Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Unexpected love ch 19

At General Hospital~Skye and Lorenzo were waiting on news about Alana Edward with Alexis and Tea and Rae and Alan and AJ and Monica when Dr Kelly came in. “We ran the test on Alana Edward, She has thalassemia, We need to do a bone marrow treatment for her”Dr Kelly said “Okay, Where do we get it”Lorenzo ask “From Family members”Dr Kelly said “If Alana doesn't get this”Skye ask “She could die”Dr Kelly said “No, I could lose my baby”Skye said “Skye, We will run test on Alana and Fine the bone marrow she needs”Alan said “Yes we will”Alexis said “Alexis, Can you test Molly and Kristina”Skye ask “Yes I will go ask them and Nikolas can get Spencer test”Alexis said “Thanks”Skye said “Kristina was sick when she was little and she made it and so will Alana”Alexis said “I hope so”Skye said “Skye, Let’s go see Alana”Lorenzo said “Can we touch her”Skye ask “You need to cover up before you can go in the room”Dr Kelly said “I will get test too”Tea said “Thanks”Lorenzo said

At The nursery room~Skye and Lorenzo were cover up and went to see Alana who was not by any of the babies. “Oh Alana, You're going to be fine I promise you”Lorenzo said “I hope so”Skye said “Skye, It’s going to be okay, All Alana need is a bone marrow “Lorenzo said “This is my fault that she sick”Skye said “Just because it run it you're family doesn’t meant it’s you're fault”Lorenzo said “I just love our daughters so much, I don’t want to lose them”Skye said “You will not, Our daughter Alana is a fighter just like her parents”Lorenzo said “True,We both don’t give up”Skye said “Never”Lorenzo said “I just hate that she alone not by her sister”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said

At Nikolas~ Nikolas was playing with Spencer when Alexis came in. “Alexis, What is it”Nikolas ask “It’s Skye daughter , Alana she has thalassemia and needs a bone marrow, I was hope you and Spencer can be tested”Alexis said “Sure we will”Nikolas said “Thank you, Molly and Kristina are going to be test to”Alexis said “Are you okay”Nikolas ask “I just hate this that a little girl is sick, Just like when Kristina was”Alexis said “Yes but Kristina made it and so will Alana”Nikolas said “Thanks”Alexis said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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