want her to have a check-up with Dr.Robinson and Dr, Collins first “What’s in Paris” Fashion Week” Oh, Well you look great, “Thank you “Gabriella said as Portia came by,” Gabriella, I’m glad you’re here, Let’s go have your exam “Portia said she left with Gabriella.”Monica, Do you think a trip is a good idea “I’m sure both Dr.Collins and Dr. Robinson will make the best recommendations “I hope so, it’s good to see you at the hospital “Yes, It’s a little bittersweet I decided to retire “Monica said “Oh, The hospital will miss you” Yes so many memories here, Working with Bobbie and Tony and Alan” Monica said “Many great doctors and nurses “Yes, And the drama “

Portia was in the exam room with Gabriella she was on the scale looking away as Dr.Robinson was weighing her and was happy with the numbers .”You can get off the scale and we will remove the feeding tube “What was the number “Gabriella it’s important right now that you don’t know “Do you think I should go” Gabriella asked as she sat on the medical table.”I think it will be alright you have improved a lot “I’m trying to “I’m glad” I don’t want to see Dr.Collins “Why” Because my mother wants me to talk about the day I was raped “Gabriella said as Elizabeth came into the room to help Dr.Robinson.”Your parents want to help you “Dr.Robinson said “Talking about something traumatic like the rape gets old it will not change it” Gabriella said “No it doesn’t, It’s hard to deal with “Elizabeth said “Yes it is Nurse Webber “I know what you feel, I was raped when I was a teenager but after dealing with it did help me recover and you will recover too” I did it helped that I never end up pregnant or had to deal with a trial “Yes I’m sure he was deal with, But talking to Dr, Collins will helped “Elizabeth said “You are all set” Portia said “I’m so glad that feeding tube is off, Thanks you both” You’re welcome “Elizabeth said Gabriella went into the hallway.”You were great with Gabriella I know it wasn’t easy talking about your personal experience “No but I wanted to help” Elizabeth said 

Skye and Lorenzo were in the hallway when Gabriella came by.”Gabriella, they took off the feeding tube “Yes! I’m recovering “Not so fast you still need to keep it up” Yes Daddy” Let’s go see Dr.Collins “

Monica was talking to the hospital board Tracy and another doctor were on the board.”I have decided to retire I loved this hospital but it’s time to let go” We understand and wish you well you were one of the best doctors here” Yes I was”

Secret part 2 ch 65

 Secrets Part 2 ch 65

At Skye/Lorenzo- Skye was on the phone.”Thank you Dr, Collins I agree with you” Skye said she hang up as Lorenzo came in,” What’s going on” I just talk to Dr.Collins about this trip he thinks it’s a good idea for Gabriella to go but he wants her to have therapy and a check-up first “Alright we will do that “Lorenzo I believe we didn’t handle the rape as well as we should “Skye said as Gabriella came in.”Gabriella “Skye said “Mother, I don’t want to talk about the rape anymore, can’t I just let it go and move on” You didn’t deal with the rape you push it aside and didn’t do anything about it, it’s not healthy too just ignore it I have and it’s not healthy, “Skye said “Why talk about it! It’s not going to change anything! Gabriella yelled “We are just trying to help you “It’s too late now” Gabriella before you go on your trip you are going to have a doctor's appointment with Dr.Robinson and Dr.Collins” Skye said “Fine! It should be fun” Gabriella said and left the room.

Lorenzo pours himself a drink as Ava storms in.”Ava! Why are you here? I’m looking for my brother I know you killed him! Julian came here to see you and now I can’t find him” If you don’t want to disappear you will leave it alone! I’m running this town, not you or your brother or Selina! Lorenzo yelled “Selina left town” Yes I know Julian killed her for kidnapping Donna, Now I suggest you stick to the art gallery, “Lorenzo said Ava left.”Lorenzo “Skye it will be alright, I promise you,” Lorenzo said “I hope so,” Skye said 

At Carly’s- Carly was in shock about who Dex's parents were when there was a knock on the door it was Jax.”Jax, Why are you here “I wanted to you I think we could do business together “With what “We could build another’s hotel or something “Really you want to do business with me after everything “Yes I do, The hotel was a successful one” Till I lose it “Yes” Let’s do another hotel and blow this town away! Carly said “Yes and I know the perfect spot by the pier “Jax said “The property is owned by Lorenzo “Not all of it, “Jax said 

Secrets part 2 ch 64

 Secrets Part 2 ch 64

At AJ's hotel- Lorenzo and Tracy were talking as Skye came by.”Why are you talking to my husband “I was just having tea with Gabriella when Lorenzo came by” You were spending time with my daughter “Yes, I want to know your daughter “Really! You had no interest in me and now that I’m your daughter you do! Skye yelled “I made a mistake in the way I treated you “I don’t care that you are my mother I don’t want you to know my family, “Skye said as Gabriella came by.”Gabriella, let’s pay your bill and leave “Skye said “I have to go anyway I understand your anger but I hope you can get past it” Tracy said And left.”Mother “I’m alright “I was just telling Gabriella she can go to Paris now, Fashion week starts soon,” Lorenzo said “Mother, Do you want to come with me” I would love to but I can’t, But you will enjoy it” Skye said “Yes I will, I’m going to get my nails done for the trip, I’ll meet you at home “Gabriella said and left.”You want Gabriella to go on this trip so she will move on from Phillips” Yes, That’s why she was here to look for him” She still needs to do with her eating disorder “Yes, What did AJ want this morning “He Made a horrible mistake he slept with Carly” Wow” Yes I told her to leave AJ alone “I’m sure you made your point” I hope so”

At Nina's office was working when Jax came in.”Nina” Jax, Why are you here? We have nothing to say together “I just want to see if we can move on, I’m sorry for lying to you for Carly “In the end I got my revenge “Yes but is that keeping you warm at night “Yes, I have money and my work that’s all I need “I hope so” Jax said and left.

At Lila Rae Studio -Lila Rae Brooklyn and Lois were working on a song production when Lorenzo and Skye came in.”Lila Rae, We just wanted to see you, Lois why are you here “Lorenzo asked “Lorenzo it’s good to see you” You too” Lorenzo is my husband “Yes I know that’s in the past “Daddy you and Lois” it was before your mother now what’s going on” Lois and Brooklyn are producing my music “That’s wonderful “Yes you’re daughter is talented and this studio is state of the ark” Thanks, Whatever you need “Lorenzo said they left,

At Carly’s- Carly was looking at the computer search for who Dex's mother is and found something.”Wow! Carly said she was in shock.

Secrets part 2 ch 63

 Secrets Part 2 ch 63

At ELQ-Skye was sitting at her desk reading emails from her computer when Ned came in.”Skye, Why did you want to see me” Ned asked as he sat down.”I just got some information that Chandler enterprise is in financial trouble “No, We could do a takeover “I do have a share in the company even more now that I’m a Chandler, and I don’t want to destroy the company in honor of Adam I did love him I was thinking we could help them out financially “Yes we could now that ELQ is financially stable “Yes it is, It was a mess “I’m glad you help us out you are a great businesswoman “Ned said “Yes you are unfortunately “Jax said as he came in,” Why are you here” Ned ask “To try to get my company back, That Skye too over by doing a hostile takeover “I learn from the best, Why do you want Aurora media? You buy companies all the time and sell them and that’s what I did” Skye said “Yes you did, I’m proud of you for what you completed I also made a lot of money on the deal, I’m going to stay in town and make another company “I’m sure it will be just as good “Ned said “Yes it will be, Maybe I’ll build another hotel “Jax said as a guy came in carrying a poster board of paper.”I have the plans for the shopping center “He said “What kind of shopping center “ Jax asked “It was nice to see you “Ned said Jax left.

At AJ’s- Gabriella came in she was tired from looking for Phillip so she sat down and ordered some tea as Tracy came by she wanted to know her granddaughter she sat down.”Gabriella, it’s good to see you here, I thought we could get to know each other “I just came here for some tea” Why don’t we order some food too? Tracy asked “Because I’m not hungry, “Gabriella said “Gabriella I want to spend some time with you, “Tracy said “Alright, “Gabriella said 

At Alexis law office -Alexis was sitting at her desk doing some work when Tea came in.”Can I help you “I hope so, I’m Tea Delago and I’m looking for a job to be a partner in your law office “I heard about you, You’re a great lawyer “Thank and I heard you are too” So why don’t we team up and join the lawful “Why not, I’m just getting my law office up and running “

At AJ’s hotel- Gabriella was sitting with Tracy she didn’t want to have lunch with her she just wanted to be alone as Lorenzo came by and saw his mother-in-law and daughter talking and came by.”Gabriella, Tracy what’s going on” I came to have tea alone, I like the tea they have here and Grandmother just came by and started talking, “Gabriella said as Lorenzo sat down,” You came here for tea “Lorenzo asked as Gabriella keep looking around,” She been looking around for someone, I just want to know my granddaughter “Gabriella are you looking for Phillip Cassadine “Yes Daddy, I haven’t seen him since last night “I’m sure his busy anyway I have some news, The jet is all set to take you to fashion week in Paris” She going alone to Paris! Tracy yelled “I can be alone I have been before “Yes she has “I need to use the restroom, “Gabriella said and left.”You’re just doing this because you don’t want Cassadine with your daughter “No I don’t “I agree with you on this” Tracy said as Skye came by.

Secret part 2 ch 62

 Secrets Part 2 ch 62

At Carly’s- Carly had just shown and changed clothes and poured herself some coffee she had a headache from drinking when Josslyn came in.”Josslyn, Where did you go last night “Mom, I’m in college “Yes I know “Where did you go? You don’t look good “I have a little heard I drink a lot “Oh” I’m going to run some errands, Are you alright “Yes, I will be, “Josslyn said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Olivia and Ned were reading the review on Olivia's restaurant.”My restaurant opened was a hit” Yes it was! Olivia, I'm so happy for you” I want to thank you for the support “Always “Ned said they shared a kiss.

At Kelly’s was by the corner having coffee when Carly came in as Skye was about to leave.”You bitch! You used my brother last night! You don’t care about AJ! You probably never loved him! I will not let you bring him down! AJ's sobriety isn’t worth the risk for a relationship with you! Skye yelled “I don’t want AJ it was just a mistake I was upset and needed comfort we all have been there, I will not let AJ get hurt for Michael's sake! You know our son that you killed! Carly yelled “Now AJ son too! You should like to use people! Skye yelled as Jax came by,” Stop both of you! Jax said “Jax before you fall back into a relationship with her you should know she just slept with my brother! She uses AJ because she is upset about Nina destroying Her relationship with Sonny a man she will always love even though his dead! Skye yelled ‘Get out of here! Go back to your lesbian daughter and your eating disorder daughter “Carly yelled Skye slapped her and left.”Carly was that called for “Yes it was, It’s my business that I slept with AJ” Yes it is”

Carly sat down at the table and so did Jax.”So how long are you staying “For good “I’m glad, I’m worried about Josslyn “What happened “She still seeing Dex” No, Do we know who his mother is? Jax asks “No, I just don’t trust him” Me either “

At L&B- A woman was looking around as Lila Rae came in.”Can I help you” I hope so, I’m looking for a producer, my name is Lila Rae Alcazar” Do you have any songs” Yes I wrote a lot of songs, all that’s missing is the producer “Lila Rae said “My name is Lois  Cerullo “She said as Brooklyn came in,” Why are you here! Mom, I hope you didn’t sign her “Brooklyn we are family and I made a mistake we all do” Yes we do, Brooklyn let’s talk, “Lois said “I have my studio we can use too” Lila Rae said Brooklyn, and Lois went to talk.

“Brooklyn what happened “This was the woman who said her name was Blaze and used Kristina to get information for her father” Oh, I’m sorry that happened I loved Sonny too but we need talent our company is in trouble “She is good “Yes and she family “Yes, Did Dad tell you that Tracy is Skye daughter “No! Wow, that makes a lot of sense “Yes! Lila Rae is a great singer through “Good, We need talented “

Secret part 2 ch 61

 Secrets Part 2 ch 61

At Skye/Lorenzo-AJ came into the room to talk to Skye.”AJ, Do you want anything to drink “Skye asked as she went by the drinking bar and poured herself some coffee.”Sure, Black, Skye I did something stupid last night and I need you to not judge me” AJ said as Skye handed him some coffee.”What did you do? Drink? Skye asked “No but it’s not good for my sobriety, I slept with Carly, “Aj said as Skye spilled out some coffee.”AJ! Why in the world would you do that? Skye yelled “Carly was upset and I took her home and she had a drink and we shared a kiss “Do you want to be with her” No” Did you drink last night “No it was just a mistake “AJ, You can’t go down that rabbit hole, When you were with her you drink” I know she a heartless woman who will never love me but she still is good in bed” AJ, move on from her, Why was Carly upset “Nina, She use Sonny to get revenge on Carly, It was Nina who help hide me” Wow! I know Nina was using Sonny she helped Lorenzo “Help him kill Sonny” AJ” I don’t care I would of myself “Why don’t we have some breakfast with my family, AJ I’m glad you forgive me, I can never forgive myself “it wasn’t your fault it was an accident I have been there, Do you know who played with your brake” Yes, Julian “

Lorenzo was having breakfast with his daughters, Gabriella was eating a little egg as Lorenzo was watching her eat when Skye and Aj came in and sat down.”Lila Rae, How is your album going “Lorenzo asked “I have all the songs written but I need an producer “I’m sure you can find someone “Skye said “What about Brooklyn or Lois “AJ asked “Brooklyn Terminator my contact, Who’s Lois” Brooklyn mother “We will find you someone, Gabriella when is fashion week in Paris “In a few weeks, Why” Because I will make arrangements for you to go” Yes! Gabriella said as she looked outside and saw Dex kissing someone who was leaving his room Lorenzo turned around and saw it.”No! Excuse me! Lorenzo yelled got up and left the house.

“What’s wrong “Skye asked. ‘Josslyn just left Dex, “Gabriella said “No, I should go outside and help, Lorenzo gets upset isn’t good “No it’s not,” AJ said 

Dex was outside saying goodbye to Josslyn when Lorenzo came by,” What the hell is going on? Why is she here “Lorenzo yelled “Father you don’t have control over my relationship “We can’t trust her in our homes I want her off my property if you want to have her come over then you can go somewhere else “Lorenzo yelled as Skye came by,” Lorenzo don’t say anything you will regret “Skye said “It’s alright Skye, I will work for you father but that’s it, You can’t control my relationship, I’ll find another place to live “Dex said “I love your son” Josslyn said “I’ll take you home “Dex said he left with Josslyn,” Lorenzo, Don’t let this ruin your relationship with Dex, it took you a while to get your relationship back on track don’t let it be ruined by a Spencer woman “My son needs to be with an woman better the Spencer “ I agree with you”

Secret part 2 ch 60

 Secrets Part 2 ch 60

At The Quartermaine mansion-Carly wakes up in bed and looks on the other side of her it is AJ sleeping. Carly stood up and touched her head in shock that she slept with AJ as he woke up.”We slept together “Yes, You were upset and we came here and talked “Yes I was, I found out that Nina only wanted Sonny to hurt me and destroy him, Did I drink” Yes a little “I need to go home to my daughter “Carly said she stood up and got dressed.”This was just a mistake “Yes it was, We don’t need to tell anyone or think about it again “No we don’t “Did you use anything “Yes, I did” AJ said 

Tracy came into the living room to find it messy  alcohol bottle all over the floor she picked it up and carried it as she saw Carly and Aj in the hallway.”AJ! Did you drink? Carly, why are you here? Is history repeating itself “Tracy yelled “I hope not! Monica yelled as she came into the room.”It was just adults having a night “Why all the alcohol “That was me, I was upset, AJ didn’t drink “Carly said “Go Carly I can handle it” AJ said as Carly left.”AJ, you are doing so well don’t let her bring you down “I wouldn’t “You could do better too “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Gabriella was looking out the window thinking about last night and the kiss she shared with Phillip as the maid came in carrying flowers.”Gabriella, This came for you” The maid said she handed them to Gabriella as Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”Who’s giving you flowers “Skye asked “Phillip, Isn’t he so sweet “Yes he is, You like him don’t you” Skye asked “Yes, Mother he was so nice to me, I was uncertain last night in public but he helped “Gabriella, if anyone give you issues about anything I’ll deal with them” I know Daddy” I guess we should have Phillip over one day for dinner “Yes Mother I like it” Let’s go to breakfast Lorenzo said Gabriella left the room.”You’re not like that a boy like our daughter “He's not a boy his a man who is older than our daughter “Lorenzo I haven’t seen our daughter this happy in ages leave it alone “Skye said as AJ came in.”AJ” Skye, Can I talk to you alone” Sure Lorenzo said he went into the dining room.

Secret part 2 ch 59

 Secrets Part 2 ch 59

At Olivia's Italian restaurant- Gabriella was hiding by the bar she was having a hard time getting comfortable in public with her feeding tube as Phillip came by.”Why is a beautiful woman like you hiding over here” Because I don’t want anyone to see me, I have this feeding tube in me” We all have something “Yes we do” Don’t let anyone ruin your night, Do you want to have dinner with me” Why do you want me to join you “Because I want to get to know you” Phillip said 

Skye and Tea table- Skye and Tea were eating their food.”I hope the girls come back “Yes, Skye how are you doing with Gabriella “I’m trying hard but I blame myself I did limit her sugar intake when she was a little girl “All mothers do that “Yes but I blame myself “Skye said as Gabriella and Phillip came by.”Mother, I’m going to have dinner with Philip” Alright, We will leave together “Yes” Gabriella said she left with Phillip.”Lorenzo going to hate this, Gabriella like a boy” It was bonding to happen, How is it he doing with Lila Rae” Not good “Skye said 

Willow and Nina were eating and talking.”I don’t have any secrets “I heard you talking to Monica, I know everything “What are you going to do about it” You are not the woman I thought you were, You destroy a family “Willow said as Carly came by,” What family have you destroyed? Whose husband did you steal from this time? Carly asks “I destroyed your family! Nina yelled as she got up.”I was the one who knew AJ was alive and kept him safe and I only married Sonny to destroy you! I wanted him to die! Nina yelled Carly slapped her.”I know you didn’t love Sonny the way he should be loved! I was the only woman who loved him” Carly said “Now you will never have him” I will destroy you” How! With what! Nina yelled “You will pay, “Carly said and left.

Gabriella and Phillip were talking at their table,” Wow, Does that happen along in this town “Unfortunately yes, I need to warn you that my father is “Gabriella said she didn’t know how to explain it.” I know about your father and it’s not our fault who are parents are” No it’s not, You’re very handsome and here I’m wearing a feeding tube “You’re still beautiful, I do hope you get better “Thanks I trying “Good I want to know you “Phillip said and took Gabriella hand as Lorenzo came into the restaurant and saw his younger daughter with Phillip and didn’t like it and went by Skye.”Lorenzo, you show up” Yes, Who’s that with our daughter “Lorenzo we know this would happen one day a boy like her,” Skye said as Lorenzo sat down.” You miss a big secret “Yes, Carly just found out about Nina” There is nothing she can do to us” Lorenzo said 

Carly was outside crying as AJ came by.”Let me take you home “No, Let’s just go somewhere, “Carly said as they left.

Secret part 2 ch 58

 Secrets Part 2 ch 58

At Olivia Italian restaurant-Olivia was enjoying the opening as everyone was enjoying the food when Tracy came by,” Tracy, I’m sure you hate it “No, it’s a wonderful restaurant and the food is amazing, I’m glad you have followed your dreams “Thanks you” Olivia said as Skye and Tea and Gabriella and Lila Rae came into the restaurant.”I’m glad you're here “Olivia said “We want to check it out, Olivia, Tracy this is Tea Delago Lorenzo's sister” Nice to meet you,” Olivia said “Skye are you going to tell Tea how we are related “Tracy ask “Unfortunately this woman is my mother “Skye said as Jax came by.”Tracy your mother “Unfortunately yes it’s a long story, Tea this is my ex-husband, Jax Jacks, Tea is my sister in law and this is my oldest Daughter Lila Rae, and younger Gabriella “Skye said “Nice to meet you all, Skye we need to catch up “Yes, let’s get a table “Is Lorenzo joining you “No” Skye said “Mother, I’m not sure about this “Gabriella said she was nervous about everyone seeing her feeding tube.”Gabriella it’s going to be alright “If anyone gives you a hard time you know you’re father will deal with them” Tracy! Skye yelled and went to a table with her daughters and Tea,

Carly was sitting at a table having a drink she was upset about her break up with Drew as AJ came by and sat down,” You look upset “Why do you care” Carly asked “I don’t care anything about you but for our son, I want to see how you are doing “I’ll be alright “Yes unfortunately you will “Yes after all I’m Carly Spencer” Yes, You always seem to rise above “Yes” Carly said she look at Jax who was sitting with Skye and Tea and her daughters.”I need to use the bathroom “Gabriella said “I’ll go with you” Lila Rae said and left.”Skye, What happened to your daughter “Gabriella has an eating disorder we almost lost her a couple of times “I’m sorry, So Tracy is your mother “Yes she had an affair with Adam and Rae lied not just about me but who she is, her real name is Cecil Quartermaine an cousin of Edward “Wow, it seems I miss a lot, I hope Gabriella get better “Thanks “Skye said “Tea it was nice to meet you “You too “Tea said Jax got up and left.”His very charismatic “Yes he is”

Willow and Nina were having dinner together and Willow was very quiet,” Willow, Why are you so quiet tonight “I know your secrets, “Willow said as Carly heard her say that as she walked by.

At Skye/Lorenzo- Lorenzo was cleaning up the blood stain on the carpet and then put his gun away in the safe.”I had to keep my family safe” Lorenzo said to himself.

Secret part 2 ch 57

 Secrets Part 2 ch 57

At Olivia's Italian restaurant-Olivia greeted everyone who came into her restaurant on opening day from her family to the Cassadine she felt so happy about it and went up to the front of the dining room.”I want to thank you all for coming to my opening I hope you enjoy the food and come back again “Olivia said as Ned came by,” I want to cheer my wife for making her dream come true I know it will be a successful restaurant “Ned said and kiss Olivia,

Nina went outside on the porch she needed some air as Monica came by.”Monica “I just want to Thank you for saving my son that night but I wish you told me he was alive all this time” I do regret that you should have known as a mother “Did you marry Sonny for revenge too” Yes I never loved him” Nina said she didn’t know that Willow was inside the restaurant listening to them and was shocked by what she heard.”I helped Lorenzo get Sonny's territory, Carly hurt me too much and it was time to get even” Carly deserved it that’s for sure what she did to my son, and with the help of Sonny” I just feel alone “You’re not, You are a honorable Quartermaine and welcome into my family anytime “Thanks you “Nina said 

Willow wasn’t sure what to do with all this information as Olivia came by.”Willow, Are you alright “Yes I just miss Michael “Me too” You’re restaurant is a hit” Yes I think it will be,” Olivia said as Carly Jax and Josslyn came by,” Olivia this place looks nice, I’m glad you’re following your dreams “Carly said “You can follow your dream too” Olivia said and left.”Willow, Are you alright “Carly asked as Nina and Monica came by.”Yes, I’m alright “Willow said “Why don’t we order some food “Nina asked 

At Skye/Lorenzo -Gabriella was getting her study room ready when Skye came in,” Gabriella, Are you doing alright? Did you have lunch “Skye asked “Yes Mother “I know the eating questions are annoying but I have to know” You have to trust me too” Yes you’re right, The room looks good” Thank you, I need a break “Let’s go have some tea “Skye said they went downstairs, Lorenzo was by the desk as Gabriella and Skye came downstairs and Julian came into the room.”Julian! Why are you here “We need to talk “Gabriella, why don’t we go to Olivia's restaurant she just opened an Italian place “Alright, “Gabriella said as Tea and Lila Rae came into the room,” Girls night out let’s go to dinner “Skye said they left.”So have you told anyone I was the one that played with your wife's brakes “No, I’ll deal with you, You tried to kill my wife! It was just a warning that’s all” Skye hit Michael's car which killed him” That wasn’t supposed to happen it was supposed to just warn you “I thought we would work together we both want the same thing, Sonny gone” I can’t trust you “Same here “

Secrets part 2 ch 56

 Secrets Part 2 ch 56

At Carly’s-Carly and Drew were talking.”We haven’t spent a lot of time together since you got out “Yes it’s been crazy “Yes it has, I feel like something is going on with you “Yes it is, I want to know do we have a future in our relationship where you will love me completely and not Sonny even though he's gone and you were divorced when he died “Sonny will always have a piece of my heart because of our children even though his dead but we can still have a relationship “I want all in or nothing, I don’t want to be second best “Drew said “I know that feeling “Jax said as he came in with Josslyn.”Jax, You’re back “Yes” Now isn’t a good time, “Carly said “No it’s perfect, it’s over with us, I can’t believe I went to jail for you” I tried to stop you,” Carly said Drew left the room.”I’m sorry “Josslyn said “Jax, Why are you here “Ned called me and told me about Kristina, So I heard you had a part in that “I didn’t shoot her! That was Lorenzo “You had Kristina do your dirty work just like always! Something has never changed, Josslyn it was good to see you “Jax said and left.

At The Police station-Mac was working as Alexis came in.”Alexis “Mac, Will you be arrested, my daughter's killer? Alexis asks “No I was going to tell you that the case went to the CIA, I’m sorry “Lorenzo is getting away again! It’s enough “Alexis said “I understand the pain I felt that way when Georgie died “Yes you lost your daughter to an Alcazar too” Yes I did but revenge will not bring your daughter back “No it wouldn’t”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Tea was pouring herself some water as Skye came in the room.”Tea, You in town” Yes, Lorenzo called me he thought he would need a lawyer “I’m glad you and Lorenzo have a relationship “It took a while to forgive him for what happened with Tomas “Yes I understand “Skye, I want to help Gabriella get better “Thanks “Lorenzo told me I could stay here I hope you’re alright with that “Yes I’m “Skye said 

Secrets part 2 ch 55

 Secrets Part 2 ch 55

At The Church- Kristina's funeral was over and everyone was outside talking Alexis was talking to Jax,” Jax, I’m glad you’re here who called you “Ned did, I wanted to be here for you” I’m glad you did come “I’m sorry about what happened “It’s not your fault it’s your ex-wife Skye fault and her husband “Alexis said as Josslyn came by.”Daddy” Josslyn” Jax said as he hugged Josslyn “Alexis, I’m sorry about Kristina “Thank you,” Alexis said “Do you want to go to lunch with us” No thanks, “Alexis said as Ned and Olivia came by,” Ned, Thank for calling Jax,” Alexis said ‘You’re welcome “Alexis we want to give our condolences, “Olivia said “Thank you and good luck on your opening of your restaurant ‘I was thinking of changing the opening “No you should have your night” Alexis said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were having lunch with their daughters and they both kept looking at Gabriella who was eating and wearing the feeding tube.”Stop looking at me! Gabriella yelled “We are just glad you’re eating “Skye said “I’m sorry and I’m sorry I scared you both, Mother how did you almost lose me when you were pregnant with me” It was an risky pregnancy both with you and Lila Rae and I was dealing with stress “Skye said “But you didn’t lose me” No I didn’t “Skye said as she looked at her daughter and Lorenzo was thinking about a secret he was keeping.”Gabriella, Do you have all your things unpacked “No, I need to finish my study room” Lila Rae, I hope you like the guest house “Yes Daddy I do” Lila Rae said as she got up and left.”I need to unpack my office Lorenzo said “I need to go to ELQ” Skye said “Alright “Lorenzo said as he kissed Skye and she left as a woman came in and talked in Spanish and Lorenzo talked back in Spanish.”Daddy, Who is this woman “Gabriella asked “She's my sister, Tea Delgado, this is my baby girl Gabriella “Lorenzo said “Nice to meet you “Gabriella said “You too “Tea said she was in shock about how Gabriella looked.”I’ll go unpacking so you can talk, why didn’t we meet you till now” It’s complicated “It always is with you Daddy “You know your father well” Tea said and Gabriella left as Tea sat down.”What happened to your daughter? Why is she so skinny and wearing a feeding tube “Gabriella has an eating disorder “No” Yes, Now I’m glad you’re here” Me too, it looks like my family needs me” You can stay here we have a lot of guests rooms “Where is  Skye” At work”

At AJ’s -Jax and Josslyn were having lunch together when Skye came by and saw them together and went by the table.”Jax, your back “Yes. A lot of changes have happened “Yes they have “I had to be here for Alexis” It is sad what happened “Yes, So AJ now has the hotel” Yes Carly had to sell it she used it to invest in a company “Yes insider trading “Yes, We should caught up soon but I need to go to ELQ” Alright “Jax said Skye left.”Dad are you seeing anyone “No” Oh” What about you “I’m still trying to deal with what happened with Dex I loved him” I can’t believe he turned out to be Lorenzo's son” Me either “You’re better off without him” I know “

Secrets part. 2 ch 54

Secrets Part 2 ch 54

At General Hospital-Portia was in the hallway talking to Monica and Skye about Gabriella's plan.”I think we should keep the feeding tube on for a few months and Dr.Collins will see Gabriella but she had to commit to this too it won’t work unless she agrees to it” Dr.Robinson said “I agree, Can Gabriella eat with the feeding tube on too” Yes” Can you show me how to work the feeding tube “Yes I will “I think this is a great plan” Monica said “I just worry Gabriella will not get better, I can’t lose her” We all are here for her” Monica said 

Gabriella was in bed thinking about her recovery from everything she had to do when Lila Rae came in carrying a bag.”Mother wanted me to bring you some clothes “Thank “I’m glad you’re getting better, I need my little sister “Lila Rae said “Thanks, Are you doing alright “Not really “Lila Rae said as Skye and Portia came in.”Gabriella you can get released today we have a plan for your recovery “Yes you have to follow it” Yes Mother” I’m going to go, I have a funeral to go to” Lila Rae, I don’t think you should go, Alexis blames your father “Skye said “I just want to pay my respects “I know “

At The Church- Alexis was there before everyone and put pictures up as Elizabeth came by.”Alexis “Elizabeth, Thank you for coming “You’re welcome “Did you work on Kristina that night I can’t remember “Yes I did, I wish I could have saved her” Me too” Lucas did everything he could to save Kristina “Do you think she was in pain “No” Elizabeth said as the guest arrived and Alexis got up. “Thanks for coming, I never thought I would be saying goodbye to my daughter, I always thought I would die first I will make everyone pay for this! Alexis yelled as Sam came by and comforted her mother.”My sister Kristina was kind and loved everyone she just wanted to be happy “Sam said as Jax came into the room and sat down by Alexis as Molly got up.”Kristina was always there for me when I needed her she never got her happy ending “Molly said and cried 

At Skye/Lorenzo-New house Skye  came-in with her daughters and Lorenzo.”This house looks great “Lorenzo said “The living room looks like our old house “Gabriella said Just the wallpaper, I love that design the rest is new” Skye said “It all looks great “Lorenzo said  

Secret part 2 ch 53

Secrets Part 2 ch 53

At The Quartermaine mansion-Cecil was pouring herself some coffee when Tracy came into the room.”I can’t believe you have the nerve to stay here, You are not a Quartermaine you are a con art “I made a mistake in keeping who I am from everyone “Why did you lie” Because I wanted to be Skye's mother since you didn’t want to be her mother, You lied too! Cecil yelled “I had my reasons, I thought it was for the best” Tracy said as Monica came in.”Why are you all fighting “Why did you let this woman in our house “Because she is family, Now I have a meeting at the hospital, Gabriella is finally going to get help and I promise Skye I would look over the plan for her recovery “I should go see Gabriella too” Skye finally had a place in this family “Yes she does “That’s what I wanted I know she was an Quartermaine And I know it’s not easy being accepted” Cecil said 

At Carly was watching Donna play on the floor with her toys as there was a knock on the door it was Ava.”Ava, Come in” Carly said “Why did you call me to come over “Because I want to tell you I’m giving up on taking over Sonny's territory, You can deal with Lorenzo “Thank you” You’re welcome, Just keep Avery safe “I will, I’m glad Donna alright “Me too, I’ll keep the secret “Carly said as Drew came in.”What secret “I should go,” Ava said she left.”Carly, What’s going on” I have decided to give up on running this town” That’s good “Yes I need to focus on something else besides Kelly’s I have hired a waitress to help run it” What are you thinking “I’m not sure, What about you” I haven’t decided I’m just glad I’m out of jail “Me too, I wish you didn’t have to go for me”I know “



Secret part 2 ch 52

 Secrets Part 2 ch 52

At General Hospital-Lorenzo was in his room on the bed and Skye was by his side of the bed.”What did Lila Rae want to say to you “She blamed me for  Kristina being killed and is still angry with me for having her help me and doesn’t believe I’ve accepted her as a lesbian “It was a shock to both of us when she came out “Yes it was but I still love her “I know you do, Just give Lila Rae time “I will “Lorenzo said he was getting tired.”I should go, I have a lot of work to do at the new house “Skye said “Alright be careful with my boxes from my office “Dex is moving them” Great “Lorenzo when you come home we need to talk “I know we will “Lorenzo said Skye kiss Lorenzo and left the room as Agent Smith came in.”It’s all handled at the police station “Now what do they want me to do, “Wait for the next assignment “I wouldn’t leave this town” You have no choice in this” The Agents said as he left the room.

At Skye/Lorenzo's new house-Skye was drinking some tea and looking out the window and thinking about everything that happened to her family when she saw that Lila Rae was home in her guest house so Skye put the tea down on the table and went outside and knocked on Lila Rae door but she didn’t hear Skye as the music was playing Loud so Skye opens the door and came into the room.”Lila Rae” Skye said Lila Rae looked at her mother and turned down the music.”Mother “I thought we could talk I know you’re angry about Kristina and you have a right to it’s horrible what happened “Yes it is! I should have never gone with the plan “Why did you “Because I want Daddy to still love me” Lila Rae, Your father loves you, Yes we didn’t handle it well when you came out to us but we always love you, No matter what, You’re our miracle daughter “Skye said “Do you wish I wasn’t gay “No, I love you for who you are” Skye said “I believe you “Good, so does your father,” I hope so” Don’t let this come between you and your father “I know “Do you need any help unpacking “No, I’m almost done “Good, I need to finish the rest of the room and Gabriella room” Was Gabriella anger about the feeding tube” No she finally admitted that she needed help “Good” Yes I should go, Later we could order some food “Alright “

At Alexis- Alexis was looking at pictures of Kristina getting ready for tomorrow's funeral service when there was a knock on the door it was Valentin who was holding a bag of food.” I thought you may be hungry “I haven’t eaten all day “I understand “I want revenge more than anything “I understand that” Yes you do, it’s a Cassadine thing” Yes it is,” Valentin said “I've been going through some pictures for tomorrow, I never thought I would be a mother after giving Sam up for adoption I put that behind me and focus on my career “Would you change anything “No” Me either “We came a long way” Yes we have “

Secret part 2 ch 51

 Secrets Part 2 ch 51

At The Church-Alexis was there planning Kristina's funeral she was feeling emotional when Julian came into the church.”Why are you here “To see you, I want to check on you” My daughter is dead because of the lifestyle you lean to you may not have pulled the trigger that was Lorenzo but she died because of the mob that you represent, I don’t want you neither me! I don’t love you anymore “Alexis yelled as Ned came in,” Stay away from Alexis,” Ned said “Are you back together “No but if we were it’s not your business, “Alexis said “I’ll go, I just wanted to say I care for Kristina and I’m sorry about this” Julian said and left.”Sorry I’m late” It’s alright I just can’t believe he thought he should show up here,” Alexis said “Don’t think about him” No I wouldn’t, I have to plan the perfect funeral for my daughter, “Alexis said 

At The Police Station -Mac was working when Carly came in.”Carly, I heard you have Donna back “Yes I do” How did you get her back? Who had her? She just showed up at my house, Mac can you just let this go? Investigate Kristina's death instead “Carly said “Did you know  Kristina was going to Lorenzo that night” Yes” So the plan was to break into a mobster house “Yes I regret that Kristina is dead but I didn’t pull the trigger “Carly said “You can go” Mac said Carly left as a man came by.”Commissioner Scorpio “Yes, What can I do for you “I’m Agent Smith from the CIA, I will be taking over the investigation of Kristina Davis's death” Can I see your badge “Yes” He showed it to her as Anna came by and saw him .”Alright, it’s all yours. Do you want the evidence I have” No thanks “He said and left.”What was that about “Anna asked “The CIA is taking over the investigation Of Kristina's death “Doesn’t Lorenzo have CIA connections “Yes, That’s why we haven’t been able to arrest him “I’ll see what I can do, I still have connections too” Anna said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Olivia was getting ready to leave when there was a knock on the door it was Julian.”Julian, Why are you here” I want to see my son I miss you so much “Yes you did but you should have called first I need to explain something “What is it” Julian asked as Leo came by.”Leo” Julian said he was about to hug him and Leo pulled away.”Leo, I’m your father “No you’re not, Ned is “Ned isn’t your father “Biological no but he adopted me” Leo why don’t you get some juice “Olivia asks Leo.”What’s going on” Leo has autism and he doesn’t know you can’t just pop into his life like this” Our son autism “Yes but his doing great “I’m sorry I missed a lot in his life “I know I need to explain it to Leo just give me time” I will, I’m not the same man I was” I hope you have changed “Olivia said Julian left.

Secrets part 2 ch 50

 “Secrets Part 2 ch 50

At General Hospital -Skye was in the hallway pushing Lorenzo in the wheelchair as they went by Elizabeth.”Elizabeth, Can we see our daughter “Yes, I just want to warn you Gabriella may be angry that she has a feeding tube “We will deal with it we just want our daughter better “Yes, Gabriella is still sleeping we had to sedate her to put it in” Elizabeth said as Lila Rae came by.”What’s going on” We had to let Dr.Robinson put a feeding tube in your sister she failed in the hallway “No” We need to make Gabriella understand and get better, “Lorenzo said “Yes, Whatever it takes, “Skye said as she push Lorenzo into the room they saw Gabriella who was sleeping in the bed.”I remember when I was pregnant with Gabriella, We almost lost her remember Lorenzo? Skye asked “Yes I do it was horrible but we didn’t and we wouldn’t this time either, “Lorenzo said as Gabriella was staying to wake up,” Mother, Daddy what’s going on? Gabriella asked as she touched the tube in her nose.”What’s in my nose? Gabriella yelled “Gabriella, calm down, you failed and we’re not doing good so Dr.Robinson had to put a feeding tube in you” No! I didn’t permit her “No, but I did! I’m your mother and will do anything to get you better but we can’t do it without you “I’m fine” No you not, Gabriella you have lost so much weight, I have a deal if you focus on getting better you can use the private jet to go to Paris to get your clothes anytime you want “Really “Yes, But you have to get better whatever Dr.Robinson wants you to do” Lorenzo said “Paris has so much better clothes then this town, Alright “Gabriella said as Dr.Robinson came in.”How I’m going to wear this feeding tube in life” You will just have too” But I don’t want anyone to see it and I don’t know how to do it” You can come here to get it changed or have a nurse come to your house, I think it’s the best plan for you, you need to gain weight, But you always need to want to get better “I want too” Gabriella said as she cried.”That’s the first step in wanting help, I also think you need to continue your therapy with Dr.Collins “Yes you need it, Gabriella please follow through with getting better I can’t lose you” Skye said as she cried.”Alright, I’ll talk to Dr.Collins, can I go home soon” Tomorrow “Dr.Robinson said and left.”Gabriella I know admit wasn’t easy but you just made a big step in your recovery, it has to be all you “Skye said “Yes I know “Now rest” Skye said as she touched her daughter's hair and left with Lorenzo.

Dr.Robinson was in the hallway when Kevin came by.”Dr.Collins, Gabriella Alcazar is on a feeding tube and she agrees to counsel “That’s great “Yes we have to get her better, She is very fatigued “Gabriella has to do the work “She finally agreed too”

Skye was pushing Lorenzo in the hallway Back to his room as Cecil came by.”Skye, Lorenzo I’m glad you’re alright “No you're not, You don’t like my husband, and I want you to stay away from us “I made a mistake in saying you were my daughter and hiding who I am but we all have made mistakes in life and I have my reasons, “Cecil said and left.”So everyone knows her secret “Yes it was exposed at the party “Wow, What else “Lorenzo asks as Skye push him into the room and helps him to bed.”Julian Jerome is alive, I’m sure you know that” No I didn’t “

Secrets part 2 ch 49

 “Secret part 2 ch 49

At General Hospital -Lorenzo’s room- Lorenzo was in bed resting when Skye And Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”My girls “Daddy how are you feeling “Gabriella asked I’m feeling alright,” Sorry we didn’t come early, We have been getting the new house ready “That’s good, Lila Rae are you alright “Can I talk to Daddy alone” Lila Rae ask “I’ll get us some water “Gabriella said she left she wasn’t feeling good.”I’ll go make a phone call “Skye said she left.”Daddy, I know you better than Gabriella, Did you set Kristina up? Did you shoot her before she shot you? You know how to admit without missing a beat “Lila Rae, I understand you are upset but we can’t talk here “You will never accept that I’m gay! Mother will but not you, I’m not perfect enough for you! That’s why Gabriella had an eating disorder because she is not perfect for you either,” Lila Rae, I love both of you with all that I’m “That’s why you give me the guest house so when I bring a woman over you wouldn’t see us” No. I thought you could use some privately just like your brother, I understand your upset “I need time, Kristina should be here! Lila Rae yelled and left.

Gabriella was feeling nauseous and dizzy she hadn’t eaten all day as she was walking as Skye came by.”Gabriella “Skye said as she tried to grab Gabriella who was about to fall as Elizabeth came by.”Elizabeth, Can you help us? I don’t know what is going on” Skye said Elizabeth grabbed a wheelchair.”Let’s put her in here and I’ll take Gabriella to a room” Elizabeth said she helped Gabriella into the chair.”Gabriella, Did you eat today “Elizabeth asked “No” We had a busy day that I forgot about breakfast, I’m sorry Gabriella “Skye said as Portia came in they took Gabriella to a room and examined her as Skye came in.”Skye with your permission I would like to install a feeding tube in Gabriella it’s the only way” Portia said Skye looked at her younger daughter who was lying on the table looking plain.”Will it save my daughter “Yes” Portia said as she gave Skye the paperwork.”I’ll sign it, Anything to save my daughter “Skye said she was feeling emotional as she sighed.

Alexis-Alexis was thinking about having a drink and looking at the bottle when there was a knock on the door it was Spencer,” I want to see you “I’m glad you did, I need you” Alexis said as she was by the door that was open as Valentin and Phillip came in.”Alexis, You are not alone “No she is not. who are you “Spencer asks “I’m Phillip, His son” Oh” We all need to be together as Cassadine right now “

At General Hospital- Lorenzo’s room- Lorenzo was in bed he was feeling emotional after talking to Lila Rae who was right he didn’t accept that she was gay as Skye came in crying.”Skye, What’s wrong “Gabriella, isn’t doing well she fading just now in the hallway “No, where is she” Dr.Robinson is with her with my permission she put in a feeding tube “It’s that bad” Yes, Gabriella going to hate me” You did the right thing as a parent we have to make the choice sometimes “Yes we do, Lorenzo I can’t lose you or our children, I hate that Kristina is gone “Me too, I wish I didn’t have to show her it was self-defense “I believe you” Let’s go see Gabriella “They won’t let us right now,” Skye said as Lila Rae came into the room.”Where is Gabriella “Lila Rae asks as her parents look at her she knows it is bad.

Secrets part 2 ch 48

 Secrets part 2 ch. 48

At The Quartermaine mansion- Aj and Monica were talking.”Have you heard from Skye today “She unpacked at her new house, Lorenzo brought Sonny's old house and tore it down then built a new house for them” I hope Skye would leave him” Me too, I found out who helped me go into rehabilitation “Who” Nina, she wanted to help me even though we didn’t know each other well just to hurt Carly” Wow! Nina ended up marrying Sonny” Yes I have a feeling she is hiding something else too,” AJ said as Rae came in.”Who let you in here? Rae or Cecil, whoever you want to be called “Monica yelled “You can call me Cecil, I’m a Quartermaine and I belong here and I want to know my daughter “Which one? Why all the secret “Monica asked “Because I did something I would like to forget I wanted a fresh start “Cecil said as Tracy came in.”You wanted to forget sleeping with Jimmy Lee your cousin “Tracy asked “You have all done your fair share of mistakes “Cecil said “She right we have” AJ said as Sasha came in.”What’s going on” Sasha I want to know you, I don’t want to ruin a relationship we can have like I did with Skye,” Cecil said “My daughter whom you try to pass as your own” You didn’t want her! Cecil yelled “Can we stop fighting? “Sasha asked “I just wanted to see if I can stay here too, I want to know you, Monica I’m sorry about the past,” Cecil said “Monica” Sasha said “Alright you can stay here “Monica said “What! Tracy yelled “It’s my house “Monica said “Dad give it to her, “AJ said Sasha and Cecil left the room. 

Nina-Nina was cleaning up the living room of the kid's toys when Willow came in.”I’m sorry about the toys “No it’s alright I like having you and the kids here” Me too, I like getting to know you, I’m going to see Alexis” I’ll go with you “Nina said They left.

At Skye/Lorenzo- Gabriella was painting her room a bright pink color when Skye came into the room.”The room looks great, Why don’t you go clean up and we will go see your father? Lila Rae is getting ready too” Alright, “Gabriella said she wasn’t feeling well.

Lila Rae was in her guest house and unpacked as she picked up a photo of her and Lorenzo and was feeling emotional from her father shooting Kristina and threw it as she cried.

Secrets part 2 ch 47

  Secrets part 2 ch 47

At Skye/Lorenzo's new house -Skye and Gabriella were unpacking.”Mother, When do you want to see Daddy” Soon I just need to get this done, Now why don’t you go pick out some paint for your room? I will” Gabriella said she wasn’t feeling well.”In two hours we will go see your father “Skye said Gabriella left. Skye unpacked some boxes and felt emotional about everything.

At Alexis- Alexis was looking at pictures of Kristina as Molly and Sam were picking up some breakfast when there was a knock on the door it was Carly holding Donna.”I just wanted to give my condolences “This is your fault! I bet it was your idea for Kristina to break into Lorenzo's house while the party was going on” Yes it was” You have your daughter back And I lost mine! I will get my revenge on you and Lorenzo “Alexis said “Alexis” Carly said as Alexis slammed the door in her face and cried as there was another knock on the door “Carly I swear “Alexis said as she opened the door it was Ned,” Ned” I thought you could use a friend “Yes” Alexis said Ned hug her.”I saw Carly leave” Yes she was here to give her condolences even though it was her fault! Alexis yelled “What happened “Kristina and Carly wanted to run Sonny's business I tried to talk to Kristina about it but she wouldn’t listen to me, I protested her when she was little this lifestyle and I lost her because of it,” Alexis said as she cried.

At General Hospital- Lorenzo was in bed when Portia came in to examine him.”Mr.Alcazar, How are you feeling “I’m feeling better I would like to go home soon” You can in a few days” Dr.Robinson how is my daughter? I’m worrying about her and this eating disorder “It’s not good I examined Gabriella yesterday she keeps losing weight, if she doesn’t gain any I suggest a feeding tube “Gabriella would hate that but I will do anything to get her better “You’re her parent of course you would “Portia said and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo's new house was painting the walls of the living room when Tracy came in.”So you brought Sonny the old house “Lorenzo tore down the house and made me a new house “Skye after what happened last night do you think of just leaving? Kristina was killed because of the mob, Donna was kidnapped “You wouldn’t understand “I think you’re making a mistake “Are you trying to have a relationship with me? Because this isn’t it” Skye said as she went back to painting,” It looks like you’re old living room “Tracy said and left.

Secrets part 2 ch 46

 Secrets Part 2 ch 46

Carly’s-Carly was in Donna's room she watched her all night sleeping she was feeling emotional thinking about what could have happened when Lucas and Josslyn came in,” I’m glad you found Donna, Sorry I wasn’t here it was crazy at the hospital “It’s all right, Can you check Donna make sure Selina didn’t hurt her” Yes” Lucas said he pick up his niece.”So that’s who had Donna, Did you tell the police “Josslyn asked “Selina will never hurt us again “Carly said “We need to just leave it at that, Carly I want to run a test to make sure Donna wasn’t poisoned “Alright, I’ll get Donna ready for the hospital “Carly said 

At Ava-Ava and Julian were having coffee together,” I can’t believe we helped Carly last night “Yes but a child was involved “Yes we can use this to our advantage, Did Carly give Selina Sonny territory “No” We can get it for ourselves and run this town” What about Lorenzo “We were here first in this town “Yes we were “Ava said 

At Skye/Lorenzo's old house- Skye was packing their belongings she was feeling overwhelmed from last night and wanted to keep busy as Rae came in.”I thought you may want to talk to me “Why would I! Rae Cummings! Oh wait your Cecil Quartermaine! My mother! No wait, my cousin! You are nothing but a con artist! Now I have work to do, You not welcome in this house “Skye said as Lila Rae and Gabriella came into the room,” Grandmother “She's not your grandmother! She nobody to us! Skye said Rae left as she cried and the bodyguards came by.”I don’t want that woman in my house again! Do you hear me” Skye yelled “Yes” The bodyguard said he took some boxes and left.”Mother “We need to get ready I want to be in the new house when your father gets home and I have a lot to do,” Skye said “Yes Mother “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae, Are you alright about Kristina” No I’m not, I loved her” Lila Rae said 

At General Hospital- Lucas was examining Donna as Carly was in the room.”Do you think she was poisoned “I just wanted to check you can’t trust Selina “No you can’t, Lucas did you work on Kristina last night “Yes it wasn’t good she lost so much blood there was no way to save her” I feel like it’s my fault, “Carly said “I’ll let you know what the test say” Lucas said Carly pick up Donna .”Thanks, I’m going to get my baby home “Carly said she was in the hallway when Lorenzo came by in his wheelchair.”Did you have Selina kidnapped my daughter “No I wouldn’t use a child, You know me Carly” Yes I do, I’m back away from this, it’s all your “Thanks “We could have been a powerful couple both running the mob” Carly said “I love Skye and you will always love Sonny his your heart “Lorenzo said Carly left.

Secret part 2 ch 45

 Secrets Part 2 ch 45

AT Selina-Selina was trying to get Donna to stop crying as there was a knock on the doors.”Selina! Open up! Ava yelled as the guard came into the living room.”Take the child to a room and keep her quiet “Selina said as the bodyguard picked up Donna and took her into a room Selina opened the door it was Ava and Carly.”Give me my daughter! I know you have her” Carly yelled “Yes I do! On one condition, you will handle Sonny's business for me! I have the paperwork right here all you need to do is sign it” First I want to see my daughter Carly said “I would give Donna to Carly or I will shoot you! Ava said as she pulled out a gun at Selina.

In the room - Donna was crying as Julian broke into the window shot the bodyguard and picked up Donna.

In the living room,” Selina Ava, and Carly were talking.”Did you hear that noise? Who is here? Selina asked as Julian came holding Donna.”Donna” Carly said and picked up Donna as she cried.”You will regret it by helping Carly I will make sure of it” Selina said “Carly let’s take Donna to the car” Ava said “Julian, Do what you need to” Carly said she left with Ava.”We could have teamed up together and run this town “Selina said as Julian shot her.

At Alexis- Alexis was in her bedroom crying over Kristina and was having a hard time sleeping she got up and went into the living room and saw Molly sleeping on the couch and then went over to the cabinets and poured herself a drink.

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ and Ned were talking.”What a night “You’re telling me I wanted tonight to be perfect “It was till everything happened “Yes, I wish Skye would leave Lorenzo “Me too” Ned said as Monica came in.”Mom, did you know that Rae is Cecil” No I didn’t, I’m shocked too”

Secrets part 2 ch 44

Secrets Part 2 ch 44

At Carly’s-Carly was at home worrying about Donna when Josslyn came in carrying some tea.”I thought you may want some tea, I don’t know what to do I feel helpless, I even called Dex but his not pick up “I don’t need his help or trust him he is Lorenzo's son” Do you think Lorenzo plans this” I don’t know who but I need to go look for my daughter, I’m not going to sit around “Alright, Let me help you, Who are you going to see” Ava, She may know something “Carly said “I’ll go with you” No stay here just in case the phone rings, I’ll keep you informed “Be careful “I will “

At Alexis -Alexis came home with Molly and Sam.”I guess we need to plan the funeral “We can do it tomorrow you need to rest it’s been a long day “Yes it has, Julian coming back from the dead! , My daughter has been killed! Donna kidnapped! Alexis yelled “Yes a lot of devastating tonight “Molly said “Do you want us to stay here? I’ll have the kids come “Sam said “I would love it, I don’t want to be alone right now “Alexis said “You’re not” Sam said 

At Ava-Ava was having a drink with Julian.”Tonight was something “Yes it was,” Ava said as there was a knock on the door it was Carly.”Carly, Why are you here” My daughter Donna has been kidnapped! Did either of you have anything to do with it? Carly yelled “Carly I would never hurt Donna, Avery loves her sister, “Ava said “I believe you, I need to question Lorenzo then “That’s not his way of doing things this has Selina all over it,” Julian said “Selina” Yes, I heard you are trying to run Sonny business and that’s probably what she wants “I think you’re right “Carly, Why don’t we go with you, you need back up with dealing with Selina and your not thinking right now” Alright, I’ll have to trust both of you for Donna sake” Carly said Julian open the safe and pull out two guns.

At Skye/Lorenzo's old house,  Skye,Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”We are staying here tonight, Tomorrow I need to get the new house ready, You both need to pack too, I want to be in our new house when you’re father comes home “Yes Mother “Do you want anything “Lila Rae asked “No, I’m going to bed it’s been a long day “Skye said she went up to her bedroom and sit on the bed as she picks up a picture of her and Lorenzo together and cried. 

Secrets part 2 ch 43

 Secrets Part 2 ch 43

At General Hospital-Gabriella was in the hallway not feeling well and worrying about her family she was walking and not looking where she was going and ran into Phillip.”Sorry “It’s alright, Are you alright “Yes I just wasn’t looking where I was going “It’s been a little stressful “Yes it has” My name is Phillip Cassadine “Gabriella Alcazar “Nice to meet you “You too I’m sorry about your cousin “Thanks I haven’t met her yet I just came to town” Oh that’s sad” Yes it is,” Phillip said as Skye came by.”Gabriella “Phillip this is my mother, Skye Quartermaine Alcazar, This is Phillip Cassadine “Nice to meet you, Gabriella you have an appointment, “Skye said Phillip left.”Isn’t he cute “Yes he is, Gabriella you need to focus on your health right now, You have an appointment with Dr.Robinson “Skye said they walked to the office.

Lila Rae was in the hallway about to go to the morgue when Alexis came by.”I’m sorry about Kristina, I did care about her I wasn’t just using her” Why did you use my daughter to get to Sonny? Why did you help your father “It was easy I wanted my father to still love me he didn’t take it well when I came out” I do understand wanting your parents' love “Yes, I never wanted this” Lila Rae said as Sam and Molly came by.”What’s going on” Sam asked “I just want to give my condolences “You can go see her,” Alexis said Lila Rae left.”Mom, Why did you do that “Molly asked “Because I do believe you’re sister loved her, I have to believe she was happy “Yes she was”

At Dr. Robinson's office- Portia was examining Gabriella as Skye was in the room.”Gabriella, Have you had your period in the last few months “No I haven’t in a few months I've been enjoying it “Gabriella that’s not good, I want to weigh you” Portia said she helped Gabriella get up .”Have you been eating “A little “I want you to turn around and look at your mother “What, I can’t look at the scale “No,” Portia said Gabriella got on the scale backward.”Skye looked at the scale and the number, What’s the number “You need to start eating again “I do” You don’t eat a lot “Skye said “Gabriella it’s not good that you don’t have your period, You may not have children “That’s alright “Gabriella get dressed and met us in the hallway “Portia said as she pick up the scale and left with Skye.”This isn’t good “No, if Gabriella doesn’t eat enough we may have to put her in a feeding tube “She going to hate that, I didn’t know about her period “Skye said as Gabriella came into the hallway.”Let’s go see your father then go home it’s been a night” Skye said 

Secrets part 2 ch 42

Secrets part. 2 ch 42 

At Carly’s -Carly was talking to Mac about Donna's kidnapping when Josslyn came in.”Mom, Why are the police here” Josslyn asked “Donna was kidnapped tonight “No” We have to find her” Carly said as Dante came in.”Dante are you here to help find Donna “I’m here about another case, Sam just called me Kristina didn’t make it from her gunshot wound “No! Josslyn yelled “No,” Carly said “Carly do you know why Kristina was at Lorenzo's house tonight, “Mac asked “No” Carly lied “Do you know who took Donna” Josslyn asked “We are set up listening advice on the phone and we will post a guard at the door we will find your daughter “I hope so, I didn’t want this Kristina dead and my daughter kidnapped, “Carly said 

At General Hospital-Alexis was in shock that  Kristina was dead as Ned came by and tried to help her.”I’m sorry about Kristina “Zi can’t believe she's gone I tried so hard to keep her from this lifestyle and now it has taken her ways” Alexis said “Let me help you, You’re not alone “I want to see her” Alexis said 

Lorenzo’s room-Lorenzo was in bed his head had a glaze on it as Skye and the girls came in.”Lorenzo, I’m so glad you’re alright “Skye said kissing him, “Do you remember what happened “Yes I went to check on our house and I saw Kristina looking through some personal papers and I asked her to leave them alone She was taking pictures of them with her cell phones and she shot me then I shot her, “Lorenzo said “You shot her” Lila Rae ask “It was self-defense “She didn’t make it” Lila Rae said “I’m sorry but Kristina had no right to be in our house she was using you “Lorenzo said “Daddy you wouldn’t go to jail will you “Gabriella ask “Yes he will if I have anything to say about it! You killed my daughter! I lose my sister to your family and now I lose my daughter! Alexis yelled “It was self-defense she shot me first “Lorenzo said “I understand your pain but leave my husband alone “You both are to blame for two young adult deaths, “Alexis said as Ned came in.”Alexis, let’s go” Ned said they went into the hallways.

“Girls you will hear something about this and what I do is not going to be easy, “Lorenzo said “We will handle it, Right Lila Rae and Gabriella “Skye asked” Yes Daddy” Yes,” Lila Rae said she took her father hands.

Kristina's body was in the morgue and Alexis and Sam came in and looked at her.”Oh, my baby girl l love you so much you could have had a bright future “Alexis said as Molly came in.”My big sister I love you so much “We will never forget you we love you so much “Lorenzo will pay for this and Carly too” Alexis said they went into the hallway as Danta came by.”I’m sorry about Kristina “Thanks, Have you been working the case “Sam asked “Something else happened tonight, Donna was kidnapped “No” Molly said “Yes we haven’t found her yet “

Secrets part 2 ch 41

 Secrets Part 2 ch 41

At General Hospital- Alexis was worrying about Kristina as Skye came by.”Alexis, I’m sorry this happened “This may be Carly's fault for dragging my daughter into this mob war but it started with you and Lorenzo using your daughter to take out Sonny you all have a part in this” What about you as Kristina's mother? You should have told her not to try to go up against my husband “Skye said “Is this the life you want for your children “No you don’t get to judge me! Skye yelled as Tracy came by,” Skye “Tracy said “So she's your mother it makes sense you’re both so cold” Alexis said and left.”Skye, how are you “I’m scared that my husband may not make it but you don’t care “I don’t like Lorenzo but you will survive anything, “Tracy said 

Alexis was walking when Valentin came by with Phillip and Charlotte “Alexis we are here for you, I want you to meet my son Phillip “Nice to meet you, I’m sorry it’s under this circumstance “I’m sorry about your daughter I hope she makes it” She will she a Cassadine “Valentin said “Yes she is “Alexis said 

Gabriella was walking and worrying about her father when Kevin came by,” I’m sorry about your father “I never wanted to know what my father does for a living I wanted to live in denial I know it’s wrong but I didn’t want to see the truth “I understand why” This lifestyle isn’t easy to live in” Gabriella said 

Lila Rae went by Skye .”Mother, I’m sorry “It’s not your fault and your father will make it,” Skye said as she touched Lila Rae's hair as Portia Lucas and Elizabeth came in.”How is my daughter?  Alexis asks How is my husband! Skye asks “Lorenzo is recovering from surgery we removed the bullet “Kristina, “Sam asks as she holds her mother's hands.”Kristina didn’t make it I’m sorry “Lucas said “No! Alexis yelled and went to the ground.

Secrets part 2 ch 40

 Secrets Part 2 ch 40

At General Hospital- Skye Lila Rae and Gabriella came in.”Where is my husband? Skye yelled as Portia came by.”Dr.Robinson are you my husband's doctor “Yes we need to take him to surgery the bullet went into his brain“Can we see him” No “Portia said as Alexis Sam Molly and Lucas came in.”I came to help, I haven’t had anything to drink” Lucas said as Elizabeth came in.”Me too” Good we need more hands,” Portia said “Portia, What about Kristina “She is in surgery she lost a lot of blood “No, What happened “Alexis asked as Portia Lucas and Elizabeth went into surgery as Dex came by.”Dex, Do you know what happened “Skye asked “Yes” You can say it, “Skye said as Mac came in.”The security alarm went off and Father went to check on the house he pulled out his gun and saw Kristina breaking into the house and looking through private papers and they both shot each other “Dex said “So Kristina was using me! Just to break into our house! Like Daddy keeps evidence on himself! Lila Rae yelled “This is all Carly! Her stupid idea” Alexis said “I need to look at your camera “Mac said “Yes I’ll show you “Dex said he left with Mac.”Lorenzo had to make it” Skye said “Daddy will his too stubborn “Gabriella said “I’m sorry I let this happen “It’s not your fault Lila Rae” Skye said 

At AJ’s hotel -AJ was in shock that it was Nina who saved him and went outside as Nina followed.”I need answers about why you saved me” AJ said “It was way before I knew Sonny but I saw you shoot and I heard Carly and Sonny talking in the hospital that it was him who shot you so I thought maybe one day I’ll need you and after Monica try to revive you I ask my aunt Lesil for help and she took you to a hospital to recover the plan was for you to always come back when you were ready “You hide me and Sonny went to jail but you loved him” All that was revenge on Carly. I helped Lorenzo get ruined of him and I would do it again “Nina said “I owe you everything “You don’t owe me anything I’ll be glad I did it “Nina said 

Carly’s house-Carly came home to check on her daughter as she came upside she saw the nanny tied up “No! Donna” Carly said she ran to Donna's room and it was empty she went back to check on the nanny and untie her,” what happened “Someone came behind me and knocked me out and took Donna I’m sorry I didn’t see the face” it’s my fault, “Carly said 

Selina’s house- Selina was looking at Donna who was sleeping in a bed.”I would’ve hurt you it’s just a wake-up call for your mother “Selina said 

Secrets part 2 ch 39

 Secrets part 2 ch 39

At AJ’s hotel- Monica got up to talk.”I just want to make a speech about my son I’m proud of him that he is trying to deal with life without his son it’s not easy to but I’m proud of him and I know his father would be too” Monica said as everybody clapped.

Skye was looking for Lorenzo when her cell phone rang “Lorenzo where are you? What! Skye yelled she hung up the phone as Gabriella came by “Mother what’s wrong “You’re father was shot at the house! Skye yelled “No” Where is Lila Rae,” Skye asked 

Alexis was in shock that Julian was alive and was looking for Kristina as Sam came by.”Mom” Have you seen your sister? Did you know Lucas saved Julian “No,” Sam said they went outside and saw Lila Rae.”Lila Rae, Have you seen my daughter “No, Kristina said she had to make a phone call that’s the last I saw her” Lila Rae  said as Skye and Gabriella came by,” Mother, What is it” Your father been shot at he went back to the house because the alarm went off” Skye said “No” Lila Rae said as Alexis phone rang “Alexis, no” Alexis said she hang up the phone.”Kristina had been shot too “No,” Sam said they left.

Inside-Carly was jealous that Aj was reopening the hotel” So Carly what do you think” AJ asked “You will blow it, You always do” Carly said she was also worried about Kristina when Alexis came by,” Carly we need to talk “What is it! Carly asks “ My daughter has been shot at! Is it your fault? Alexis yelled “No” You had to drag my daughter into your revenge of taking over Sonny's business! I don’t care what they do to you! You will leave my daughter alone” Alexis yelled and slapped her and left. Julian came by Carly. “I heard you were trying to take over but it wouldn’t work, “Julian said “I’m not scared of you” You should be, I hope you have security on Donna,” Julian said 

Willow was looking around as Nina came by.”Willow, Are you alright “Yes I just hate seeing Michael's family like this “Willow said “Me too,” Nina said and smiled as she thought about the revenge she finally got when AJ bumped into her.”Nina We haven't met yet” Yes it’s a nice hotel,” Nina said and AJ remembered that voice .” it was you who saved me, “AJ said Nina put her finger on her lip.”Shush we don’t want to relive our secret ”Nina said 

Secrets part 2 ch 38

 Secrets Part 2 ch 38

At AJ’s The Quartermaine and The Cassadine and Jones and Spencer were there as Aj came on the stage.”I want to thank you for coming to my hotel, AJ this is my second chance at a successful life and I want to make my son who is not here proud “AJ said as everyone clapped and Elizabeth went by him and kissed him.

Tracy was having a drink as Rae came by.”You tried to take my daughter from me” Tracy said “You didn’t want her” I know who you are so I would leave town and never come back “This time I’m not running away, I’m not letting you chase me from knowing my daughter “Rae said as Skye came by.”Can you both do this another day “Skye ask 

Felicia and Mac were talking to Sasha.”So how is it going at the Quartermaine “It’s been nice, I just wish my mother was here “Sasha said as Rae came by.”She is here, Sasha I’m not Rae Cummings, I’m Cecil Quartermaine “Rae said “What! Monica yelled “It’s unfortunate truth Monica “Why all the lies “I can explain, my face was damaged in an accident and I had a lot of recoveries to do, “Rae said 

“Quartermaine and their secrets, “Alexis said to Sam and Molly.”Yes everyone has a secret “Julian said as he came by.”Julian, You’re alive” Alexis said “How” It’s a long story but not like you care, You both were happy Sonny was alive and I was gone” That’s not true, “Sam said as Lucas came by.”Lucas helped save me” I would do it again, “Lucas said 

Lila Rae and Kristina were talking.”These parties are never boring in this town “I guess not “I’m going to make a phone call “Kristina said and left.

Rae Skye and Sasha were talking.”Why did you say you were Rae Cummings “I need a new start over I had made a lot of mistakes in this town I took over someone's life, I should be ashamed of it but I’m not, I had to give you up Sasha I’m sorry, “Rae said 

At Skye/Lorenzo- Kristina broke into the house and looked around as someone came into the house and a gunshot went off.

Secrets part 2 ch 37

 Secrets Part 2 ch 37

At The Hotel - AJ was outside looking at the new sign that was being put on as Elizabeth came by.”I’m just coming to see if you need any help for tonight “Elizabeth said “No. I’m all set, Did you see the sign” Yes I do, I wish you well “Thank, Elizabeth you didn’t save me that day did you” No but I wish I did” Me too, I can’t remember who it was” Aj said “Just focus on what’s ahead “Yes, I forgive Skye” I’m glad I know you love her “Yes” Well I need to run some errands, I’ll see you later “Elizabeth said she kiss Aj and left.

At Michael's graveyard- Carly was there putting flowers down.”I miss you so much, losing Sonny and Jason and my mother I feel so lost without all of my family, I have been taking over Sonny's territory “Carly said as AJ came by.”Carly when are you going to drop that idea” Never I have to do this for justice for my family “What about the family you have here” Why do you care “I shouldn’t but it’s for my son “AJ said 

At Skye/ Lorenzo -Skye was reading the information that Lorenzo gave her as Gabriella came in holding a bag.”Gabriella, how did therapy go” Alright, “Gabriella said “Let me see your dress” You will later, “Gabriella said as Lila Rae came in.”I just got off the phone with Kristina she going to meet us here “Alright, We should get ready “Skye said they went upstairs.

At General Hospital-Monica was in her office looking at the computer of who was on duty that night AJ was supposed to be dead.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Gabriella was in her room wearing her new dress and looking at herself in the mirror you could see how skinny she was and all her bones when Skye came in she didn’t think Gabriella looked good and came in.”Gabriella, What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Skye asks “I see a beautiful woman “Gabriella look at yourself “I see all skin and bone! Is that what you want me to say? I have an eating disorder! Gabriella yelled and cried as Skye comforted her.”You made the first step in recovery “I know I say it in therapy too, Mother I don’t think I will fully recover from it “No you wouldn’t it’s something you will always live with like my alcoholism “Skye said “Do you ever think of drinking “Yes sometimes but I have now what I always wanted a family of my own and that is my strength let that be your strength “Skye said “I’ll try, I wear another dress” Yes” Skye said as Lorenzo came in,” Is everything alright “I have an eating disorder I’ll always have it but I do want to get better “You will, I’m sorry I ruin your magazine I just hate seeing you like this and I wanted to blame something “I know “

Secrets part 2 ch 36

 “Secrets part. 2 ch 36”

At Valentin-Valentin was having breakfast with Charlotte and Phillip.”I’m glad to have both of you here” Me too” So tonight is the reopening at the hotel, Are you going “Charlotte asked “Yes, I want to know this town “I’ll show you around “Thanks sis” I always wanted a big brother “Charlotte said “I always wanted a family besides my mother’

At General Hospital- Dr. Collins's office- Kevin was talking to Gabriella “So you fought with your father yesterday “Yes, Daddy throws out my fashion magazines because he blames them for my issues “Gabriella what issues is that “You want me to say it “Yes you need to so you can recovery “You sound like my mother “‘I know it’s hard to admit it “Yes, I have an eating disorder “Gabriella said as she cried.”Now admit how you feel “Scared as hell “Is this more about control than looking good “I want to be in control of my life yes but I never like the way I look either And growing up mother would always control how much sugar I had, I just wanted to have a say in my life from where we live till everything “Gabriella said “Do you realize that you broke your wrist is because you are very weak you don’t have any muscles “Kevin said “Are we done “You need to admit it and recovery for your health “Kevin said 

At Skye/Lorenzo- Lorenzo had just told Skye a secret.”Are you sure about it” Yes I have the information in my office “Lorenzo said as Dex came in.”Father we need to talk it’s about Kristina “What is it? You can tell Skye “She working with Carly she wants to break into the house tonight while we are at the hotel opening “That bitch uses Lila Rae “Yes, We will let her try to break in, and then Lila Rae will realize she needs to move on,” Lorenzo said “The Cold truth is something that you need to deal with the truth, “Skye said “Yes. Now all we need to do that for Gabriella too” Yes”

Secrets part 2 ch 35

 Secrets part 2 ch. 35

At The Quartermaine mansion- Aj was in the den having coffee thinking about what happened to him all those years ago and trying to remember when Monica came in.”AJ, Are you excited for your big night “Yes, I have been thinking about all those years who took me from the hospital, I wish you knew something about it” Me too, I remember when you flatline and I went to get help, Elizabeth came in to help me but you were gone, I wish I was behind keeping you alive but I wasn’t and I wish I know who did too, I would thank them for bringing me you back” Monica said she touch AJ face.”Who was a doctor at that time that isn’t working there anymore “AJ asked “Britt and her mother Liesl” Monica said “I know it’s a woman, I remember the voice “AJ said “You will remember and your hotel will be a hit” Yes I just wish Michael was here” Me too”

At Skye/Lorenzo- Gabriella was in her bedroom looking at her clothes when Skye came in,” Gabriella, You’re going to be late for your appointment “I was just looking at my dresses, I have an idea of what I want to wear tonight “Alright, now come downstairs and have breakfast before you go” Skye said they went downstairs where Lorenzo And Lila Rae were at the table waiting for them as Gabriella and Skye came by them and sit down.”Sorry, I’m late “Gabriella, The driver will take you to your appointment, you need to take this seriously “Yes I know, I’m going shopping afterward, “Gabriella said she was having a hard time holding her fork because of her broken wrist.”Try your other hand, Lila Rae do you need a new dress for tonight “No I have one to wear” You never believe what happened at the mansion, I have a new family member, Sasha Glamour is my cousin “Wow”, “Do we have any lose family members “Lila Rae ask “No” Lorenzo said “Gabriella it’s time” Skye said “I know therapy isn’t easy but it will help” Lorenzo said Gabriella got up from the table and left.”Who is Sasha's mother “Lila Rae asked “A cousin of mine Cecil died a long time ago, “Skye said “Oh, I’m going to write some songs before the party, “Lila Rae said and left.”Skye, That cousin of yours isn’t dead, I know where she is” You do” Yes so do you, You know this woman but she goes by another name “Lorenzo said 

At Kelly’s -Kristina and Carly were talking.”Tonight is the party, I’ll sneak out and break into Lorenzo's house and look for information “Kristina said “It won’t be easy, He keeps things locked up if you see any safes his code will be his children's birthday, Or his anniversary to Skye “Carly said “I will figure it out”*Kristina said they both didn’t see Dex who was listening to them and left.

Secret part 2 ch 34

 Secrets Part 2 ch 34

At Skye/Lorenzo Lila Rae was taking a break from packing when Skye and Lorenzo came in with Gabriella who had a bandage on her wrist.”So you broke it “Yes! It’s Daddy's fault he put all my magazines that he stole from me in the boxes “Gabriella I didn’t tell you to pick it up “Lorenzo said “Lila Rae, I never got to ask you this are you should you trust Kristina? What if she uses you “She not” It must be fun living in denial “Gabriella that’s enough! Now go get ready for bed it’s been a long night “Lorenzo said “I’ll come help you “I can take care of myself “Gabriella said she went upstairs.”Lila Rae, Your sister has a point, I need to tell you that Carly is taking over her ex-husband's territory and Kristina could be helping her” Well I don’t know anything about your business and I’ll make sure “Lila Rae said “We just don’t want you to get hurt” Skye said “I wouldn’t “Lila Rae said Skye went upstairs to check on Gabriella.

Gabriella was in the bathtub with her broken arm stuck out and under the water, as Skye came in and it freaked her out.”Gabriella “Skye said Gabriella lifted her head.”Mother “Why were you under the water “I was just getting my hair wet” You scared me, I know you’re upset about what your father did but it was his way of trying to get you better, We want you better, “Skye said as she cried.”Mother, I’m sorry “Gabriella you need to admit that you have an eating disorder I know it’s hard but it’s one step of your recovery, “Skye said “I need to get a dress for tomorrow something perfect “Gabriella said “Gabriella, I don’t want to talk about a dress, I want to talk about your eating disorder, I don’t get why you change the subject or attack someone like you attack Lila Rae tonight “We both know something is going on with Kristina taking Lila Rae back she anger about her father “Gabriella said as she got out of the tube.

Carly was at home looking at a picture of Michael when there was a knock on the door it was Kristina.”Kristina, come in” I have some news I forgive Lila Rae we are back together “Why would you do that” Keep your enemies closer “Oh I like that” Thanks, I can maybe snoop around Lorenzo's house and find something we need, “Kristina said “Just be careful “I will”

Ava-Ava was at home having a drink when there was a knock on the door it was Julian,” Julian, Why are you here “Because tomorrow is the day I tell everyone I’m alive “The hotel opened “Yes, We are taking this town back” What about Lorenzo? I’ll deal with him” You should know that Carly is trying to run things now” Well this time we will be running this town”

Secret part 2 ch 33

 Secrets Part 2 ch 33

At General Hospital-Elizabeth was working when Lorenzo and Skye came in with Gabriella who had ice on her wrist.”Elizabeth, My daughter hurt her wrist “Skye said Elizabeth came by and looked at it.”Let’s take you to a room” Elizabeth said Gabriella left with her.”Lorenzo, What happened “What happened is our daughter was all skin and bones and tried to pick up a box and dropped it, I did the right thing in keeping those magazines from her,” Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I don’t think you did, Gabriella says she does this because of control she doesn’t have in her own life,” Skye said “Skye, We have to stop it” It’s not us to stop it’s the addiction, It’s all up to Gabriella “Skye said and left.

Gabriella was in the exam room as Elizabeth was wrapped it and Dr.Robinson was writing something down as Skye came in.”How is my daughter “Gabriella's wrist is broken, We did an X-ray she will need to keep it wrapped I have something for the pain it’s oxytocin but you have to be careful when taking it, I want you to follow all the instructions “I will” Yes I’ll make sure “Come back in a few weeks to get exam on it “Thanks Dr.Robinson” Gabriella said Skye went into the hallway with Portia as Lorenzo came by.”Dr.Robinson is the reason our daughter broke her wrist because she is so skinny “Yes her bones are very fragile because of the eating disorder” She has been eating but not much” It’s going to take a while, I would monitor the oxytocin “We will Thank you “Lorenzo said as Gabriella came by .”Let’s get you home” Skye said as Kevin came by,” Gabriella, I heard about your wrist, I hope you feel better “Thanks Dr. Collins” Why don’t we have a session tomorrow are in the middle of moving that’s why I hurt myself “Gabriella you can still see him we are in no hurry moving “Lorenzo said “Great my first appointment available is nine” Do you have an later appointment “No, Gabriella that will work “Skye said they left.

Elizabeth was in the hallway when AJ came by.”AJ, What are you doing here “I just came to see you “For what “I would like for you to be my date tomorrow at the hotel reopening “I would love to” Great, I’ll pick you up,” Aj said he was happy about it and left.

Secrets part 2 ch 32

 “Secrets part 2 ch 32”

At Lorenzo/Skye's new house-Lorenzo had just shown Lila Rae and Dex their guest house and took Skye and Gabriella into the main house and showed them around.”Gabriella, I know you’re upset about not having a guest house but you will like your bedroom, I’ll show you “Lorenzo said they went upstairs and into a room.”This is your bedroom, it has two big closets “Lorenzo said Gabriella looked at the closet.”You can separate your clothes for the season “Lorenzo said “It’s beautiful isn’t it Gabriella “Skye said “Yes it is, I do like it” Good you can decorate it, Skye I’ll show you our room, Gabriella right across your room is your study room “A room to do homework fun” You want to homeschool “Lorenzo said as they went into the master room.”Lorenzo, This is a wonderful surprise, I’m glad you did this” I want us to have a new start” We have one” Skye said as she kissed him.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was alone in the room and saw the file Sasha had on her parents and picked it up and looked at the information and read something about Cecil that Sasha missed as Ned came in.”Mother, What are you doing “I was just staring up at the table “No mother you read the file on Cecil’” Yes I did, Sasha must have missed this part, She alive and we know where she is,” Tracy said she show Ned the file and he read it.”Wow, another lie, Why the secret “I don’t know, This is horrible Alan did sleep with that woman “No, What do we do” Nothing she hurt this family enough “Tracy said 

At Skye/Lorenzo's old house, Lorenzo came in with the girls.”We have a lot of packing to do” Yes, Daddy did my fashion magazine arrive? They have been late” No” Lorenzo lied “Lila Rae, Are you serious about taking Kristina back, “Skye asked “Yes I love her, “Lila Rae said “How do you know she does not use you” Lorenzo asked “Because I trust her, I want you to both get to know her. I heard she knows your mother “Yes I took care of her when she was a baby it’s the reason I decided I wanted to be a mother, “Skye said “We will try we are just worried about you, “Lorenzo said “I can handle myself “Lila Rae said she went upstairs to pack and Skye went to make a phone call and Gabriella went into the kitchen as The guard came in carrying the mail.”Sir, Your mail here and some for Gabriella “Thanks you” Lorenzo said he took the mail opened the drawer, and put the magazine in it as Gabriella came in upset.”Daddy! You took my mail! Gabriella yelled   “Yes! I canceled the magazine too! They are the reason you have an eating disorder “Lorenzo yelled “No! It’s not” Gabriella said Lorenzo opened the drawer and put the magazine in a box.”They belong in the garbage! Lorenzo yelled “No they don’t, I pay for them “With my money! Lorenzo yelled Gabriella pick up the box and try to carry it and drop it and hurt her wrist.”Ouch “Gabriella yelled as Skye came in,” What’s with all the yelling “Skye asked “Daddy is keeping my magazine from me and I tried to pick up the box and hurt my wrist, “Gabriella said the wrist look broke and Skye look at it.”Let’s get you to the hospital “Skye said 

Secrets part 2 ch 31

 Secrets Part 2 ch 31

At The Quartermaine mansion-Sasha was outside thinking about being a Quartermaine when Maxie came by.”Sasha, Why did you want me to meet you here” I found my family it’s right here, my mother was a Quartermaine “Wow, How did you find out “Your mother helped me” I’m glad you found out who you are “Thanks, now I just need to figure out what’s next in my life “You will, So what was your mother name “Cecil “That’s a beautiful name “Yes it is, I just wish she was alive “

At a house-Lorenzo was outside the new house talking to a man he had a big surprise for his family as Skye came by with the girls.”Lorenzo, is this the house? It looks different “I had it rip down the whole house and made a new one, I know you were not crazy about living in this house but I loved the property here so it’s a whole new house “Oh Lorenzo I love it, “Thanks we just need to decorate it, I’ll show you all around “Lorenzo said “What’s house over there” Lila Rae ask “That is your studio and your place “Lorenzo said “Thanks Daddy” Lila Rae said “What about me! Gabriella yelled “You’re not old enough for your place, “Lorenzo said Gabriella rolled her eyes as Dex came by.”Dex, You have your place right by Lila Rae, I’ll show you both, Gabriella, when you’re ready you can have your place “Lorenzo said “Your father is right you're not ready to live on your own “Skye said they walk to the guest house.”Lila Rae your studio is ready by the guest house “Thanks Daddy I love it” I’m glad you’re happy, Where did you go this afternoon “I went to see Kristina, We are back together “Really! She forgives you “Skye asked “Yes I want your support “We do,” Skye said they went inside and looked around.

At The Metro, Co-Rae was there checking into a room and pulled out her license and two of them dropped on the floor as AJ came by and picked them up and read the name on it and was a little shocked by it.”AJ, Thank you” Rae said he gave them to Rae.”You’re welcome, Why did you let Skye believe she was your daughter “Because I thought it was for the best” I understand that “Thanks, I’m sorry about Michael “Thank you, I’m trying to forget Skye” It was an accident but still “