Sunday, December 29, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 27

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 27”
At The Quartermaine hotel-Alexis was having dinner alone looking at paperwork when Ric came into the room,”Can I join you “Ric ask “Yes”Alexis said Ric sit down. “Ric as much I hate this we are losing “Alexis said ‘Yes, I try to find out what Tea found out But I couldn’t find anything “Ric said “I try too,I feel like I’m letting my best friend down “Alexis said “You’re not”Ric said “I was hoping that Sierra Rose would help our case “Alexis said “I think she lying “Ric said “I hope not,I don’t want to charge her with perjury “Alexis said “Yes”Ric said

At a orphanage-Monica came into the place and look around she saw the children ran away and toys everywhere when a worker came into the room. “Can I help you “The Woman ask “My name is Dr Monica Quartermaine , I was just wondering if you needed anything ,I could make a donation “Monica said “We could always use a donation “The Woman said “Do you need anymore Foster parents “Monica ask “We can always use more foster parents “The woman said “I would like to sign up “Monica said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re having dinner with Sierra Rose and the children. “We are glad to have you back “Lorenzo said “Do you like being back “Skye ask “We like London “Sierra Rose said “Bliss,Cecil,Preston did you like London “Lorenzo ask “The school were nice but all our friends are here “Bliss said “Yes”Cecil said “You can make friends in London “Sierra Rose said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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