Saturday, September 24, 2016

“It’s Complicated ch 20”

At the Docks~ Alexander was thinking of a secret he was keeping when Liv came by and touch his arm which scare him. "Sorry"Liv said "No it's okay"Alex said "What were you thinking about"Liv ask "Nothing important"Alex said "All right"Liv said

At Kelly~ Lila came into pick up some muffin when Andrew came in. "Hello Andrew"Lila said "Lila are you okay" You look upset"Andrew ask "My mother is sick she need a new liver"Lila said "I'm sorry if I can do anything for you"Andrew said "Thanks, I sure go" Lila said

At Skye/Jax~Jax came home to fine John and Jane there Jane had cook a big meal. "Mother what is all this food"Jax ask " I made some food that you can freeze if and reheat it Skye sure not be on her feet"Jane said "Thank you"Jax said "Your welcome, How are you"Jane ask "Scare"Jax said Cassie came in, "I came to see if I can do anything"Cassie said "Just having you here is enough"Jax said "Have you hear from Joss"Cassie ask "No"Jax said "Me either"Cassie said "I'm going to lay down"Jax said "All right I will go"Cassie said she went outside and ran into Jerry. "Uncle Jerry I need your help"Cassie said "With what"Jerry ask "I need to fine Josslyn she needs to be here"Cassie said "Did you call her"Jerry ask "Yes and she will not pick up"Cassie said "I will see what I can fine"Jerry said "Thank you"Cassie said

At General Hospital~ Duke and Faith were there. "Why sure we test"Faith ask "It's part of mine plan to get Lorenzo to do what we want"Duke said "What blood type are you"Faith ask "AB I could be a match"Duke said "Lorenzo hear them and as Duke and Faith went outside he follow them and Lorenzo pull a gun on them, "I hear your type is AB Duke and you will be a match for my ex-wife dead or alive"Lorenzo said "You can't make me"Duke said "Oh yes I can! Lorenzo yelled as Chandler came by. "Father what are you doing"Chandler ask "Duke could be a match for your mother his blood type is AB! I will not let Skye die"Lorenzo yelled "Me either but father not like this Please"Chandler said "I will donate my liver if I can"Duke said "What do you want"Lorenzo ask "I want you to work with us"Duke said "Fine"Lorenzo said he put his gun away. "Father let's go talk 'Chandler said they left. "Duke you know Lorenzo was at the hospital didn't you"Faith ask "Yes I did"Duke said "Nice plan"Faith said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Cassie was putting flowers in a vase when Liv came in. "Mother can we talk"Liv ask "Sure what is it"Cassie ask "Something is going on with Alex"Liv said "What do you mean"Cassie ask "Something happened to him in board school"Liv said "I was thinking the same thing I will take care of it"Cassie said "All right"Liv said

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