Monday, December 30, 2019

Family Part 2 Ch 93

“Family Part 2 ch 93”
“Is Lorenzo Jr Dead or Alive”
At St James-Genevieve came in she want to be alone before the memorial service started. Genevieve light a candle for Alexander and Bianca and Lorenzo Jr. “Alexander, Our son is with you know so take care of him, I love you all so much I wish you all were with me I don't know how I'm going to do this”Genevieve said

Outside-Lorenzo and Skye were waiting to come in and Skye was holding young Skye as Skylar and Luis and Lucas and John and Alan and Monica and Tracy and Paul and Laurel and Nikolas Alexander and Jenny and Sunday Rose and Laura and Nikolas and Emily and Ric and AJ and Lydia came by. “We can go in soon, Genevieve just want to be alone right now”Skye said

Inside-Genevieve was making sure every picture was perfect when she open the door. “You can come in”Genevieve said everyone sit down as the father Came in. “We are here to say goodbye to Lorenzo Jr a young little boy who is full of life , Everyone is going to tell their favorite memories of Lorenzo Jr “The father said Lorenzo got up and went to talk. “I was honored when my daughter name her son after me. I wish I could bring Lorenzo Jr back to us, He was a great little boy we all loved him”Lorenzo said he sit down. Alan got up. “The another day I was looking at pictures of Lorenzo Jr, Remember on Lorenzo Jr birthday he got into the cake he had it all over his hands and face and outfit and instead of getting up Genevieve we just laughed? Remember the good time you had with you're son”Alan said he sit down. Nikolas got up. “I faulted Lorenzo Jr and I will make sure this never happened again “Nikolas said Genevieve wasn't sure what he was talking about. Sunday Rose got up. “Lorenzo Jr was a great little brother, We will miss him”Sunday Rose said she sit down. Genevieve got up . “okay God this must be a test first you take my daughter then my husband now my son! Anymore test? I will never forget my son”Genevieve said

In Another town-A house-A woman was holding a young six year old boy. “It's payback time,”The woman said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 92

“Family Part 2 ch 92”
“Hardest word is Goodbye”
At Genevieve The next day -Genevieve was getting dressed for her son funeral she was trying to stay strong when Skye came in. Skye pull Genevieve into her arms. “I know today is going to be the hardest day you will have to face but you can do this”Skye said Genevieve turn around and look at her mother. “Saying goodbye to Blanca and Alexander was hard but this is even harder Lorenzo will never fall in love or have a child or anything “Genevieve said ‘I know, I wish that I could give you back you're son”Skye said “I need to finish getting ready”Genevieve said

At Nikolas/Emily-Nikolas was holding a picture of Alexander. “Today we say goodbye to you're son, We sure not be doing this, You're son sure be here, I will keep Skye safe after today I'm going to give Genevieve paper I'm going to fight for full custody of my granddaughter “Nikolas said as Laura came into the room. “Nikolas, I hope I'm wrong about what I heard and you are not going after custody of Skye “Laura said “I'm keep my granddaughter safe if I could of saved Lorenzo Jr I would! Lorenzo Jr isn't here because of Genevieve and Lorenzo and I will make sure that I don't have to say goodbye to my granddaughter next! Nikolas yelled as Emily came in. “What is going on”Emily ask “Mother know about our plan to get custody of Skye and doesn't agree with it”Nikolas said “You are on Nikolas side about this”Laura ask “Yes, I want my granddaughter safe and here, We know this isn't going to be good but we can't not do anything”Emily said “Right now everyone is in pain and you need to really think about this before you do anything. I get you want to keep Skye safe we all wish Lorenzo Jr was here”Laura said “Yes we do”Nikolas said “You know this is going to upset Lorenzo can you deal with it”Laura ask “Yes”Nikolas said

Copyright rights by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 91

“Family Part 2 ch 91”
At John-Lorenzo and Skye we're waiting for the door to be opened. “Lorenzo, What is going on with Genevieve “Skye ask “Nothing, I just fix things in our daughter life “Lorenzo said Skye look at Lorenzo.”What did you do”Skye ask as John open the door . “Mother, Father, Why are you here “John ask “We need to talk”Lorenzo said they came in. “John, We are worrying about you we know this is hard eject to life in a chair and we want to help”Skye said “I'm not moving in with you “John said “Let us help you, Son whatever you need “Lorenzo said “I just don't know what I'm going to do with my life and yes I hate my life now in a wheelchair! John yelled “John, You don't have to figure out what you are going to do now you just need time to eject that's all”Skye said “John, You don't have to work for me or anyone you have a trust fund and you will be financially find “Lorenzo said “I like working with you father and Luis it made us all close “John said “That will not change , You're just like me stubborn “Lorenzo said “Alright I will move in with you and father just for a while “John said “Good, You can have you're own life still and if you bring a girl over “Lorenzo said “I don't think I will have any girlfriend “John said “Let's get you're belongings “Skye said

At The Quartermaine-Alan was looking at pictures of Lorenzo Jr and Genevieve when Blair came in and sit by him. “Are you okay”Blair ask “I'm just looking for pictures of Lorenzo Jr , Genevieve decided to have a memorial services for Lorenzo Jr”Alan said “That's good it may help “Blair said she started to cry. “Are you okay “Alan ask “I know what Genevieve is going through I had a miscarriage yes it wasn't like what happened to Lorenzo Jr but the pain”Blair said “I'm sorry about you're child”Alan said “Thanks, I was going to name him Brandon “Blair said “That's a great name, Do you want to see a silly picture “Alan ask “Sure”Blair said Alan show Blair a picture of Lorenzo Jr with cake on his face. “This was Lorenzo and Skye birthday and Lorenzo got into the cake without anyone knowing Genevieve was about to get upset but we all laugh because he had cake all over his face, It was a great day”Alan said “Sound like it was”Blair said

At Genevieve-Genevieve was looking at pictures of Lorenzo Jr when young Skye came in. “Mommy “Skye said “Do you want to look at pictures of you're brother “Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said Genevieve pick up Skye. “We are going to have a memorial service for you're brother we are going to say goodbye but we will never ever forget him”Genevieve said “Is Lorenzo Jr a angel “Skye ask “Yes he is, Lorenzo loved you so much “Genevieve said “I loved him too”Skye said Genevieve kiss Skye.

At Harrison-Harrison was unpacking when their was a knock on the door Harrison open it was Lydia. “Harrison, What is going on”Lydia ask “I broke up with Genevieve “Harrison said “Why did you do that “Lydia ask “I had no choice, Lorenzo made sure of it “Harrison said “Don't let Lorenzo run you're life or Genevieve fight for her “Lydia said “How can I fight a mob boss “Harrison ask “I don't know “Lydia said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 90

Family Part 2 ch 90”
At Genevieve-Julian Jr was in his room packed when Genevieve came into the room. “Julian, Why are you packing “Genevieve ask “Because I don't belong here , I don't belong anywhere right now I need to be on my own and figure out my life”Julian Jr said “I want to know you, I want a relationship with you”Genevieve said “Really? I'm the son you give away and never look back “Julian Jr said “It doesn't mean I don't love you, I have always loved you”Genevieve said “I just need to figure out where we stand and you need to figure out what to do now that you're son is dead because of my father “Julian Jr said he left and Genevieve following him.

Lorenzo was downstairs having a drink when Genevieve and Julian Jr came down. “Julian, I will give you some space but I'm always here for you “Genevieve said “Yea”Julian Jr said and left. “So Julian is leaving “Lorenzo ask “Yes he hate me”Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Lorenzo said they share a hug and Lorenzo smirk as Harrison came in. “Genevieve.Can we talk”Harrison ask “Sure”Genevieve said “I will go check on the girls, They are upstairs “Lorenzo said he went upstairs. “Genevieve, I think it's time to end this , I know you will never love me the way you love him”Harrison said “Harrison, I don't want to end things with you, I need you”Genevieve said “No you don't, I wish we could have something but we can't “Harrison said “Harrison “Genevieve said he kiss Genevieve and left. Genevieve start to cry as Lorenzo came in and hug Genevieve. “Daddy is here, It's going to be okay princess “Lorenzo said as Rae and Skye came in.”Genevieve, What is it”Skye ask “My son moved out Julian still upset with me and Harrison broke up with me”Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Skye said “Thanks, Why are you both here “Genevieve ask

“Genevieve you need somehow to heal from this, You haven't had a funeral yet for Lorenzo Jr but it will help”Rae said “I don't have a body for my son”Genevieve said “We can have a funeral with pictures of Lorenzo Jr and everyone talking about memories of Lorenzo Jr “Rae said “I do like that idea Grandma “Genevieve said “Good, You need to heal and I'm here for you”Rae said she give Genevieve a hug. “Thanks, I think this is a good thing “Genevieve said “It is “Rae said as Laurel came in.

“Mother, Daddy I need to talk to you about John”Laurel said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 89

“Daddy knows best “

At Genevieve-Genevieve and Lorenzo came into the house. Lorenzo came in with a bag. “Genevieve, Do you want anything to eat”Lorenzo said “No, You don't have to stay”Genevieve said “It's okay , I can make some phone calls while you rest”Lorenzo said “Alright, The girls are still with the nanny, They sure be home soon”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Just rest”Lorenzo said Genevieve went upstairs to take a nap.

Lorenzo open bag and pull out a bottle of brandy and pour a glass of it as Julian Jr came in. “Where is my mother “Julian Jr ask “Upstairs resting, We need to talk, I know who you really are you are you're father son , I'm sure now you will take over you're father's business , So do the right thing and leave this town! You will never be a part of this family! Lorenzo yelled “You're just upset still that Genevieve slept with you're enemy! Genevieve you're perfect daughter! Julian Jr yelled “Genevieve is far from perfect and has issues and I will not let anyone hurt her! It's best if you leave this house or I will take you out I don't care that you're my grandson! Lorenzo yelled “You're a cold bastard “Julian Jr said “No , I'm looking out for my family. I'm head of this family “Lorenzo said Julian Jr went upstairs.

Lorenzo pour another drink as Harrison came in. “Harrison, Why are you here “Lorenzo ask “To see Genevieve “Harrison said “Genevieve is resting, Harrison you're a fool to think their will be something with you and my daughter, Genevieve love Alexander a ghost and will always love him, It's time to end things with my daughter or you will be making a fool out of yourself “Lorenzo said “Genevieve is a grown woman who can make her own choices she doesn't need you to run her life “Harrison said “Yes Genevieve does she can't handle her own life, So are you going to do the right thing or sure I make sure you stay away from my daughter “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 88

Family Part 2 ch 88”

At John-John had came back from the hospital he wasn't doing good about being in a wheelchair and want to be alone. John wheel himself into the kitchen and wanted some peanut butter but it was on the top shelf. John reach for the peanut butter and fell out of his chair.

Laurel came into the house. “John “Laurel said and went into the kitchen and found John on the floor she help him back into the chair. “John, What were you doing “Laurel ask “I need the peanut butter “John said “It's okay to ask for help you don't have to be stubborn “Laurel said “I just hate this chair! I hate my life ! I wish I died! John said “Don't say that! I'm glad you're here I love you and we all want you here”Laurel said “I just don't know what I'm going to do with my life “John said “You will figure it out “Laurel said

At The Center-Skye and Sunday Rose were working at the center. “Sunday Rose, How are you doing “Skye ask,”When A'dora Belle was missing I realized that I do love my daughter I just can't be her mother right now”Sunday Rose said “A mother always put her child needs first and that what you are doing “Skye said “I haven't told mother yet , She been so lost “Sunday Rose said “Yes she has “Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 87

“Family Part 2 ch 87”
At General Hospital-Skye was talking to Alan. “I want a autopsy on Julian, I know that everyone will try to blame my husband on this”Skye said as Lorenzo came by. “Skye, What is it”Lorenzo ask “I want a autopsy on Julian, You are not going to take the fall for this “Skye said “Paul will not let Ric look into this and I didn't do this”Lorenzo said “I believe you “Skye said “Me too , But no one will blame you if you did “Alan said

The Mortuary-Julian was lying on the table covered up when Julian Jr and Genevieve came in. “I did love you as my father, I just always hate what you did the mob and what you did to my brother and sisters, I will not be like you, I will be a better person, I will make something good out of our last name “Julian Jr said Genevieve went by. “I do hate you for what you did to me and my children and my brother! We are all better off I just wish we know where my son body is”Genevieve said they left.

Genevieve and Julian Jr came out of the room. “Why don't we all go home”Lorenzo said “Sunday Rose and I have something to take care of at the center “Skye said “Yes, Julian Jr I'm sorry about you're father. I know what your going through “Sunday Rose said “Thanks “Julian Jr said “Julian Jr come home with me”Genevieve said “I have to take care of something “Julian Jr said and left “Mother, I will be over later “Nikolas Alexander said they left. “Where is Harrison “Genevieve ask “Harrison had to go to surgery “Alan said “Oh”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I will take you home “Lorenzo said “Sure, I could use a nap”Genevieve said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 86

“Family Part 2 ch 86”
At General Hospital-Julian Jr and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Skylar and Emily and Nikolas and Luis and John and Laurel and Nikolas Alexander and Sunday Rose were their waiting on news about Julian. “Julian, I know this is hard for you , No matter what his you're father and you love him, You can hate what he does but still love him”Genevieve said “I do love him”Julian Jr said Genevieve touch his hair. “Of course you do “Genevieve said she hug her son for the first time.

“Julian Jr and Genevieve are going to be close “Skye said “I guess so”Lorenzo said he didn't like it.

Genevieve was with her son when Harrison came by. “What's going on”Harrison ask “Julian failed in court “Genevieve said “Wow”Harrison said “I just wish he would tell us where my son body is “Genevieve said Monica and Alan came by. “Julian didn't make it”Monica said “Can I see my father “Julian Jr ask “Yes”Alan said “Do you want me to go with you”Genevieve ask “Yes, I could use the support “Julian Jr said they left.

“I'm so glad his dead”Nikolas said “Me too”Emily said “I just wish Lorenzo Jr was here “Nikolas said “We all do”Emily said

Ric came out of the elevator and went by Lorenzo. “So Lorenzo did you do this “Ric ask as Paul came by. “Ric , We will not be looking into this case “Paul said “Yes sir”Ric said and left. “Thanks, But I didn't kill him “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 85

“Family Part 2 ch 85”
“Lorenzo Alcazar Cassadine Jr”
At The courthouse-Julian trial-Tracy and Alan and Monica and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Julian Jr and Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander and Luis and John and Skylar and Laurel and Laura and Nikolas and Emily and Michael and AJ were their when Julian came in with Scotty Baldwin and look at Genevieve who give him a look.

Everyone stood up as the Judge came in. “The state of New York vs Julian Jerome on change of kidnapping of Skye and A'dora Belle Cassadine and the murder of Lorenzo Cassadine Jr, How do you plead “The Judge ask “Not Guilty you're honor “Julian said everyone sit down. “Mr.Lansing, Do you have you're first witness to call”The Judge ask “Yes, I call the children mother in this Genevieve Cassadine to the stand”Ric said Genevieve got up and swear in,”Do you swear to tell the truth “The officer ask “Yes”Genevieve said “Mrs. Cassadine, What is you're history with Mr.Jerome”Ric ask “It's a long history between Julian and I , A long time ago Julian and I share a one night stand which result in a child who I give to his sister to raised, I didn't know that Julian know about him then he came back to town when I was starting out as a lawyer and I put Julian away for a long time then he got out and poison me and I went into a coma and I haven't been the same since “Genevieve said “Do you believe that Julian murder you're son not by accident “Ric said “Yes, It was an eye for a eye “Genevieve said Ric pick up a bag that had Lorenzo Jr blood outfits in it. “Is this the outfit you're son had the day he was kidnapped”Ric ask “Yes, That's my sons! I don't have a body all I have left is that! Julian tell me where my son body is! Genevieve yelled “Mrs. Cassadine”The judge said “Sorry , You're honored “Genevieve said “I'm done “Ric said “Mr. Baldwin”The Judge ask “No Question “Scotty said Genevieve got up and sit by Lorenzo and lean on her father's arms.

“I would like to call my client to the stand “Scotty said Julian got up and swear in. “Mr, Jerome. Did you kidnap the Cassadine children “Scotty ask “Yes”Julian said “Did you murder Lorenzo Jr”Scotty ask “Yes”Julian said “How”Scotty ask “No one will know”Julian said and he fainted to the floor. “No”Julian Jr said “Do we have a doctor that could look at him”The Judge ask Monica look at him. “Is that Bastard died”Genevieve ask “Yes”Monica said “I guess court is dismissed and call for ambulance “The Judge said

“I will never find my son body, Julian Jr, Are you okay”Genevieve ask “No, I hate what he did but his my father “Julian Jr said “I know baby”Genevieve said she hug her son.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2> Ch 84

“Family part ch 84”
At The house-Lorenzo and Skye were looking downstairs for clues on Lorenzo Jr. “Skye, I don't think we are going to find anything on our grandson “Lorenzo said “I agree but I'm worrying about our daughter if we don't, I think Genevieve is ahead towards a breakdown “Skye said “I think so too”Lorenzo said “Another thing I give our daughter, I had a breakdown once “Skye said “This isn't you're fault it's Julian and I will take care of him soon”Lorenzo said “Let's go check on Genevieve “Skye said they went upstairs.

Upstairs in a room-Genevieve was thrown blankets and toys all over looking for clues on her son when Lorenzo and Skye came in. “Genevieve “Skye said “Did you find anything? Did you look outside “Genevieve ask “No, Genevieve it's time to go the trial is soon “Lorenzo said “Daddy, My son I can't give up on him”Genevieve said “Genevieve, The cops have looked everywhere too and so have my men if I could of found you're son and put him back in you're arms I would “Lorenzo said Genevieve cried. Lorenzo put on Genevieve wrap. “Let's go”Lorenzo said “I don't want too”Genevieve said “I know, But it's time”Skye said they left.

At the Courthouse-Alan and Tracy and Monica and Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander and Nikolas and Emily and Laura and Luis and John and Skylar and Julian Jr and Alexis were their. “Where is mother? she wasn't at home last night either I'm worrying “Sunday Rose said “I try to get a hold of mother and Daddy too”Skylar said as Skye and Lorenzo came in with Genevieve. “Mother, You're here”Sunday Rose said she hug her. “I just had to look for something “Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 83

“Family Part 2 ch 83”
At Skye/Lorenzo-The next morning-Skye was all dressed for the day when Lorenzo came into the living room all dressed for the day but so tired. “Lorenzo, Why are you so tired,”Skye ask as she handed him some coffee. “Genevieve came over last night, She think Lorenzo Jr body is at the house where Julian took the children “Lorenzo said “No, Did you get Genevieve to calm down”Skye ask “Genevieve wouldn't give up so she stay in her old room and I'm going to take her soon”Lorenzo said “The trial is today and the police have tape around the house, Lorenzo we both know this isn't good “Skye said as Genevieve came in wearing a dress. “Daddy, I'm ready to go”Genevieve said “Genevieve, What are you looking for”Skye ask “My son, I had a dream he was alive “Genevieve said “What if he isn't “Skye ask “I need some kind of closure “Genevieve said “Well let's go, The trial is soon”Lorenzo said they left.

At General Hospital-John was in the hallway having therapy walking around with his physical therapy when Alan came by, “John, You're doing great “Alan said ‘I just wish I could walk again “John said “I know but it's good that your having therapy “Alan said “I guess “John said “Are you going to keep working with Lorenzo “Alan ask,”I don't know, I maybe not be any good at it”John said “You have a lot of opinions “Alan said

At The house that Julian had took the children in. Genevieve and Skye and Lorenzo came in and look around. “Genevieve “Lorenzo said “Where did you find the children ? outside or inside or upstairs “Genevieve ask “The girls were down here in a playpen, Lorenzo Jr outfit was upstairs, Genevieve we have look around this whole place and dig up all the grass we didn't find anything “Lorenzo said “You are missing something a mother’s intuition “Genevieve said she look around the house.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 82

“Family Part 2 ch 82”
At Skye/Lorenzo-It was in the middle of the night and Skye and Lorenzo were sleeping when Genevieve walk into her parents room she was wearing her robe and wake up Lorenzo. “Daddy “Genevieve said Lorenzo wake up. “Genevieve, Why are you here? It's one o'clock in the morning “Lorenzo ask “I need to talk to you”Genevieve said “Let's go downstairs, I don't want to wake up you're mother “Lorenzo said he got up and put on his robe and they went downstairs.

Downstairs-Lorenzo and Genevieve were downstairs. “Now why are you here so late “Lorenzo ask he was worrying about Genevieve. “Daddy, We need to go to the house that Julian had my children, I need to fine my son! Lorenzo Jr is out there and he needs me “Genevieve said “Genevieve the cops have look all over that house “Lorenzo said “Yes but you can find my son I know you can”Genevieve said Lorenzo touch Genevieve, “Genevieve, I'm sorry but his not coming back “Lorenzo said “Daddy ,Let's just go, even if my son is gone I need a body proof, Yes we have a DNA test back on the outfit but I need more “Genevieve said “I get it, Fine I will take you to the house “Lorenzo said “Thanks, Let's go”Genevieve said “Let's go in the morning, You can sleep in you're old room, Did you take you're pills “Lorenzo ask “Yes Daddy, Let's go first thing tomorrow “Genevieve said “Fine”Lorenzo said Genevieve went into her old room and Lorenzo went back into bed as Skye wake up. “Lorenzo “Skye said “It's okay , I just had a phone call, Go back to bed “Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo fell asleep.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 81

“Family Part 2 ch 81”
At The Police station-Julian cell-Julian was in his cell when Julian Jr came by. “Son, You're finally here “Julian said “I'm just here to tell you to plead guilty tomorrow and leave my mother alone”Julian Jr said “She brainwashed you! I love you! Genevieve just give you away without a thought! Julian yelled “Genevieve has show me love this couple weeks more then I can even say about you! Julian Jr yelled “You're making a big mistake! Julian yelled as Julian left. “I will make you pay for this Genevieve “Julian yelled

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was on the phone. “Genevieve, Give me a phone call I'm worrying about you, I love you and tomorrow we will have peace “Alan said as he hang up the phone as Tracy came in. “You look worry “Tracy said “I'm , Genevieve has hardly left her house this couple of weeks and I'm worrying about her tomorrow is the trial”Alan said “Julian will pay for this, For what he did to that little boy”Tracy said “Yes but it will not take away Genevieve pain”Alan said “Nothing well”Tracy said

At Genevieve-It was late at night and Genevieve and her children were sleeping when Genevieve had a dream it was about Lorenzo Jr saying he was alive. Genevieve wake up and got up and put on her robe and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Family Part 2 Ch 80

“Family Part 2 ch 80”
At Genevieve-Genevieve was upset with her parents and went by the fireplace and pick up the picture of Genevieve with Lorenzo Jr. “My baby boy “Genevieve said as she cried when Skye and Lorenzo came in, Genevieve turn around. “I'm sorry about today but I don't want to talk “Genevieve said “We knows this is hard we went through it with you're sister “Skye said “It's not the same thing Lila Rae wasn't a child she was a grown woman and had a child and everything my son will never do that! It's not fair! Genevieve yelled and turn around from looking at her parents and Skye pull her in. “You're right it's not the same thing but it's the same pain, We are here to help you, Now let's go take a shower you need to get you're life together you're children need you”Skye said “You're mother is right,,Genevieve we are here to help you, Genevieve already shower today “Lorenzo said “No I lied”Genevieve said as she turn around. “Where is Skye and A'dora Belle “Skye ask “The nanny took them to the library and Sunday Rose is at the center and Julian Jr is looking for a job”Genevieve said “Are you and Julian Jr getting a lot”Skye ask “Yes I love having my son here”Genevieve said Lorenzo came by and touch Genevieve face. “Genevieve, I'm sorry I could not save you're son”Lorenzo said “It's not you're fault, I don't blame you “Genevieve said “I'm you're Daddy and I fault you, I'm sorry about the way I treat you this couple of months, You are back in the will”Lorenzo said “Daddy, I forgive you “Genevieve said they share a hug. “Genevieve let's get in the shower “Skye said “Yes Mother “Genevieve said they went upstairs.

At Nikolas/Emily-Emily was sitting down looking at a photo album of Alexander holding his son when Nikolas came in and sit by her. “Emily “Nikolas said “We have loss so much, Victor and Alexander and Lorenzo Jr”Emily said “Yes we have , I will make sure that Julian goes to prison for life for this”Nikolas said “I do want him to pay, Julian has hurt our families even, Genevieve is in so much pain”Emily said “Genevieve just better be looking out for Skye our younger granddaughter “Nikolas said “Do you blame Genevieve for this”Emily ask “It's hard not too”Nikolas said

At Genevieve-Lorenzo was downstairs when Skye came in the room. “Genevieve is sleeping “Skye said “We sure stay”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I know you're worry about our daughter I'm too but Genevieve just needs rest with the trial tomorrow “Skye said “You're right “Lorenzo said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 79

“Family Part 2 ch 79”
At John house-John was having a hard time ejecting to life in a wheelchair. Laurel stay with him and a nurse too. “John , Do you want anything “Laurel ask as she came in. “No thanks “John said “John I know you can't work for Daddy anymore but you can do something “”Laurel said “What kind I do with my life? I'm in a wheelchair! John said “You can do anything you want the do”Laurel said “Have you seen Genevieve “John ask “No, Genevieve doesn't want anyone to see her”Laurel said “I hate that Lorenzo Jr is gone “John said “Me too”Laurel said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Genevieve and Lorenzo were sitting down at the table as the waitress came by. “I will have the chicken and coffee and Genevieve will have a salad and ice tea, My wife is join us she will chicken and ice tea“Lorenzo said the waitress left. “You're mother is join us soon “Lorenzo said “Daddy, I want to go home “Genevieve said “You need to eat”Lorenzo said as Skye came by she was shocked and upset by how Genevieve look . “Genevieve, What are you wearing “Skye ask she sit down, “My son died! I can't plan a funeral for him because I don't have a body to buried him! I don't want to socialize or look perfect right now! Nothing matter to me without my son! I don't care that I'm making a scene right now! I don't want to eat or do anything my six year old son will never take another breath again! Genevieve yelled and got up and left.

“Oh Lorenzo, I get Genevieve pain but I'm worrying about her “Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 78

“Family Part 2 ch 78”
It's been two weeks since Skye and A'dora Belle and Lorenzo Jr were kidnap.

At Genevieve-Genevieve wasn't doing good she wasn't take care of herself all she did was lay in bed.

Downstairs-Lorenzo came into Genevieve house he hasn't been over in a while he had been getting John house wheelchair accessible. “Where is my daughter,”Lorenzo ask the maid. “Mrs. Cassadine is upstairs in bed”The maid said “How is my daughter “Lorenzo ask “Not good sir,”The maid said Lorenzo went upstairs.

Genevieve was lying in bed she was wearing sweatpants and haven't showered in a while when Lorenzo came in. “Genevieve, Why are you in bed still “Lorenzo ask “Because I want to, Why are you here “Genevieve ask “To help you, I’m sorry I been busy with you're brother “Lorenzo said he sit on the bed and could tell that Genevieve hadn't shower in a while. “Genevieve, Why don't you go shower and we can go to lunch “Lorenzo said “No Daddy, I don't want to go out and have fun “Genevieve said “You need to shower and get out of here”Lorenzo said “Leave me alone “Genevieve said as the maid came in. “Can you help my daughter get in the shower and dress? Genevieve I get you're in pain but you can't stay in bed all day , You are a heiress “Lorenzo said “A mob heiress but find, You're pushed just like mother maybe worst,”Genevieve said and left with her maid.

Lorenzo pick up his phone. “Skye, Can you meet Genevieve and I at the hotel? it's bad “Lorenzo said as Genevieve came back in all showered and wearing pants and a sweater and her hair up , “Genevieve “Lorenzo said “This is all I'm dressing up in”Genevieve said “It's a step , Where are the children “Lorenzo ask “The children are out”Genevieve said “Let's go to the hotel “Lorenzo said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 77

“Family Part 2 ch 77”
At Genevieve-Genevieve went into her son room and look around it and pick up Lorenzo Jr favorite shirt and smell it. Genevieve cried and went into her room and lay down in bed as the nurse came in. “Mrs. Cassadine, I have you're pills, I'm sorry about you're son”The nurse said “Thank you , I want to be alone “Genevieve said “Sure”The nurse said and left the room.

Skylar and Sunday Rose we're downstairs and Skylar pick up a picture of Lorenzo Jr on the fireplace. “I loved that little boy”Skylar said “We all did”Sunday Rose said as the nurse came in. “Mrs. Cassadine , What too rest”The nurse said “I will be back, Sunday Rose if you need anything call me”Skylar said “I will “Sunday Rose said Skylar left.

At Nikolas/Emily-Nikolas and Emily were grieving for Lorenzo Jr. “I want payback for our grandson “Nikolas said “So do I “Emily said as Alexis came in. “Nikolas, We are going to look for evidence on Julian and he will pay for this”Alexis said “He will pay either in jail or murder “Nikolas said “He mess with the wrong family “Alexis said “Yes he did”Emily said

At General Hospital-John room-John was in bed when Laurel came in.”John, Let me help take care of you, I'm not talking about bathing you but another thing ‘Laurel said “Alright, You can come stay with me “John said “Are you angry “Laurel ask “It hasn't sink in yet “John said “This whole thing has changed everyone's life “Laurel said “Yes it has”John said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 76

“Family Part 2 ch 76”
At General Hospital-Julian room-Julian was lying in bed he was upset that his son wanted to be with Genevieve when Ric came in. “I hope you don't like you're freedom because now it's over! I'm going to throw you in jail for a long time for killing a child! Ric said “You will not throw me in jail “Julian said “It's either that or Lorenzo murder you for killing his grandson! Ric said as Lorenzo came in. “Lorenzo, I will leave you alone with him! Lorenzo if you kill him I will look away! A innocent child died by that man hands”Ric said “Thanks you”Lorenzo said Ric left. Lorenzo went by Julian bed and pick up the cord. “Are you going to kill me? I'm sure you were upset when you learn that I slept with you're daughter and we have a son together “Julian said “You hurt my daughter so many times and I will kill you but not yet”Lorenzo said “My sister will come after you”Julian said “Ava died today, You have no one”Lorenzo said and left.

At John's room -John was in bed when Skye came in, “John, You're father and I want you to come stay with us”Skye said “Mother, I maybe paralyze but I can take care of myself “John said “John, Sometime you need to learn how to do all over again “Skye said “Yes I will get a nurse for that “John said “Alright, You are a great man, I love you”Skye said “I love you too”John said as Ric came in. “John , I'm sorry about my officer who shot you, There will be a investigation on what happened “Ric said “They're also going to be a lawsuit! I'm going to sue you're department so hard you will be break! Skye yelled “I'm sorry about John and you're grandson “Ric said as Lorenzo came in. “What is going on”Lorenzo ask “I was just telling Ric how we are going to sue the station”Skye said “I will go”Ric said and left. “Mother, We don't need a lawsuit, I have money “John said “Yes and I need Ric on my side right now”Lorenzo said “Find. Did you take care of Julian “Skye ask “Not yet”Lorenzo said

At Genevieve-Genevieve came in she was carrying Skye and A'dora Belle Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander and Julian Jr and Skylar. “Genevieve, Do you want me to make you something to eat”Skylar ask “No thanks, I just want to be alone right now , I”m going to take the girls upstairs and lay down, Julian I will show you a room “Genevieve said “Thanks for let me stay , I’m sorry about what Julian did”Julian Jr said “It's not you're father about who you father is”Genevieve said Genevieve and Julian Jr left. “I'm worry about mother “Nikolas Alexander said “Me too, Genevieve doesn't do go with pain”Skylar said “Can we trust Julian Jr “Sunday Rose ask “I'm going to look him up online “Nikolas Alexander said “Good, I don't trust him either “Skylar said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 75

“Family Part 2 ch 75”
At General Hospital-in the hallway-Genevieve was holding her daughters and with Skye and Lorenzo and Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander when Julian Jr came by in a wheelchair. “I can go”Julian Jr said “Good”Genevieve said “So you have the children back “Julian Jr ask “Yes but Lorenzo Jr is dead”Genevieve said “I'm sorry, Is Julian here”Julian Jr ask “Yes, His in the hospital, We don't have a body for my son, Maybe you can talk to him”Genevieve said “Sure, Take me to his room “Julian Jr ask the nurse. “Genevieve, Let's sit down “Skye said she help Genevieve sit down. “This isn't going to be easy but if I had some answers it maybe “Genevieve said “Yes”Skye said as Rae came by. “Genevieve, Do you want to talk “Rae ask “No Grandma “Genevieve said

Julian room-Julian was lying in bed when Julian Jr came in push in his wheelchair. “Son, What happened to you “Julian ask “You happened! Having you as a father has cause me nothing but trouble! What did you do to Lorenzo Jr! Julian Jr yelled “I'm not talking without a lawyer! I'm you're father! Don't forget it! You are a Jerome! Julian said as Genevieve came in. “My favorite one night stand! Julian Jr this woman isn't you're mother she give you away and never told anyone about you! You were unwanted “Julian said “Tell me where my son body is and what you did with him! Genevieve yelled “No! Now get out! Julian yelled “Genevieve let's go home “Julian Jr said “Stay away from my son! Julian said “His my son! You are going to jail for a long time and you will die a lonely old man! Genevieve yelled and left with Julian Jr.

In the hallway-Skye and Lorenzo were talking to Dr. Webber about John. “Does our son need a nurse “Lorenzo ask “John does need someone to help take care of him and eject to his lifestyle now”Dr. Webber said “Yes, We will help our son”Skye said as Genevieve came by. “Mother is with the girls “Skye said “Thanks, We are going home “Genevieve said “We will go with you “Lorenzo said “No, John needs you “Genevieve said and left with Julian Jr and the girls.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 74

“Family Part 2 ch 74”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo and Skye were on their way to see Genevieve when Blair came by. “I'm sorry about you're grandson, If you need anything “Blair said “Thank you”Skye said “Yes Blair that is nice of you, We are going to see our daughter “Lorenzo said as Alan came by. “Lorenzo, Skye, How is John”Alan ask “His paralyzed and I think his anger “Skye said “We will help him and Genevieve both of their life have changed “Alan said “Yes”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Do you have the outfit that Lorenzo Jr was wearing? Genevieve wants a DNA test on it”Alan ask “The Police have it “Lorenzo said “I will ask them , Genevieve needs proof “Alan said “Yes she does, We are going to see her”Skye said Lorenzo and Skye left.

“I'm sorry about what's going on to you're family “Blair said “This is you're family too,,I'm sorry we haven't spend time with each other “Alan said “It's okay”Blair said as Tracy and Paul came by. “Alan, How is Genevieve “Tracy ask “She going to need a lot of support on this , Paul I need a favor from you”Alan said “Anything “Paul said “Genevieve wants a DNA test on Lorenzo Jr outfit The Police have it , We don't have a body”Alan said “I will make sure that's done and we put Julian away “Paul said “Good,John was shot and is paralyzed “Alan said “This isn't going to be good”Paul said “A mob war could start”Tracy said “I hope not “Alan said

At Genevieve room-Genevieve was holding her daughter's and Nikolas Alexander and Sunday Rose and Skylar were with her when Lorenzo and Skye came in. “Mother, Daddy, How is John”Genevieve ask “John is paralyzed”Skye said “No, This is my fault “Genevieve said “No it's not,John doesn't blame you”Lorenzo said “Who shot John”Genevieve ask “The cops”Lorenzo said “Genevieve, How are you doing “Skye ask “I want to go home “Genevieve said “Are you sure “Skye ask “Yes”Genevieve said as Harrison came in.”Genevieve, I'm sorry I was in surgery “Harrison said “It's okay, I want to go home “Genevieve said as Tracy came in. “Genevieve, I'm sorry about you're son just remember you are a Quartermaine and will get through it you are strong “Tracy said “Thank you Aunt Tracy “Genevieve said “Paul and I are here for you, His on the phone to get a DNA test on the outfit “Tracy said “Thanks you , Where is Julian did he die “Genevieve ask “No, Genevieve I have to tell you the surgery I was in I had to operate on Julian. I'm a doctor first. I'm sorry “Harrison said “I want him alive right now”Genevieve said “Let the cops handed him”Skye said “Yes Mother “Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 73

“Family Part 2 ch 73”
At General Hospital-Genevieve room-Genevieve was sleeping when Sunday Rose and Nikolas Alexander were sitting with her and waiting for her to wake up as Alan came in. “How is you're mother “Alan ask “Sleeping, She hasn't wake up yet”Nikolas Alexander said “How are you both “Alan ask “I just can't believe this , How do we go on without Lorenzo Jr”Sunday Rose ask “I don't know”Alan said as Genevieve wake up . “Genevieve, How are you doing “Alan ask he took Genevieve hand. “Grandfather, I need you to do something for me”Genevieve said “Sure, Anything “Alan said “I need proof that my son is gone, Can you do a DNA test n the outfit Daddy found, I don't have a body of my son”Genevieve said “I will see what I can do , You are not alone in this “Alan said “Thanks you, Where is Mother and Daddy”Genevieve ask “They are with John, He was shot “Alan said “No, Is John okay”Genevieve ask “I don't know “Alan said Genevieve was feeling tired. “Genevieve, You sure rest”Alan said “I just can't believe my son is gone, Where are the girls “Genevieve ask “Skye and A'dora Belle are with Skylar “Alan said as Skylar came in with Skye and A'dora Belle came in.Skylar put Skye and A'dora Belle in her. “Skye, A'dora Belle, I'm so glad you are here, I love you both “Genevieve said

At John's room-John was lying in bed in bed when Skye and Lorenzo came in. “John, I'm so glad you are okay ,I love you “Skye said she touch John hair. “What is going on “John ask “You are going to be fine “Lorenzo said John know something was going on and try to move his legs, “Why can't I move my legs? I'm paralyzed “John ask “Yes but you are going to be fine”Skye said “How? John ask “You are a Alcazar and we fall sometimes but we get right back on our feet and handle it , You are strong and can do this “Lorenzo said “How is Genevieve?Our the children okay “John ask “The girls are back and safe but Lorenzo Jr didn't make it”Skye said “John do you remember anything “Lorenzo ask “Julian pull out a gun on you and you had a gun on him to and the cops came in “John said “Yes one of the cops shot you, After you pull out a gun”Lorenzo said “John you can move in with us”Skye said “Maybe, Why don't you go check on Genevieve “John said “Alright, We love you”Skye said Skye and Lorenzo left . John started to cry a little as Laurel came in. “John “Laurel said “I wish none of this happened, Lorenzo Jr would be here and I would not be paralyzed “John said “I agree but I can help you “Laurel said “I don't want you as my doctor, Your my sister “John said “I just want to do something “Laurel said “I know”John said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 72

“Family Part 2 ch 72”
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo went to find out about John when Luis came by. “What is going on with John”Skye ask “We don't know anything yet “Luis said as Laurel came by. “What is going on with my twin “Laurel ask “John was shot “Luis said “No”Laurel said “Lorenzo Jr is gone”Lorenzo said “No! What about who took the children “Laurel ask “Julian here, He was shot the cops follow me and brought him here”Lorenzo said “How is Genevieve “Laurel ask “Alan give Genevieve something to help her rest she sleeping “Lorenzo said as Dr. Webber came by. “How is our son”Skye ask “I got the bullet out of John but his going to be paralyzed”Dr. Webber said “No”Skye said “I'm sorry “Dr. Webber said “I want to see my son”Skye said “Go ahead, John going to need a nurse and to injure to a life in a chair”Dr. Webber said and left. “Lorenzo! How did this happen you promise me the boys would be safe “Skye said “I went to shot Julian and he pull out his gun and fire it as the cops came in and that's how John was shot”Lorenzo said “I hate this”Skye said “Me too, Both our children life have changed “Lorenzo said

Genevieve room-Genevieve was sleeping as Nikolas Alexander was holding her hand as Sunday Rose came in. “Skye and A’dora Belle are being look at”Sunday Rose said “Good, This isn't fair that Lorenzo Jr is gone”Nikolas Alexander said “No it isn't, How do we help mother on this”Sunday Rose ask “I don't know”Nikolas Alexander said

Alan was looking at the window through Julian room as Carmen came in. “Carmen, Is Julian going to make it”Alan ask “Yes”Carmen said as Skylar came by. “Is that bastard died”Skylar ask “No”Carmen said as Ric and a cop came by. “We are putting a cop on Julian door , I want him alive so I can throw him in jail”Ric said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 71

“Family Part 2 ch 71”
“A young life gone too soon”
At General Hospital-Skye was sitting down when Alan came by and sit by her. “Oh Daddy, What if this isn't going to turn out right “Skye said “I know, Hopefully the children will come back and be fine “Alan said “I do hope so and Genevieve and Lorenzo can fix their relationship “Skye said “We have came a long way and so can they “Alan said “Yes we have “Skye said they share a hug as Blair came by she was jealous of how close they were. “Alan , Skye, Is everything okay “Blair ask “Not really, I sure go check on Genevieve, Thanks Daddy “Skye said she left. “I'm sorry I interrupt “Blair said “It's okay, Genevieve children have been kidnap, Lorenzo went to rescue them “Alan said “I do hope that Lorenzo find the children and safe”Blair said “Me too, I'm worrying about Genevieve “Alan said

Genevieve was in the hallway when Skye came by. “Genevieve here you're tea”Skye said she handle Genevieve the tea. “Thank you Mother “Genevieve said “You're welcome, You and Harrison are getting closer “Skye said “Yes, Mother I care for Harrison his a good man , I never thought I would fall in love again “Genevieve said “Just don't rush into anything “Skye said “I will not”Genevieve said “We sure get you something to eat”Skye said

Monica and Emily came in and walk by Alan and Blair. “I'm sorry about the children, I do hope Lorenzo finds them”Blair said “Me too”Emily said Skye walk by as Lorenzo came in carrying Skye and A’dora Belle. Skye walk by him and Lorenzo whispered into Skye ear as Genevieve came by. “Daddy , Where is my son! Genevieve yelled Lorenzo give the girls to Skye then pull out Lorenzo Jr outfit that he was wearing it had blood on it . “I'm sorry Genevieve, Lorenzo Jr is gone this is all that's left! Lorenzo said “No!! Genevieve yelled she fell to the floor and Alan went on the floor with Genevieve and holding her. “I'm sorry “Alan said “I want my son!! Genevieve yelled

“Lorenzo, Where are the boys”Skye ask “I was going to tell you ,,John was shot his in the ER”Lorenzo said “No”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 70

Family Part 2 ch 70”
At General Hospital-The Hallway-Genevieve had just came out of Julian Jr room and was crying a little when Skye came by. “Genevieve, Are you okay “Skye ask “Yes , Julian Jr wants to move in with me”Genevieve said “That's great,Just don't push him”Skye said “I will not, I hope My children come home “Genevieve said “They will, I'm going to get us some tea”Skye said and left. Harrison came by Genevieve. “Sorry, I been in surgery all day “Harrison said “It's okay , Julian Jr made it and Ava died. Lorenzo went to get the children, We found out who took them”Genevieve said “Who”Harrison ask “Julian, The man who his been destroyed my life”Genevieve said “I thought he was died “Harrison said “Me too, I'm sorry about this, We are just trying to know each other and this happened “Genevieve said Harrison touch Genevieve face. “We have all the time in the world to know each other “Harrison said “Julian Jr is moving in with me”Genevieve said “That's great “Harrison said he touch Genevieve face.

Skye came back in and was watch Genevieve and Harrison and was worrying about her daughter.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was in the den when Blair came in. “Monica, Is Alan here? We were going to lunch today “Blair said “No Alan is at the hospital and I'm on my way to the hospital “Monica said ‘I thought Alan had today off,”Blair said “Something came up”Monica said “What is going on”Blair ask “It's a family thing”Monica said “I'm family “Blair said “I can't risk it , It involved too many innocent people “Monica said “Fine”Blair said and left. Emily came in, “Are you ready “Monica ask “Yes”Emily said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 69

“Family Part 2 ch 69”
At General Hospital-The hallway-Skye and Genevieve and Skylar and Sunday Rose were in the hallway. “Where is you're brother “Genevieve ask “I think he went to make a phone call “Sunday Rose said “Oh”Genevieve said “Was Julian Jr behind this “Sunday Rose ask “No, Just Ava and Julian “Genevieve said as Laurel and Alan came by. “We have news , Ava didn't make it”Alan said “No this isn't good for my husband “Skye said “It's fine”Alan said as Alexis came by.”I would like to talk to Ava “Alexis said “Ava is gone she died from a health problem before this Ava had a heart condition “Alan said “I want to see the chart on her”Alexis said “Get a search warrant then you can”Alan said Alexis left. “Lorenzo not going down for this”Alan said “Thanks Daddy “Skye said “I'm going to tell my son, His going to be upset he loved her”Genevieve said “Just tell Julian Jr that you are here for him”Skye said “I will”Genevieve said she left.

Alan and Skye went to talk. “I hate this , I wish this didn't happened, I just hope Lorenzo fine the children safe “Skye said “Me too”Alan said “I hope after this we can be happy “Skye said

At Julian Jr room-Julian Jr was lying in bed and Nikolas Alexander was talking to him, “Genevieve a good mother , Went I was little Genevieve would let me skip school and we would have special days “Nikolas Alexander said “Sound fun”Julian Jr said as Genevieve came in. “Nikolas Alexander, What are you doing here “Genevieve ask “Just getting to know Julian Jr “Nikolas Alexander said “That's nice, I want to know him too, Julian I have some bad news, Ava didn't make it,I'm sorry “Genevieve said Julian Jr cried a little. “I did love her , Ava was a mother to me”Julian Jr said “I know son , I'm sorry “Genevieve said “This isn't you're fault, It's his”Julian Jr said “Whose fault “Genevieve ask “My father, I was you're worst mistake you made “Julian Jr said Genevieve went by him.”No you are not a mistake I want to know you, I love you we can figure this out “Genevieve said she touch Julian hair. “I would like to know you to”Julian Jr said “Then stay with me “Genevieve said “I will “Julian Jr said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 68

“Family Part 2 ch 68”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo and Genevieve went into the hallway. “I will go into the city and bring you're children home to you “Lorenzo said “I'm going with you “Genevieve said as Skye and Skylar and Luis and John came by. “What's going on”Skye ask “Julian alive he has my children “Genevieve said “Are you sure”Skylar ask “Yes my son told me and I believe him”Genevieve said “Ava confident it too, I'm going to the City to get the children,,Genevieve stay here “Lorenzo said “No, I'm coming with you”Genevieve said Lorenzo put his arms around Genevieve arms. “I will bring the children home and back in you're arms I promise you, It's too dangerous for you to come with me”Lorenzo said “Fine just bring my children home to me”Genevieve said “I will”Lorenzo said “We will go with you”John said “No”Skye said “Father, Can't go alone “John said “Skye the boy's will be fine with me”Lorenzo said “All three of you better come back to me”Skye said Lorenzo kiss Skye as Alexis came by. “I know Genevieve that you're children have been kidnapped , Do you have a lean”Alexis ask “Not yet”Genevieve said “I hope you find them “Alexis said “Thank you, Alexis can we talk “Genevieve ask she went to talk with Alexis as Lorenzo and John and Luis left.

At Ava room-Ava was lying on the bed as Laurel was working on her but it was to late Ava flatline . “No this isn't good “Laurel said as Alan came in. “What's is it”Alan ask “Ava is dead, Daddy going to get blame for it”Laurel said “No he isn't “Alan said

At Julian Jr room-Julian was lying in the bed when Nikolas Alexander came in. “So you're my nephew “Julian Jr ask “Did you come to town to hurt mother, Or do you want to be a part of our family “Nikolas Alexander ask “I do want to a part this family I try to stop this , But I'm angry too “Julian Jr said “I do get the angry, You just better not hurt my mother “Nikolas Alexander said “Do you think of Genevieve as you're mother “Julian Jr ask “Yes, I don't remember my biological mother I was a baby when she died”Nikolas Alexander said “I was so angry when I found out I was lied to most of my life “Julian Jr said “I get that “Nikolas Alexander said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 67

“Family Part 2 ch 67”
At General Hospital-The Hallway- Lorenzo and Skye were talking. “Lorenzo, Can I lose you “Skye ask “No never “Lorenzo said they share a kiss as Laurel came by. “Laurel , How is Ava and Julian Jr “Lorenzo ask “I work on Ava, She not doing good”Laurel said “I need to see her to get her to talk “Lorenzo said “Go, I will cover for you “Laurel said Lorenzo left. “Laurel , Thank you”Skye said “I just hope we find the children “Laurel said “Me too”Skye said

At Julian Jr-Genevieve was holding his hands as Julian Jr wake up. “Genevieve, Why are you here “Julian ask “Because you're my son and I love you,”Genevieve said “Really”Julian ask “I want to make things right with you”Genevieve said “I do believe you, I know where the children are”Julian Jr said “Where”Genevieve ask “His alive”Julian Jr said “Who”Genevieve ask “Father “Julian Jr said “No”Genevieve said “His been raised me with Ava “Julian Jr said Genevieve was in shock.

Ava room-Ava was lying on the bed when Lorenzo came in. Ava wake up. “What are you doing in my room “Ava ask “I want you to tell me where my grandchildren are! Or I will kill you! Lorenzo yelled he was holding the cord to the oxygen mask. “So what is it going to be “Lorenzo ask “Either way I'm not get out of this alive “Ava said “You're right about that”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came in. “You bitch! I know who took my children! It is Julian his alive”Genevieve yelled “Where is he! Lorenzo yelled “At the City, Julian Jr give me the address “Genevieve said “This was all my brother idea”Ava said “I don't believe you will do anything he wants,”Genevieve said “Let's go get the children “Lorenzo said they left.

Ava closed her eyes and flatline as Laurel came in she looked at Ava.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 66

“Family Part 2 ch 66”
At General Hospital-The Hallway-Lorenzo was in the hallway when Skye and Genevieve and Harrison and Nikolas Alexander and Sunday Rose and John and Luis and Emily and Monica and Alan and Skylar came in. “Did you fine my children “Genevieve ask “No it's Ava and Julian Jr “Lorenzo said “Is my son okay”Genevieve ask “The doctor are working on him , I believe Julian Jr and Ava know information on the children “Lorenzo said “I need to check on my son, He better be okay”Genevieve said she went to check on Julian Jr.

Alexis and Ric came in. “Lorenzo we need to talk to you about how you found Ava and Julian Jr”Alexis ask “I was just walking by on the docks”Lorenzo said “What is really going on”Ric ask as Nikolas came by,”Alexis, Can we talk alone”Nikolas ask “Sure”Alexis said

Alexis and Nikolas went to talk. “Alexis, Please I need you're help on this please back off on Lorenzo “Nikolas said “What is going on”Alexis ask “Skye and Lorenzo Jr and A'dora Belle have been kidnap”Nikolas said “Oh my God, Does Lorenzo think Ava Jerome is behind this”Alexis ask “Yes, We are just trying to find them”Nikolas said Alexis walk by Lorenzo. “I will back off this one”Alexis said “Alexis “Ric said

Julian Jr room-Julian was lying on the bed sleeping when Genevieve came in. “Is my son okay “Genevieve ask “Julian Jr is going to be fine “Steven said and left. Genevieve touch Julian Jr. “I love you , I always have “Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 65

“Family Part 2 ch 65”
At Alexander grave-Emily was their. “Alexander, Someone took you're children please help us fine them and bring them back to you're wife, Genevieve love you and missing you we all do”Emily said as Monica came by. “Emily “Monica said “I'm worrying about my grandchildren, What if we never fine them “Emily said “Emily , Don't think like that , We will fine the children we can't give up hope “Monica said “I hope you're right “Emily said “I will be”Monica said they share a hug.

At General Hospital-Laurel was working even though she was worrying about her family when a ambulance came in with Ava and Julian Jr who were both unconscious. “What happened “Laurel ask “We found them on the docks like this”The man said “Take them to room nine and ten “Laurel said as Lorenzo came by. Laurel went up to her father, “Daddy, Did you do this”Laurel ask “They both had a apart in what happened to you're sister children, I believe Ava know where they are so please help me and save them”Lorenzo said “Of cause I will “Laurel said and left.

Ava room-Ava had a oxygen mask on and wasn't doing good when Laurel came in. “We are not losing you “Laurel said as she went to work on Ava.

At Julian Jr room-Julian had oxygen mask on and wasn't doing good either when Dr. Webber came in to work on him.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 64

“Family Part 2 ch 64”
At Genevieve-Alan and Skye were talking. “Skye I think you sure call the cops “Alan said “Lorenzo has a lien on who did this “Skye said “I just hope we find the children “Alan said “Me too, I want happy times for my family for Genevieve and Lorenzo to heal”Skye said “I know you do”Alan said

Genevieve was sitting down holding Skye and A’dora Belle favorite dolls when Harrison came in.Harrison sit down by Genevieve. “I'm sorry I just heard “Harrison said “I just want my children back home and in my arms “Genevieve said “You will”Harrison said he hug Genevieve into his arms.

At The Skye's-Lorenzo and John and Luis came into the boat to fine Nikolas their. “Nikolas, Why are you here “Lorenzo ask “I'm going to help you, They are my grandchildren too”Nikolas said “Alright, We will work together to find our grandchildren alive and back in my daughter arms”Lorenzo said “Yes, So do you have any information “Nikolas ask “Yes, I have Ava Jerome and Julian Jr here they sure finally talk, Let's go check on them, Nikolas can I trust you “Lorenzo ask “Yes for our grandchildren I will not say anything “Nikolas said They went to talk to Ava and Julian.

Lorenzo open the door to the room that Ava and Julian were in and found both of them collapsed on the floor. “Great “Lorenzo said “Sure we call 911”John ask “I don't want to but we need them alive “Lorenzo said he call for help.

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Family Part 2 Ch 63

“Family Part 2 ch 63”
At The Skye's-A room-Ava and Julian Jr were locked inside and it was getting hot in the room. “It's so hot in here”Julian Jr said “This is all you're Grandfather fault! See this is what this family that you wanted to meet is like “Ava said “This wouldn't happen if you didn't kidnapped Genevieve children “Julian Jr said “This wasn't me, You know who is doing this”Ava said “Yes I know “Julian Jr said Ava and Julian Jr were feeling hot and feel to the floor.

At Genevieve-Genevieve and Sunday Rose we're eating a little and Lorenzo and Skye we're talking.

“I have Ava and Julian Jr in a room in the Skye's and soon then will talk”Lorenzo said “How”Skye ask “I know how to make people talk , I sure go”Lorenzo said “Be careful”Skye said “I will “Lorenzo said

“Genevieve, We will bring you're children home to you”Luis said “Thanks you, Be careful both of you”Genevieve said as Lorenzo came by. “We sure go”Lorenzo said “Be careful”Genevieve said “I will and soon you will have you're children back in you're arms”Lorenzo said Luis and John and Lorenzo left. “Sunday Rose, Are you okay “Genevieve ask “I do finally feel something for A’dora Bella but I know she better off with you “Sunday Rose said “I'm glad you feel something towards A’dora Bella I been worrying about you “Genevieve said she touch Sunday Rose hair.  “I know”Sunday Rose said as Alan came in.

“Grandfather “Genevieve said “Genevieve, I just heard about the children, How are you holding up “Alan ask Genevieve got up . “I'm trying, Daddy has a lean “Genevieve said “You sure call the cops “Alan said “Maybe I sure “Genevieve said

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Family Part 2 Ch 62

“Family Part 2 ch 62”
At Genevieve-Genevieve was holding Lorenzo Jr favorite truck when Skye came by. “You're father is going to bring you're babies home “Skye said “After everything that has happened with Daddy and I this week now I need him the most and I have to trust him to bring my babies home “Genevieve said  “I know but you can trust you're father to bring you're children home “Skye said as Skylar came in with a tray of tea and sandwich. “Genevieve come eat “Skylar said as Sunday Rose and Kylie came in. “Sunday Rose, Are you okay “Genevieve ask “Not really “Sunday Rose said Genevieve touch Sunday Rose hair she know that Sunday Rose love A’dora Belle. Nikolas Alexander and came back in as Lorenzo and Luis and John came in. “Did you find anything “Genevieve ask her father. “Not yet but I have a lean”Lorenzo said “Who do you think it is”Genevieve ask Lorenzo went by Genevieve. “Genevieve just trust me that I will bring you're children home to you”Lorenzo said “I'm trying, I’m going to call Julian Jr I want to check on him”Genevieve said she left the room and Lorenzo follow her. “Genevieve, Don't “Lorenzo said “Why not “Genevieve ask “I think it was Ava so I have her and to get her to talk I took Julian to”Lorenzo said “Don't hurt my son”Genevieve said “I will not his one of Ava weakness that's why I took him”Lorenzo said “Thank you, Ava on the other hand no one will miss her just make sure we fine my children first”Genevieve said “I know how to handle this”Lorenzo said they share a hug.

At General Hospital-Alan and Monica were working when Emily came in she was late for her shift. “Emily you're late”Monica said “I know I'm sorry something is going on”Emily said “What is it”Alan ask “My grandchild have been kidnapping”Emily said “No, Have the cops found anything “Alan ask “No cops, Lorenzo is looking for them “Emily said “I'm going to see Genevieve “Alan said “Go I will cover for you “Monica said Alan kiss Monica and left.

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Family Part 2 Ch 61

“Family Part 2 ch 61”
At The Skye's-Ava was locked in a room when Lorenzo came in and close the door. “Let me go”Ava said “No not till my grandchildren are back in my daughter arms! Lorenzo yelled “I don't have you're grandchildren! Ava yelled as a guard came in with Julian Jr and Lorenzo walk by him and pull out a gun and pointed it at Julian Jr. “Tell me where my grandchildren are or I will shot him! Lorenzo yelled “I didn't take Genevieve children! Julian who you are point a gun at is you're grandchild too! Ava yelled “I can back Ava she was with me all day”Julian said Lorenzo look at the door and left and locked the door behind him. “Julian, Are you okay “Ava ask “Yes, Did you do this”Julian Jr ask “Why do you care, Genevieve give you up and never look back “Ava said “I'm not as angry as you are”Julian Jr said “I don't understand why you are not angry “Ava said

In the Hallway-Lorenzo was talking to John and Luis. “What did you find out “Lorenzo ask “We broke into the house and didn't find anything “John said “Did you get them to talk”Luis ask “No but we are going to get them to talk”Lorenzo said he turn up the heat for the room that Ava and Julian were in. “Let's go check on you're sister “Lorenzo said they left.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was in her children room and crying and holding a blanket when Skye came in and pull Genevieve into her arms. “I wish I could make this all go away and bring you're children home”Skye said “I wish you could too, This is my fault for what I did to Bianca and Julian give them up for adoption “Genevieve said “Don't you say that”Skye said Genevieve look at Skye. “Genevieve you're father is upset but he love you he doesn't hate you, As you know a parent love never goes away “Skye said “Yes, You are right “Genevieve said “Let’s get you some tea, Did you take you're pills ‘Skye ask “Yes, I need to stay strong for my children “Genevieve said “Yes”Skye said

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Family Part 2 ch 60

“Family Part 2 ch 60”

At Genevieve-Skye And Skylar and Luis and Laurel and Lucas and Nikolas were their trying to help Genevieve who was worrying about her children.Genevieve pick up young Skye doll that was her favorite one when Skylar came by. “Genevieve “Skylar said “I'm so scared what if I don't see them anymore,The another day a boy at Skye's school called her the R word and we we're just deal with that and what's going on with Daddy and I”Genevieve said “What is going on”Skylar ask “He told me not to call him Daddy anymore and I'm not in the will anymore “Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Skylar said “I don't care anymore I just want my children back “Genevieve said

“Nana, Don't you think we sure call the cops “Nikolas Alexander ask “You're Grandfather is going to bring the children home, Just trust him, I know it's been hard right now but Lorenzo loves Genevieve their a difference between being upset and not loving a child anymore “Skye said “I just hope your right “Nikolas Alexander said “Me too”Skye said

On the Docks-Sunday Rose was crying for whatever reason she was worrying about A’dore Belle when Kylie came by. “Sunday Rose, Are you okay “Kylie ask “No I'm not, Someone kidnapped the twin and A’dora Belle “Sunday Rose said “I'm sorry, Do The Police have a lead “Kylie ask “No my Papa wants to take care of this”Sunday Rose said “I'm sure you're Papa will fine them”Kylie said “I hope so”Sunday Rose said “You're a great sister to worrying about them”Kylie said “Kylie, We have been seen each other for a while now, I need to tell you a secret about A’dora Belle she not my sister, She my daughter my mother is raising her”Sunday Rose said “Oh, Why did you give her up “Kylie ask “My old boyfriend raped me and A’Dora Belle is the result , I don't know why I'm worrying about her she not my daughter, I never holding her or anything “Sunday Rose said “You are just human that's all”Kylie said “Are you upset “Sunday Rose ask “No it was you're choice “Kylie said “Thanks you”Sunday Rose said “Let me walk you home “Kylie said he took Sunday Rose hand.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 59

“Family Part 2 ch 59”
At Genevieve-Outside the door-Lorenzo was trying to break into the house and he couldn't open the door and he try to break in when Genevieve came by.”Trying to break into my house! Well it's not going to happen again! Genevieve yelled as a cop came by. “Mrs. Cassadine, What is going on”The cop ask “Nothing is going on, I'm Genevieve father and we we're just going inside to talk , Right princess “Lorenzo said and pull Genevieve into him and pull his jacket and show Genevieve his gun that was inside. “Yes Everything is find “Genevieve said the cop left. “You can go now “Genevieve said “No, We are going to talk “Lorenzo said Genevieve unlocked the door and they went inside. Genevieve went by the bar and pour herself some water wish it was stronger. “Genevieve, I wasn't going to shot you, We just need to talk”Lorenzo said “I'm going to check on my children, You can leave I had enough of you”Genevieve said she went upstairs. Lorenzo pour some water he wasn't going to shot Genevieve he just want the evidence against him back. “No! Genevieve yelled as she came downstairs. “Did you do it Daddy! Genevieve yelled and hit Lorenzo in the chest. “Clam down, What is it”Lorenzo ask “My children are gone I found the nanny tie up, Did you do this? To control me ‘Genevieve ask “No it wasn't me you have to believe me, I would not hurt my grandchildren “Lorenzo said “I believe you, Daddy I'm scared “Genevieve said “I promise you we will bring you're children back to you “Lorenzo said “I sure call the cops”Genevieve said “Genevieve ,Let me handle this, I know things are not good between us but I will bring you're children back to you “Lorenzo said “I do believe you Dadd-Lorenzo “Genevieve said as The nanny came down.

“Jess. Can you tell us anything about who took the children “Lorenzo ask “I was getting A’dore Bella changed and a man came behind me and put a wash cloths around my mouth and tie me up , I don't remember what he looks like”Jess said as Skye and Luis and John and Laurel and Skylar and Nikolas Alexander and Emily and Sunday Rose came in. “What is going on”Skye ask “Someone kidnapped my children! Genevieve yelled as she started to cry, Skye pull Genevieve into her arms. “We are going to find the children they will be back in you're arms very soon “Skye said they share a hug. “Did you call the cops”Nikolas Alexander ask “No, I will handle this “Lorenzo said “Really? “Nikolas Alexander ask “Yes, I know things are good between Genevieve and I but I will bring the children home and safe “Lorenzo said “I believe that Dadd-Lorenzo will bring my children back to me “Genevieve said Lorenzo and John and Luis went to talk. “Father, We need to look into Ava Jerome “John said “I was thinking the same thing we need to talk to her”Lorenzo said “I had someone bring Ava to the Skye's so we can talk to her”Luis said “Good, Let's go”Lorenzo said he went by Genevieve. “Genevieve, We are going to follow a lean I promise you I will bring you're babies home”Lorenzo said “Thanks”Genevieve said Lorenzo left with John and Luis.

“Genevieve, How are things between you and Daddy”Skylar ask “Not good, But right now I don't care what if I never see my children again “Genevieve ask “Don't think like that “Skylar said “Where is Sunday Rose “Genevieve ask “She need some air “Skye said “When at first I relied the children were gone I thought it was Daddy”Genevieve said “You're father would never do that”Skye said “I know”Genevieve said

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Family Part 2 Ch 58

“Family Part 2 ch 58”
At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy and Skye were sitting down having tea. “So you don't like Blair “Skye ask “No not at all, I can't believe I'm trust you with this secret but I know Addie was pregnant with Blair and I know she had mental illness so I help get her into the best hospital while she was pregnant and then I help put Blair into foster home “Tracy said “Did Dorian know”Skye ask “Dorian found out , She finally blackmail me into giving her a job at the hospital if Alan fine out I lose my brother “Tracy said “You did the same thing to me you did to Blair “Skye said “Yes, Alan was young and I didn't want him to give up his medical career for you and Blair”Tracy said “Blair and I have a right to know our father and our family!! Skye yelled as Alan and Blair came in. “What is going on “Alan ask “Blair, Daddy you both deserve to know the true! Tracy is the reason you lost Blair just like you lose me”Skye said “What! How dare you! Alan yelled “I did this for you! You were in the middle of medical school when Rae and Addie became pregnant! Both of them would of ruin you're life! I had to do something! Tracy yelled “How dare you take my daughters from me! You are not welcome into this house! Go be with Paul you're husband! Alan yelled “Alan I get you're upset but I love you “Tracy said and left. “I'm sorry about this I wish I know both of you and raise you both but I can't change the past but I can make it up to you “Alan said “It's not you're fault,I know how much you loved Tracy”Skye said “Family means everything to me, Blair is here to have lunch, Would you like to stay”Alan ask “Yes I would love to , I need a break from everything “Skye said “Is everything okay “Blair ask “No”Skye said

At Alexis office-Alexis was know back as DA in her office when Genevieve came in. “Alexis, I need to talk to you”Genevieve said “Genevieve I'm busy working on a case, Can you come back another day”Alexis ask “Yes”Genevieve said she left.

At General Hospital-Dorian was working when Rae came by, “I heard you got you're license back “Rae said “Yes I did , I'm just what this hospital needs “Dorian said “Really “Rae ask “Yes I was the best doctor “Dorian said “If you were so good why did you lose you're license “Rae ask Dorian left. “Dorian looks mad”Monica said as she came by, “I may of starting it but I can't stand her “Rae said “Me either”Monica said

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Family Part 2 Ch 57

“Family Part 2 ch 57”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye had just came into the house and pick up her phone and listened to the voicemail from Genevieve. Skye called Genevieve back. “Genevieve, What is it”Skye ask Genevieve told Skye everything that happened between her and Lorenzo. Skye hang up the phone she didn't know what to do when Lorenzo came into the room. “Skye “Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo, I just got a phone call from Genevieve about what happened between you to”Skye said “Did Genevieve tell you that she stole evidence from my office that can put myself and our sons in jail! Lorenzo yelled “Yes! This is all getting out of hand you need to relies that Genevieve didn't mean to slept with Julian and it wasn't to hurt you it was just a one night stand which result in a grandson who needs us”Skye said “I'm not ready to apologize or let this go or let him into our family “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Genevieve is our little girl! Stop this and use her fear of fire against her is wrong “Skye said “I'm sorry you're in the middle of this “Lorenzo said “I will not stand by you if you hurt Genevieve “Skye said she left.

At The Mayor office-Paul was in his office when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, How are you I know you have a lot going on”Paul said “I'm fine, My first order of business I want to go after my father. I have evidence that he is laundry money again “Genevieve said “I'm sorry Genevieve but we will not be going after you're father, I know you are just use this to hurt you're father you will not be use this office for personal use”Paul said “We can't let my father just get away with this”Genevieve said “I'm sorry if you want this job you will leave it alone “Paul said Genevieve left,

At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was in the living room when Skye came into the room. “Is Alan here “Skye ask “No why”Alan ask “I need my father advice “Skye said “Let me guess, Lorenzo is so upset that Genevieve had his child and you're in the middle of it,My advice I would always regret pick a man over my child “Tracy said “Genevieve and Lorenzo are so alike they are stubborn and always want to be right, Lorenzo clam she not his daughter anymore but Lorenzo doesn't mean it “Skye said “I'm sorry you're in the middle of it”Tracy said “Thanks, I can't believe your nice to me “Skye said “We need to come together against Blair “Tracy said

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Family Part 2 Ch 56

“Family Part 2 ch 56”
At The Skye's-Lorenzo came into his office and look at his desk and could tell something was missing when a guard came in.”Was anyone here”Lorenzo ask “You're daughter Genevieve was here she forgot her wrap here last night “The guard said “Really? My daughter Genevieve is not welcome here do you understand if you see Genevieve here again call me immediately “Lorenzo said “Yes boss”The guard said “Come with me”Lorenzo said they left.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was looking out the window she really want a drink but wasn't going to give in when Harrison came in and pull her into his arms.”How did it go with you're father “Harrison ask Genevieve turn around and look at Harrison.“Not good, Daddy shut me out of the will and trust fund and I'm not to call him Daddy anymore or go to his house “Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Harrison said ‘It's not you're fault about this and I'm sorry that you're caught into this “Genevieve said “It's okay, I love you Genevieve “Harrison said “Really? Even after everything “Genevieve ask “Yes, I know you're not there yet but I hope in time you can love me completely “Harrison said “I want that to, I will always love Alexander but his not here anymore “Genevieve said she kiss him. “Let me make you feel better”Harrison said Genevieve and Harrison went upstairs.

Lorenzo sneak into Genevieve house and look around for the file. Lorenzo took it off the picture that was on the wall and open the safe and look for the file and it wasn't their as Genevieve came in wearing a robe. “What are you doing in my house! You are not welcome here either! Genevieve yelled Lorenzo grab Genevieve arms. “Let me go!’Genevieve yelled “Give me the file! Lorenzo yelled “It's not here and you are not getting it! Genevieve yelled “If you use this to take me down you are also taking you're brother down and breaking you're mother heart! Lorenzo yelled “You're breaking it too”Genevieve said “You will not win a fight with me Genevieve I know you're every weakness and what you're scare of”Lorenzo said he let Genevieve arms go. “Go! Genevieve yelled Lorenzo pull out a lighter and then pull Genevieve towards him and light the lighter and pull it toward Genevieve body. “Please stop you know I'm scared of fire”Genevieve said “Yes I know! I will find the information you have!! Lorenzo yelled and left. Genevieve start to cry she was in shock about what Lorenzo did and pick up the phone and called Skye. “Mother, I hope I didn't lose you to if that's why you didn't pick up please come over I need to tell you something you need to hear it from me”Genevieve said and hang up the phone.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 2 Ch 55

“Family Part 2 ch 55”
At Skye/Lorenzo-The next day-Lorenzo and Skye were having breakfast when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, I'm glad you're here “Lorenzo said “You are,,Lorenzo ,What is going on”Skye ask Lorenzo pull out a piece of paper, “Genevieve this is a new trust fund and a copy of my will, You are not in it! I will keep you're children expect Julian Jr in it! You are not my daughter! Don't call me Daddy anymore!! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo “Skye said “I sure of know you would not forgive me, Anyway I don't need you're money Alexander left me a lot that's not what I want from you at all! Do you remember when I was a little girl I say I wish you were not my father! Well it's not because I don't love you it's because you never loved me for me! You would call me you're difficult child! You always had high expectations of me”Genevieve said “Yes I did! I sure of know you would fail them! You had my enemies son! Lorenzo yelled “At less I didn't married him unlike you're perfect Lila! Genevieve yelled “Don't you bring you're sister into this! Skye you can see Genevieve but she not welcome in this house “Lorenzo said “Call off the bodyguard and you are not to go neither my children “Genevieve said “Unfortunately the bodyguard stay and I will see my grandchildren if I want to “Lorenzo said “You will not win this! You sure remember that I'm you're daughter after all”Genevieve said and left.

“Lorenzo stop this! Genevieve had a one night stand we all have done them, We have a grandson we need to know and welcome him into our family , Life is too short to ruin things between you and Genevieve, You both have work to hard on it “Skye said Lorenzo pour a drink.

At The Skye's -Genevieve still had her keys and open her father's office door and found a file on Lorenzo. “Oh Daddy you could go down for this”Genevieve said and left as one of the guards stop her. “Mrs. Cassadine, What are you doing “The guards ask,”I forgot my wrap from the party “Genevieve said “Oh, I'm glad you found it “The guard said and Genevieve left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

family Part 2 ch 54

“Family Part 2 ch 54”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was looking at a picture of Genevieve and Lorenzo. She was worrying about their relationship.

Lorenzo was downstairs and looking at a picture of him and Genevieve. “I will not forgive you for this my darling daughter! I will make you pay for this! Lorenzo said to himself as Skye came down. “Lorenzo “Skye said “Let’s go to bed”Lorenzo said Skye took Lorenzo hand and they went upstairs.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was looking at a picture of her and Lorenzo. “I do hope I didn't lose you Daddy”Genevieve said to herself as Harrison came in. “How did it go”Harrison ask “Not good, Julian Jr want this to destroy my relationship with my father “Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Harrison said they share a kiss. “I'm ready “Genevieve said “Me too “Harrison said they went upstairs and made love.

At AJ/Lydia-Lydia and AJ came in and AJ was so happy. ,”That was a great party don't you think! AJ said “How could you say that!! Lydia ask “Genevieve destroys my daughter when she killed her mother so I'm returned the favor “AJ said “AJ, They are you're family too “Lydia said “Yes but my daughter missed her mother all because of Genevieve, You know I could not planning this secret better”AJ said

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All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 ch 47

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 ch 47”
At General Hospital -Sierra Rose room-Sierra Rose had just waking up as Skye and Lorenzo came into the room and was saying Grayson as she wake up.”Grayson “Sierra Rose said “Sweet heart,Where you dream about him”Skye ask “I just miss him,What happened”Sierra Rose ask “You fell and hit you're head which lean you to a coma and you had surgery to remove the tumor “Lorenzo said “Did it Work “Sierra Rose ask “Yes it worked you're going to be find”Skye said “The cancer is gone “Sierra Rose ask “Yes “Lorenzo said “That’s good “Sierra Rose said

At a building-Monica was looking at the building when Alan came by. “This is it,This is our building for the orphanage “Monica said “Yes”Alan said “I’m glad that Sierra Rose cancer is gone “Monica said “Me too”Alan said as Lila Rae came by she needed a break from everything. “Lila Rae,How are you “Alan ask “Ian and I want to adopt but we were denied because of my father “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae,We are going to build a orphanage and we could help you with it”Monica said “Thanks “Lila Rae said

At Alexis-Alexis was home when there was a knock on the door it was Laura. “Laura ,How are you doing “Alexis ask “Great,I just came back from Greece,Everyone is Find”Laura said “Good ,We did the right thing fake their death “Alexis said “Yes we did,Lorenzo try to kill Nikolas and Hayden “Laura said “I wish we could prove it”Alexis said “Yes”Laura said

At General Hospital-Sierra Rose Room-Sierra Rose was in bed when a young man came into the room. “CJ”Sierra Rose said “Mother “CJ said “I’m glad you’re here,How did you know I was here”Sierra Rose ask “I went to Papa and the maid told me,Our you okay “CJ ask “Yes the cancer is gone”Sierra Rose said “Good”CJ said as a man came by, “Sierra Rose “He said as he was about to go into the room.

In the Uk- The Hospital-Josslyn was by her Dad bedside, “I’m not Jax,I’m Jerry “He said “Uncle Jerry? Where is Daddy “Josslyn ask “What’s going on”Jerry ask

In Port Charles-General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo were in the hallway.”I’m so glad that our daughter made it”Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said they share a kiss.

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All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 46

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 ch 46”
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo we’re holding hand as Kristina,Alan,Robin,Patrick,Grace came into the room. “How did it go”Lorenzo ask “We remove the cancer,Now we just have to get Sierra Rose to wake up she still in a coma “Patrick said “But other then that it’s gone the cancer “Skye ask as Lila Rae came into the room. “Yes the cancer is gone,We just have to let Sierra Rose wake up on her own.Robin said “Thanks for saving my daughter,Grace Thanks for suggestions this “Skye said “You're Welcome Nana “Grace said “Family stick together and fight for each other “Lorenzo said “Yes Papa”Grace said “Can we go see her “Skye ask “Yes”Patrick said “Dad Thanks “Skye said “You’re Welcome “Alan said

Sierra Rose room-Sierra Rose was lying in the bed in a coma and having a dream. “Grayson,You're alive “Sierra Rose said “No it’s a dream ,I’m going to show you what happened if you didn’t wake up “Grayson said they went to a house, Lorenzo was their drinking and the house was a mess and Lorenzo didn’t shave. “What is going on with Daddy! Why is he like this? Sierra Rose ask “After losing his three child he lost it,You're parents broke up and Lorenzo becomes restless his even doing thing in business he never did before “Grayson said “Like drugs “Sierra Rose ask “Yes “Grayson said “I don’t like this”Sierra Rose said

A Hotel-Skye was dress in clothes that she never wore before when Sierra Rose and Grayson came in, “Why is Mother wearing that.? And a hotel like this “Sierra Rose ask as a young man came in and kiss Skye. “Who is that “Sierra Rose ask “You're Mother went downhill,She drinking and slept with man hookers”Grayson said “No,What about ELQ”Sierra Rose ask “Skye quite “Grayson said “Who watching our children “Sierra Rose ask

At Lila Rae-Lila Rae was watching the children,Bliss and Cecil we’re sitting on the couch. “Mommy “Cecil said “No I’m mother,Not Lila Rae “Sierra Rose said “The children like Lila Rae and they call her mother,We aren’t their parents anymore “Grayson said “No we went though a lot to have them,Grayson I’m sorry about everything “Sierra Rose said “I’m not dead and you’re not either “Grayson said “Grayson “Sierra Rose said

Sierra Rose room-Sierra Rose was in bed in the coma when Skye and Lorenzo came into the room. “Sierra Rose ,Wake Up”Lorenzo said Sierra Rose started to wake up,”Grayson “Sierra Rose said as she was waking up.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 45

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 ch 45”
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo were waiting on New about Sierra Rose surgery with Lila Rae and Richard, “Lila Rae,Grace is going to make a great doctor “Skye said “Yes she is,Mother do you need anything “Lila Rae ask “Could you go check on the children? They still don’t know about Sierra Rose and they look so scared “Skye ask “Yes Mother “Lila Rae said “Thanks”Skye said Lila Rae left. “Mother,Do you want some Tea “Richard ask “No Thanks “Skye said

At AJ/Cassie-AJ was looking at a picture of him and Sierra Rose,”AJ”Cassie said “I love all of my niece and nephew,But Sierra Rose and I have a connection more then Lila Rae and Richard and Lorenzo Jr,I just can’t lost Sierra Rose “AJ said “You will not,Sierra Rose is strong,She a fighter “Cassie said “Yes she is”AJ said “Let’s go to the hospital “Cassie said they left..

At Skye/Lorenzo -The children were with the nanny and confessed on what was going on, “Where is Mommy “Preston ask as Lila Rae came into the room. “I’ll handle it,Bliss,Cecil,Preston,I love you so much,You’re Mother has a little flu so she at the hospital “Lila Rae said “Well Mother be okay”Cecil ask “Yes,Why don’t we go get some dinner “Lila Rae ask “I’ll right,Mother was going to tell us what making Love is”Cecil said “Why don’t we let you're mother tell you that”Lila Rae ask “Alright “Cecil said they left,

At General Hospital-Skye was sitting on the couch crying when Rae came by and touch her arms. “Mommy,Make it better,Make my daughter better “Skye said as she cried. “I want too”Rae said

Lorenzo was looking at Skye as Tea and Juanita came by.”Sierra Rose is going to beat this”Tea said “Yes she an Alcazar “Juanita said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 44

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 Ch 44”
At The Uk-The Hospital-Josslyn was by her father bedside, “I love you Daddy and we will get you Well”Josslyn said “Jerry”He said quietly, “You want Uncle Jerry? I’ll call him”Josslyn said “No,Jerry “He said Josslyn couldn’t figure out what was going on..

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo were waiting on New about Sierra Rose. “Grace,Why are you here “Skye ask “I been studying so hard to be a doctor and I found something that will help,Aunt Sierra Rose “Grace said as Lila Rae and Ian and Richard came into the room.”What will help you're Aunt”Skye ask “Their a surgery that a little dangerous but it will help,You remover the brain then see where the tumor is and take the tumor “Grace said “Why is it dangerous “Lorenzo ask “Because the brain is removed,It’s never been done in the USA “Ian said “No,But we can’t lost Aunt Sierra Rose”Grace said Skye pull her granddaughter into her arms, “I know how much you love You're Aunt,You are going to be a great doctor “Skye said As Robin and Patrick and Kristina came by.”How is Sierra Rose “Lorenzo ask “She in a coma “Robin said ‘What do we do? Skye ask “Nothing “Kristina said “What about the surgery that Grace was talking about “Skye ask as Alan and Monica came by. “This surgery is risking take the brain out to get the cancer “Robin said “Yes but now with Sierra Rose being in a coma,It will be easy right “Lorenzo ask “What surgery “Alan ask “Grace show us this surgery that was done in the UK of someone who had brain cancer and they took out the brain and removed the cancer “Patrick said “It is risking “Alan said “But what else could happened”Lorenzo ask “If it doesn’t work something could go wrong in putting the brain back “Patrick said “Yes either way it could go wrong “Monica said “Do it,I keep thinking of the look today when my grandchildren saw their Mother on the floor they were devastated and I will not accept it,Lorenzo we have always took risking so let’s do it”Skye said “Yes do it”Lorenzo said “Let’s go get ready “Patrick said “Daddy,Can you be in the room”Skye ask “Yes”Alan said “Thanks “Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7ch 43

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 ch 43”
At Grace-Grace was looking at her computer. “This has to work “Grace said she took her computer and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Sierra Rose was alone in the living room she got up to get some tea and look in the tea case and couldn’t find the tea she like. “Ann,Maid,What is you're name “Sierra Rose ask as she walked to go into the kitchen and fell on the floor and was knocked unconscious when Lorenzo came into the room.”Sierra Rose! Lorenzo yelled he try to wake her up but it didn’t help as Skye and the children came into the room. “Mommy! Preston yelled “Preston,Bliss,Cecil,I know this look scary but right now I need you to be so strong and go into the movie room and watch a movie and listen to the nanny “Skye said “Yes Nana”Bliss said they left.”I called 911”Lorenzo said “”What happened,Sierra Rose “Skye Ask “I don’t know”Lorenzo said as an ambulance came in. “Our daughter fell,She had brain cancer “Skye said “Let’s take her to General Hospital “The man said

At Lila Rae/Ian-Lila Rae was looking at her computer when Ian came into the room. “How was you're day “Ian ask “My sister came over she wants me to be her children guardian and I say yes,When I sure of ask you before I say yes “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae,It’s okay,I understand why you want to do this “Ian said “Thanks,I was looking up surrogate mother ,What do you think about it”Lila Rae ask “I like it,We could do that”Ian said “Yes we could “Lila Rae said as her phone rang it was Skye. “I will be their”Lila Rae said she hang up the phone. “My sister in the hospital “Lila Rae said they left..

At General Hospital- Grace was showing Robin and Patrick what she found. “This surgery is dangerous “Patrick said “But it could work for My Aunt”Grace said “Yes”Robin said “It has to be worth it”Grace said as the ambulance came in with Sirens Rose and Skye and Lorenzo were by her, “Sierra Rose fell she not waking up “Lorenzo said “Let’s go look at her”Robin said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 42

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 42”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Sierra Rose came into the living room from seeing Lila Rae and saw a hope chest that was on the floor it was hers that was saved from the fire. Sierra Rose opening it and pull out a photo album from when she was pregnant with the twins as Bliss and Cecil came into the room, “Bliss,Cecil,I want to show you something ,This is picture you're father took turned my pregnancy with both of you “Sierra Rose said she show them a picture of Sierra Rose pregnant. “That’s when you carried us”Bliss said “Yes “Sierra Rose said “Mother,How did you end up pregnant “Cecil ask Sierra Rose look at her children she never wanted to lie to her children.”Well the mother and Daddy make love then the mother gets pregnant “Sierra Rose said as Skye and Lorenzo came in with Preston. “So a man and woman make love to get pregnant,What’s making love”Cecil ask “You are a curious little girl”Sierra Rose said “Well What is it”Cecil Ask “Why don’t you go get some lemonade “Skye ask the children left. “Sierra Rose,I never told you how to parented but the children our young to know about sex”Skye said “I may never get to tell them when they are older, I wasn’t planning on it ,I just wanted to show them pictures “Sierra Rose said “You will get that chance “Lorenzo said Sierra Rose pull out another album and opened it. “Sierra Rose “Skye said “It’s a photo album of CJ,Cal would mail me pictures of him and I would put them in a album and it had a letter in it”Sierra Rose said Skye sit by Sierra Rose and they look at it. “CJ And I we’re getting close in London “Sierra Rose said “That’s good “Skye said Lorenzo went into his office and made a phone call.”I need to fine CJ now and Cal it’s time my daughter ends her marriage “Lorenzo said he hang up His phone.

Sierra Rose was looking at more pictures when Preston came into the room. “Mother,Do you have a picture of me”Preston ask “Yes when you were little “Sierra Rose said he sit by Preston and they look at Preston photos album it was picture of him as a baby..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 40

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 ch 40”
At Lila Rae/Ian Lila Rae was doing some work at home when Sierra Rose came into the room. “Lila Rae,Can we talk”Sierra Rose ask “Sure “Lila Rae said Sierra Rose sit down. “Sierra Rose, Do you need anything “Lila Rae ask “Yes,I need you to be my children guardian if I don’t make this”Sierra Rose said “Sierra Rose,You’re going to beat this “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae this is the second time I have it,It’s not looking good and I need someone to take care of my children “Sierra Rose said “Alright,I will do it, I promise to take care of you're children “Lila Rae said “I know you will ,Just like you took care of me,You been a great sister “Sierra Rose said “You too “Lila Rae said “I sure go”Sierra Rose said and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and Alan we’re talking, “I came up with a name for the orphanage,Emily Dawn orphanage “Monica said “I like it,It’s going to be a great orphanage “Alan said “Yes it is”Monica said “Soon we will be foster parents “Alan said “Yes “Monica said

At Tea-Tea was reading when there was a knock on the door it was Sierra Rose. “Aunt Tea,Can I come in”Sierra Rose ask Sierra Rose came into the room. “I’m sorry about the cancer “Tea said “Thanks ,I need you're help,I need to draw up a will “Sierra Rose said “Sure I will help you”Tea said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 39

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 7 Ch 39”
At Alexis-Alexis was cleaning up when there was a knock on the door it was Skye and Young Lorenzo. “Skye,Lorenzo,I’m so glad to see you “Alexis said “Lorenzo,Why don’t you put you're stuff away “Skye ask Lorenzo went upstairs, “Alexis,I have to ask if you are going to fight for custody? Because right now it’s the last thing I need or my husband! Sierra Rose has cancer and I can’t deal with fighting over custody with you and helping my daughter with this and helping my grandchildren! Skye yelled “Right Now The custody fight is on hold”Alexis said “Thanks you,We love Lorenzo and would never hurt him”Skye said “Skye,You are a good Mother but you can’t always keep them safe “Alexis said as Lorenzo came into the room. “Lorenzo,You been good for you're Grandmother “Skye said “I will “Lorenzo said Skye left..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo came into the room and saw the note from Skye as Sierra Rose came in the room, “Daddy “Sierra Rose said as she sit down. “Sierra Rose,Do you want anything “Lorenzo ask “No,Mother brings me chocolate milkshake “Sierra Rose said as Lorenzo sit down,”You and you're love of junk food”Lorenzo said “Do you remember the time that we made a chocolate milkshake together? I want to get one but we couldn’t go out and it was just us,It was a good memory “Sierra Rose said “Yes I remember too,It was a nice time “Lorenzo said they share a Look as Skye came into the room with a chocolate milkshake. “Thanks Mother “Sierra Rose said “You’re Welcome, I have some news Alexis isn’t going to fight for custody “Skye said “Good “Lorenzo said “Yes”Sierra Rose said “Yea,It’s good”Skye said “I’m going to get some cookies “Sierra Rose said she left.”What was going on when I came in “Skye ask “Sierra Rose was Remember a time we made a milkshake together “Lorenzo said “Sounds like a sweet memory “Skye said “It was”Lorenzo said Sierra Rose came into the room. “I’m going to take a walk “Sierra Rose said “Sierra Rose,Are you sure “Skye ask “Yes I need some fresh air”Sierra Rose said she left..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 Ch 38

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 7 ch 38”
At Grace-Grace had just came back from having a nice time with Zane she really like him when Lila Rae came into the room. “Mother,What is it? You look sad “Grace ask “I had some bad news,You’re Aunt Sierra Rose cancer is back “Lila Rae said “No,Where is the cancer “Grace ask “In the brain again “Lila Rae said “Is she going to be on chemotherapy and radiation “Grace ask “Yes,I’m just worried about this,My parents just lost you're uncle Lorenzo and now this”Lila Rae said “We are not going to lose Aunt Sierra Rose,I have been studying cancer and a cure for it and I’m going to Find something to cure Aunt Sierra Rose “Grace said “You and you’re Aunt Sierra Rose have always been close,I’m glad she was there for you when I ran away “Lila Rae said “Me too, Mother I don’t hate you for that “Grace said “Thanks”Lila Rae said “How did the meeting at the adoption agency go”Grace ask “They say no because of you're grandfather “Lila Rae said “I’m sorry , I know you want another child”Grace said “It’s okay,I have you”Lila Rae said she touch Grace hair..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Sierra Rose came home from the hospital,”Sierra Rose,Why don’t you go rest and later we will get a chocolate milkshake “Skye said “I’m tired “Sierra Rose said she went into her room, The maid came into the room with Kristina and AJ. “Skye,How is Sierra Rose? I sure of been there today at the hospital but I wanted to spend time with my daughter “Kristina said “Kristina,It’s okay that you were with you're daughter,Life is short “Skye said “Yes it is,How was chemotherapy “Kristina ask “It tired Sierra Rose out”Skye said “It does that,Can I Go Check on her “Kristina ask “Yes,she upstairs “Skye said Kristina left. “Skye,Do you need anything? AJ ask “This is killing me,See my daughter sick again “Skye said “Have you wanted a drink “AJ ask “Yes,I do want one but I need to be their for my daughter “Skye said as Young Lorenzo came into the room. “Nana,I’m going to Grandma today “Young Lorenzo said “Yes ,I Don’t want to leave now”Skye said “Skye,I’m sure Kristina will stay”AJ ask “I’ll ask her”Skye said

Upstairs-Sierra Rose-Sierra Rose was in her room laying in bed talking to Kristina.  “Sierra Rose,How are you feeling “Kristina ask “Tired,I hate the chemotherapy “Sierra Rose said “I know”Kristina said as Skye came into the room. “Sierra Rose,How are you doing? Skye ask “Just Tired”Sierra Rose said “I have to take Young Lorenzo to Alexis,Will You be okay “Skye ask “Yes the maids Are here and I’m going to slept “Sierra Rose said “I’ll right,I’ll bring you a milkshake “Skye said she touch her daughter hair and left. “I’ll go too and let you slept “Kristina said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit