Saturday, September 24, 2016

“It’s Complicated ch 21”

At Chandler~ "Dad do you still love Mother"Chandler ask "I'm trying but it's hard"Lorenzo said "Yes it is I will always love Kristina"Chandler said "How is the fundraise going"Lorenzo ask "All right we our putt it off for a while"Chandler said 

Emily was driving with Angel in the back crying. "It's okay baby"Emily said she look into the rear mirror and did not see the car that hit her.

At General hospital~ Skye room~ Lila came in. "Mother how are you"Lila ask "All right a little tied"Skye said " I brought some food"Lila said "Thanks"Skye said "You will beat this mother"Lila said " I know"Skye said In the hallway~Emily and Gia had both came in they were in a car cash. "Emily"Alan said "Gia"Bobbie said "Let's get both of them to the ER"Alan said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Alexander came in. "Mother I'm glad you and father have work things out"Alex said "Me too, I want to ask you something"Cassie said "All right"Alex said "What happened in school" Were you happy"Cassie ask "Mother I miss you and father and everyone but nothing happened in school I don't want to talk about it!Alex yelled as Dimitri came in. "What is going on"Dimitri ask "Mother keep thinking something happened to me in school"Alex said "I just want you to know you can open up to me I love you no matter what"Cassie said "Alex I need to talk to your mother alone"Dimitri said Alex left. "Cassandra What are you thinking happen to our son"Dimitri ask "I have a feeling Alex was hurt there"Cassie said "Our son wasn't raped there I went to that school for a while"Dimitri said "Yes but still"Cassie said "Enough!Dimitri yelled "If something happened to our son it's all your fault! Cassie yelled and left the room. In the Sun room~ Cassie was there when Dimitri came in. "Darling you're a good mother but I know nothing happen to our son"Dimitri said "I hope I'm wrong I don't wanna be right about this"Cassie said "Good then let it go"Dimitri said "Find 'Cassie said

At General hospital~. "Alan what is it"Monica ask as she came by with Nikolas. "Oh Monica I have some bad news"Alan said "What is it Emily"Monica ask "Yes she was in a car cash"Alan said "No! where is my baby" I will look at her and help her"Monica said "You can not save Emily she gone"Alan said "NO"Monica yelled as Jax and Rae came by. 'What is wrong"Jax ask "Emily is gone"Nikola said "I'm sorry"Jax said "I want to see her"Monica said "I will go with you, Nikolas Gia was in the car cash to she made it"Alan said "Thanks I wish Emily made it to"Nikolas said "Our daughter love you Emily made a mistake but she loved you so much"Monica said " I loved her to where is Angel"Nikolas said "She okay the nurse is with her"Alan said they went to see Emily..

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