Sunday, December 29, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 5 Ch 20

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 5 ch 20”
“A Woman On The Edge”

The warehouse-Lorenzo came into the room and close the door a little to fine his man their. “Do you have him”Lorenzo ask as Sierra was listening in she know how to follow Lorenzo without him seeing her.. “Yes his here “The man said and another man came into the room holding Grayson. “Grayson,It’s good to see you,Why don’t you have a sit”Lorenzo ask The man made Grayson sit down and tie Grayson to the chair. “So Grayson where have you been “Lorenzo ask “You know where I have been! You’re daughter try to kill me! Grayson yelled “If you think you can come back and put my little girl in jail and take away her children! I will not allow it! I always thought you were not good enough for my daughter! Sierra deserves better then you! Lorenzo yelled he pulled out a gun as Sierra came into the room. “Daddy! Don’t! Sierra yelled she had mixed feelings about Grayson being alive..”Sierra Rose! Why are you here! Lorenzo yelled “Please Daddy Don’t “Sierra said she wasn’t feeling good. “Sierra! Leave! Lorenzo yelled “No! Daddy if you shot him I will call Ric! Right now he would love to put you in jail! Sierra yelled she pull out her phone, “You wouldn’t dare! Lorenzo yelled his man took Grayson away, “Grayson!! Sierra yelled as the man left with him. “His safe for now! Are you happy! I was going to do this for you! So he will not tell the cops what you did! Lorenzo yelled “Don’t do anything my children need him, I regret trying to kill him and maybe Grayson and I can come to a agreement “Sierra said “It’s not going to happen! How did you find me? Lorenzo ask “I follow you,Please Daddy leave him alone”Sierra said she turn away from Lorenzo and pick up a knife, “I can’t leave him alone and I know one day you will understand that I’m doing the best for you,I’m the only man in you're life you can count on”Lorenzo said Sierra turner around and point the knife at her father. “I don’t think so ,You’re not going to do this! Sierra yelled “Sierra drop it,You’re not going to hurt me ,I’m you're father! Lorenzo yelled “No you're not my father,You’re my stepfather “Sierra said “No, I love you “Lorenzo said he moved close to Sierra and took the knife away from Sierra..

Sierra was in shock and sit on the floor she didn’t know what was going on with her,Lorenzo knees down and covered Sierra with his jacket he was scared of what was happening with his daughter. “Let’s get you home “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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