Saturday, September 24, 2016

It’s Complicated ch 27”

On the Docks~ Blair was walking when she ran into Stefan. "I'm sorry 'Blair said "It's okay "Stefan said "I"m Blair Cramer"She said "Stefan Cassadine” he said Blair left. Stefan pick up his phone. " I want you to find out about someone Blair Cramer"Stefan said

At Zander~ Alexis and Lydia were there. "How are you I know you loved Emily to"Alexis said "I'm all right, I will always love and miss Emily"Zander said "Your not alone"Lydia said "I know"Zander said

At Langston/Ford~ they were getting the house ready for Angel. "Now we have two daughter to raise"Ford said "Yes but we can do it"Langston said Dorian came in. "Dorian it's good to see you"Langston said "You to"Dorian said "What wrong"Langston ask "Lorenzo and I broke up"Dorian said "I'm sorry do you want to stay here"Langston ask "Yes Please"Dorian said "You can and help us with the girls"Ford said "I'm so glad your getting Angel back"Dorian said "Me to"Langston said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Cassie was packing her bags when Dimitri came in. "Dimitri I want you to remember that I will do anything for this family"Cassie said "I will to 'Dimitri said they share a kiss.

At Gia~ Gia was packing her belongs. "I took care of the car no one will know you hit Emily"Clinton said "Thank you , I hate that I also killed a baby"Gia said "But you did not"Clinton said "No, I wish I could stay in town I could have a chance with Nikolas"Gia said "Mother you will find someone better' Clinton said

The next day~ Nikolas~ Liz and Laura came in. "Do you need anything"Laura ask "No I can do this somehow say goodbye to the women I love"Nikolas said "You will get through this we our here for you"Laura said "Yes we our and our sons"Liz said

At General Hospital~

~ Skye room ~ Dr. Kelly was there. :"I want to go to my sister funeral"Skye said "It's too soon"Dr. Kelly said AJ came in. "What is going on"AJ ask "I want to go to Emily funeral but Dr. Kelly will not let me"Skye said "You don't want to risk an infection"Dr Kelly said "Emily would want you to take care of yourself"AJ said " I guess"Skye said

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