Sunday, December 29, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 21

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 ch 21”
At The Courthouse-Alan and Monica and Tracy and Ned and Olivia and AJ and Lila Rae and Juanita and Julian and Skye and Tea and Josslyn and Sabrina and Bobbie came in as Lorenzo came into the court,

Alexis was at her table as Ric was behind her and the Judge came into the courtroom everyone stood up.”Lorenzo Alcazar ,How do you plead on the charger of Jasper Jax murder “The Judge Ask “Not guiltily “Lorenzo said “Are both side ready for opening statement and cross examination “The Judges Ask “Yes”Tea said “Yes”Alexis said “You’re honor Mrs Jerome is too close to the case and sure be taking off ,She was once married to the deceased”Tea ask “Mrs Jerome is the DA and will stay on “The Judges said “Thanks you’re honor “Alexis said “Mrs Jerome,Go ahead with you're opening statement “The Judge.said “Mr.Jack was a great businessman and a great friend to all and a great father he loved his little girl,This is the second time they both lost each other for years we thought Mr,Jack was dead we could never prove it but we all know that Mr Alcazar took care of him at the time he was with Josslyn Jack mother Carly who was in a nasty custody case with Jax who disappeared he would never leave his daughter we thought it was a plane crash but it wasn’t a accident,Mr Alcazar got away with trying to kill Mr Jack the first time and he will not this time,Mr Alcazar was a jealous husband who wife was having a affair with the deceased ,He murder Jax in a jealous raid”Alexis said Tea turn.

“Mr Alcazar isn’t a jealous man,His wife Skye love him and him only we don’t know if Jax is dead we have no body,So how can we have a murder trial without a body? Yes the DA has witnesses a ex maid who is bitter that she was fire and Jax Secretary But That’s all,Mr Alcazar is innocent,”Tea said

“I would like to call my first witness “Alexis said “Go ahead “The Judges said “I would like to call Sierra Rose Alcazar to the stand “Alexis said Sierra Rose walked in and everyone was shocked that she walked into the courtroom..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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