Sunday, December 29, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 37

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 ch 37”
At General Hospital-Sierra Rose was having chemotherapy ,Skye was in the room by Sierra Rose,”Do you want something to drink “Skye ask as Liz came by. “Sierra Rose,Can Have Just water “Liz said “Alright ,After I want a chocolate milkshake “Sierra Rose said “We will get you a chocolate milkshake,I’ll be right back “Skye said she step out of the hallway ,Skye was scared about this when Rae came by,”Skye,Sorry I couldn’t make it this morning “Rae said “Oh Mother,My baby girl has cancer again ,It’s now In the brain, I’m scared “Skye said “I’m sorry ,What does the doctor say”Rae ask “Kristina order chemotherapy and radiation ,She just started today “Skye said “We will support her with this,Have you been temple to drink “Rae ask “Yes I have “Skye said “I could go with you to a AA meeting if you want too”Rae said “I’ll be okay “Skye said

At The Park-Cassie was their with Micah and Kristina was their with Alexis and Tamsin. “How are you Kristina “Cassie ask “Good,Trying to Balance it all”Kristina said “It’s hard to find the balance but you can do it”Alexis said “Yes you can,You have a lot of family too”Cassie said “Yes, I do”Kristina said as AJ came by. “AJ ,Have you talk to Skye “Kristina ask “No What’s going on”AJ ask “Sierra Rose,Has cancer again in the brain”Kristina said “How bad is it “AJ ask “It’s bad,Actually I sure go ,Sierra Rose has her first treatment of chemotherapy today “Kristina said “I’ll take Tamsin “Alexis said “Sure”Kristina said she left. “I sure go see Skye “AJ said “Go”Cassie said she left,

At Tea-Tea was playing with her son who was now four when Lorenzo came into the room. “Sorry,I just let myself in,I need my sister “Lorenzo said “Sure,Matthew why don’t you get a snack “Tea ask “Hello Matthew “Lorenzo said “Hello Uncle Lorenzo “Matthew said he left.. “Lorenzo,Do you need me as a lawyer or as sister “Tea ask “A sister,Sierra Rose cancer is back,Tea I could lost another child “Lorenzo said “No,I’m sorry “Tea said “I just wish I could fix it ,I feel so helpless “Lorenzo said “You’re not helpless “Tea said “I just hope I don’t lose my daughter “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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