Monday, September 19, 2016

Unexpected love ch 3 (Skyelo)

 “Saying Goodbye”

At The Quartermaine Mansion~Tracy was looking at a picture of Edward and Lila when Alan came in. “Tracy”Alan said “We have no parents now, We our orphan”Tracy said “Yes we are, But Tracy we our going to be okay, We have each other”Alan said “Yes, We do, We have to unite as a family”Tracy said “Yes we do, Can we just stop all this fighting over ELQ and Money”Alan ask “Yes, I will back off of AJ”Tracy said “Good, Also if Skye wants to be a member of this family, You back off”Alan said “Alright, Beside I have ELQ”Tracy said “Yes you do, Tracy Father loved you”Alan said “I know he loved you too”Tracy said they share a hug, “Let’s go visiting mother”Tracy said “Sure”Alan said Alan and Tracy went outside to the family crypt. “Mother, We came to see you, Daddy is with you now, You're both together and take care of each other, We miss you both”Tracy said “Mother, We love you, Skye just had a daughter and name her Lila, She still not all the way better but I know with you watching over her and having you're name, Lila Rae will be okay and so will Alana Edward”Alan said “Yes they will be fine, They are Quartermaine after all”Tracy said she touch Lila gravestone and took Alan hand and they left.

At Alexis~Nikolas came in helping Alexis get into the house, “Nikolas, Thank you for being me home”Alexis said “You're welcome,Alexis I’m glad you're well”Nikolas said “Me too”Alexis said “Have you talk to Skye”Nikolas ask “Yes, I did for a bit, She not ready to be in our family yet”Alexis said “Give it time”Nikolas said Alexis sit down, “I know it’s a lot to take in found out you're not a member of one family but another and it happened to Skye twice”Alexis said “Yes”Nikolas said “Are you going to Edward funeral tomorrow”Alexis ask “Yes to support Emily, I don’t think it’s a good idea if you go”Nikolas said “Maybe”Alexis said Nikolas kiss Alexis on the cheek and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was holding Skye hand as they came in. “Thank you Lorenzo”Skye said “You're welcome, Why don’t you sit down and rest’ Lorenzo said “I have a lot to do, I want to get the girls room ready”Skye said “You will , Just rest”Lorenzo said he help Skye sit down. “Oh Lorenzo, You're so good to me”Skye said “Always”Lorenzo said “How are Tea and her son”Skye ask “Good”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I been thinking, Maybe you sure ask Tea to move in, She needs her family”Skye said “Maybe, Tea always been independent “Lorenzo said “We all need someone, Even us independent ones”Skye said “True”Lorenzo said Lorenzo phone rang. “I have to take this”Lorenzo said he went into a room and Skye went upstairs.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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