Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 7 (Skyelo)~

“One live to live meets General Hospital”

At Tea~Tea was at home holding her son when their was a knock on the door and Tea opening it was Todd.. “Todd..Why are you here”Tea ask “To come see you..I have some news you want to heard”Todd said “I have nothing to say to you.. You killed my husband! Tea yelled as she put down her son.. “No I didn’t kill Victor..His alive”Todd said “Stop lying”Tea yelled as she look at him and Victor walk in. “His not lying..Tea I’m back”Victor said he walk by Tea and she touch his face..”How”Tea ask “Our crazy Mother she had me this whole time..I’m sorry”Victor said “When did she take you”Tea ask “After Todd shot me”Victor said “How did Todd fine you”Tea ask “I have my connection..I just want to make it right”Todd said “Thank you”Tea said “Yes..Thank you..We both have made mistake and our mother has played with both our life”Victor said “Yes she has”Todd said and left. “Victor..Come meet our son..Victor Jr”Tea said she pick up the baby and give him to Victor..”Victor Jr..I’m you're father.. I promise to be a good father to you”Victor said “We our going to be happy”Tea said “Why did you move here..To Port Charles ’Victor ask “My brother Lorenzo and his wife Skye live here and I want to know them”Tea said “I didn’t know you had a brother”Victor said “I was upset with Lorenzo that we didn’t talk”Tea said “We both have family that are mess up”Victor said “Yes we do.. Anyway let’s put our son in his bedroom and make love”Tea said “Yes..I’m going to give you and our son the best life here and I can open my newspaper here”Victor said “Yes”Tea said they went upstairs.

At Blair new house~Blair was setting up a picture of her and Todd and then pick it up as the doorbell rang and Blair open it was Todd..”Todd..Why are you here”Blair ask “I have to tell you something”Todd said and came in. “What is it”Blair ask “Victor is alive.. I just save him and his with Tea now”Todd said “How”Blair ask “Our mother had him”Todd said “Oh...I’m glad you did the right thing”Blair said “Me too..Blair I love you and I want a chance”Todd said “I’m not ready to open my heart to you yet.. I don’t want you to break it again”Blair said “I will be staying here and waiting for you”Todd said he kiss Blair and left. Blair lean her head against the door and cried.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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