Wednesday, May 31, 2017

All mixed Up part 1 ch 12

At The Quartermaine hotel-Sierra came into the hotel lobby and Ric came by. “Sierra, Why are you here, Do you want to have coffee “Ric ask as Lorenzo came by,”Sierra is having breakfast with her father “Lorenzo said “Daddy Ric I will see you tonight at mother dinner party “Sierra said Lorenzo hate when Sierra called Ric Daddy. “See you there”Ric said “I will be there too. Skye invited me “Lorenzo said “That's great, Richard is back “Ric said “That's great “Sierra said Ric left and Sierra and Lorenzo went to a table.

“I know you and Ric don't get along because Ric is the DA but Ric was always their for me “Sierra said “I will try to get along with Ric. You're stepmother love the flowers “Lorenzo said “I'm glad she did “Sierra said “Are you going to tell you're mother want you told me”Lorenzo ask “Yes, It did feel good to talk about it and Grayson and I are going to try again today I have a appointment with Dr. Lee”Sierra said “That's great “Lorenzo said the waitress came to take their order and left. “How are you and Grayson “Lorenzo ask “Great , His a good man you should try to get to know him , Grayson is going on a golf trip soon maybe you can go with him”Sierra said “I'm not a golf man”Lorenzo said “Yea”Sierra said “I do want to work on us and I will try with Grayson too”Lorenzo said “Thanks, Grayson a great man he work hard at his company and deep down he want Nikolas to give him the same respect he give Spencer “Sierra said “That is wrong to treat one child differently then another “Lorenzo said “Yes”Sierra said “Have you thought about a job”Lorenzo ask “No but this morning the maid was cleaning and found a old box of mine from college”Sierra said “You study to be a administrative “Lorenzo said “Yes I did but I don't think I will get a job at the hospital they have one “Sierra said “You are like you're mother you don't have self esteem “Lorenzo said “You think I'm like Mother “Sierra ask “Yes you're strong and independent”Lorenzo said “Thank you, I always thought Lila Rae was like Mother “Sierra said “Yes Lila Rae is like you're mother as a business woman but you are more like Skye “Lorenzo said “Thanks Daddy “Sierra said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 11

At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo was about to leave when Skye came in. “Skye, Why are you here? I'm on my way out to meet Sierra “Lorenzo said he was still in love with Skye but was hurt about the past. “You're meeting Sierra “Skye ask “Yes we are having breakfast today “Lorenzo said “That's great, I do want you and Sierra to get along “Skye said “I'm sure you're husband doesn't “Lorenzo said “Sierra can have two father in her life,Yes Ric and Sierra are close he was their for Sierra “Skye said “That's on you “Lorenzo said “You two anyway I want to have a dinner party tonight to tell everyone about the past and you and Carly are welcome to come “Skye said “Sounds good, What time”Lorenzo ask “Six, I will see you then I do hope you and Sierra have a great time today “Skye said “Thanks , Let me walk you out “Lorenzo said they left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and AJ were having breakfast together. “How is ELQ”Alan ask “Great,It's nice to work with my son “AJ said “You have been doing great getting you're life together and work on you're relationship with Michael, I'm proud of you son the stock in ELQ has been up for so long since you started working there “Alan said “I'm not going to mess up anymore “AJ said “How are you and Lydia “Alan ask “Great “AJ said as Skye came in. “Sorry to interpret “Skye said “It's fine, It's nice to see both my children “Alan said “Yes, Skye come back to ELQ we need you “AJ said “AJ , You're doing great and ELQ with Michael besides I like working at the hospital running the charity “Skye said “I'm glad you're happy “AJ said “It did take me awhile to get happy but Ric does make me happy and I have some news “Skye said “What”Alan ask “Well Richard is back and tonight we are going to have a dinner party, I'm going to tell the children what happened between Lorenzo and I ,”Skye said “Are you sure you want to”Alan ask “No but it's ruin Sierra and Lorenzo relationship and I don't want that “Skye said “Sierra just doesn't understand it she was a little girl when Lorenzo left “Alan said “Yes my baby girl “Skye said “You're doing a great thing “Alan said they share a hug. “I hope so”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, May 29, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 10

The next day-At Carly/Lorenzo-Carly and Lorenzo were having coffee. “Are you nervous about having breakfast with Sierra “Carly ask “A little “Lorenzo said “You will be fine “Carly said as a man came in with flowers. “I have flowers for Mrs. Alcazar “The man said “Lorenzo, You shouldn't have”Carly said she look at the card as Lorenzo tip the man and he left.”It's from Sierra she sorry about breakfast the another day”Carly said “Their beautiful “Lorenzo said “Yes they are, Tell Sierra I love them and I accept her apology “Carly said “I will”Lorenzo said

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was downstairs and saw a box on the table and looking inside it and pull out a folder it was from Sierra college day when she study to be a hospital administrator. Grayson came in and pull Sierra behind her.”What are you looking at”Grayson ask “Just a old file from college”Sierra said “Do you want to get a job at the hospital”Grayson ask “I'm sure that the hospital has one and if they did they would not hire me”Sierra said “Stop beating yourself to down, You're smart”Grayson said “I love you Grayson Cassadine “Sierra said they share a kiss. “I sure go, Have a great time with you're father”Grayson said “Thanks, Will you be late tonight “Sierra ask as Grayson was putting on his jacket for his suits. “No, I will meet you at the hospital “Grayson said “Good”Sierra said “Let me walk you out “Grayson said they left.

At Skye/Ric-Skye and Ric were having breakfast with Richard. “Richard, Is their any woman in you're life”Skye ask “No mother it's hard to find love in the agency, I have to be so secretly with my job”Richard said “True”Ric said “I want to have a dinner party tonight not just to welcome you home but I want to tell everyone something “Skye said “Sound serious “Richard said “It is”Skye said “Mother, Are you okay”Richard ask “Yes”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, May 26, 2017

All Mixed up Part 1 ch 9

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn and Spencer were getting ready for bed. ,”Spencer, I'm worrying about us we haven't made love in a long time, You been busy with work and when your here you are not here “Josslyn said “I'm worrying about us too, I do love you that's has not changed “Spencer said “I love you too, I just think we need to work on us”Josslyn said “I will clear my schedule and we can go on a trip anywhere and no work”Spencer said “I like that ,I will plan it tomorrow “Josslyn said “How about in two weeks “Spencer said “Sounds good”Josslyn said they share a kiss. “If we need to go to counseling we will “Spencer said “Their hope for us if we both want to fight for us “Josslyn said “Yes”Spencer said they share a kiss.

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae and Morgan had just put Grace to bed. “Lila Rae , We sure give our daughter a sibling, What do you think “Morgan ask “Where is this coming from “Lila Rae ask “Don't you want our daughter to have a brother or sister like we had a best friend “Morgan ask “Sierra and I were not that best of friends and Lorenzo Jr was too busy for his older sister, Josslyn and I were kind of close “Lila Rae said “Just think about it”Morgan said “I will “Lila Rae said “I love you “Morgan said “I love you too, Is work okay “Lila Rae ask “Yes the coffee business is great “Morgan said they share a kiss and went to bed.

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson were in each other's arms after making love. “I love you Sierra Rose since the day we saw each other nothing will change that”Grayson said “I love you too, Always “Sierra said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, May 25, 2017

All Mixed Up part 1 ch 8

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae was reading to Grace when Morgan came in. “How are my favorite girls “Morgan said “Daddy “Grace said “Why don't we go out for some ice cream “Morgan ask “Yes! Grace yelled “Why not “Lila Rae said they left.

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn and Spencer were having dinner with their son Spencer Jr“Son, How was school”Spencer ask “It was good”Spencer Jr said “That's because you are so smart “Josslyn said as Spencer phone rang. “I have to take this “Spencer said and left. “Mother, Are you okay”Spencer ask “Yes”Josslyn said she smiles at her son. Josslyn was worrying about her marriage to Spencer they were having problems in their marriage and Josslyn didn't want to lose her husband. Spencer came back in. “Is everything okay”Josslyn ask “Yes”Spencer said

At Kelly's-Lila Rae and Morgan and Grace were having ice cream when Bobbie came by.”Anymore ice cream “Bobbie ask “No Grandma, Grace had enough we just need the bill “Morgan said “It's on the house “Bobbie said “Thanks Great-Grandmother “Grace said “You're welcome “Bobbie said “Bobbie, The magazine is doing a whole issue on the hospital and we will love to interview you”Lila Rae said “I would love too “Bobbie said “Great , Can you come to the office at ten tomorrow “Lila Rae ask “Sure”Bobbie said and left . “So the whole magazine is doing a cover on General Hospital “Morgan ask “Yes and all sells well go to the hospital “Lila Rae said “That's a great idea”Morgan said “Thanks “Lila Rae said “Let's go home “Morgan said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

All Mixed up part 1 ch 7

At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo and Carly were having a drink after dinner. “Sierra and I had a talk today, We are going to try to fix our relationship “Lorenzo said “Good I hope you do fix it between you and Sierra “Carly said “One thing I wish I got to do was to give my daughter away on her wedding day but she let Lansing do it, Daddy Ric as she calls him”Lorenzo said “Sierra is a lot like Skye and she was doing that to get you're attention “Carly said “True , Tomorrow We are having breakfast at the hotel”Lorenzo said “That's nice”Carly said “You miss you're hotel don't you”Lorenzo ask “Yes I loved running it , I wish I could open a new one but The Quartermaine have all the right to all the hotel in town”Carly said “I know but you have the club “Lorenzo said “Yes”Carly said “Let’s’ go to bed”Lorenzo said they went upstairs.

At Skye/Ric house-Skye was sitting on the bed and open the draw and pull out a picture of Lorenzo and Skye on their wedding day. “I love you still “Skye said as Ric came in. He know that Skye still love Lorenzo but love Skye so much and want Skye to love him as much as she loved Lorenzo.

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson were in their bedroom getting ready for bed.Sierra was looking at her wedding ring when Grayson came in and pull her in. “Let's make love and try to make a baby “Grayson said “What if we can't “Sierra ask Grayson touch Sierra lips. “Don't say that “Grayson said and they made love.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

All Mixed Up ch 6

At General Hospital-Monica office-Monica and Alan were in there when Lila Rae came in. “Why did you call this meeting “Monica ask “The anniversary of this hospital is coming up and the magazine will like to do a interview the hospital staff”Lila Rae said “I think that's a great idea, Dr. Steven Webber and Nurse Liz Webber grandfather worker here for years you sure interview them both and Felicia Jones and Maxie and Nurse Spencer”Alan said “Yes we could have you interviewed family and staff and you sure mentioned the nurse ball and Interview Lucy Ceo and Dr. Robin Scorpio “Monica said “Thanks, I know this hospital was important to Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother “Lila Rae said “Yes, Who is going to be on the cover “Alan ask “The hospital with all the staff around it”Lila Rae said “This is a great idea”Monica said “Thanks, Also all the sale from the magazine on this issue will go to the hospital “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae, You are so much like you're great grandmother “Alan said “Thanks Grandfather “Lila Rae said they share a hug.

At Skye/Ric-Skye and Ric were having dinner. “Ric, We need to talk”Skye said “Sounds serious “Ric said “It is, I been thinking it's time to tell the children the reason why Lorenzo and I divorced “Skye said “It's not going to be easy, Words are going to be say and it could be mean”Ric said “I know and I can handle it , Lorenzo not innocent here he try to take my children to Venezuela without me”Skye said “I stop Lorenzo from taking you're children, Skye I have to ask , Do you still love Lorenzo “Ric ask “No,I love you “Skye said they share a kiss as a young man came in.”I'm home “He said “Richard”Skye said they got up and hug their son. “Son it's great to see you “Ric said “Thanks it's good to be back “Richard said “How long are you here.? Skye ask “For a while, Actually I'm on assignment for the WSB”Richard said “You can stay here as long as you need we miss you”Skye said “Thanks Mother, Any food left over “Richard ask “Yes”Skye said “It's good to have you home “Ric said

At Sierra/Grayson-Grayson and Sierra had just say goodbye to their guest. “Sierra it was a great dinner party just like always “Grayson said “Thanks “Sierra said she took off her earrings. “Are you okay, You were a little quiet “Grayson said “Sorry, Daddy came over before dinner and we talked, I told him about the baby and I'm going to try to fix things between my father and I”Sierra said “Good, I do want you and you're father to be close, I wish I was close with mine father “Grayson said “I do want to have a baby, I have a doctor appointment tomorrow at Eleven, Can you make it”Sierra ask “I will clear my schedule, Sierra I love you so much”Grayson said “I love you too, We have always been in each other life , Our wedding was perfect, Well almost “Sierra said she went by the fireplace that had a picture of her and Ric at the wedding. “I do wish I let Daddy walk me down, I know that hurt him”Sierra said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, May 22, 2017

The opening for "All Mixed Up"

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 5

At General Hospital-Alan was at the nurse station when Skye came in. “Daddy “Skye said “Skye. Are you okay you look upset? Alan ask “I had a run in with Lorenzo “Skye said “What did he do now”Alan ask “Nothing it was the past, I think it's time I tell my children everything that happened between Lorenzo and I”Skye said “That's up to you”Alan said “I just want Lorenzo and Sierra to get along and move on from the past, Sierra thinks Lorenzo walk out on her”Skye said “Sierra had a good life”Alan said “Yes she did, I sure go to the board meeting “Skye said “I will go with you”Alan said they left.

At Sierra -Sierra was putting flowers in a vase when Lorenzo came in. “The maid let me in”Lorenzo said “That's okay, Why are you here “Sierra said “To say I'm sorry for what I say this morning that you sure started a family “Lorenzo said “No one know this but I was pregnant last year “Sierra said “What happened “Lorenzo ask “I lose the baby”Sierra said she started to cry. “Sierra, I'm sorry you should've told us”Lorenzo said “I don't know why I'm sad I was only three weeks when I lost it, We don't even know the sex”Sierra said Lorenzo hug Sierra which was a little odd they hardly share one. “I'm sorry, Can you still have a child “Lorenzo ask as they pull away, “I don't know, Grayson wants to try again but I'm scare”Sierra said “If you need specialist we can get you one, You sure tell the family you need support from all of us”Lorenzo said “Maybe, Thanks Daddy, I'm sorry about this morning I will sent flowers to Carly “Sierra said “You're stepmother will like it, Carly does love you”Lorenzo said “I will try to get along with her “Sierra said “Good, I want to try fix our relationship, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you “Lorenzo said “I think we can work on it, I need to get ready we are having a dinner party tonight “Sierra said “Have a great dinner, Maybe tomorrow we can have breakfast “Lorenzo said “Sure, I will meet you at nine at the hotel “Sierra said “Sounds good”Lorenzo said he left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 1 ch 4

At The Quartermaine hotel- The Quartermaine brought out the hotel from Carly, After Jax left Carly he give his share to Skye who give it to her family. Sierra and Grayson were having lunch. “So Darling, What happened between you and you're father “Grayson ask “I try to get Daddy to tell us why he left us and then Daddy say I sure start a family “Sierra said as she cried. Grayson wipes her tears. “We could try again “Grayson said “What if I lose the baby? I can't go through that again “Sierra said “I want a son, You know that “Grayson said “Why do you need a son? You're not the heir Spencer is”Sierra said “I know you're scare but Seirra you are strong you're not a weak woman “Grayson said “I do feel like I'm lost “Sierra said as they eat their lunch. “I will help you , I love you and you have my support “Grayson said Sierra took Grayson hand. “You have always been their for me “Sierra said “Same here”Grayson said

On The Docks-Skye was on the docks looking at The Cassadine island when Lorenzo came by. “Skye “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I heard about you're fight with Sierra I'm sorry “Skye said “It's not you're fault “Lorenzo said “Yes it is the past is”Skye said “True, I will never forgive you for what you and you're husband did to me ! I was sent to jail, I missed our children because of you”Lorenzo said “We were in the middle of a divorce and I know you would take my children away from me it was the only way to keep my children, Then when you came back to town you remarry Carly just to hurt me,”Skye said “I married Carly because she was pregnant with my son a child I finally got to raise”Lorenzo said “It wasn't my fault that you went to jail , You chose this lifestyle “Skye said “You know about my lifestyle when we were dating “Lorenzo said as Sierra and Grayson came by. “Mother, Is everything okay”Sierra ask “Yes”Skye said “Sierra, I'm sorry about our fight , I went to far”Lorenzo said “It's okay , Daddy I'm going to figure out what I want in life “Sierra said “Good, I can help if you want”Lorenzo said “Sierra has me to help her”Grayson said Grayson and Lorenzo didn't get along. Grayson and Sierra left. “I sure go”Skye said and left.

Lorenzo watch as Skye left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 3

At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo and Carly were in the living room. “Carly, I'm sorry about my daughter “Lorenzo said “Don't Sierra is a adult you should not apologize for her, Anyway I think you should tell you're children why you left town “Carly said “My children will hate me even more when they find out I went to jail, Thanks to their stepdad “Lorenzo said “Sierra is a smart woman she going to figure it out,”Carly said “Maybe “Lorenzo said

At Grayson Office-Grayson Cassadine, He was working at his desk. He is Nikolas and Hayden son and running a business he a very smart and wealthy man and had a beautiful wife as Sierra came in. “Sierra , Darling why are you here “Grayson ask “I know you're busy but I need my husband right now “Sierra said “Sure, Why don't we go to lunch and we can talk”Grayson ask he got up. “Thanks you, I have the best husband “Sierra said Sierra and Grayson left.

At Crimson-Lila Rae was working on her magazine it was a hit. Lila Rae loved working at her magazine she had a great husband even though she hate what Morgan did for a living but she loved him anyway and she had a beautiful daughter Grace. Maxie Jones came in she was Lila Rae partner. “We are a hit the number for the magazine have been doing great “Maxie said “Yes it is, I have an idea about the next one , General Hospital anniversary is coming I think we should do a whole magazine on it”Lila Rae said “I love that idea! I love the hospital “Maxie said “Good, We have a lot to do”Lila Rae said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 2

At ELQ-Michael was working on a deal when AJ came in. “Son, How is the deal”AJ ask “We got the deal Dad”Michael said “Good, I'm so proud of you and what you have done here “AJ said “We both have done a great job running ELQ together”Michael said “Yes we have, It was the right thing to do taking ELQ from Tracy , Thanks to Skye for helping us into blackmail Tracy”AJ said “Yes”Michael said

At Skye's-Skye was looking out the window and looking at her wedding ring thinking about the past when Sierra came in. “Mother, Can we talk, I just had a awful time at Daddy, I wish he never married that bitch! Sierra said Skye came by Sierra . “Sierra, You're father love her you have to respect that “Skye said “No I don't “Sierra said “What was the fight about “Skye ask “Daddy got into how I sure have a family with my husband, So I say how I'm still upset about how he left us, Mother why did Daddy leave us”Sierra ask “Sierra, Why does it matter?You had a great childhood I raised you and you're brother and sister in this house with you're stepdad, I give you the best childhood “Skye said “I still would like to know why”Sierra said “Sierra, I been thinking you sure join me I need someone to help me run the hospital “Skye said “Mother, I don't think so “Sierra said “You need something that you will enjoy I enjoy running the charity for the hospital “Skye said “I enjoy shopping”Sierra said “You sure apologized to you're father “Skye said “Daddy went to far when he say I sure start a family “Sierra said “Do you want children”Skye ask Sierra starting to cry, “Mother, I sure go”Sierra said “All Right I love you “Skye said “I love you too, You have always been their for me”Sierra said and left.

Skye pick up a picture of her with her children when Ric came behind and pull her into his arms and kiss her. “My handsome husband is home”Skye said she turn around and kiss him.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 1 ch 1

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was looking at pictures of his children when his older daughter Lila Rae came in. “Lila Rae, You're early for the brunch”Lorenzo said “I know I can help set things up “Lila Rae said “You're stepmom is handle it, Is Morgan coming “Lorenzo ask “No “Lila Rae said as Sierra came in with shopping bags in her hand. “Sierra, Did you buy me a gift”Lorenzo ask “No Daddy, I stop at a sale before I came and I walk here”Sierra said “Oh, I'm glad you're here please behave “Lorenzo said “Why do you have to ask”Sierra ask “Really? Is Grayson coming “Lorenzo ask “No his at work “Sierra said as a younger man came in, “Mother is almost ready “Ramon said “That's great , Is Lorenzo Jr coming “Lila Rae ask “He sure be here “Lorenzo said as Carly came into the room. “I'm glad you're all here, Breakfast is ready “Carly said as Lorenzo Jr came in. “Sorry , I'm late “Lorenzo Jr said “It's okay, Let's go have breakfast “Lorenzo said he took Carly hand as they walk into the dining room and sit down to breakfast. “Lila Rae, How is Grace”Carly ask as Josslyn and Spencer came in. “Sorry we are late “Josslyn said “It's okay, Michael want to come but his busy at ELQ”Carly said “Oh, Anyway Grace is good she had a field trip today “Lila Rae said “That's nice, She doing well in school “Lorenzo ask “Yes”Lila Rae said “Sierra when are you going to have a family? Add another member to our family “Lorenzo ask “Daddy, We are not a family we stop the day you left our mother then came back and married her”Sierra said “Sierra, We are a family”Lorenzo said “No you left us! You never told us why you left Mother “Sierra said “You act like you were missing something I did come back and you're mother took care of you”Lorenzo said “It's not the same thing! Sierra yelled “Sierra sometimes you act like a spoiled brat! You need something in you're life besides shopping and being angry all the time “Lorenzo said Sierra was upset and got up. “I don't have to take this”Sierra said and left.

“Daddy, I'm sorry “Lila Rae said “It's not you're fault, Are you both upset that I left you're mother and married Carly”Lorenzo ask “No , We just want a reason why”Lorenzo Jr said “Sometimes in a marriage things don't turn out right but I don't regret it or my children I love you even Sierra”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, May 19, 2017

Family Part 2 ch 93

“Is Lorenzo Jr Dead or Alive”
At St James-Genevieve came in she want to be alone before the memorial service started. Genevieve light a candle for Alexander and Bianca and Lorenzo Jr. “Alexander, Our son is with you know so take care of him, I love you all so much I wish you all were with me I don't know how I'm going to do this”Genevieve said

Outside-Lorenzo and Skye were waiting to come in and Skye was holding young Skye as Skylar and Luis and Lucas and John and Alan and Monica and Tracy and Paul and Laurel and Nikolas Alexander and Jenny and Sunday Rose and Laura and Nikolas and Emily and Ric and AJ and Lydia came by. “We can go in soon, Genevieve just want to be alone right now”Skye said

Inside-Genevieve was making sure every picture was perfect when she open the door. “You can come in”Genevieve said everyone sit down as the father Came in. “We are here to say goodbye to Lorenzo Jr a young little boy who is full of life , Everyone is going to tell their favorite memories of Lorenzo Jr “The father said Lorenzo got up and went to talk. “I was honored when my daughter name her son after me. I wish I could bring Lorenzo Jr back to us, He was a great little boy we all loved him”Lorenzo said he sit down. Alan got up. “The another day I was looking at pictures of Lorenzo Jr, Remember on Lorenzo Jr birthday he got into the cake he had it all over his hands and face and outfit and instead of getting up Genevieve we just laughed? Remember the good time you had with you're son”Alan said he sit down. Nikolas got up. “I faulted Lorenzo Jr and I will make sure this never happened again “Nikolas said Genevieve wasn't sure what he was talking about. Sunday Rose got up. “Lorenzo Jr was a great little brother, We will miss him”Sunday Rose said she sit down. Genevieve got up . “okay God this must be a test first you take my daughter then my husband now my son! Anymore test? I will never forget my son”Genevieve said

In Another town-A house-A woman was holding a young six year old boy. “It's payback time,”The woman said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 ch 92

“Hardest word is Goodbye”
At Genevieve The next day -Genevieve was getting dressed for her son funeral she was trying to stay strong when Skye came in. Skye pull Genevieve into her arms. “I know today is going to be the hardest day you will have to face but you can do this”Skye said Genevieve turn around and look at her mother. “Saying goodbye to Blanca and Alexander was hard but this is even harder Lorenzo will never fall in love or have a child or anything “Genevieve said ‘I know, I wish that I could give you back you're son”Skye said “I need to finish getting ready”Genevieve said

At Nikolas/Emily-Nikolas was holding a picture of Alexander. “Today we say goodbye to you're son, We sure not be doing this, You're son sure be here, I will keep Skye safe after today I'm going to give Genevieve paper I'm going to fight for full custody of my granddaughter “Nikolas said as Laura came into the room. “Nikolas, I hope I'm wrong about what I heard and you are not going after custody of Skye “Laura said “I'm keep my granddaughter safe if I could of saved Lorenzo Jr I would! Lorenzo Jr isn't here because of Genevieve and Lorenzo and I will make sure that I don't have to say goodbye to my granddaughter next! Nikolas yelled as Emily came in. “What is going on”Emily ask “Mother know about our plan to get custody of Skye and doesn't agree with it”Nikolas said “You are on Nikolas side about this”Laura ask “Yes, I want my granddaughter safe and here, We know this isn't going to be good but we can't not do anything”Emily said “Right now everyone is in pain and you need to really think about this before you do anything. I get you want to keep Skye safe we all wish Lorenzo Jr was here”Laura said “Yes we do”Nikolas said “You know this is going to upset Lorenzo can you deal with it”Laura ask “Yes”Nikolas said

Copyright rights by Skye's the limit

Family part 2 ch 91

At John-Lorenzo and Skye we're waiting for the door to be opened. “Lorenzo, What is going on with Genevieve “Skye ask “Nothing, I just fix things in our daughter life “Lorenzo said Skye look at Lorenzo.”What did you do”Skye ask as John open the door . “Mother, Father, Why are you here “John ask “We need to talk”Lorenzo said they came in. “John, We are worrying about you we know this is hard eject to life in a chair and we want to help”Skye said “I'm not moving in with you “John said “Let us help you, Son whatever you need “Lorenzo said “I just don't know what I'm going to do with my life and yes I hate my life now in a wheelchair! John yelled “John, You don't have to figure out what you are going to do now you just need time to eject that's all”Skye said “John, You don't have to work for me or anyone you have a trust fund and you will be financially find “Lorenzo said “I like working with you father and Luis it made us all close “John said “That will not change , You're just like me stubborn “Lorenzo said “Alright I will move in with you and father just for a while “John said “Good, You can have you're own life still and if you bring a girl over “Lorenzo said “I don't think I will have any girlfriend “John said “Let's get you're belongings “Skye said

At The Quartermaine-Alan was looking at pictures of Lorenzo Jr and Genevieve when Blair came in and sit by him. “Are you okay”Blair ask “I'm just looking for pictures of Lorenzo Jr , Genevieve decided to have a memorial services for Lorenzo Jr”Alan said “That's good it may help “Blair said she started to cry. “Are you okay “Alan ask “I know what Genevieve is going through I had a miscarriage yes it wasn't like what happened to Lorenzo Jr but the pain”Blair said “I'm sorry about you're child”Alan said “Thanks, I was going to name him Brandon “Blair said “That's a great name, Do you want to see a silly picture “Alan ask “Sure”Blair said Alan show Blair a picture of Lorenzo Jr with cake on his face. “This was Lorenzo and Skye birthday and Lorenzo got into the cake without anyone knowing Genevieve was about to get upset but we all laugh because he had cake all over his face, It was a great day”Alan said “Sound like it was”Blair said

At Genevieve-Genevieve was looking at pictures of Lorenzo Jr when young Skye came in. “Mommy “Skye said “Do you want to look at pictures of you're brother “Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said Genevieve pick up Skye. “We are going to have a memorial service for you're brother we are going to say goodbye but we will never ever forget him”Genevieve said “Is Lorenzo Jr a angel “Skye ask “Yes he is, Lorenzo loved you so much “Genevieve said “I loved him too”Skye said Genevieve kiss Skye.

At Harrison-Harrison was unpacking when their was a knock on the door Harrison open it was Lydia. “Harrison, What is going on”Lydia ask “I broke up with Genevieve “Harrison said “Why did you do that “Lydia ask “I had no choice, Lorenzo made sure of it “Harrison said “Don't let Lorenzo run you're life or Genevieve fight for her “Lydia said “How can I fight a mob boss “Harrison ask “I don't know “Lydia said

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At Genevieve-Julian Jr was in his room packed when Genevieve came into the room. “Julian, Why are you packing “Genevieve ask “Because I don't belong here , I don't belong anywhere right now I need to be on my own and figure out my life”Julian Jr said “I want to know you, I want a relationship with you”Genevieve said “Really? I'm the son you give away and never look back “Julian Jr said “It doesn't mean I don't love you, I have always loved you”Genevieve said “I just need to figure out where we stand and you need to figure out what to do now that you're son is dead because of my father “Julian Jr said he left and Genevieve following him.

Lorenzo was downstairs having a drink when Genevieve and Julian Jr came down. “Julian, I will give you some space but I'm always here for you “Genevieve said “Yea”Julian Jr said and left. “So Julian is leaving “Lorenzo ask “Yes he hate me”Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Lorenzo said they share a hug and Lorenzo smirk as Harrison came in. “Genevieve.Can we talk”Harrison ask “Sure”Genevieve said “I will go check on the girls, They are upstairs “Lorenzo said he went upstairs. “Genevieve, I think it's time to end this , I know you will never love me the way you love him”Harrison said “Harrison, I don't want to end things with you, I need you”Genevieve said “No you don't, I wish we could have something but we can't “Harrison said “Harrison “Genevieve said he kiss Genevieve and left. Genevieve start to cry as Lorenzo came in and hug Genevieve. “Daddy is here, It's going to be okay princess “Lorenzo said as Rae and Skye came in.”Genevieve, What is it”Skye ask “My son moved out Julian still upset with me and Harrison broke up with me”Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Skye said “Thanks, Why are you both here “Genevieve ask

“Genevieve you need somehow to heal from this, You haven't had a funeral yet for Lorenzo Jr but it will help”Rae said “I don't have a body for my son”Genevieve said “We can have a funeral with pictures of Lorenzo Jr and everyone talking about memories of Lorenzo Jr “Rae said “I do like that idea Grandma “Genevieve said “Good, You need to heal and I'm here for you”Rae said she give Genevieve a hug. “Thanks, I think this is a good thing “Genevieve said “It is “Rae said as Laurel came in.

“Mother, Daddy I need to talk to you about John”Laurel said

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“Daddy knows best “

At Genevieve-Genevieve and Lorenzo came into the house. Lorenzo came in with a bag. “Genevieve, Do you want anything to eat”Lorenzo said “No, You don't have to stay”Genevieve said “It's okay , I can make some phone calls while you rest”Lorenzo said “Alright, The girls are still with the nanny, They sure be home soon”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Just rest”Lorenzo said Genevieve went upstairs to take a nap.

Lorenzo open bag and pull out a bottle of brandy and pour a glass of it as Julian Jr came in. “Where is my mother “Julian Jr ask “Upstairs resting, We need to talk, I know who you really are you are you're father son , I'm sure now you will take over you're father's business , So do the right thing and leave this town! You will never be a part of this family! Lorenzo yelled “You're just upset still that Genevieve slept with you're enemy! Genevieve you're perfect daughter! Julian Jr yelled “Genevieve is far from perfect and has issues and I will not let anyone hurt her! It's best if you leave this house or I will take you out I don't care that you're my grandson! Lorenzo yelled “You're a cold bastard “Julian Jr said “No , I'm looking out for my family. I'm head of this family “Lorenzo said Julian Jr went upstairs.

Lorenzo pour another drink as Harrison came in. “Harrison, Why are you here “Lorenzo ask “To see Genevieve “Harrison said “Genevieve is resting, Harrison you're a fool to think their will be something with you and my daughter, Genevieve love Alexander a ghost and will always love him, It's time to end things with my daughter or you will be making a fool out of yourself “Lorenzo said “Genevieve is a grown woman who can make her own choices she doesn't need you to run her life “Harrison said “Yes Genevieve does she can't handle her own life, So are you going to do the right thing or sure I make sure you stay away from my daughter “Lorenzo said

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At John-John had came back from the hospital he wasn't doing good about being in a wheelchair and want to be alone. John wheel himself into the kitchen and wanted some peanut butter but it was on the top shelf. John reach for the peanut butter and fell out of his chair.

Laurel came into the house. “John “Laurel said and went into the kitchen and found John on the floor she help him back into the chair. “John, What were you doing “Laurel ask “I need the peanut butter “John said “It's okay to ask for help you don't have to be stubborn “Laurel said “I just hate this chair! I hate my life ! I wish I died! John said “Don't say that! I'm glad you're here I love you and we all want you here”Laurel said “I just don't know what I'm going to do with my life “John said “You will figure it out “Laurel said

At The Center-Skye and Sunday Rose were working at the center. “Sunday Rose, How are you doing “Skye ask,”When A'dora Belle was missing I realized that I do love my daughter I just can't be her mother right now”Sunday Rose said “A mother always put her child needs first and that what you are doing “Skye said “I haven't told mother yet , She been so lost “Sunday Rose said “Yes she has “Skye said

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At General Hospital-Skye was talking to Alan. “I want a autopsy on Julian, I know that everyone will try to blame my husband on this”Skye said as Lorenzo came by. “Skye, What is it”Lorenzo ask “I want a autopsy on Julian, You are not going to take the fall for this “Skye said “Paul will not let Ric look into this and I didn't do this”Lorenzo said “I believe you “Skye said “Me too , But no one will blame you if you did “Alan said

The Mortuary-Julian was lying on the table covered up when Julian Jr and Genevieve came in. “I did love you as my father, I just always hate what you did the mob and what you did to my brother and sisters, I will not be like you, I will be a better person, I will make something good out of our last name “Julian Jr said Genevieve went by. “I do hate you for what you did to me and my children and my brother! We are all better off I just wish we know where my son body is”Genevieve said they left.

Genevieve and Julian Jr came out of the room. “Why don't we all go home”Lorenzo said “Sunday Rose and I have something to take care of at the center “Skye said “Yes, Julian Jr I'm sorry about you're father. I know what your going through “Sunday Rose said “Thanks “Julian Jr said “Julian Jr come home with me”Genevieve said “I have to take care of something “Julian Jr said and left “Mother, I will be over later “Nikolas Alexander said they left. “Where is Harrison “Genevieve ask “Harrison had to go to surgery “Alan said “Oh”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I will take you home “Lorenzo said “Sure, I could use a nap”Genevieve said they left.

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At General Hospital-Julian Jr and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Skylar and Emily and Nikolas and Luis and John and Laurel and Nikolas Alexander and Sunday Rose were their waiting on news about Julian. “Julian, I know this is hard for you , No matter what his you're father and you love him, You can hate what he does but still love him”Genevieve said “I do love him”Julian Jr said Genevieve touch his hair. “Of course you do “Genevieve said she hug her son for the first time.

“Julian Jr and Genevieve are going to be close “Skye said “I guess so”Lorenzo said he didn't like it.

Genevieve was with her son when Harrison came by. “What's going on”Harrison ask “Julian failed in court “Genevieve said “Wow”Harrison said “I just wish he would tell us where my son body is “Genevieve said Monica and Alan came by. “Julian didn't make it”Monica said “Can I see my father “Julian Jr ask “Yes”Alan said “Do you want me to go with you”Genevieve ask “Yes, I could use the support “Julian Jr said they left.

“I'm so glad his dead”Nikolas said “Me too”Emily said “I just wish Lorenzo Jr was here “Nikolas said “We all do”Emily said

Ric came out of the elevator and went by Lorenzo. “So Lorenzo did you do this “Ric ask as Paul came by. “Ric , We will not be looking into this case “Paul said “Yes sir”Ric said and left. “Thanks, But I didn't kill him “Lorenzo said

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“Lorenzo Alcazar Cassadine Jr”
At The courthouse-Julian trial-Tracy and Alan and Monica and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Julian Jr and Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander and Luis and John and Skylar and Laurel and Laura and Nikolas and Emily and Michael and AJ were their when Julian came in with Scotty Baldwin and look at Genevieve who give him a look.

Everyone stood up as the Judge came in. “The state of New York vs Julian Jerome on change of kidnapping of Skye and A'dora Belle Cassadine and the murder of Lorenzo Cassadine Jr, How do you plead “The Judge ask “Not Guilty you're honor “Julian said everyone sit down. “Mr.Lansing, Do you have you're first witness to call”The Judge ask “Yes, I call the children mother in this Genevieve Cassadine to the stand”Ric said Genevieve got up and swear in,”Do you swear to tell the truth “The officer ask “Yes”Genevieve said “Mrs. Cassadine, What is you're history with Mr.Jerome”Ric ask “It's a long history between Julian and I , A long time ago Julian and I share a one night stand which result in a child who I give to his sister to raised, I didn't know that Julian know about him then he came back to town when I was starting out as a lawyer and I put Julian away for a long time then he got out and poison me and I went into a coma and I haven't been the same since “Genevieve said “Do you believe that Julian murder you're son not by accident “Ric said “Yes, It was an eye for a eye “Genevieve said Ric pick up a bag that had Lorenzo Jr blood outfits in it. “Is this the outfit you're son had the day he was kidnapped”Ric ask “Yes, That's my sons! I don't have a body all I have left is that! Julian tell me where my son body is! Genevieve yelled “Mrs. Cassadine”The judge said “Sorry , You're honored “Genevieve said “I'm done “Ric said “Mr. Baldwin”The Judge ask “No Question “Scotty said Genevieve got up and sit by Lorenzo and lean on her father's arms.

“I would like to call my client to the stand “Scotty said Julian got up and swear in. “Mr, Jerome. Did you kidnap the Cassadine children “Scotty ask “Yes”Julian said “Did you murder Lorenzo Jr”Scotty ask “Yes”Julian said “How”Scotty ask “No one will know”Julian said and he fainted to the floor. “No”Julian Jr said “Do we have a doctor that could look at him”The Judge ask Monica look at him. “Is that Bastard died”Genevieve ask “Yes”Monica said “I guess court is dismissed and call for ambulance “The Judge said

“I will never find my son body, Julian Jr, Are you okay”Genevieve ask “No, I hate what he did but his my father “Julian Jr said “I know baby”Genevieve said she hug her son.

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At The house-Lorenzo and Skye were looking downstairs for clues on Lorenzo Jr. “Skye, I don't think we are going to find anything on our grandson “Lorenzo said “I agree but I'm worrying about our daughter if we don't, I think Genevieve is ahead towards a breakdown “Skye said “I think so too”Lorenzo said “Another thing I give our daughter, I had a breakdown once “Skye said “This isn't you're fault it's Julian and I will take care of him soon”Lorenzo said “Let's go check on Genevieve “Skye said they went upstairs.

Upstairs in a room-Genevieve was thrown blankets and toys all over looking for clues on her son when Lorenzo and Skye came in. “Genevieve “Skye said “Did you find anything? Did you look outside “Genevieve ask “No, Genevieve it's time to go the trial is soon “Lorenzo said “Daddy, My son I can't give up on him”Genevieve said “Genevieve, The cops have looked everywhere too and so have my men if I could of found you're son and put him back in you're arms I would “Lorenzo said Genevieve cried. Lorenzo put on Genevieve wrap. “Let's go”Lorenzo said “I don't want too”Genevieve said “I know, But it's time”Skye said they left.

At the Courthouse-Alan and Tracy and Monica and Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander and Nikolas and Emily and Laura and Luis and John and Skylar and Julian Jr and Alexis were their. “Where is mother? she wasn't at home last night either I'm worrying “Sunday Rose said “I try to get a hold of mother and Daddy too”Skylar said as Skye and Lorenzo came in with Genevieve. “Mother, You're here”Sunday Rose said she hug her. “I just had to look for something “Genevieve said

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At Skye/Lorenzo-The next morning-Skye was all dressed for the day when Lorenzo came into the living room all dressed for the day but so tired. “Lorenzo, Why are you so tired,”Skye ask as she handed him some coffee. “Genevieve came over last night, She think Lorenzo Jr body is at the house where Julian took the children “Lorenzo said “No, Did you get Genevieve to calm down”Skye ask “Genevieve wouldn't give up so she stay in her old room and I'm going to take her soon”Lorenzo said “The trial is today and the police have tape around the house, Lorenzo we both know this isn't good “Skye said as Genevieve came in wearing a dress. “Daddy, I'm ready to go”Genevieve said “Genevieve, What are you looking for”Skye ask “My son, I had a dream he was alive “Genevieve said “What if he isn't “Skye ask “I need some kind of closure “Genevieve said “Well let's go, The trial is soon”Lorenzo said they left.

At General Hospital-John was in the hallway having therapy walking around with his physical therapy when Alan came by, “John, You're doing great “Alan said ‘I just wish I could walk again “John said “I know but it's good that your having therapy “Alan said “I guess “John said “Are you going to keep working with Lorenzo “Alan ask,”I don't know, I maybe not be any good at it”John said “You have a lot of opinions “Alan said

At The house that Julian had took the children in. Genevieve and Skye and Lorenzo came in and look around. “Genevieve “Lorenzo said “Where did you find the children ? outside or inside or upstairs “Genevieve ask “The girls were down here in a playpen, Lorenzo Jr outfit was upstairs, Genevieve we have look around this whole place and dig up all the grass we didn't find anything “Lorenzo said “You are missing something a mother’s intuition “Genevieve said she look around the house.

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At Skye/Lorenzo-It was in the middle of the night and Skye and Lorenzo were sleeping when Genevieve walk into her parents room she was wearing her robe and wake up Lorenzo. “Daddy “Genevieve said Lorenzo wake up. “Genevieve, Why are you here? It's one o'clock in the morning “Lorenzo ask “I need to talk to you”Genevieve said “Let's go downstairs, I don't want to wake up your 'mother “Lorenzo said he got up and put on his robe and they went downstairs.

Downstairs-Lorenzo and Genevieve were downstairs. “Now why are you here so late “Lorenzo ask he was worrying about Genevieve. “Daddy, We need to go to the house that Julian had my children, I need to fine my son! Lorenzo Jr is out there and he needs me “Genevieve said “Genevieve the cops have look all over that house “Lorenzo said “Yes but you can find my son I know you can”Genevieve said Lorenzo touch Genevieve, “Genevieve, I'm sorry but his not coming back “Lorenzo said “Daddy ,Let's just go, even if my son is gone I need a body proof, Yes we have a DNA test back on the outfit but I need more “Genevieve said “I get it, Fine I will take you to the house “Lorenzo said “Thanks, Let's go”Genevieve said “Let's go in the morning, You can sleep in you're old room, Did you take you're pills “Lorenzo ask “Yes Daddy, Let's go first thing tomorrow “Genevieve said “Fine”Lorenzo said Genevieve went into her old room and Lorenzo went back into bed as Skye wake up. “Lorenzo “Skye said “It's okay , I just had a phone call, Go back to bed “Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo fell asleep.

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