Friday, September 30, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 25

At Lorenzo/Skye- Skye was in the girls room holding Alana Edward. “ Alana Edward you're sister is sick but she will be back soon in this room with you .We love you so much “ Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “Skye we sure go back to the hospital “Lorenzo said “You're right”Skye said “Tea offer to take Alana Edward” Lorenzo said “No right now I just want my baby with us”Skye said as she put Alana Edward down.”We love you Alana Edward and you're sister well get better soon”Lorenzo said he kiss Alana Edward and they left.

At Emily/Nikolas-Emily was going through a box of old papers when Monica came in. “What are you doing? Monica ask “With what is going on with Lila Rae made me miss My Mother , This is all Page thing”Emily said “I miss Page to she help me with my cancer you both did”Monica said “ I just hate cancer , Lila Rae sure be at home not in a hospital “Emily said “You're right she sure , You need to take it easy with the pregnancy “Monica said “I will I'm going to make us some tea”Emily said and left. Monica look at the box and pull out a piece of paper.”Oh no” Monica said she put her hands on her face as Emily came in with a tray of two cups of tea. “ Mother , What is it”Emily ask “Nothing I sure get back to the hospital “ Monica said she had the paper behind her back and put in it her back pocket and kiss Emily goodbye. “Let me know how Lila Rae is”Emily said “I will” Monica said and left. Emily pick up a picture of Page. “Oh mother” Emily said

At General Hospital -Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in the hospital bed with a IV of the chemotherapy when Skye came in . “Oh my baby girl this is all my fault you getting sick maybe it's my punishment for giving away that baby I had when I was young”Skye said as Monica came in.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 24

On The Docks-Skye and Blair were still talking.”You're right my Lila Rae will make it and beat this and when she's older Alana Edward and Lila Rae will be driving us nuts with Boys”Skye said “Yes they will I'm sure Lorenzo will be overprotective of them “Blair said “Yes he will “Skye said as Lorenzo came by. “Skye , Blair what is going on”Lorenzo ask “I was just telling Skye that Lila Rae will make it and if you both need anything ‘Blair said “Thank you Blair you help me”Skye said “You're welcome”Blair said and left. “ Skye”Lorenzo said “ I'm just scare “Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said they share a hug.

At The Quartermaine crypt-Tracy was their “Mother we need you , Lila Rae is sick with cancer you need to help you're namesake , Yes I have giving Skye a hard time but no one sure lost a child and I want to be more like you mother loving everyone and forgiving my cancer has chance me”Tracy said as Skye and Lorenzo came in. “ I'm sorry I just want to visit Lila”Skye said Tracy took Skye hand.”Lila Rae is going to make it , I promise you Skye, Lila Rae is strong just like her namesake” Tracy said “Thank you”Skye said Tracy left . “Tracy has been acting so soft lately , Anyway Grandmother we need you're help, Please save our little girl that I long for , I love you so much and miss you , You were the first person to welcome me to you're family and you always forgive me”Skye said “Skye”Lorenzo said “Let’s go “Skye said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 23

On the Docks-Skye was their she needs some air and to think when Blair came by. “You look a mess”Blair said “Blair I don't need it right now”Skye said “ Is it Lorenzo did he break you're heart”Blair ask “No it's my baby girl Lila Rae has cancer, Oh Blair I'm worrying that I will lose my little girl all I ever wanted was a family of my own to make up for my childhood “Skye said “ I'm so sorry I know what you're going though Starr had cancer to and She made it and so well Lila Rae “ Blair said and took Skye hand . “Thank you Blair”Skye said “ I guess we are more alike then I realize my childhood wasn't very good either and I long for my own family too “ Blair said “Fighting over Max wasn't worth it”Skye said “No, Or shooting him” Blair said

At General Hospital-Alan was looking at the chart when Lorenzo came by. “Have you seen Skye”Lorenzo ask “Skye need some air , Lorenzo Lila Rae is going to beat this “ Alan said “ Thanks ,We need all the support for Lila Rae”Lorenzo said and left .

Bobbie was walking when she ran into Julian.”Bobbie Spencer” Julian said “Julian”Bobbie said “ I will be a part of Lucas life and you can't stop me” Julian said “You're not Lucas father , My late Ex-husband Tony Jones was Lucas father his the reason Lucas is a doctor  Bobbie said “ I'm glad that Lucas is a doctor and not in my line of work”Julian said “ I will not stop my son from knowing you but don't let you're work touch my son”Bobbie said “I agreed” Julian said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 22

At General Hospital -Skye came out of Lila Rae room and was crying when Rae came by and hug her. “Oh mother. I could lose my baby girl’ Skye said “No you're not going to lose Lila Rae, We are going to do whatever we can and save Lila Rae”Rae said as Alan came by. “ Dad, Well the chemotherapy save my daughter “ Skye ask “Yes it will help, Skye if we have to I will hire any doctor we need to help Lila Rae”Alan said “Thank you both, I always need both of you “ Skye said

Alexis and Julian were watching them. “ I feel like an outsider” Julian said “Skye needs Alan and Rae right now “Alexis said “ How well do you know Skye”Julian ask “ I know somethings about Skye she was married to my best friend who I also married it was a marriage of convenience “ Alexis said “Oh, Alexis did you remember what we share’ Julian ask “ It was just a one night stand that's all and we made a child out of it”Alexis said “It was more and you know it”Julian said and left .

Lorenzo was sitting on the couch when Tea came by and sit down . “Lorenzo we are going to save Lila Rae , She a fighter , Just like us and Skye” Tea said “Yes she is, You're right Lila Rae is going to beat this” Lorenzo said “If you want Alana Edward can stay with me for a while “ Tea said “Thank you, I will talk to Skye”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, September 26, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 21

At General Hospital -Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was laying in the bed when Lorenzo and Skye came in cover up.”I wonder if she so scare” Skye said and touch Lila Rae who was awake. “I'm sure Lila Rae doesn't know what is going on”Lorenzo said “This isn't right Lila Rae sure not be here she sure be at home in her room with her sister”Skye said and cried and Lorenzo hug her. “I know if I could fix this I would”Lorenzo said “I know”Skye said

In the Hallway-Alan was looking at Lila Rae chart when Julian came by. “Is there anything we can do for Lila Rae my Granddaughter “ Julian said “Lila Rae who is name after my mother Lila is my granddaughter too, I'm a part of Skye life too “ Alan said “ I don't know the whole story of how Skye came into you're life this is all new to me”Julian said “It's new to us”Alan said “Yes it is”Julian said

Rae was crying as Alexis came by and handle Rae a tissue..” Thank you “ Rae said “ We are going to save our granddaughter , Our daughter needs us both”Alexis said “Yes she does , Thank you Alexis I love Skye always like my daughter I want to be in her life”Rae said “ I can't stop Skye she a grown woman and I will support her”Alexis said “Thank you” Rae said

Lucas was working when Julian came by. “Do I know you” Julian ask “ No but I'm you're son my name is Lucas Jones” Lucas said “I know who you are I been watching you and you're sister Skye, Chely was yours mother but she died giving birth,Anyway I would like to know you “Julian said “Maybe” Lucas said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Saturday, September 24, 2016

“It’s Complicated ch 29”

At Dimitri office~ Dimitri pour a drink."Father what do I do"Cassandra thought this happened to our son"Dimitri said "You help your son and stop blame each other"Nikolas said "Thank you"Dimitri said "Don't push each other away 'Nikolas said Dimitri left.

At Cassie/Dimitri ~ Cassie was there when Alex came in. "Mother why can't you leave it alone"Alex ask "Alexander you don't have to be afraid anymore let me in son"Cassie said she took her son in her arms. "Yes it's true I was molested"Alex said "You are not alone in this I will help you I love you son and I'm sorry I wasn't there to ported you"Cassie said "It's not your fault"Alex said as Dimitri came in."It's true"Dimitri said "Yes"Alex said "I'm sorry I went to that school I thought it was the best school If I know I would never let you go"Dimitri said "You sent me there to make Mother pay! It's your fault! Alex yelled "We all need to deal with this as a family"Dimitri said "You mean don't let anyone know about this"Alex said "Alex I need to talk to your father alone"Cassie said he left. "Are you happy now Darling! It's true"!Dimitri yelled "No! I don't want this to happened to our son! I just want to help Alex I don't know how but it's not his fault"Cassie said "I don't blame Alex we can't let this destroy us"Dimitri said "No"Cassie said "I guess we could have him go see Dr. Kevin"Dimitri said "Yes and we will be here for him 'Cassie said "Yes"Dimitri said

At General Hospital~ Dr Kelly office~ Bobbie was there. " I haven't been feeling good in a while"Bobbie said "All right let's run some test"Dr. Kelly said "Thank you"Bobbie said

At Dimitri/Cassie~ Alex came in; "Alexander I'm sorry about what happened we will help you deal with this"Dimitri said "I have father"Alex said "No your mother is right you need to go to therapy"Dimitri said "All right I guess"Alex said "You need to deal with this"Cassie said as the children came in. "What is going on"Harper-Skye ask "Nothing why don't we go out to dinner"Cassie ask "Sure"Liv said they left.

At General Hospital~ Skye room~ Dr Kelly came in. "When can I go home"Skye ask In couple of days your doing great"Dr. Kelly said "Thank you"Skye said Jax came in with flowers. "These our for you"Jax said "Thank you and for being a support of husband"Skye said "I love you and I'm glad you made it"Jax said "Me to , I just hate that Emily had to die"Skye said "Me to"Jax said

“It’s Complicated ch 28”

"Saying Goodbye"

At St. Angel~ Emily funeral~ Everyone was there. " I want to thank you for coming to our daughter funeral I never thought I would be saying goodbye to my daughter a child sure never die before the parent" Emily came into our life when we need her"Monica said "We will never forget Emily and for what she did in her life , Now she with Page and her birth mother "Alan said "I will miss Emily but I'm so grateful for Emily giving my wife life again I will never take life for granted again"Jax said "Emily is the heart of our family she will be missed"Ned said "I will always love Emily I regret into fix things between us"Nikolas said Brooklyn sing a song.

At General Hospital~Skye room~ Rae was there. "You did not want to go to Emily funeral"Skye ask "I don't think Monica needs me there I'm so glad your well"Rae said " Me to I'm going to live a better life"Skye said "Good"Rae said Cassie came in. "Mother I'm glad your alright"Cassie said " Me to, How was the funeral"Skye ask "It was all right I have to go out of town for a while"Cassie said "Where to"Rae ask "To LA to get some fabric for my store"Cassie said "Mother can you get me some water"Skye ask "Sure"Rae said and left. "Cassie your lying so what is going"Skye ask "All right I'm lying I think Alex was raped in school and I'm going to find out"Cassie said "Why are you lie about where you are going"Skye ask "Dimitri doesn't want to believe in and at first I did not want to either but a mother came to me tell me her son was raped to I have to find out"Skye said "Yes you do but you sure tell Dimitri"Skye said "Your right I will go meet him at the office"Cassie said "Good if you want to work on your marriage you can't keep secrets"Skye said "I know"Cassie said she left.

On the Docks~ Lila was walking when Andrew came by. "Do you want to go on date"Andrew ask "I would love to"Lila said "Good I will meet you at seven at the garden"Andrew said "All right"Lila said

At Dimitri office~ Jessica was there wear a short dress. "Our you all set up"Dimitri ask "Yes I love my new office"Jessica said "Good I'm glad if you need anything let me know"Dimitri said "I will"Jessica said as Cassie came in. "Cassandra aren't you leaving soon"Dimitri ask "We need to talk"Cassie said "Jessica, This is my wife Cassandra this is Jessica my new accountant"Dimitri said "Nice to meet you"Jessica said "You to"Cassie said Jessica left."What is it"Dimitri ask "I lie about where I was going"Cassie ask "Why, Are you having another affair"Dimitri ask "No I'm not having an affair the another day at my hotel a women came in who son went to the same school as our son he was raped we need to find out if our son was raped"Cassie said "No we don't leave this alone! Dimitri yelled "No I'm not leaving this alone if you love him you would do the same"Cassie said "Our you still going to the school? How will you find out the truth"Dimitri ask "I don't know talk to other parents"Cassie said as Nikolas came in. "You both need to turn on the Tv"Nikolas said Dimitri turn on the TV. "New York board school gym teacher is being question in rape of boys at the school"The Report said "No' Dimitri said "If this happened to our son it's your fault! You had to sent him away! I will never forgive you! Cassie yelled and left.

It’s Complicated ch 27”

On the Docks~ Blair was walking when she ran into Stefan. "I'm sorry 'Blair said "It's okay "Stefan said "I"m Blair Cramer"She said "Stefan Cassadine” he said Blair left. Stefan pick up his phone. " I want you to find out about someone Blair Cramer"Stefan said

At Zander~ Alexis and Lydia were there. "How are you I know you loved Emily to"Alexis said "I'm all right, I will always love and miss Emily"Zander said "Your not alone"Lydia said "I know"Zander said

At Langston/Ford~ they were getting the house ready for Angel. "Now we have two daughter to raise"Ford said "Yes but we can do it"Langston said Dorian came in. "Dorian it's good to see you"Langston said "You to"Dorian said "What wrong"Langston ask "Lorenzo and I broke up"Dorian said "I'm sorry do you want to stay here"Langston ask "Yes Please"Dorian said "You can and help us with the girls"Ford said "I'm so glad your getting Angel back"Dorian said "Me to"Langston said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Cassie was packing her bags when Dimitri came in. "Dimitri I want you to remember that I will do anything for this family"Cassie said "I will to 'Dimitri said they share a kiss.

At Gia~ Gia was packing her belongs. "I took care of the car no one will know you hit Emily"Clinton said "Thank you , I hate that I also killed a baby"Gia said "But you did not"Clinton said "No, I wish I could stay in town I could have a chance with Nikolas"Gia said "Mother you will find someone better' Clinton said

The next day~ Nikolas~ Liz and Laura came in. "Do you need anything"Laura ask "No I can do this somehow say goodbye to the women I love"Nikolas said "You will get through this we our here for you"Laura said "Yes we our and our sons"Liz said

At General Hospital~

~ Skye room ~ Dr. Kelly was there. :"I want to go to my sister funeral"Skye said "It's too soon"Dr. Kelly said AJ came in. "What is going on"AJ ask "I want to go to Emily funeral but Dr. Kelly will not let me"Skye said "You don't want to risk an infection"Dr Kelly said "Emily would want you to take care of yourself"AJ said " I guess"Skye said

“It’s Complicated ch 26”

At Langston/Ford~Monica came in. "I will not fight you on getting Angel"Monica said "Thank you I want you in Angel life I want my daughter to have family around her"Langston said "I would love that"Monica said "Thank you"Langston said

At Alexander~ Cassie came in. "Mother I'm glad your here to see my new place"Alex said "It's wonderful, Alex please let me in you can tell me anything I will always love you and so will your father"Cassie said "I know mother but I'm fine"Alex said "All right"Cassie said

At General Hospital~ Gia room~ Mac came in. "Gia I would like to ask you some question about the car cash"Mac said she had a flashback of her car hit Emily. "Emily Car hit mine"Gia said "Where is your car"Mac ask "I don't know"Gia said Clinton came in. "Clinton you're in town"Mac ask "Yes to take care of my mother can we go"Clinton ask "Yes stay in town Gia"Mac said "I will"Gia said

At Dimitri office~ He was interview Jessica for the job as a accountant everything looks good"Dimitri said "Thank you"Jessica said "Why did you come to Port Charles"Dimitri ask "I need a chance"Jessica said "Well I'm glad your here you have the job"Dimitri said "Thank you"Jessica said

On the Docks~ Cassie was walking when Gia and Clinton came by. "Clinton your in town"Cassie ask "Yes I 'm here to take care of my mother, It's good to see you"Clinton said "Let's go"Gia said they left. Cassie made a phone call and took a pill..

At General Hospital~ Skye room~ Alan came in. "Dad I'm sorry about Emily"Skye said "Thank you"Alan said they share a hug as Monica came in. "Monica I'm sorry about Emily thank you for give me her liver"I'm going to be a better person"Skye said "Skye you have chance since you become a mother and this is what Emily would want"Monica said "We will never forget her"Skye said

At Dimitri/Cassie~ Cassie was having some tea and thinking about what that woman told her when Dimitri came in and kiss her on the cheek. "How was your day"Dimitri ask "All right how is your father"Cassie ask "Not good"Dimitri said "It's sad after Emily funeral I need to go out of town"Cassie said "For what"Dimitri ask "To pick up something for the store"Cassie said :"All right did you set up the jet"Dimitri ask "Yes"Cassie said

“It’s complicated ch 25”

At Nikolas~ He was sitting in the dark having a drink when Edmund and Dimitri and Stefan came in, "Nikolas let us help you"Stefan said "Yes father"Dimitri said "Anything you need"Edmund said " I need Emily back to me that what I want"Nikolas said "I'm sorry but your not alone in this"Dimitri said "No"Stefan said

At Langston/Ford~ Zander came in. "You both want Angel back don't you"Zander ask "yes we do, we know you love her to"Langston said "Yes but Angel was not ours she belongs with you" and I will help you" Zander said "Thank you Monica is the one who is fight us"Ford said "She anger right now she will come around"Zander said

At the Garden~ Cassie was working when a women came by her. "Mrs.Cassadine I would like to talk to you alone"The women said "What your name"Cassie ask "Debra burns she said they went into Cassie office. "Now what can I do for you"Cassie ask "My son went to the same school as your son he was raped I thought you sure know"Debra said "Did your son confess to you"Cassie ask "Yes and I could tell we our sue the school I thought you sure know"Debra said "Thank you I don't know if my son was hurt he will not talk to me"Cassie said " I know it's hard for son to open up about this"Debra said "Yes it is"Cassie said

At the Quartermaine~ Alan and Monica were alone. "Monica I want us to do this together" I Don't want to lose you to"Alan said "Me to"Monica said Zander came in."Zander why are you here"Alan ask "it's about Angel I'm not fighting Langston and Ford over this Angel belongs with them" A baby needs there mother"Zander said "Yes a baby needs a mother but I don't want to lose Angel"Monica said "Maybe we can work it out with them"Alan said "I loved Emily she would want this"Zander said "Your right"Monica said Zander left. "Giving Angel back is the right thing to do"Alan said "Yes"Monica said

At General hospital~ Skye room~ Chandler and Lila and Langston were there. "Mother I'm glad your better we all are"Lila said "Me to but It's sad about Emily"Skye said "Yes is it"Chandler said "Rae came in. "Skye I'm glad your alright"Rae said they share a hug. "You sure get some rest"Jax said The children left.

“It’s complicated ch 24”

At the Garden~ Lila was having a drink at the bar when Andrew came by. "Can I buy you a drink"Andrew ask "Sure"Lila said "you look sad"Andrew said "I'm my cousin just died"Lila said "I'm sorry"Andrew said "Thank you"Lila said the drink arrive. "Here to Emily Brown Quartermaine one of the best Quartermaine! Lila said 

Hours later~At General hospital~ Tony and Dr. Kelly came by. "How is my wife' Jax ask "Fine Skye made it out of surgery but till she fine no visit for a while we don't want her to get a infection"Dr Jones said "When can I see her"Jax ask "Tomorrow"Dr Kelly said "Thank you"Jax said

At Lorenzo/Dorian~ Lorenzo was on the phone. "That is great news about Skye thanks for telling me"Lorenzo said and hang up. "Lorenzo we need to talk"Dorian said "What"Lorenzo ask "Your still in love with Skye aren't you I can't be with someone who still love there ex-wife"Dorian said "I thought I was over Skye but when she got sick I relies I'm not over Skye'"Lorenzo said "I will get my stuff"Dorian said "I'm sorry 'Lorenzo said

The next day~ At Ford/Langston~ they were having a meeting with Berry. "Cassie full me in on everything"Berry said "That good we just want our daughter back" Do we have a chance"Langston ask "Let me read the agreement you had with Emily"Berry said "she give it to him. "You have a great chance"Berry said "Good we want Angel back"Ford said

At The Quartermaine~ Monica was looking a picture of Emily when Warren came in. "Warren it's good to see you"Monica said "I want to help you I'm sorry about Emily I wish I know her more"Warren said "Me to"Monica said "What can I do for you"Warren ask "Help me pick out some picture of Emily for the funeral"Monica said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Cassie was getting ready for the day she took a pill as Harper-Skye came in. "Mother why are you take pills"Harper-Skye said "It's just aspirin my arm hurts a little that all"Cassie said "Oh"Harper-Skye said

At General Hospital~ Skye room~ Jax was there wait for Skye to wake up and took her hand. "Jax"Skye said She wake up. "Skye ,Your going to be okay' Jax said Dr Jones came in. "Skye you look great"Tony said "Thank you, Did I have surgery yesterday"Skye ask "Yes you had a new liver"Tony said "Who liver do I have 'Skye ask "Does it matter"Jax ask "Yes I want to thank them"Skye said "You can't the person is gone"Tony said "No who is it"Skye ask "Skye"Jax said "Please tell me"Skye said "Emily"Jax said "No"Skye said "It's not your fault"Jax said

At Gia room~ Gia was on the phone. "Clinton I will be fine I'm going home tomorrow"Gia said and hang up.

“It’s Complicated ch 23”

At Emily~ Langston came in to fine the nanny with Angel. "I would like to see Angel"Langston said "Sure I hear about Emily that sad thank god Angel was not hurt"the nanny said "Yes it is"Langston said she hold Angel. "I will do right by you"Langston said

At Kelly~ Dimitri was there when he saw a women on the phone. "I don't understand why I did not get that job 'The women said "Dimitri turn around as the women hang up her phone. "Are you new in town"Dimitri ask "Yes I'm"The woman said she saw his wedding ring. "What kind of job our you looking for"Dimitri ask "I'm an accountant "The woman said "Well you're in luck my accountant quit a couple weeks ago you sure come in for a interview"Dimitri said "Sure I would love to"The women said "Dimitri Cassadine" he said "Jessica Smith she said "Here is my card and I will see you then"Dimitri said he left with the tea and muffin.

At General Hospital~Monica was in the hallway when Alexis came by. "Monica, Can I get you anything"Alexis ask "Yes now that Emily is gone what become of Angel"Monica ask "When Langston sign her right away to Angel both Langston and Emily add if anything happened to either of them Angel would go to the one person who was here"Alexis said "So I lose her to"Monica ask

Cassie was on the phone. "Please Josslyn call me and come home"Cassie said she hang up as Dimitri came by her. "it's going to be all right"Dimitri said Cassie hug him. "Jax why don't you go home and get some sleep"Jane said "No I want to make sure Skye is all right"Jax said "Fine"Jane said

At Langston/Ford~ "Ford I want Angel back"Langston said "So do I know that Emily is gone we stand a chance with her"Ford said "Yes we do"Langston said there was a knock on the door it was Monica. "Monica we our sorry about Emily"Langston said "Thank you , I know you love and want Angel back she your daughter but I can't lose another family member"Monica said "Sorry about your lose but we will fight for Angel"Ford said Monica left. "We need a lawyer"Ford said "Yes I will make some calls"Langston said

At Ric/Alexis~ Alexis came in. "How was the hospital"Ric ask "Sad Emily died and Skye is getting her liver"Alexis said "No that sad 'Ric said "Yes it is Emily is so young like Kristina was"Alexis said "Yes 'Ric said

“It’s Complicated ch 22”

General Hospital~ Skye room~ Tony was check on her she was now yellow when Jax came in. "Is everything okay"Jax ask"Skye our you in pain"Tony ask "No' Skye said "Good why don't you get some rest, Jax can I talk to you"Tony ask they went into the hallway. "It's bad it's it"Jax ask "Yes Skye need a new liver now"Tony said as Rae came by. "Could Emily be a match"Rae ask "Maybe the test to see if anyone in the family is a match will come soon"Tony said

At Emily's room~Alan and Monica and Ned and AJ and Liz and Lucky and Nikolas came in, "Oh Emily you can in our life when we need you chance us adding some life into our family I love you I will watch over Angel"Monica said "I love you Emily I'm so glad you were in our life"Alan said "yes you chance off us"Ned said "Yes we did love you"AJ said "You were my best friend I'm sorry I didn't fix things with you I miss you"Liz said "You were the love of my life I will always love you"Nikolas said "Alan came out of Emily's room. "Alan I'm sorry about Emily but we just found that Emily is a match for Skye"Rae said as Monica came by. "You want to let my daughter be cut opening for your daughter! Monica yelled "Monica you can hate me all you want but don't take it out on my daughter"Rae yelled "I will not allow this! Monica yelled and left. "Let me talk to Monica"Alan said "Thank you"Rae said Lila and Cassie and Dimitri and Chandler and Langston Came in. "Daddy's mother " Is she okay"Cassie ask "Your mother isn't doing good but this time it's Emily she gone"Jax said "No"Cassie said "I have to see Father"Dimitri said and left."Will they give Emily liver to mother"Lila ask "I don't know"Jax said "This is sad"Chandler said "Yes it is, Angel"Langston said

Gia room~ Nikolas came in. "Gia did your car hit Emily"Nikolas ask "No Why"Gia ask "Because Emily is dead I want to know why Emily car was hit! Nikolas yelled I'm sorry about Emily but it was not me"Gia said "I believe you"Nikolas said and left.

At the Hospital church~ Monica was there. "Oh Emily What I'm going to do without you"Monica ask as Alan came in, "Monica I'm going to miss Emily to I love her but Skye needs a new liver and you know Emily would want this"Alan said "I can't let Emily go"Monica said "You don't have to I don't want to let her go either"Alan said "How do we get through this"Monica ask "We will we always do"Alan said "in the hallway~ Bobbie was not feeling well when Tony came by. "Bobbie are you okay"Tony ask "Yes I'm just tried"Bobbie said "You sure go home"Tony said "I will it's sad about Emily"Bobbie said "Yes it is"Tony said

"Father I'm sorry about Emily I know you loved her"Dimitri said "Yes I do"Nikolas said "Do you know who hit her"Dimitri ask "No but I will find out"Nikolas said Alan and Monica came by Jax and Rae and the children. "You can have Emily liver to save Skye"Monica said "Thank you as a mother I'm sorry about Emily"Rae said "Thank you"Monica said "We will go get Skye ready for surgery 'Tony said he left. "Thank you Monica"Jax said "Cassandra I'm going to get you some tea"Dimitri said "Sure and muffin"Cassie said "Chocolate"Dimitri ask "Yes"Cassie said he left.

“It’s Complicated ch 21”

At Chandler~ "Dad do you still love Mother"Chandler ask "I'm trying but it's hard"Lorenzo said "Yes it is I will always love Kristina"Chandler said "How is the fundraise going"Lorenzo ask "All right we our putt it off for a while"Chandler said 

Emily was driving with Angel in the back crying. "It's okay baby"Emily said she look into the rear mirror and did not see the car that hit her.

At General hospital~ Skye room~ Lila came in. "Mother how are you"Lila ask "All right a little tied"Skye said " I brought some food"Lila said "Thanks"Skye said "You will beat this mother"Lila said " I know"Skye said In the hallway~Emily and Gia had both came in they were in a car cash. "Emily"Alan said "Gia"Bobbie said "Let's get both of them to the ER"Alan said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Alexander came in. "Mother I'm glad you and father have work things out"Alex said "Me too, I want to ask you something"Cassie said "All right"Alex said "What happened in school" Were you happy"Cassie ask "Mother I miss you and father and everyone but nothing happened in school I don't want to talk about it!Alex yelled as Dimitri came in. "What is going on"Dimitri ask "Mother keep thinking something happened to me in school"Alex said "I just want you to know you can open up to me I love you no matter what"Cassie said "Alex I need to talk to your mother alone"Dimitri said Alex left. "Cassandra What are you thinking happen to our son"Dimitri ask "I have a feeling Alex was hurt there"Cassie said "Our son wasn't raped there I went to that school for a while"Dimitri said "Yes but still"Cassie said "Enough!Dimitri yelled "If something happened to our son it's all your fault! Cassie yelled and left the room. In the Sun room~ Cassie was there when Dimitri came in. "Darling you're a good mother but I know nothing happen to our son"Dimitri said "I hope I'm wrong I don't wanna be right about this"Cassie said "Good then let it go"Dimitri said "Find 'Cassie said

At General hospital~. "Alan what is it"Monica ask as she came by with Nikolas. "Oh Monica I have some bad news"Alan said "What is it Emily"Monica ask "Yes she was in a car cash"Alan said "No! where is my baby" I will look at her and help her"Monica said "You can not save Emily she gone"Alan said "NO"Monica yelled as Jax and Rae came by. 'What is wrong"Jax ask "Emily is gone"Nikola said "I'm sorry"Jax said "I want to see her"Monica said "I will go with you, Nikolas Gia was in the car cash to she made it"Alan said "Thanks I wish Emily made it to"Nikolas said "Our daughter love you Emily made a mistake but she loved you so much"Monica said " I loved her to where is Angel"Nikolas said "She okay the nurse is with her"Alan said they went to see Emily..

“It’s Complicated ch 20”

At the Docks~ Alexander was thinking of a secret he was keeping when Liv came by and touch his arm which scare him. "Sorry"Liv said "No it's okay"Alex said "What were you thinking about"Liv ask "Nothing important"Alex said "All right"Liv said

At Kelly~ Lila came into pick up some muffin when Andrew came in. "Hello Andrew"Lila said "Lila are you okay" You look upset"Andrew ask "My mother is sick she need a new liver"Lila said "I'm sorry if I can do anything for you"Andrew said "Thanks, I sure go" Lila said

At Skye/Jax~Jax came home to fine John and Jane there Jane had cook a big meal. "Mother what is all this food"Jax ask " I made some food that you can freeze if and reheat it Skye sure not be on her feet"Jane said "Thank you"Jax said "Your welcome, How are you"Jane ask "Scare"Jax said Cassie came in, "I came to see if I can do anything"Cassie said "Just having you here is enough"Jax said "Have you hear from Joss"Cassie ask "No"Jax said "Me either"Cassie said "I'm going to lay down"Jax said "All right I will go"Cassie said she went outside and ran into Jerry. "Uncle Jerry I need your help"Cassie said "With what"Jerry ask "I need to fine Josslyn she needs to be here"Cassie said "Did you call her"Jerry ask "Yes and she will not pick up"Cassie said "I will see what I can fine"Jerry said "Thank you"Cassie said

At General Hospital~ Duke and Faith were there. "Why sure we test"Faith ask "It's part of mine plan to get Lorenzo to do what we want"Duke said "What blood type are you"Faith ask "AB I could be a match"Duke said "Lorenzo hear them and as Duke and Faith went outside he follow them and Lorenzo pull a gun on them, "I hear your type is AB Duke and you will be a match for my ex-wife dead or alive"Lorenzo said "You can't make me"Duke said "Oh yes I can! Lorenzo yelled as Chandler came by. "Father what are you doing"Chandler ask "Duke could be a match for your mother his blood type is AB! I will not let Skye die"Lorenzo yelled "Me either but father not like this Please"Chandler said "I will donate my liver if I can"Duke said "What do you want"Lorenzo ask "I want you to work with us"Duke said "Fine"Lorenzo said he put his gun away. "Father let's go talk 'Chandler said they left. "Duke you know Lorenzo was at the hospital didn't you"Faith ask "Yes I did"Duke said "Nice plan"Faith said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Cassie was putting flowers in a vase when Liv came in. "Mother can we talk"Liv ask "Sure what is it"Cassie ask "Something is going on with Alex"Liv said "What do you mean"Cassie ask "Something happened to him in board school"Liv said "I was thinking the same thing I will take care of it"Cassie said "All right"Liv said

“It’s Complicated ch 19”

At Kate~Lillian and Austin and Ben were there. "Mother we realize that you just want us we our okay with it"Lillian said "Thank you I love you all so much"Kate said "We love you to"Ben said " I think Jerry wants to know you' Kate said 'Maybe"Austin said

At General Hospital~"I have some news I just found out"Jerry said "What is it"Jane ask " I donate sperm to a bank and I found out someone use them and I have children"Jerry said "Who"John ask "Kate her children are mine"Jerry said "Wow"Jax said "They know and I hope to get to know them"Jerry said " I hope you do., Don't waste life"Jax said

The next day~ General Hospital~ Skye room~ Skye wake up to fine Jax in her room' "Have you been here all night"Skye ask "Yes how are you"Jax ask "All right a little tied"Skye said Dr Kelly came in. "How are you Skye"Dr. Kelly said "Tired"Skye said "I'm not surprise"Dr Kelly said "Do you know who is a match"Jax ask "Not yet the test will be a while you need to rest 'Dr Kelly said " I will"Skye said Dr Kelly left. "Jax you need to go home and rest I will be fine"Skye said "I can't leave you"Jax said "as Rae came in. "My mother can stay with me"Skye said "Yes I can , Go Jax take a break"Rae said "All right"Jax said he kiss Skye and left. "Skye how are you feeling"Rae ask "I'm scare"Skye said "We will find a match"Rae said " I hope so"Skye said

At Langston Tv station~ "Let's go"Langston said "They did a special report on Tv. ""Hello everyone I need a big favor from everyone in Port Charles I haven't been here in town in a while but I know everyone comes together when someone needs something my mother needs a new liver if you would see if your a match it could mean a lot to me and the Quartermaine and The Jacks" Langston said "Great Job"Dillon said "Thanks"Langston said "It was great"Dorian said as she came in. "Dorian"Langston said "How are you doing"Dorian ask "I don't think this is fair I just got to know my birth mother to lose her again"Langston said "You will not, Skye has a lot of people who will help her"Dorian said "Thank you"Langston said "I'm always here for you"Dorian said

At Cassie/Dimitri~ Cassie was home when the maid came in. "Mrs. Cassadine this came from you"Sally said Cassie open it was a beautiful diamond necklace. "Oh my god"Cassie said she pull it out as Dimitri came in. "Dimitri thank you so much I love it"Cassie said "Darling what are you talking about"Dimitri ask "This necklace is it from you"Cassie ask "No I did not sent you anything"Dimitri said "That wired"Cassie said "Yes it is where did it come from"Dimitri ask "I don't know here is the box"Cassie said there was no address on it. "Cassandra I think you have a stalker"Dimitri said "No it could be from a fan"Cassie said "We need to take it back I will buy you a better one"Dimitri said "Fine"Cassie said “I'm also going to put more security men around this house and you and the children"Dimitri said "Dimitri it's fine"Cassie said "Just let me"Dimitri said "Fine"Cassie said

“It’s Complicated ch 18”

At General Hospital~ Skye surgery room~ Skye was laying on the bed and Jax was holding her hand. "We our going to a biopsy today to see what we will have to deal with we our going to use a needle through your skin into your liver to obtain a tissue sample"Dr Kelly said "All right"Skye said Jax took Skye hand thought the whole time.

In the hallway~ Lila and Cassie and Langston and Lorenzo and Chandler and AJ and Lydia and Warren and Blair and Dorian and Alan and Monica and Rae and Emily were there. " I hope we find a match"Chandler said "We will"Lorenzo said "Yes we will find a match"AJ said "Yes why our wait we will run test to see if anyone is a match"Alan said they all went to be test.

In Pine Valley~ The Chandler house~"Clinton and Jr were there. " I will get pay back for whoever shot me in Port Charles"Clinton said "Just leave it alone your fine now"JR said as Anna came in. "Can I help you"Jr ask "You don't know me but I was Dr Hayward wife and I know you killed my husband"Anna said she pull out a gun on JR. "Give me one reason why I sure not shot you"Anna said "Your son do you want Trey grow up without you"JR ask "Why did you kill my husband"Anna ask "Payback for what David did to me"Jr said " I was in the car to and I was pregnant I could of lose my baby! Anna yelled as Mac came in."Why are you here"Anna ask "To stop you from this Lorenzo told me everything let the cops handle this"Mac said "The cops swear up"Anna said "Don't do this Trey and Robin need you"Mac said Anna put her gun away. "Thank you"Jr said " I did not do it for you"Mac said and they left.

At Port Charles~ General Hospital~

~ Skye room~"Alright I got what we need , You need to lay on your right side for a while and rest 'Dr Kelly said " I will try 'Skye said " I will let you rest"Jax said Dr Kelly and Jax left. In the hallway~ Jax came in as Jerry and John and Jane were there. "How are you doing"Jerry ask " Scare the love of my life is fight for her life in there and I can't do anything"Jax said "You will not lose Skye"John said "No"Jane said "Daddy we all be tested"Cassie said "Good"Jax said "One of us will be a match and I been trying to get a hold of Josslyn"Cassie said "She will come"Jax said "Yes"Cassie said "Why don't we get some coffee"Jane ask "Sure"Jax said

"Dad how are you doing"Michael ask "I'm scare"AJ said "Aunt Skye will fight this"Kristen said "Yes she will"Eddie said "I hope so I'm glad all my children are here"AJ said "That what a family does"Michael said

At a warehouse~ Duke and Faith were there when Lorenzo came in. "Why did you want to meet me" Lorenzo ask "We want you to team up with us in take over Sonny business now that his dead"Duke said " How can I trust you"Lorenzo ask "We could ask you the same thing"Faith said "It would be a great team you know it"Duke said "Fine"Lorenzo said

Friday, September 23, 2016

Unexpected family ch 20-

At General Hospital -Skye and Lorenzo were their in the hallway with the family waiting on new on Lila Rae who was getting testing. “Skye” Lorenzo said “ We must not be meant to be parents both our daughter have been sick first Alana Edward and now Lila Rae”Skye said Lorenzo took Skye hand . “Don't go there this isn't our fault and Lila Rae will be fine just like Alana Edward was” Lorenzo said “I hope you're right all I want is a normal family”Skye said as Julian came by” Skye is their anything I can do for you”Julian said “I just can't deal with you right now my baby needs me”Skye said “I get it”Julian said as Alan came by Skye walk by him. “Dad. Do you have any news”Skye ask and took his hand and Julian was jealous of their closeness . “We don't know yet about Lila Rae but we will get the best care for her “ Alan said as Rae came by.”Oh mother I need you “Skye said they share a hug as Alexis came by and was jealous and Dr Drake and Robin came by. “How is our daughter “ Lorenzo ask he took her hand as Tea and Emily and AJ and Monica came by. “Lila Rae has leukemia “Robin said
“No! Not my Baby”Skye said and cried. “What do we do to save our daughter “ Lorenzo ask “It's spread fast so we have to chemotherapy “Dr Drake said “Chemotherapy on a baby” Skye ask “ Yes we give her a small dozen in a IV” DR Drake said “Well it kill the cancer”Lorenzo ask “It will help but we still need to fine a bone marrow, We sure be test the family now”Robin said “Can I see my baby”Skye ask “Yes but you have to be cover”Robin said “Thank you” Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo left to see their daughter .

“Robin, Patrick how far is the cancer “ Alan ask “We are just lucky that we found it now before it’s too late”Robin said “No” Alan said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Unexpected family ch 19 (skyelo)

At Lila restaurant and shopping center-Skye had just meet Julian when her phone rang it was the nanny. “How is Lila Rae, Take Lila Rae to the hospital we will be right their “Skye said and hang up the phone. “Skye , What is it” Lorenzo ask as Alan and AJ came by. “”Lila Rae been crying still and she has a fever “ Skye said “Skye it's going to be okay let's go”Lorenzo said “ We will meet you there” Alan said “Thanks, Let's go” Skye said and left with Lorenzo. “So you're Alan Quartermaine who Skye though was her father “Julian said “ Yes I'm , I love Skye like my own and I will be in her life and I will not let you hurt Skye” Alan said “ I will not hurt my daughter “ Julian said “Dad let's go to the hospital “ AJ said they left .

“We need to talk “ Julian said “Not now, I need to be their for Skye last time it was Alana Edward who was sick and I saved her she had a genetic disease that run in my family “Alexis said “I'm glad you saved our granddaughter , I want to get to know you again “ Julian said “Maybe”Alexis said and left.

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo came in.”Liz, The nanny was going to bring Lila Rae here”Skye ask “Yes she with Dr Drake come with me” Liz said they follow Liz.

Dr Drake was looking at Lila Rae went Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Dr Drake ,How is our daughter ? Lorenzo ask “ We don't know yet , I need to run some test” Dr Drake said “What kind of test “ Skye ask “ I want to do a blood test we will find out what is going on” DR Drake said” Just do what you have to do for our daughter “Skye said she went by Lila Rae and try to comfort her.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Unexpected family ch 18 (skyelo)

At the restaurant-shopping center-The town was their for the opening and Skye was looking around when a man came by . “Are you Skye Quartermaine “The man ask “Yes, Who are you”Skye ask “ I'm Julian you're father” Julian said “ Did you know about me” Skye ask “ I know that Alexis was pregnant, I been watching both of you so you're married to Lorenzo “Julian said “Leave my family alone if you want to know me I'm not scared of you “ Skye said “ I would never hurt my children “ Julian said

Lorenzo was shopping when he bumped into Alexis. “Just great”Alexis said “I know we have a past but for my wife I will try to get along with you””Lorenzo said “I will try to “ Alexis said “Let's go fine Skye she probably buying the place out for the girls “Lorenzo said they left to fine Skye.

Julian and Skye were talking.”So how long have you been watching me.? Skye ask “Since you were a baby I'm sorry about you're children and what Althea did to you . No one will know what you did to her”Julian said Skye was crying as Lorenzo and Alexis came by. “Skye why are you crying “ Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo this is Julian”Skye said “ Lorenzo Alcazar I know all about you”Julian said “I know about you to”Lorenzo said “ Do you love my daughter “Julian ask” Yes I do I will not let anyone hurt her “Lorenzo said Julian turn around and look at Alexis. “Alexis Davidovich “ Julian said “ I go by Alexis David now”Alexis said “ I know I been watching both of you I know you were pregnant “ Julian said “Why didn't you stop me from being stolen at birth”Skye ask “ I try but someone shot me”Julian said “ It probably was Helena men” Alexis said as Skye phone rang. “I have to take this could be our nanny “Skye said she pick up her phone .

Unexpected family ch 17 (skyelo)

 “Quartermaine “

At the Restaurant and Shopping center-AJ and Michael were making sure everything was set for tonight . “Son I'm glad we work together on this I love you son and I want to be the best father you need”AJ said “ Some of it wasn't you're fault that we were not together and I'm glad you're in my life to” Michael said as Alan and Monica and Tracy and Ned and Nikolas and Emily and Laura and Bobbie and Alexis and Kristina and Molly and Tea and Victor and Blair and Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Welcome to the restaurant and shopping center name Lila’s in honor of my Grandmother who was the heart of our family and now we'll be the heart of this town”, I'm glad that I'm doing this with my son at my side” AJ said “ I'm glad to be running this with my father I was take from and now I'm going to make it right , Dad I change my last name to Quartermaine, I'm a Quartermaine I have and always will be “Michael said “ Thank you son”AJ said they share a hug.”Now go shopping everyone” AJ said everyone left to go shopping . “Michael I'm glad you took the last name you sure of had a long”AJ said “Me too” Michael said

Bobbie and Lucas were talking “Carly going to hate this “Bobbie said “Michael a grown man not even Carly and Sonny can stop this”Lucas said “Yes, How are you doing with you're news? Bobbie ask” I'm glad you and Dad adopted me but I want to know Skye and maybe him”Lucas said “I get that I do”Bobbie said “ Thank you” Lucas said

Laura was looking around the shopping center when Stefan came by.”Laura “ Stefan said “ I'm glad you're back .I hope you and Nikolas work things out”Laura said “ We are going to try, How are you doing “ Stefan ask “Good I just found a house for myself now I'm looking for a job and my own life” Laura said “ I know you will get it” Stefan said and kiss Laura on the cheek and left.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected family ch 16 (skyelo )

At The Quartermaine mansion - AJ was looking at a picture of Edward and Lila. “I will make you proud tonight both of you”AJ said as Alan came in . “How are you son?Alan ask “Good I know tonight is going to be a hit and so is this place my dream of working with my son is coming true and nothing is going to stop it”AJ said “No nothing will son”Alan said as Monica came by. “AJ are you ready for tonight ? Finally show this town the Quartermaine are on top again , I know you can do this with Michael “ Monica said “Thanks both of you for supporting me” AJ said “We are family that's what we do”Alan said as Tracy came in.”Tracy you better behave tonight it's my son night and my grandson night”Monica said “I will I want AJ to be a hit for the sake of our family name “Tracy said “Let's go now”Monica said “Yes , Thank you Tracy” Alan said they left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in the girls room rocking Lila Rae who was crying as Lorenzo came in the room. “What wrong with Lila Rae? Lorenzo ask “ I don't know she keeps crying she doesn't have a high fever or anything “ Skye said “ Do you want to skip tonight and stay with her “ Lorenzo ask “No I don't want to miss AJ night” Skye said she got up and put Lila Rae in her cribs. “I'll just have the nanny call me if anything changes “Skye said “Alright, How was you're day “Lorenzo ask “Okay I ran into Alexis and my brother Lucas they both want to be a part of our family which I want to try” Skye said “Good let's get ready “Lorenzo said “Is Victor going to work with you”Skye ask “Yes I need someone I can trust “ Lorenzo said “Just always come back to us” Skye said “Always “ Lorenzo said Lila Rae stop crying and they left.

At Nikolas/Emily-Emily and Nikolas were getting ready for tonight. “How it go with Stefan ? Emily ask “ I forgive Stefan for the past I miss him in my life he was the father to me””Nikolas said “I'm glad you did I know you miss him”Emily said “Can you forgive him”Nikolas ask “Yes for you”Emily said they share a kiss and left .

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected family ch 15 (skyelo) “

Second chance “

At Tea/Victor- Tea and Victor were sitting on the couch talking as Sam was sitting on the couch playing with his toy cars. “So you're ok with me working with you're brother ? Victor ask “Yes I know it will make you happy just come back to me don't take any risks for Sam and Victor Jr” Tea said “ I will come back to you , Lorenzo know what his doing “ Victor said “Yes my brother does, I have to tell you something how I got my job as DA in this town” Tea said “ How? Victor ask “With the help of Lorenzo and Skye I blackmail the DA at the time it now turn out she Skye mother”Tea said “Wow! Was it Lorenzo idea? Victor ask “Yes it was”Tea said “ With you as the DA I know I will not go to jail “ Victor said “Just don't kill anyone “ Tea said “I will not “Victor said

At the restaurant shopping center-Skye walk by pushing the stroller as AJ came by. “Skye”AJ ask “I just want you to know that I love you and how you are turning you're life around with Michael “Skye said “ We both have what we want a family to love us “ AJ said “ Yes now we just have to find you the right woman “ Skye said “Yes that will be nice “ AJ said “Well I sure go put the twins down “Skye said and left .

At Stefan new house- Stefan was reading when their was a knock on the door he went to open it was Nikolas. “Nikolas I was wondering when you would come by “Stefan said “ Uncle “Nikolas said “ I know last time we saw each other I made mistake and I hurt you and I ruin things with you and Emily and I'm sorry I hope we can put it behind us” Stefan said “I what that too, Emily and I are having a baby and I want my family around me” Nikolas said “ Congratulations, I'm happy for the both of you , Nikolas what is it? Stefan ask “I'm scare that I will not be a good father and I want to protect my son from the darkness of our family “Nikolas said “ Nikolas you will be a great father and we will protect him from Helena and anyone else “ Stefan said “ I'm glad you're back I need you “Nikolas said “We need each other “Stefan said “I want you to help me with the empire “Nikolas said they share a hug.

Copyright right by Skye the limit

Unexpected family ch 14 (skyelo)

At Skye hotel-Skye and Kristina were at a table having tea. “What did you want to talk about “? Skye ask “ Our mother. I know this is completely but mother want to get to know you as her daughter yes she can be overprotective but that's because of her childhood “Kristina said “ I get that I do. I want to protect my children from getting hurt but it's not just that “ Skye said “ Is it because of you're husband “Kristina ask “Lorenzo support my decision on how to handle this, I just also miss Rae and The Quartermaine they can be crazy and loud but they love each other and will fight for their love ones”, When you were a baby you lived their Ned loved you as his own to keep you safe”Skye said “I know I wish he was my father “Kristina said “ I know this is completely but I do want you and Molly in my girls life and I could try with Alexis “Skye said as Alexis walk by. “What is going on” Alexis ask “We were talking, Alexis I do want to know you but I'm also trying to forgive Rae and I want the Quartermaine in my life” Skye said “ I was just at the mansion talking to Alan , I would never take you're bond from them” Alexis said “Thank you , Are you upset with Rae” Skye ask “Yes she know and lied”Alexis said “ We have all lied in the name of love “Skye said “You're right we have I will try, Are you going to look for you're father . ? Alexis ask “ I want to but I don't want the danger either “ Skye said “ True I wish I know more about him” Alexis said as Lucas came by.

“Skye can we talk “ Lucas ask “Sure” Skye said Alexis and Molly left. “ So I guess we are brother and sister “Lucas said “ Bobbie told you” Skye ask “Yes, Skye I do want to know you”Lucas said “Thank you I want to know you to,Come meet you're niece Alana Edward and Lila Rae”Skye said she pick up the girls and put them in Lucas arms. “My children need their uncle”Skye said “Alana Edward and Lila Rae that's a big name for both of them”Lucas said “Yes it is,Lucas do you want to know him? Our father “ Skye ask “ I had a great father in Tony but yes I want to know him, What about you? Lucas ask “ I want that to but I'm scare of his lifestyle it's enough deal with Lorenzo “ Skye said “True but he could change “Lucas said

Alexis was by the bar and pull out a picture of a young man.

On a Jet- A man was on the jet “ Time to come home” The man said

Copyright right by Skye the limit

Unexpected family ch 13 (skyelo)

At the Quartermaine -Monica and Alan we're home when Laura and Alexis came in. “Why are you both here ? Alan ask “Nikolas call us to meet him here, I know with the Skye stuff you're upset with me but we are both her family “Alexis said
“Yes we are I'm sorry that Rae lie Alan said “Me too, I will not let stop Skye from knowing you” Alan said “ You both love her”Monica said as Nikolas and Emily came in. “So what is you're news ? Laura ask “ We have news about our baby “Emily said “What is it.? Alan ask “The baby is healthy it's a boy “Nikolas said “ A son oh Nikolas I'm happy for the both of you” Nikolas said “Me too, I want to throw you a baby shower “ Monica said “Thanks mother” Emily said “ I will help you” Laura said “ So have you told Stefan.? I know he missing you” Alexis said “I haven't seen him yet” Nikolas said “ I do need to talk to you about something that I blocked out for a long time”Alexis said “Do you want to talk here” Nikolas ask “ Sure everyone knows now, I'm not Skye sister I'm her mother I blocked it out till Stefan told me” Alexis said “Wow”,Was it rape” Nikolas ask “No just a one night stand I want to keep her it was in college “ Alexis said “How did Skye take it”Emily ask “Skye was in shock I do want to know her”Alexis said “Give Skye time” Emily said “I will, Nikolas I'm happy for the both of you “Alexis said and left.

Emily sit down and Monica sit by her. “Are you okay” Monica ask “Yes I'm just tired “Emily said “Why don't you rest the opening is tonight ? Monica ask “Yes I want to go to it”Emily said “I have to go to a meeting, Do you want me to take you home ? Nikolas ask “I just want to stay here”Emily said “Alright I'll pick you up later” Nikolas said and left. “Emily I'll take you upstairs “ Monica said and left with Emily.

Alan went by the fireplace and look at a picture of him and Skye as Tracy came in and saw him.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected family ch 12 (skyelo)

At the Park-Skye and Tea were there with the children who were in their strollers. “Tea . Are you okay? Skye ask “Yes I'm so happy that Victor is alive”Tea said “ I'm happy for you and you're son a child needs both parents “ Skye said “Are you okay” Tea ask “ I found out that Alexis is my mother not my sister and my father is in the mob too”Skye said “ I'm sorry , Do you want to fine him? Tea ask “ Yes but I don't want to hurt my girls either “ Skye said “ I do get that it's not easy growing up with this” Tea said “Do you hate that you're father was in the mob? Skye ask “I loved my father he was a hard man to love but I did I just hate the guards and everything. He was a lot like Lorenzo “Tea said “Lorenzo doesn't talk too much about his childhood “Skye said “I'm sorry “ Tea said “My childhood wasn't that great either my adopted mother who I thought was my mother drink and hit me”Skye said “Our children will have a better childhood then we did” Tea said “Yes”Skye said as Blair and Sam came by. “Tea” Sam said as he ran up to her.”Sam , I was going to call you” , I have some news”Tea said “ What is it”Blair ask as Victor came by. “Victor your alive “ Blair said “Yes I'm , Sam I miss you “Victor said he hug his son . “Dad, I miss you”Sam said “I miss you too, Blair cab we work something out “Victor ask
“Yes I'm glad you're back”Blair said “Thanks,Tea let's go”Victor said he left with Tea and Sam and Victor Jr.

“So Blair are you like this town”Skye ask “ Yes I'm , Your girls are cute”Blair said “ Thank you I sure take them home “ Skye said as Kristina walk by . “Skye can we talk “Kristina ask “ Yes, Oh Kristina you're all grown up now, I know you when you were a baby it wasn't my finders moment in life”Skye said “I know the story “Kristina said “Let's go somewhere and talk I want to get the twins out of the sun” Skye said and they left.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected family ch 11(Skyelo)

At Skye and Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo had just finished having breakfast with Tea and Victor. “So Victor what do you do for a living? Lorenzo ask “Well I use to have a newspaper but that belongs to my brother Todd”Victor said “ Well if you don't mind living dangerously I could use someone to work with me that I can trust and if my sister can trust you I know I can”Lorenzo said “Why don't we go talk?Victor said”Sure if you two don't mind”Lorenzo said “We could take the kids to the park? Skye ask “Sure.Lorenzo just keep my Victor save I just got him back” Tea said and kiss Victor and the men left and Skye and Tea went to get their kids ready for the park.

On the Docks-Blair was thinking about Todd and if she sure take him back when AJ walk by. “Blair , Are you okay? AJ ask “Not really my ex husband is in town and going to stay here” Blair said “You still love him don't you..? AJ ask “Yes unfortunately I do, Todd just pull me back in and we have kids and history “Blair said “ I get that “AJ said “Can we be friends? I do need a friend who doesn't judge me”Blair ask “Yes I need a friend to , Now I hope you come to my opening of the restaurant and shopping centers “ AJ ask “I would love to”Blair said she kiss him on the cheek and left.

At Lorenzo office -Lorenzo and Victor were talking.”The only thing I don't get allow in is drugs or weapons “Lorenzo said “Alright thank you for trusting me “Victor said “ I trust my sister that's why I can trust you and it well help us that Tea is the DA” Lorenzo said “Yes it well, Tea is loyal to family. So are you the most powerful man in town? Victor ask “I'm now that my enmity Sonny left his territory to me, I just want power and to keep my family safe”Lorenzo said “I agree”Victor said

Unexpected family ch 10 (skyelo)

At Skye and Lorenzo ~Skye was feeding her daughter’s in the living room. “Mommy love you so much, You're Father and I want the best for you both and we will give you the best childhood ever! We want nothing but the best for you both “Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “What are you talking about? Lorenzo ask “ I was just telling the girls that we want the best for them”Skye said “Yes nothing but the best childhood for our daughters “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo I know some of our children childhood will not be normal the guards and what you do for a living but I want to make it as normal as we can”Skye said “I do want that to but I have to keep them safe”Lorenzo said “I know but I don't want the guards to follow them at school if they don't have to we can make sure the school is safe”Skye said “We can talk about that when the time comes,I was thinking of a all girls school “Lorenzo said “Me too, I just want them to have the best “Skye said “They will “Lorenzo said as Tea came in carrying Victor Jr and Victor was with them.”Tea, Who is this?Lorenzo ask “This is my husband Victor “Tea said “Wow “Skye said as she got up and put the twins down in the playpen.”Yes I been alive this whole time, So you're Tea brother “Victor said “Yes I'm “Lorenzo said “Why don't we have some breakfast and get to know each other,Tea you can put Victor Jr in the playpen”Skye said “Thank you , I want the kids to be close cousin “Tea said “Me too,Lorenzo and I were just talking about how we want the twins to have nothing but the best “Skye said they went into the dining room.

At the shopping center-AJ and Michael were their getting it ready for opening day. “This looks good,Tonight we will make the family proud “AJ said as Alan came by . “AJ this looks great,You did good son and Michael “Alan said “ Thanks Grandfather “ Michael said “ Yes Dad that means a lot to me” AJ said “ I will see you tonight “Alan said and left.

At General Hospital-Dr .Kelly office Emily and Nikolas were their about to do a sonogram and find out the sex of the baby. “So what sex is the baby” Nikolas ask “You're having a son “ Dr Kelly said “A little boy, Is he healthy? Emily ask “Yes he is”DR Kelly said “Thank you “ Nikolas said “You're welcome, Emily you been doing great you both we'll have a healthy baby boy” DR Kelly said “Thank you “Emily said DR Kelly left.”Oh Nikolas we are going to be so happy “Emily said “Yes we will “ Nikolas said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected Family ch 9

On the Docks~Alexis was walking when she ran into Rae..”Rae”Alexis said “Alexis...We need to talk”Rae said “About what”Alexis ask “You're going to hate me but I know that Skye was yours ..I want Skye to be mine and I didn’t want to deal with the truth that my baby was dead..I’m sorry and I hope you and Skye bond”Rae said “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about my own daughter.. I don’t know why I block it out but I sure of been told the truth”Alexis said “You block it out because you didn’t want to deal with the pain of give up you're child.. I do hope you know Skye the way I do.. And get to see the twins..Right now Skye upset with me”Rae said “I’m sorry.. I do get the pain of losing a child..But you're lied play with other people life”Alexis said “I know”Rae said and left.

At Lucas~Lucas was at home when Bobbie came in.”Mom..What is it”Lucas ask “Lucas..We need to talk about the past”Bobbie said she took Lucas hand.. “What is it”Lucas ask “I love you so much..So did Tony we love you every way a parent sure love a child.. But you're adoption”Bobbie said “Okay..Who are my biological parents”Lucas ask “You're mother is Cheryl Stansbury she died and you're father he didn’t know about you is Julian Jerome he is a mob boss more dangerous then Sonny”Bobbie said “How did Cheryl died”Lucas ask “Childbirth.. She love you so much”Bobbie said “How did you and Dad find me”Lucas ask “Cheryl and I were friends and right before she died she ask me to raise you and I promise her that ..But Tiffany who is Cheryl sister want you so much ..We had to go to court it was ugly “Bobbie said “Why are you telling me now”Lucas ask “Because Julian may come back to town.. It turns out he has a daughter with Alexis”Bobbie said “Who”Lucas ask “Skye..She you're sister..I want to tell you but I love you so much”Bobbie said “You're my mother and Tony is my father and I love both of you so much that will never chance”Lucas said “Thank you..If you want to know Skye I’m sure she wants that..She just learn that Alexis is her mother”Bobbie said “I need time with all this”Lucas said “Sure..I love you”Bobbie said “I love you too”Lucas said Bobbie left.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo came home.. “I’m going to check on the girls”Skye said “I will go with you”Lorenzo said they went upstairs and into the nursery room and Alana Edward was crying and Skye pick her up.. “What is it ..Angel Mommy is here”Skye ask she touch Lila Rae who was sleeping.. “Skye.What is it”Lorenzo ask “I miss Rae”Skye said “You can still have her in you're life...We all make mistake”Lorenzo said “True”Skye said Skye chance Alana Edward and then put her down.

At Victor/Tea~Victor went into his son room and look at Victor Jr who was sleeping.. “Oh Victor Jr.. I love you and I want to be a better man for you and you're mother..This is our second chance”Victor said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Unexpected Family ch 8 (Skyelo)~

“Skyelo Or Sax”

At The Skye~Skye and Lorenzo came in to have dinner and sit down at a table and hold hands.. “Skye.. I have been trying to find Julian for you”Lorenzo said “Thank you.. If it doesn’t work with Alexis and Julian as my parents I know I have a family with you and our girls”Skye said “Yes we are”Lorenzo said they share a kiss.. “Skye..Do you miss the Quartermaine”Lorenzo ask “Yes I do..I miss Alan and AJ ..AJ and I had this special bond”Skye said “You can still have it”Lorenzo said “Yes you can”AJ said as he came by.. “AJ”Skye said “Skye.. I don’t care that you're not my biological sister.. You're my sister..You have always been on my side”AJ said “Same here.. I do want you as my brother”Skye said “Always”AJ said “Thank you”Skye said she got up and hug AJ.. “Thank you AJ.. I need this now..I found out that Alexis is my mother”Skye said “I’m sorry”AJ said “Me too”Skye said “You're still Skye the strong and independent and smart business woman”AJ said “Thank you.. My girls need their Uncle AJ”Skye said “Yes they do..AJ you're welcome in our family”Lorenzo said “Thank you.. I know you will take care of my sister.. You love Skye all of Skye.. Not the way Jax did”AJ said and left.. “AJ is right you do love all of me”Skye said “Always..We our equals in our marriage”Lorenzo said “Yes we our”Skye said Skye and Lorenzo sit down as Jax came in and look at Skye.. He still was in love with Skye as Kate came by.. “Jax”Kate said “Let’s go get a table”Jax said Jax and Kate pass by Lorenzo and Skye table.

“Looks like Jax and Kate our more then friends”Skye said “Yes it looks like it..Are you okay with that”Lorenzo said “Yes.. I want Jax to be happy ..I’m glad his move on from trying to chase Carly..She only love Sonny”Skye said “Yes she does”Lorenzo said

At Jax and Kate table~Jax keep looking at Skye and Kate was getting upset by it.. “Jax.. Are you used me to make Skye jealous”Kate ask “We our having fun and Yes I’m not over Skye as I thought I would be”Jax said “I’m sorry.. But I would like to help you move on”Kate said “Sure...You and Skye are alike..Smart business woman”Jax said “Yes”Kate said “I want to try to start over with you”Jax said “Good”Kate said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit