Sunday, December 29, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 6 Ch 45

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 6 ch 45”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye came into the room with Lorenzo who push Sierra Rose into the room and he was still angry at Sierra Rose.”Sierra Rose! Who’s idea was it to go out! Lorenzo yelled “Mine! I called Cal! I don’t know why you are acting like this! I’m a grown woman and I can date whoever I want! Stop acting like this! I will be seen Cal if I want too! Sierra Rose yelled she push herself to her room. “Lorenzo you need to calm down ,Sierra Rose is old enough to date whoever she wants and you always like Cal”Skye said “Yes I did but Cal is use our daughter and I will not allow it”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo,Let’s go to bed,Tomorrow is our daughter wedding day “Skye said they went to bed..

Sierra Rose room-Sierra Rose was sitting in her wheelchair and look at her cell phone and called Cal. “Cal,Tonight was wonderful,I’m sorry about my father “Sierra Rose said she hang up the phone. Skye knock on the door. “Sierra Rose,Just Let you’re father clam down “Skye said “Mother,Our you on my side “Sierra Rose ask “What happened tonight you had a right to,Your father just want to protect you “Skye said “I don’t need any protection,I’m a grown woman “Sierra Rose said “Yes,Well get some rest tomorrow is you're sister wedding day “Skye said “Yes Mother “Sierra Rose said Skye left.

Lorenzo/Skye bedroom-Lorenzo was in the bedroom and on the phone,”Tea,I need the paperwork now”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone as Skye came into the room. “Lorenzo “Skye said “I’m always going to take care of this family “Lorenzo said “I know”Skye said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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