Monday, September 19, 2016

Unexpected love ch 9 (Skyelo)~

“Cassadine Family”

At Skye’s hotel~Skye and Lorenzo were having lunch, Skye was looking around, “Skye, What is it”Lorenzo ask “I really wish my hotel opening was a great night , Not what it turn out to be”Skye said “I know, I’m sorry”Lorenzo said he took Skye hand. “I’m not mad at you”Skye said as Alexis came in. “Skye, Alexis is here”Lorenzo said “How dare she show up! Skye yelled “Skye”Lorenzo said “I will be okay”Skye said and got up and walk by Alexis. “Skye”Alexis said “How dare you show up in my hotel after what you did to me on my night! You ruin my hotel opening night and almost killed my girls, All because you off all people, Want the truth to come out”Skye said “I didn’t want to hurt you're girls, I do hope they get better and Skye I want to know you, You're a Cassadine, My baby sister, Do you know what happened the last night we were together as children”Alexis ask as Lorenzo came by. “Leave Skye alone”Lorenzo said “No it’s okay, Tell me, Because I don’t remember”Skye said “You were a baby that’s why, and Helena found out about both of us, That we were Mikkos kids from his affair with our mother and Helena was over and upset and Mother ask me to take you and hide, So we went into the barn and I hide you in the hay and then I went out to see Mother and Helena slice her throat in front of me and I want to go back and find you but Helena men took me and I was to stay at the Cassadine house as a cousin , For a long time I didn’t remember that Helena killed my mother”Alexis said Alexis and Skye were crying. “How old were you”Skye ask “Ten years old”Alexis said Skye open her purse. “I found this in Adam my adoption father belongs, I guess Althea and Helena were sisters, That’s how I end up with Althea and All the things I heard about Helena she is just like Althea”Skye said Alexis look at it. “Skye, I know you love the Quartermaine and want to be a member of their family and you can still be a Quartermaine , But you're a Cassadine”Alexis said “I have been thought this twice in one lifetime it can be too much”Skye said “I’m sure, I will give you some time”Alexis said she was about to leave.”You can stay”Skye said “Thank you”Alexis said as Jax came by. “Is everything okay”Jax ask “Yes it’s fine”Skye said “Skye, How are the twins”Jax ask “Good so far”Skye said “Skye, Let’s go back to our table”Lorenzo said he took her hand and they sit down. “Alexis, Do you want to have some lunch”Jax ask “Sure”Alexis said they sit down at a table.

“Alexis”Jax said “I told Skye the story of our mother being murdered by Helena”Alexis said “How did it go”Jax ask “I think I touch Skye”Alexis said “There's a few things I know about Skye and She is loyal to her family and love with all her heart, Just give Skye time, She feels betrayal right now, Not just by you but Alan and Rae, Especially Rae, It took them forever for a long time to get to know each other, They use to hate each other”Jax said “I will give Skye time”Alexis said “Good”Jax said

Skye and Lorenzo were sitting at a table. “Skye”Lorenzo said “I do feel for Alexis for watching you're mother be murdered no child sure see that”Skye said “No, Skye do you want to know you're Cassadine family”Lorenzo ask “I don’t know”Skye said “Well just remember you have a family with me and our children”Lorenzo said He kiss her hand. “Yes I do”Skye said “We sure plan the wedding soon”Lorenzo said “Yes, I want to marry you”Skye said they share a kiss as Jax watch.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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