Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Unexpected family ch 16 (skyelo )

At The Quartermaine mansion - AJ was looking at a picture of Edward and Lila. “I will make you proud tonight both of you”AJ said as Alan came in . “How are you son?Alan ask “Good I know tonight is going to be a hit and so is this place my dream of working with my son is coming true and nothing is going to stop it”AJ said “No nothing will son”Alan said as Monica came by. “AJ are you ready for tonight ? Finally show this town the Quartermaine are on top again , I know you can do this with Michael “ Monica said “Thanks both of you for supporting me” AJ said “We are family that's what we do”Alan said as Tracy came in.”Tracy you better behave tonight it's my son night and my grandson night”Monica said “I will I want AJ to be a hit for the sake of our family name “Tracy said “Let's go now”Monica said “Yes , Thank you Tracy” Alan said they left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in the girls room rocking Lila Rae who was crying as Lorenzo came in the room. “What wrong with Lila Rae? Lorenzo ask “ I don't know she keeps crying she doesn't have a high fever or anything “ Skye said “ Do you want to skip tonight and stay with her “ Lorenzo ask “No I don't want to miss AJ night” Skye said she got up and put Lila Rae in her cribs. “I'll just have the nanny call me if anything changes “Skye said “Alright, How was you're day “Lorenzo ask “Okay I ran into Alexis and my brother Lucas they both want to be a part of our family which I want to try” Skye said “Good let's get ready “Lorenzo said “Is Victor going to work with you”Skye ask “Yes I need someone I can trust “ Lorenzo said “Just always come back to us” Skye said “Always “ Lorenzo said Lila Rae stop crying and they left.

At Nikolas/Emily-Emily and Nikolas were getting ready for tonight. “How it go with Stefan ? Emily ask “ I forgive Stefan for the past I miss him in my life he was the father to me””Nikolas said “I'm glad you did I know you miss him”Emily said “Can you forgive him”Nikolas ask “Yes for you”Emily said they share a kiss and left .

Copyright by Skye the limit

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