Saturday, September 24, 2016

“It’s Complicated ch 29”

At Dimitri office~ Dimitri pour a drink."Father what do I do"Cassandra thought this happened to our son"Dimitri said "You help your son and stop blame each other"Nikolas said "Thank you"Dimitri said "Don't push each other away 'Nikolas said Dimitri left.

At Cassie/Dimitri ~ Cassie was there when Alex came in. "Mother why can't you leave it alone"Alex ask "Alexander you don't have to be afraid anymore let me in son"Cassie said she took her son in her arms. "Yes it's true I was molested"Alex said "You are not alone in this I will help you I love you son and I'm sorry I wasn't there to ported you"Cassie said "It's not your fault"Alex said as Dimitri came in."It's true"Dimitri said "Yes"Alex said "I'm sorry I went to that school I thought it was the best school If I know I would never let you go"Dimitri said "You sent me there to make Mother pay! It's your fault! Alex yelled "We all need to deal with this as a family"Dimitri said "You mean don't let anyone know about this"Alex said "Alex I need to talk to your father alone"Cassie said he left. "Are you happy now Darling! It's true"!Dimitri yelled "No! I don't want this to happened to our son! I just want to help Alex I don't know how but it's not his fault"Cassie said "I don't blame Alex we can't let this destroy us"Dimitri said "No"Cassie said "I guess we could have him go see Dr. Kevin"Dimitri said "Yes and we will be here for him 'Cassie said "Yes"Dimitri said

At General Hospital~ Dr Kelly office~ Bobbie was there. " I haven't been feeling good in a while"Bobbie said "All right let's run some test"Dr. Kelly said "Thank you"Bobbie said

At Dimitri/Cassie~ Alex came in; "Alexander I'm sorry about what happened we will help you deal with this"Dimitri said "I have father"Alex said "No your mother is right you need to go to therapy"Dimitri said "All right I guess"Alex said "You need to deal with this"Cassie said as the children came in. "What is going on"Harper-Skye ask "Nothing why don't we go out to dinner"Cassie ask "Sure"Liv said they left.

At General Hospital~ Skye room~ Dr Kelly came in. "When can I go home"Skye ask In couple of days your doing great"Dr. Kelly said "Thank you"Skye said Jax came in with flowers. "These our for you"Jax said "Thank you and for being a support of husband"Skye said "I love you and I'm glad you made it"Jax said "Me to , I just hate that Emily had to die"Skye said "Me to"Jax said

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