Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Unexpected family ch 17 (skyelo)

 “Quartermaine “

At the Restaurant and Shopping center-AJ and Michael were making sure everything was set for tonight . “Son I'm glad we work together on this I love you son and I want to be the best father you need”AJ said “ Some of it wasn't you're fault that we were not together and I'm glad you're in my life to” Michael said as Alan and Monica and Tracy and Ned and Nikolas and Emily and Laura and Bobbie and Alexis and Kristina and Molly and Tea and Victor and Blair and Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Welcome to the restaurant and shopping center name Lila’s in honor of my Grandmother who was the heart of our family and now we'll be the heart of this town”, I'm glad that I'm doing this with my son at my side” AJ said “ I'm glad to be running this with my father I was take from and now I'm going to make it right , Dad I change my last name to Quartermaine, I'm a Quartermaine I have and always will be “Michael said “ Thank you son”AJ said they share a hug.”Now go shopping everyone” AJ said everyone left to go shopping . “Michael I'm glad you took the last name you sure of had a long”AJ said “Me too” Michael said

Bobbie and Lucas were talking “Carly going to hate this “Bobbie said “Michael a grown man not even Carly and Sonny can stop this”Lucas said “Yes, How are you doing with you're news? Bobbie ask” I'm glad you and Dad adopted me but I want to know Skye and maybe him”Lucas said “I get that I do”Bobbie said “ Thank you” Lucas said

Laura was looking around the shopping center when Stefan came by.”Laura “ Stefan said “ I'm glad you're back .I hope you and Nikolas work things out”Laura said “ We are going to try, How are you doing “ Stefan ask “Good I just found a house for myself now I'm looking for a job and my own life” Laura said “ I know you will get it” Stefan said and kiss Laura on the cheek and left.

Copyright by Skye the limit

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