Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Unexpected Love ch 58 (Skyelo)~

 “Our love”

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were sitting on the couch and Skye had just told Lorenzo that it was her who killed Luis. “Skye.. I don’t want a divorce.. I will protect you so you have to tell me everything”Lorenzo said “I will..I open you're safe and I sure the gun that you had in it I was just going to talk to Luis but he just keep saying how he want me.. That’s why he shot us he wanted to kill you so he could have me like I’m a belong! So I shot him”Skye said “How many time”Lorenzo ask “Ten”Skye said “Where is the gun”Lorenzo ask “Back in you're safe”Skye said “Did you wear gloves”Lorenzo ask “Yes”Skye said “Did anyone see you”Lorenzo ask “I don’t know..But Alan and AJ know and Alan ask Alexis to close it”Skye said “I’m glad you killed him.. I wasn’t going to let him get away with this”Lorenzo said “I have never took someone's life before”Skye said “I know but don’t feel guilty about this.. You were keep us safe”Lorenzo said “Their more.. There is one person who know that Luis was alive and in town and didn’t tell you”Skye said “Who”Lorenzo ask “Tea”Skye said “I’m not surprised by that..When it comes to our family Tea is naive”Lorenzo said “She just hope Luis would chance and I get it”Skye said “Yes.. Skye I’m going to take care of the gun”Lorenzo said they got up and open the safe. “How”Skye ask “Just trust me”Lorenzo said “I do.. So now that Luis is gone .. Are you going to take over his business too”Skye ask “Yes.. I’m now more powerful but it’s good Skye that means I can keep our family safe and no one will can touch us”Lorenzo said “I hope you're right.. I keep thinking what if the girls were with us that night”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said “I can’t believe you pull me out of the way”Skye said Lorenzo touch Skye. “That’s because I love you.. You're the only one in my heart”Lorenzo said “You're the only man in mine”Skye said they share a kiss. “Now I will be right back”Lorenzo said “All right just be careful”Skye said “I will”Lorenzo said Lorenzo left.

Skye went by the fireplace and took the picture of her and Lorenzo and touch it. “We will be just fine”Skye said she put the picture back down and left.

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