Thursday, May 18, 2017

Family Part 2 ch 61

At The Skye's-Ava was locked in a room when Lorenzo came in and close the door. “Let me go”Ava said “No not till my grandchildren are back in my daughter arms! Lorenzo yelled “I don't have you're grandchildren! Ava yelled as a guard came in with Julian Jr and Lorenzo walk by him and pull out a gun and pointed it at Julian Jr. “Tell me where my grandchildren are or I will shot him! Lorenzo yelled “I didn't take Genevieve children! Julian who you are point a gun at is you're grandchild too! Ava yelled “I can back Ava she was with me all day”Julian said Lorenzo look at the door and left and locked the door behind him. “Julian, Are you okay “Ava ask “Yes, Did you do this”Julian Jr ask “Why do you care, Genevieve give you up and never look back “Ava said “I'm not as angry as you are”Julian Jr said “I don't understand why you are not angry “Ava said

In the Hallway-Lorenzo was talking to John and Luis. “What did you find out “Lorenzo ask “We broke into the house and didn't find anything “John said “Did you get them to talk”Luis ask “No but we are going to get them to talk”Lorenzo said he turn up the heat for the room that Ava and Julian were in. “Let's go check on you're sister “Lorenzo said they left.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was in her children room and crying and holding a blanket when Skye came in and pull Genevieve into her arms. “I wish I could make this all go away and bring you're children home”Skye said “I wish you could too, This is my fault for what I did to Bianca and Julian give them up for adoption “Genevieve said “Don't you say that”Skye said Genevieve look at Skye. “Genevieve you're father is upset but he love you he doesn't hate you, As you know a parent love never goes away “Skye said “Yes, You are right “Genevieve said “Let’s get you some tea, Did you take you're pills ‘Skye ask “Yes, I need to stay strong for my children “Genevieve said “Yes”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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