Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Unexpected love ch 27 (Skyelo)

At The Quartermaine Mansion~ Monica was having some tea when Tracy came in. “Where is Alan”Tracy ask “Having breakfast with Skye and Rae”Monica said “Why are you let Alan be alone with Rae”Tracy ask “I trust Alan, Beside he mad at Rae for lying about Skye, Anyway I want to talk to you about something”Monica said “What about”Tracy ask “I know why you are acting so nice and calm you chance you're sick”Monica said Tracy look away from Monica, “Tracy, You need to deal with it and tell you're sons and Alan”Monica said “I start chemotherapy tomorrow”Tracy said “Why didn’t you tell us”Monica ask “Because I can deal with this myself”Tracy said “Tracy, You don’t always have to deal with things alone”Monica said “I got the news right before Daddy died, It hasn’t been a perfect time to tell everyone”Tracy said as Dillon and Ned came in. “You called my sons”Tracy ask “Yes, You need them , I will leave you both alone”Monica said and left. “Mother, What is it”Ned ask “I hate that Monica called you both, I want to handle this my way, Anyway, I’m sick, I have cancer”Tracy said “You will beat it”Dillon said “I know I will, I start chemotherapy tomorrow now I don’t want you to worry about this or hover over me”Tracy said “We will treat you the same way we always do”Ned said “Good, I don’t want you both to put you're life on hold for me”Tracy said “We will not, Now how is ELQ”Ned said

At Skye hotel~Skye and Alan and Rae were having breakfast. “Thank you for asking us here, Is Lorenzo join us”Rae ask “No, Lorenzo had to take care of something, Anyway I want it to be just us”Skye said “Skye, Is everything okay”Alan ask “Yes, After Alana being sick , I realize that I do want to know my Cassadine family but I don’t want to lose either of you, I want you both to be the twins Godparents, That way you both will have a connection in my life”Skye said “Skye, I would love it, I love you”Rae said “I love you both to and I want to keep you in our life”Alan said “Thank you both”Skye said “You're welcome”Alan said “I’m glad Alana is okay”Rae said “Me too, I have a lot to do plan my wedding to Lorenzo”Skye said “Do you know where you going to have it”Alan ask “Not yet”Skye said “If you need anything,”Alan said “I want you both to give me away”Skye said “Oh Skye I love to”Rae said “Me too, Yes I don’t like Lorenzo lifestyle but I know you love him but his lifestyle better not touch you and the twins”Alan said “I know it’s hard but Lorenzo will keep us safe”Skye said “Good”Alan said

At Lorenzo/Skye~ Lorenzo was pick up a picture of his mother when Tea came in. “Why are you looking at a picture of our mother”Tea ask “I miss Mother too”Lorenzo said “I know you loved mother but why did you have to tell Papa she was having an affair”Tea ask “Because I loved him too, I know you loved Mother more”Lorenzo said “Mother was sweet and kind so the opposite of Father, A cold bastard”Tea said “That’s not true! Father loved us! Lorenzo yelled “No he didn’t.We both know that Father killed Mother! I went to law school so I could throw his ass in jail! Tea yelled “Do you care about family at all!! Lorenzo yelled as Skye came in. “What is going on”Skye ask “Tea, I can’t get pass this so please go right now”Lorenzo said “Maybe it was an mistake moving here”Tea said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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